Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Love Of Your Life

Mr. Bill sometimes calls me the "love of his life."  It IS a  little embarrassing when he does that name-calling thing in public, but I know he  really does mean it. I know it because he backs it up with a lot of good doings -- he  does laundry, waters my plants, meets me at the car some afternoons, and  always lets me choose the restaurant ... even though he knows my first choice is always Mexican!

God is jealous of our love! (Nahum 1:2)  He chose us to be His own so it  grieves Him when we love another.  We allow our love of other things to squeeze Him out -- money, beauty, career, entertainment, material things.  In  fact, God is often found way down on our list of loves!  We can’t really know how He feels when we don't choose Him first!  Now, Mr. Bill's words,  "love-of-my-life," aren't hollow or cheap because his actions back them up.  Neither are God's words of love to us empty – far from it!  His affirmation of love to us was Christ on the cross, paying our sin-debt.  Truth is, our lives will always reveal who or what we love most.  So, then, what (or Who) is the real love-of-your life?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Surely, one of the first things we learned at the table as children was don’t talk with your mouthful.  Nowadays, however, it’s not a problem: chewing and talking at the same time isn’t an option!

Psalm 118:1 says, “Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!”  Wow, what a mouthful!  Consider what the psalmist said in this short verse: the LORD is good, steadfast, loving, enduring, and eternal.  Nothing else can be referred to with such amazing descriptors!  Mr. Bill and I are planning a trip and carefully reading travel reviews.  Well, the Bible is loaded with reliable and sustainable reviews on God’s character.  The greatest testimony we give the world about God’s greatness and faithfulness is living a life of gratitude.  Of course, no one wants to see our food but it’s perfectly okay and acceptable that our “lips will pour forth praise” (Psalm 119:171) that God is good-steadfast-loving-enduring-eternal.  Keep your mouth full!

Monday, August 29, 2011

New Is New

Thrift store shopping is in!  Perhaps it’s partly because of the economy but not just that – there’s real treasures found in thrift stores.  These stores seems to be popping up everywhere due to their popularity.  I’m not sure I’m a good thrift-store shopper, however, since one time I bought back my own stuff!

What a wonderful promise in Lamentations 3: “It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” (V.22-23) The Hebrew word for new is “chadash,” which means “a new thing.”  When God said “new,” He meant … new!  What an amazing contrast to newness by world standards.  Imagine you go to your best friend’s house every day to borrow a cup of sugar; it won’t take long before even a best friend becomes irritated, and begins to wonder why doesn’t she go buy my own bag of sugar!  She may kindly smile and hand you the sugar but [let’s face it] her patience grows thin!  Not so with God: even though I fail Him every day [many times a day] and go to His Throne of Grace for forgiveness [sometimes for the same mistakes], He is ever-merciful, abundantly compassionate.  Why so?  Because He remembers I am dust (Psalm 103:14), and knows I am weak and frail.  He has put within me a need for Him, a dependence on the “multitude of His mercies.” (V.32)   I love how Jeremiah ends Verse 23, “Great is thy faithfulness.”  Occasionally, you’ll find new things at a thrift store, but we ALWAYS find “new mercies” with Almighty God and … New is New!

Friday, August 26, 2011


Desperate situations – they happen!  Mr. Bill seems to handle them with great calm, which I find intriguing.  Good gracious, that’s they’re called desperate!  I can hear him now, “the main thing is to stay calm.”  That only makes me try to DESPERATELY stay calm!

When asked, what’s the big idea of the Christian life, R. C. Sproul replied, “The big idea of the Christian life is coram Deo.”  This Latin phrase, “coram Deo,” refers to something taking place in the presence of, or before the face of God.  When I really ponder this – that everything I think-say-do is under scrutiny of Holy God – I become … well, desperate!  Desperate may just be what brings about genuine humility.  In regard to our sinfulness, James 4:7-10 says -- submit to God … resist the devil … draw near to God … cleanse your hands … purify your hearts … be wretched and mourn and weep … mourn rather than laugh … be gloomy rather than joyful … humble yourselves before the Lord.  Can’t you hear New Testament lepers calling out, “unclean, unclean, unclean.”  My pastor said recently we are living in desperate times but God’s people are not desperate!  Oh, that we would see our sinfulness for what it is, causing us to more fully appreciate the sacrifice Christ made for us.  I’m sure Mr. Bill knows by now he must be calm for both of us, but [spiritually] I want the reality of my own desperate condition to keep me surrendered and humble before The Lord.  In this case, desperate can be my healthiest condition!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Presence and Provision

Salt & pepper.  Ketchup & mustard.  Milk & cookies.  Chips & dip.  Cheese & crackers. Some things just aren't complete without its partner. They are otherwise inseparable!

