Thursday, October 30, 2014

Distinctly His

Distinctions usually get our attention.  A couple of weeks ago, Mr. Bill and I arrived in southern Illinois in shorts, t-shirts, and sandals. One short step out of the car, and we knew we were under-dressed.  It wasn't just the chill in the air, it was the looks from those dressed in sweats and jackets!


God draws a clear distinction between His people and unbelievers.  The division isn't always quite as obvious as those who sit in the “home” or "visitor" bleachers, but the distinction is drawn nonetheless. Moses stood before Pharaoh and declared God's message, "And I will put a division between My people and thy people: tomorrow shall this sign be." (Exodus 8:23).  We know from later verses how God plagued the Egyptians while the Hebrews were spared the torment of locusts, darkness, frogs, etc.  Eventually, the Hebrews were released and delivered from years of slavery -- a beautiful foreshadow of His redemption through the Life Blood of His Son, Jesus Christ.  A redeemed life always results in a changed life!  Isn't it sad, however, there often seems to be no [apparent] distinction between the righteous and the unrighteous!  Second Corinthians explains when we come to Christ, the old life is replaced by a new one (5:17).  The new life is different and it looks different: present in our lives will be fruits of His Spirit -- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).  Just as the Hebrews were delivered from physical plagues, Christians are delivered unto these profound Godly characteristics that make us distinct in [His] Nature.   By His Grace and empowered by His Spirit, we model these traits as distinctions of honor.  Oswald Chambers reminds us it is the LORD Himself Who makes the distinctions apparent!  Yes, Mr. Bill and I got some strange looks in our warm-weather attire.  May Christians be guilty-as-charged of looking like Christ in all they say and do!  Yes, be distinctly His!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Several years ago, to determine a health problem, I was “scoped” in [what seemed] every possible way!  In the end, my doctor said all the scoped parts were identified, accounted for, and in good health.  What a relief especially when the news was delivered with such a high price tag ... and, not necessarily in money!


Imagine God "scoping" our inner most being.  Feeling a smidge ... uncomfortable?  Hebrews 4:12-13 explains it like this: "For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.  And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to Whom we must give account."  The medical instruments could only see portions of me, but there is nothing hidden from The Father.  Every wrong motive, dishonorable thought, lie  embraced, secret habit – every hazed over and bedimmed sin exposed and visible to Him.  Uncomfortable should only begin to  describe how that makes us feel -- totally naked before Holy God.  Just like the good news of a medical report, there is spiritual redemption for things exposed: "Let us therefore come boldly to the Throne of Grace, that we may obtain Mercy and find Grace to help in time of need." (4:16)  Jesus Christ, our great High Priest, made redemption free and available.  That's the best possible news after a good scopin'.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Shielded Heart

About two weeks before Mr. Bill and I married, he told me he had two hearts and I was gullible enough to believe him. I wish I could say that was the last time I believed one of his stories, but too many people know it was many years and many stories later. I guess I'm slow learner!


God is The Heart Defender. When my heart hurts most even to the point of numbness, I know He will fix it. The pain of hurt could rather be avoided if I would just let Him protect it in the first place. Psalm 28:7 says, "The Lord is my Strength, and my Shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped ... " The image of His Shield taking the punches for my heart is very refreshing. Since Satan seems to know right where to throw the punches, I can count on his aim being right on target, BUT that's exactly where God shields me. The rest of that verse is, " ... therefore my heart greatly rejoices; and with my song will I praise Him."  Uh-oh, I feel a song comin' on!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

How About That!

Clogged drains are bothersome!  When forced to deal with the matter myself, a kitchen knife is often my tool-of-choice.  Usually the culprit is hair that has [shall we say] turned loose.  Now, thinning hair is a common thing but I’m not sure I'll ever look at another drain and not feel a sense of personal loss!