So it is with God presence and provision.  In  Matthew 28:20 He promised "and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world."   God revealed Himself to Abraham as Yaweh Yireh, The Lord Will Provide, as God provided the ram for sacrifice instead of Isaac in the Land of Moriah (Genesis 22).  Part of His fulfilling the promise of presence, God knows all our needs and sees that they are completely and perfectly met.  With His Presence comes divine provision.  There is no reason for anxious thoughts because He knows ahead of time and goes before every moment of our lives.  His Presence brings not only physical and material needs but satisfies all emotional and spiritual thirsts.  What a wonderfully comforting combination -- Presence and Provision.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Get It Right!

Getting it right is one thing – getting it exactly right is something altogether different.  I heard someone pray against the spirit of perfectionism a few days ago, and I wanted to say “amen” and “amen” and “amen.”  It’s an ugly battle for me. When given a choice, I always choose a pencil with an eraser – a good eraser!

How is it we are so careful to coordinate colors of clothes-shoes-jewelry and hang pictures with such precision yet allow our spiritual lives to fall where they may?  How do we face each day with the right frame of mind and spirit?  Jesus set the example for us, “And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.” (Mark 1:35)  One writer explained that Jesus had “gotten quiet enough to discover His Father’s priorities for that day.” (Nancy Leigh DeMoss)  The priorities of Jesus – what an amazing thing to ponder.  John 6:38 tells us Jesus priority while among us, “For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me.”  The key question each Believer must answer is what is my life’s priority?  Will I spend my time here chasing frivolous things that have no eternal significance or will I make Christ’s priorities my own?  Whatever choice we make, do not be deceived, this life is for real and even the best of erasers won’t undo how we spend our time. Seek Him first and let’s get it right!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Where’s your crash-site?  You know, that place you finally “land” at the end of the day.  Some days it seems a long time getting there, but for me it’s my comfy chair.  Usually Mr. Bill has already crashed and there are noises (zzzzzzz) coming from HIS crash-site!

There is One Who longs to share time at your crash-site!  Unfortunately, it is a place where He is also neglected.  Think about it – we finally sit to relax, we grab the remote, and we zone-out rather than meet with The Father.  Sound familiarSure it does, more than we care to admit!  There’s certainly nothing wrong with a comfy chair, a remote, zoning out or even a few zzzzz, but when we find greater pleasure [on a regular basis] in these things rather than sweet fellowship with Christ, we should be concerned.  Solomon wrote he was “sick with love” for his Beloved. (Song of Solomon 5:8)   Charles Spurgeon described it like this: “What the sun is to the day, what the moon is to the night, what the dew is to the flower … what bread is to the hungry, clothing to the naked … such is Jesus Christ to us.”  We all know the feeling of urgency to be at a well-loved destination … the beach, the lake, home … yet we somehow lack a deep longing to be near our Savior.  The words of Jesus resound, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” (Matthew 5:6)  There is a promise of rich blessing when we hunger and thirst in such a way -- the blessing is satisfaction!  I challenge us all to reach for God’s Word instead of the remote at our crash-site, and savor some sweet moments with Christ Who loves us soWho knows, we may love that crash-site even more!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Blessed Hope

What a disaster to run out of toilet paper!  It's happened here a few times, but not many.  The weekend Bill & I returned from our honeymoon, I happened to be the one to discover what we forgot on our first trip to the grocery store.  I "sat" patiently [and humbly] while Mr. Bill went to the store for that roll of gold!