Come to think of it, God uses the hairs of our heads in several passages: "My iniquities have overtaken me, so that I am not able to look up; they are more than the hairs of my head ... " (Psalm 40:12).  "Nor shall you swear by your head, because you cannot make one hair white or black." (Matthew 5:36).  "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered." (Matthew 10:30).  Two of my boys kept their hair buzzed – no combing necessary, and Dustin never bothered to comb his, but to the rest of us -- good hair days are important.  So it seems with The Heavenly Father.  Matthew 10:31 sums up why God troubles over something as otherwise insignificant as human hair, "Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."  In Bible times, the sparrow was of very little value, and were often used as offerings by the very poor.  God used this to show us in His Word just what a treasure we are to Him. Not one of those hairs in my drain turned loose without His knowledge. Does this not make you feel safe and secure, loved and cared for?  He numbers each hair on our heads. Now, how about that!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Wondrous Things

Living with a game-hunter is interesting.  Information filed away in my brain would just amaze you!  Did you know, for example, that serious hunters go to great lengths to enter the woods scent-free. Prior to and during hunting season, soaps and detergents must be fragrance-free.  Scented candles, body sprays, and fragrant foods are a huge no-no.  Seriously?  Yes, and yes, we are seriously in the scent-free season right now!


What is your perception of God?  I cringe when I hear Him referred to as the "man upstairs" or the "big guy."  You should have felt me shudder even as I typed that! Christians often (and rightly) refer to His Nature as kind, loving, gracious, patient, and merciful -- and, indeed He is!  It is not uncommon, however, that we struggle to see these characteristics when life is upside-down.  I am often driven to pursue God deeper in the shadows of life, and press for added insight into the true nature of God.  Bill Bright, Founder of Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU), said, "Everything about our lives -- our attitudes, motives, desires, actions, and even our words -- is influenced by our view of God."  In his book, The Knowledge of the Holy, A.W. Tozer wrote how critical it is we have an accurate view of God: "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us."  So how does the average Christian seriously and practically move to know God better -- what must we do to really know the One Who knows us better than anyone?  The Psalmist wrote, "Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Your law." (119:18). Wondrous things -- that's what we long to know about The Father -- yes, wondrous things!  Everything about Him is [indeed] wondrous, but there's more of His divine nature revealed through His Word, by His Spirit, through obedience, through diligent seeking.  There are three trophy deer hanging in our living room, and they were pursued by a serious hunter!  Mr. Bill did what was necessary to track the deer and prepare (de-scent) his himself for the hunt.  Do you long to know the wondrous things of God?  Really?  Seriously?  Read His Word, hear His Voice, and behold ... wondrous things!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I Promise

Some of the sweetest promises ever made to me were made in a toy store.  A little boy would see that just-gotta-have-it toy, and he promised his mama the moon if only she’d buy it for him.  Sweet Ella-girl has now developed that just-gotta-have-it eye and works it on her mama as well.   There’s no real defense!


God is the ultimate Promise-Maker!   Mr. Bill will give his word but he doesn’t make promises.  He reluctantly broke a few in the past and wisely recognized the frailty of the human will so he just doesn't make promises.  There is no frailty with God – when He said “I promise,” it’s a done-deal!  All His promises are sealed, cannot be broken, and remain forever fulfilled.  “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through Him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the Glory of God.” (2 Corinthians 1:20).  The word "amen" means "so be it" so through Christ … so be it!  There's no wiggle room, no ifs-and-or-buts, no maybes, no probablies, no hope so’s, no whatevers, no doubts about it – His promises are forever sealed in Christ for our benefit and to God's Glory.  In a world where lies and deceit are widespread and abundant, what uncommon solace in Steadfast Words supported by One Who is forevermore Steadfast and Sure.  When we put our trust in Christ, the promises of God are ours and we can know with all hope (confident expectation) they are real.  I remember well the words and faces of those sweet little promise-makers but I rest most confidently and completely in The Promise-Maker!


Every Promise in The Book is mine – Every chapter, every verse, every line

All are blessings of His Love, divine – Every Promise in The Book is mine

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Hasten & Obey

The Procrastinator – yes, I’ve been call that and fairly regularly by Mr. Bill.  A governing motto has often been: why do today what you can put off until tomorrow.  Now, a seasoned procrastinator, I explain to him "I work best on deadlines."  He ain’t buying it!


God doesn’t nurture procrastination!  I hesitate to admit but I am indeed better organized when I work from a to-do list.  Every Christian should pray these priority words each day, making it a priority: "I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands." (Psalm 119:60).  Will this fix the urge to procrastinate?  No, but we'll feel the nudge from The One Who empowers us to "hasten and obey."


We are often greatly bothered by two fussy little men,

Who sometimes block our pathway -- their names are How and When.

If we have a task or duty which we can put off a while,

And we do not go and do it, you should see those two rogues smile!

But there is a way to beat them, and I will tell you how:

If you have a task or duty -- do it well, and do it now.

(Author Unknown)

Friday, October 17, 2014

One Season For All

A friend of mine asked me one time, "Is there a sport ya'll don't play?" She said that in response to my explanation that the boys practice basketball two nights a week.  As a [past] "sports mom," I could truthfully say "I loved the change of the seasons!"


The seasons of life can be quite unpredictable.  The knee-jerk reaction is plan, plan, plan ... then regrettably God is squeezed out of the agenda.  We fight this incredible and uncontrollable urge to map out latitude and longitude, penciling in all other factors of the equation.  It just "feels" better that way, and the "comfort zone" takes a ... "comfortable" shape. First Thessalonians 5:1 is the Believer's reality check: "But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you."  In this passage, Paul wrote of Christ’s second coming and gives the "life mapping" for Believers until such time: " ... comfort ... edify ... live ... pray ... love ... be at peace ... support ... be patient ... rejoice ... give thanks ...  hold fast to truth ... abstain from evil." Hmmm, I can't seem to identify a specific season for these.  No, God's Work has no season ... no beginning, no end. I'd say, "one season fits all."  Each season of life

draws from another, then another; builds upon another, then another; gleans from another, then another.  The wisdom granted from each season of life

blesses another, then another -- dispersing light and salt along the way. The "comfort zone" is expanded and soon we can hardly discern comfort from

discomfort -- only obedience and service day-after-day, season-after-season. How does God do that! I may ask Him someday ... but that's yet another season!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Who's At The Wheel?

"Who was driving?"  Big gulp and a tough one to answer -- since it was none other than me!  A car, a bicycle, a person would have moved, but no -- not that light pole!  It stood its ground, and my passenger door testified to that!


God is the Perfect Driver!  The only problem He seems to have is getting control of the wheel.  Although we lack self-control and are self-destructive, we insist on being at the wheel of our lives.  What a mess we make!  Proverbs 16:25 says, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death."  The entire chapter of Proverbs 4 points to the security we know only in Godly instruction.  Just like traffic signs signal drivers, God's Word warns and counsels all who profess His Name that He must be in control.  Yes, it's a tough question, but we all must answer it: "Who's at the wheel?"

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Living Pest Free

Screened porches are grand!  Last summer the beach house we rented had a screened porch ​that faced the ocean, and ​with a ​porch ​swing​.  That may have been the sweetest screened porch ever!


There is a very specific question found in the psalms: "How can a young man keep his way pure?" (119:9a).  ​Screen wire may just be one of the greatest inventions of all time!  When present, we can enjoy crisp fall air and spring breezes as well as hear​ nature's sounds of crickets, tree frogs, and whippoorwills.  ​It also keeps away the pests -- mosquitoes, gnats, wasps, etc. – that would drive us inside otherwise!  Oh, the bless​ing of screen wire!  ​How do we keep away the pests in our spiritual lives -- those things that seek to overcome and devour us?  The psalmist answers his own question: "By guarding it according to ​Your​Word." (V.9b)​.  We must not be put-off by the word "young" because it is the young and old alike (actually, anyone who is breathing) who struggle with remaining pure in thought and motive.  God inspired the psalmist's question and answer to make us acquainted with the need and the resolve of spiritual cleansing.  Clearly, it is important (1) we know the word of God, (2) we meditate on the word of God to understand Its Truth, and (3) make God's word the Standard (baseline, benchmark, measure) by which we live.  The worst thing a Christian can do is put their spiritual lives on auto-pilot; do that, and expect a huge diversion from what is righteous and holy!  Matthew Henry writes, "The ruin of [young men] is either living at large (or by no rule at all) or choosing to themselves false rules: let them ponder the path of their feet, and walk by scripture-rules."  Yes, it would indeed be handy if there existed a "spiritual screen" we could wear to protect us from sinfulness, but what Christians have is better by far and most effective: the Word of God, Which is powered by His Spirit to keep us in The Way that leads to righteous living.   Pest-free living begins with God's Word!