What if we had limited hope?  We can rejoice God made certain this never happens. Lamentations 3:21-23 says, "This I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning." No reason to panic.  No call to pressure.  The Believer’s Hope is secure in Christ Jesus and God’s promises never change nor fail.  It's hope (a confident expectation) beyond anything promised in this world.  Yes, it’s blessed hope!

We need never run out of hope, because You never run out of mercy.
What strength it gives what peace it lends to know that whatever this day may hold
Your promises stand, unchanging and unfailing, and however this day may end
Your love will greet another sunrise.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Live BAD

Bad behavior is a parent's nightmare especially when it happens in public!  Of my three boys, Danny holds the all-time record for the worst  public display. The fit he threw in the pediatrician's waiting room rivals  the likes of anything I've EVER witnessed …  a fall-in-the-floor-kicking-and-screaming fit. This now much-wiser mom would have  calmly left the room and called Mr. Bill to come pick up HIS child.

Don’t expect non-believers to act Christ-like because they don't know Christ!  Christians, on the other hand, are given clear expectations of The Person Who  redeemed their souls thus changed their hearts. We know, of course, life situations  and circumstances make it tough at times nevertheless we have this great  promise: "The Lord will deliver me from every evil work, and will save me  unto his heavenly kingdom to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen." (2  Timothy 4:18)  Here's our one and only reason for the BAD to live BAD ...

BAD =- Blessed And Delivered
… When the enemy tries to attack you, be BAD
… When things don't seem to be going right on your job, be BAD
… When things are stressful, be BAD
… When folks scandalize your name, just be BAD

You see, we have no excuse, no reason, no cause to buckle or feel  threatened at life's curves.  Through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, we  are BLESSED AND DELIVERED!  Hallelujah - Praise the Lord - And Amen!  Only the BAD are equipped to live victoriously over Satan day-by-day in the mighty grace of Christ.  Oh, yes, let the BAD live BAD!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Be Smart!

They are called Quiscalus Mexicanus, otherwise Great-Tailed Grackles or better yet ... Blackbirds.  In Quintana Roo, Mexico, they rule the roost! They can be spotted just about anywhere -- in the trees, on the ground, on the roof, on the beach.  Mr. Bill and I watched as a Great-Tailed Grackle carefully calculated the perfect time to swoop down and steal food from a lady's plate when her head was turned.  In one clever, swift and graceful movement, the bird took the bread in his beak, and the woman never glimpsed the culprit.

As I thought about the incident, I recognized the clever, swift, and graceful movements of another.  He sits in calculated silence, knowing his target and his target's weakness. He waits patiently for the perfect opportunity to strike -- when heads are turned and we’re not paying attention.  We get careless – figure we’re too busy to pray, read the Bible, go to Bible study.  Then it's too late -- we've been bombed by one very clever one – Satan himself.  Of course, there is One more clever and most wise!  The good news is Satan NEVER "pulls one over" on God; God knows all Satan’s strategies, calculations, and moves.  David reminds us of this in Psalm 119:98, "Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever with me."  How about that!  "Wiser than my enemies."  Wow!  See how smart we are in Christ!  Each morning, meet with The Father, know His Presence and secure His wisdom for the day.  Be smart!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Delightful Way

It was an annual family event!  Dad, Mom, my sisters and I gathered at the fence behind the house with [what seemed] tons of fresh corn for a shucking party!  The guests-of-honor were Uncle Neal’s cows and pigs.  The “cow path” was more like a freeway as they all arrived hoping for a good feeding spot.  Thinking back, I’m not sure who was having the best time!

The Godly Way is often the path “less traveled” although Its way the most rewarding.  So perhaps we really do live as if grass is “greener on the other side!”  Why else do we [with abandon] pursue beauty for a decaying body?  Why do we choose career over family when relationships help sustain us?  Why do we spend more time mowing the lawn than gardening the heart?  Why are we more interested in reading from the best seller list than God’s Word?  Truth is, we’re not very attracted to God’s WayPerhaps we’re seriously confused about what truly delights the inner man.  Psalm 119:35 says, “Make me to go in the path of thy commandments; for therein do I delight.”  Our shucking-party guests knew the path , knew where the path led, and one-by-one they stayed on course.  “Oh, that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!” (Psalm 107:8)  The Godly Way is indeed straight and narrow but absolutely steadfast and confidently sure.  Let us walk in it and know Its delight!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Delight Central

Have you been to Grand Central Station?  I’m not necessarily referring to New York City’s transportation hubbub with its shops, restaurants, and local events.  No, more like about real-life grand central station.   I suspect we’ve ALL been to that crazy place!