Monday, October 13, 2014

True Greatness

‘They’re grrrrrrr-eat,” exclaims Tony the Tiger of his popular cereal. They really are great – those insignificant flakes coated in sugar, that is!  Personally, I don’t do soggy cereal so they’re not great for very long.  Hurriedly eat the flakes before they're mush, then just enjoy the “sugar rush” of the milk!


Every commandment of God is pure, but there’s only one Jesus called "great" -- "Thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind . This is the first and great commandment." (Matthew 22:37-38).   What makes something great, special, outstanding, significant?  Certainly, our taste buds are an authority but not so reliable: our taste for foods changes with the years; our propensity for certain activities wane with time; our selection of fashions change with the fashion seasons.  In truth, few things life actually remain great!  What then makes God’s commandments so enduring and steadfast? Proverbs 19:7 says, "The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple."  Oh, for anything perfect in this imperfect world -- something ever-refreshing to the spirit -- just one thing that is always certain. In this ever-changing world, there is indeed One that never changes: "Your Word is settled in heaven." (Psalm 119:89).  There it is!  God's Word is settled because It is rooted in One Who never changes, is eternally reliable.  Since this describes His Word, He’s the One I want to know personally and call Friend!  Sorry, Tony, but you can have your too-soon-soggy flakes; I’ll pursue that Which is unchanging and empowers me to love God with all I am – my heart, my soul, my mind.  That is True Greatness!

Sunday, October 12, 2014


Many years ago, Mr. Bill purchased a rechargeable 250,000 candlepower, 6 volt hand held  spotlight.  After 14-16 hours of charging, the light proved so powerful we could shine it on one of the kids and see what he had for lunch!  If you mistakenly looked into the light, you became convinced you’d see dots the rest of your natural life.  Quickly, the favorite night-time activity was to stand on the front porch and shine the light across the road and count how many deer were feeding in the field.  Over the years, this place has been home to many other strange and unusual activities!


God's Word illuminates!  It lights the pathway for us,  precedes our steps, making the way of the Lord clear.  Let's face it!  Sometimes it's just  hard to see the way clear -- distinguish right from wrong, good from bad, gray from black, white from gray.  Proverbs 6:23a says, "For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching a light."  Oh my, the moans and groans when Mr. Bill forgot to plug in the light to recharge!  No light!  That describes the lack of divine illumination (direction) when we fail to read God’s Word – we fail to see His Way and falter in it.  There’s been many "rechargeable spotlights since then but, thankfully, God's Word doesn't wear out.  It never expires, never dims, never quits.  The Divine Lamp never needs charging because It is The Source of all light.  Remember to plug-in to The Light and walk in His illumination.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Change Someone's Day

Peanut butter isn't the only thing that spreads easily -- joy also is easily spread!  I recall one birthday morning years ago when my heart was so heavy at daybreak I didn't feel I could drag it out of bed.  But the sun came up, birds began to sing, and friends did what friends do: phone calls, cards, hugs, visits, gifts, smiles, e-cards, e-mails.  Before long I couldn't remember why my heart was so heavy.


The Children of Israel used perfume and incense to worship God.  The aroma was so pleasing to the Father that He gave specific instructions on its use

during worship.  Proverbs 27:9 says, "Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart ..."  I just can't think of anything more pleasing to my heart and spirit than the ministries of friends.  The fragrance of loving friends changes everything.  God has given me many and they bless me in many ways; He expects me in turn to befriend and bless others. Are you using your gifts in ministry to bring joy to others?  If not, think back to when you opened your mailbox to find a note of encouragement, or when someone called when your heart needed the sound of a caring voice.  Those otherwise small touches minister in big ways.  God uses people just like you and me to change the hearts and spirits of others.  Such simple things we do that count for eternity.  Do what a friend does -- change someone's day … and do it today!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


“I was mortified!”  I don’t remember who (it’ll come to me eventually) but someone from my childhood used this expression as an exclamation for something seriously … mortifying.