Which do you prefer – happiness or holiness?  Worldly pursuits are enticing and pursue them we do!  This brings to mind race dogs furiously chasing that silly fake rabbit around a track or fish foolishly drawn to a rubber worm.  Psalm 119:24 says, “Your testimonies also are my delight; they are my counselors.”  The soul of man is wisely drawn to The Creator; He is its greatest Delight now and forevermore.  The depths of His mercy are immeasurable and the vastness of His wisdom fathomless.  In Him only do we reach heights of unknown gladness of soul and spiritThis holiness is indeed happiness – such as this world cannot understand.  A little girl, recently born-again, could only explain her tears of joy this way: “I just feel good all inside.”  You see, Delight Central is undeterred by life’s battery of storms.  It’s the Believer main stay – stay there we may!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Begin Empty

Things we do to our car before a road trip – rotate the tires, change the oil, wash & vacuum, fill the tank with gas.  And, if you’re traveling with Mr. Bill, you pack the latest - greatest - biggest atlas you can find.   GPS or no GPS!

God wants empty vessels.  Contrary to personal opinion, being full of myself makes me of very little use to God!  He needs me to be at a self-poverty level so He can work in and through me to accomplish His work.  Just like it’s impossible to put gas in an already full tank, I cannot be filled with God’s Spirit when I present myself for service already full of my own agenda, plans, and purpose.  The New Testament tells us Jesus chose twelve men (Luke 18:31) appeared to lack all the qualities necessary to serve yet God made them into His ministers of The Gospel.  Oswald Chambers writes, "The most important aspect of Christianity is not the work we do, but the relationship we maintain and the surrounding influence and qualities produced by that relationship."  More than anything we have to offer, God needs our emptiness.  Then He will fill us with all He needs to make us useful to Him each day.  Do today God’s Way – begin empty!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Know The Way

It's a sick and sinking feeling to know your destination, the time you must be there, but not know how to get there.  That happened to me one summer as I was taking Dennis to a baseball game.  I thought I was ahead of schedule when it occurred to me I didn’t know the ballpark's location. Thank the Lord for cell phones!

It is written in Psalm 1:6 that "the Lord knows the way of the righteous." He needs no roadmap for the heart; He knows one’s true character. Pretentiousness is a waste of time, energy, and effort before our all-knowing God.  Go ahead, shine the shoes, dress in the latest fashions, and be on best behavior but how do we really hold up under Divine scrutiny?  A genuinely Godly life has enormous influence for good. John Greenleaf Whittier writes:

The dear Lord's best interpreters are humble, human souls;
The Gospel of a life like hers is more than books or scrolls.
From scheme and creed the light goes out, this saintly fact survives;
The blessed Master none can doubt revealed in holy lives.

Verse 6 concludes, "but the way of the ungodly shall perish."  God wants His children to embrace His Truth as The Way for our lives.  "He is patient ... not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9)  He knows the way: He IS The Way so ... no excuses -- Know The Way.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lemons or Lemonade

Have you ever had one of those bitter-sour candies?  Don't be fooled by its enticing color or tempting shape. It’s designed to make you scream and holler on contact!  The boys used to say, “Mama, try this,” and as much as I hated how it turned my mouth inside out I couldn’t resist the loads of laughter it produced.  I wish I could have resisted buying them in the first place!

Our faces tell a lot about our spiritual health.  God doesn’t want us going around looking as if life has turned us "inside out."  I read somewhere "fruit of the Spirit is not lemons."  Life is certainly full of challenges, which could be compared to the taste of one of those bitter-sour candies. Psalm 42:11 says God is the "health of my countenance." So what does our "countenance" (appearance, face, look) reveal about our spiritual health? Do folks wonder, "well, is The Doctor in?"  We know, of course, the problem isn't The Doctor because God's Grace is able to take bitter-sours and blend them into wonderful things.  I've heard if "life gives you lemons, make lemonade."  A bountiful scoop of God's Grace to life's bitter-sours changes so much.  So, what's it gonna be ... lemons or lemonade?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

No Floating

Next to swinging, I love to float.  Several years ago, Mr. Bill & I spent the weekend at the lake.  While he manned three fishing rods, I occupied a float in the water.  I tried to stay pretty close to the dock [and away from his fishing lines] but as I dozed in the warm sun ... I drifted.  The sound of Mr. Bill's voice woke me, "You gonna catch a ride back?"  To my surprise, I was quite a ways from the dock!  Sure was glad he didn't hook me and reel me in!

There's no room for spiritual floating in the Believer’s life!  We must be always mindful (attentive, conscious, watchful, alert) to the things of God.  Beware -- righteousness does not come naturally!  The Apostle Peter warned the Christians of Asia Minor about the poisons of false teachings.  The Truth of the Gospel was being tainted, and Peter reminded the Christians to be ever mindful of the "exceeding great and precious promises." (2 Peter 1:4)  When we nod off or drift, we will find the foundations of spiritual truth replaced with righteous imitations -- moral living, good deeds, warm fuzzy feelings. There is an antitoxin, a counteragent, a cure, a remedy to Satan's many deceits ... "add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge self-control; and to self-control endurance; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness love." (v.5-7)  Peter didn't miss a thing -- it's all there to help us face this merciless, unkind, poisonous world in which live, work, and play. Holding tightly to and embracing the commands of Christ help us recognize Truth and identify what is NOT [Truth].  Pay attention, and remember, … no floating!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Know Your Poverty

As a society, we are collectors of stuff.  If it were true, "the one with the most stuff wins," we are real contenders!  I wonder what measure of stuff keeps us above the poverty level?

God loves it when we are "in poverty."  Actually, God's best friends are those who know just how destitute they really are.  How easy it is to be all puffed up [along with millions of others] thinking we are so good at something or good because of something. That is exactly the opposite of how God wants us to be.  He desires us to have no hidden agendas, no personal motives for service.  Oswald Chambers puts it like this: "God's friendship is with people who know their poverty"  If we really want to be effective and useful servants of Christ, we must empty ourselves.  That's what makes us open and useful for His purposes.  This isn't very popular and certainly not the world's way, but it's very simple ... just know your poverty!

Monday, August 8, 2011

His Stretch

Do you do morning stretches?  Oh, I do -- I STRETCH to turn on my bedside lamp, I STRETCH to smooth out of the bed covers, I STRETCH to reach the missing shoe underneath the bed.  Morning stretches are tough!

Have you ever thought about how God stretches?  Consider Moses and the countless excuses he gave God about leading the Hebrews out of slavery.  And, David whose life was filled with consequences of poor choices.  Don’t forget Elijah who ran like a scalded dog from Jezebel.  Psalm 138:7 says, "Thought I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand will save me."  Doesn’t sound like we're on our own when trouble comes.  No, quite the opposite: we have an awesome promise that God's Hand stretches to, around, over, and beneath us in times of trouble.  There's no reason to fret, worry, or wonder about His Presence.  He is our Heavenly Father, and He loves to stretch!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Live With Purpose

Mr. Bill has lots of gizmos and gadgets and occasionally I encounter one that puzzles me.   Often after he explains its purpose, I’m further confused how people would be duped into paying money for it.  Of course, I’ve had to explain the purpose of a few of my own gizmos and gadgets.

God’s Word gives us the purpose for life.  Yeah, I know, there’s lots of books available to help you find your purpose and I love a good book myself, but what makes a good book “good” is how it lines up with the Best of books – God’s Word.  For purpose of life, Jesus said:  “For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.” (John 6:38)  We are a self-seeking people in a self-centered culture that encourages us to have our own ambitions.  For the true Believer, however, there should be no personal aim. God makes this clear, “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit.” (John 15:16a)  Doing God’s Will was Jesus’ dominating purpose; He knew what awaited Him there yet He “set His face to go to Jerusalem.”  There is no greater testament to purpose of life!  Christians are set apart to display this Truth in a bazillion different ways; we are called show forth His glory.  And when God [one day] reconciles our fruitfulness with His purpose, with eternal joy let us bow at The Throne as humbly as we surrender to His purpose in our lives.   Live life with purpose – His Purpose!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Display His Name

Before long, the Atlanta Braves will retire its former long-time coach’s jersey.  Never again will anyone wear #6 on a Braves uniform.  It’s the team’s way of honoring a great baseball coach.  I wonder what of mine my family will retire someday … on second thought, I don’t want to know!