The word “mortify” means to kill or put to death!  Considering what is happening in parts of the world right now, this word brings terrible images to mind.  That evil can reveal itself in such horrific ways is stunning!  The disregard for and carnage of human life grows darker by the day!  Interestingly and worthy of thought is that same evil [which motivates killing of innocent men, women, and children] is the same evil that lives inside you and I.  No, I’m not joking! The Prophet Micah spoke of evil, “Woe to those who devise wickedness and work evil on their beds! When morning dawns, they perform it, because it is in the power of their hands.” (Micah 2:1).  Within each of us is the capacity to do evil (to sin -- be unkind, selfish, greedy, to steal, lie, cheat, etc.).  Furthermore, it’s our natural tendency to do these things!  Now, would most of us do evil (sin) to extreme measures such as murder – of course not!  We gasp and are appalled at such things, but in the sight of Holy God, levels of sin do not exist -- evil is evil is evil is evil, sin is sin is sin is sin.  With regard to evidences of God's Spirit, Paul makes us consider things “for which there is no law”; things such as gentleness, patience, love, kindness, etc. (Galatians 5:23).  Let's not be deceived, within each of us [even Christians], there a an on-going battle between doing what is holy (good) and what is evil (wrong).  We are called to "mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth"; to mortify is to kill, put to death, slay, deprive of power the evil that exists within us.  We do this by putting on the "new man" (V.10), which is rooted in the conquering and victorious Christ who empowers us through the Holy Spirit Who lives within us, and Who is "greater than he that is in the world." (1 John 4:4).  Yes, I've been mortified a few times in my life and it usually involved big-boy and little-boy behavior!  The mortification of (death to) indwelling sin is an act of personal obedience to God and the work of His Spirit in me.  Within your hands is the capacity to allow evil to thrive or be mortified -- which will it be?

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Celebrate Sweetness!

Today is Ella’s birthday!  She is three years old – a bundle of magnificent sweetness wrapped up in little face, hands, body, and feet.  Her smile lights up a room and her laughter is always right on-key.  By declaration of tons of love and deep thankfulness for her, today we celebrate our sweetness – Ella Girl!


Do I sound a little bit like a doting grandmother!  Yes, that about sums it up and those of you who have grandchildren know exactly what I mean!  Several writers of Scripture refer to how amazing is the taste of God’s Presence – “taste and see that the LORD is good “ (Psalm 34:8), “those who have tasted the goodness of the word of God” (Hebrews 6:5), “you have tasted the kindness of the Lord” (1 Peter 2:3).  The more time I spend with Ella, the more precious she becomes – it’s the same way when we devote time to being with The Father.  The Gaithers sing, “It gets sweeter as the days go by – It get sweeter as the moments fly – His Love is richer, deeper, fuller, sweeter – Sweeter, sweeter, sweeter as the days go by.”  How can we claim to love Jesus, and skip the sweet times in His Presence!  Well, today Ella’s got her dance on and she won’t be dancin’ alone – we’re celebratin’ her sweetness.  Let’s not forget to celebrate The Savior – He’s where true Sweetness dwells!

Monday, October 6, 2014

New Desire

New seasons of life bring about new want-to’s.  I remember looking forward to finishing the work day, rushing home, changing clothes, grabbing my faithful chair and sun visor and heading to the baseball field.  There was great excitement in that!  Uh -- no more!  This new season of life is I’m quite content with the leisurely drive home, casually changing clothes, and doing much-of-nothing.  Woohoo!


Ruth, deliberately and boldly, told Naomi, “Your people shall be my people.” (Ruth 1:16).  After the last game was played, the last ball caught, and final out called, I didn't announce “I’m done!”  It was, however, a defining moment – even a bit sad as we closed a chapter in our boys' lives.  Ruth’s declaration was much more than just words: she expressed a new desire – one which would leave behind all she knew stepping toward a different life.  She wasn't just changing geographic locations (from Moab to Bethlehem); she was leaving behind false gods and pledging devotion to the One True God.  Now, Satan has convinced many Christians they can genuinely love Christ yet continue in their old ways. What a lie!  Ruth knew for a definitive change, there must be a separation from godlessness to godliness.  What folly when we believe we can love Christ and love the world, cling to Him and hang on to sin, pal around with the godless and the godly.  The Body of Christ (the Church) isn’t perfect but Christ has declared His great love for His People (the Church)!  The simple yet hard Truth is: Christians who refuse to be counted among those who faithfully gather to worship, pray, study, fellowship, and encourage one another live contrary to Scripture.  Acts 2:42 tells of New Testament Christians who were devoted to one another through teaching, prayer, fellowship; furthermore, Hebrews 10:25 commands us to assemble together so we can encouragement each other to persevere in our faith.  Oh, the precious Spirit of Love present when Believers gather with devotion to lift the Name of Christ, and when we share the Bread of Christ Himself with one another.  We might ask ourselves, who are my people?  For those born-again (of God’s Spirit), God’s People is His Church.  His desire – Our desire … one and the same!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Just Say Yes