Isaiah writes, “Praise the LORD, call upon his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted.” (12:4)   How is it we have come to such a place in this culture where we study and ponder what to name our babies, grandparents, aunts and uncles yet give little-to-no thought of the Name above all names?  Throughout the Bible, God revealed to His people something precious and unique about His very nature in a name.  Characteristics of Who He was and is are important to helping us become holy as He is holy: “Be ye holy; for I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:16)  The more we understand and resemble The Father, the better we “declare his doings,” exalting Him to the world.  Like that #6 jersey will be put on display somewhere, so should LORD JEHOVAH be revealed to the world in and through us … Display His Name!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Our Comfort

When I think of hoppin’ mad, I think of the Looney Tunes’ Yosemite Sam.   The grouchy gunslinger, who hated rabbits, could put on one for real rompin’ stompin’ fit!

What makes God mad?  Well, slice it – dice it – paint it – twist it – turn it – spin it any way you want, but quite simply – it is sin that stirs God’s wrath.   God is not, however, blinded in His anger.  “I will give thanks to you, O LORD, for though you were angry with me, your anger turned away, that you might comfort me.” (Isaiah 12:1)  Even in God’s justifiable anger towards our disobedience (and countless other sins), He remains our Peace and our Comfort.  Don’t forget that while we still sinners, Christ bore all of God’s anger toward sin on a Roman cross (Romans 5:8).  Understand this: Christ didn’t just DIE in our place, all our sin and the wrath of The Father was heaped upon the Sinless Savior.  It’s why God looked away, forsaking His Son – He could not look upon sin.  Even In the midst of God’s anger toward sin, He allowed Jesus to remain in our place – why?  Because of love – His was an act of endearing love!  He loves us so much He HAD to complete, finish His work through Christ so we could know His Peace and Comfort fully and evermore.  Wow!  Wow!  Wow!  Yes, LORD, I WILL INDEED praise thee!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Highest Joy

Do you remember someone pushing you in a swing?  It seemed we could never go high enough; “higher, push me higher,” we would yell.

The Psalmist writes, “For you make him most blessed forever;  you make him glad with the joy of your presence.” (Psalm 21:6)  Need we wonder what brings us joy?  Happiness is fleeting – activities give us brief moments of happiness then we move on to another.  For the Believer, the Presence of God is evermore – continuously fulfilling each moment of each day and every activity of life.  Those who love and honor Christ carry their gladness with them, knowing the joy of The Lord’s Presence.  Orville Dewey wrote, “It is certain that till we see GOD in the world – God in the bright and boundless universe – we never know the highest joy.”  Let us push higher and higher to know our Christ Who loves us so – He IS our highest joy!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Carry On

When you fly, your carry-on bag goes with you; you don’t check it in then temporarily part with it.  It’s always with you,  usually in the carry-on compartment above your head.  The items in your carry-on bag are generally essentials – necessary things to continue your journey if your other luggage is otherwise delayed or lost.  Your carry-on bag make it possible to “carry on” with your trip.

God ordains each day!  Truth is, however, there are days we struggle to find reason to sing – sleepless nights, forgot to charge the cell phone, computer doesn’t power on.  The Prophet Isaiah reminds us there’s always cause for joy, “Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.” (12:2)  So, how does a quiet spirit flourish when the mind is anxious?  “Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.” (12:3)  We carry on with joy in the simple reality of this great truth: we are eternally bought and paid for – redeemed to face each day in His strength.  He IS our song thus we … carry on.

Carry on! Carry on! Fight the good fight and true;
Believe in your mission, greet life with a cheer;
There's big work to do, and that's why you are here.
Carry on! Carry on! Let the world be the better for you;
And at last when you die, let this be your cry:
Carry on, my soul! Carry on!    -- Robert William