A rebellious child may make us roll our eyes and shake our heads but to that child’s parents, it’s no eye-rolling offense!  Those moments are high-near-the-top of the Flustration Scale (flustered + frustrated = flustration). 


God knows all about rebellion – oh, yes, He does!  Why, it’s the very picture of us!  Few photo albums boast pictures of children in their less-than-sweet moments!  Parents need no reminder of those times!  Those moments clearly display the sinful nature of man, even from childhood.  Recently, I read our rebellious sin-nature described like this: “You and I were rebels who spurned God … rejected His right to rule over us … despised righteousness … cherished sin … loved what God hated … hated what God loved.” (Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Holiness: The Heart God Purifies).  The danger for Christians is the silent indulgences we overlook: lust, anger, gossip, jealousy, selfishness, pride, etc.  God’s resolve to save us from ourselves (and our rebellious nature) was no small matter to Him!  Through faith in Christ and by His Grace, we have present Power to say no to sin and yes to holiness.  The cost to Him was tremendous, but His redemption totally perfect and utterly sufficient.  Are their silent killers to holiness in your life?  Agreeing with the Lord (confession), turning away from sin (repentance), and saying “yes, Lord” is the first step to living righteously.  Just say “Yes”!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Joy Roots

Isn't it amazing at what we find "joyful?" Have you ever stepped back and took a serious look at some of America's past times?  How about hitting a small white dimpled ball with a stick toward a small shallow hole hundreds of yards away?  Or, what about spending hours in your car on the road admiring dying leaves?  These are activities bring people much joy, but when you really think about it, sounds a little crazy, huh?

Any way you put it, real joy is wrapped up neatly and completely in Christ Jesus. Nehemiah puts it like this: " ... the joy of the LORD is your strength." (8:10).  No more, no less -- just right. Not only that, it is rock solid -- rooted to the depth of infinity ... and beyond!  When we depend on circumstances, situations, finances, or people for our joy ... count on being disappointed.  All those things change with the wind and the roots of such joy prove shallow soon enough.  The Joy of the Lord, however, proves to be the Strength needed for our spirits to withstand even the fiercest of Satan's snarls.  While The Father certainly created reminders to bring us joy -- a rainbow, a robin, sunsets, autumn leaves,
laughter of children, aroma of coffee … yes, even golf … He remains the True Source of all joy.  We are wise and obedient to put our "joy roots" in nothing else than Him!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Non-Perishable

There's a serious mindset among many that we need to be prepared for an oncoming day of need by having a stock of water and non-perishables.  We've had fairly good practice ​-- ​consider the rush to get milk and bread when it snows!  Of course, by the looks of our basement, Mr. Bill has been stockin' up on junk for many years.


What does the Bible say about storing up?  "I have stored up Your Word in my heart …" (Psalm 119:11a).  God doesn't​ advise against being prepared materially for difficult times, ​of course, ​but He ​speaks to the more important​ work of His words.  Even a good stash of food and water ​is eventually depleted, but not Scripture.  Tucked away in the heart and mind, not only is it eternally safe but [if you will] ​reusable and recyclable.  Quite frankly, His Words are ​the ​Perfect ​Non-Perishable! ​They are indescribably more nourishing and satisfying than food and water; their purpose far weightier – "… that I might not sin against You." (Psalm 119:11b).  The careful memorization of and meditation on ​Scripture ​are indeed a serious mindset and diligent exercise for Christians today; ​consider that ​we may not always ​enjoy the freedom to read or even own a copy of His Word.  Mr. Bill and I ​are in-process of non-junkin' an area of our basement​ and stocking some non-perishables but ​may none of us neglect the ​command to store-up God's ​precious words.  Read 'em – Memorize 'em – Root 'em in the heart – Watch 'em grow!