Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Keys

Don’t get in a hurry – it’s just not worth it! Got up late, rushed myself & the boys out the door, and about two steps later, I got that sick feeling I had done something terribly wrong.   Brother, had I ever!  My pocketbook was in the house, along with my house key.  Of course, this was the one time every door to the house was closed securely and locked.  Don’t get in a hurry!

In February 2000, I stood at Caesarea Philippi in Northern Israel, and my mind returns there often.  Oh, how I would love to have stood with Peter years ago when he unashamedly confessed, "You are the Christ, Son of the Living God." (Matthew 16:16)  Read Jesus' response to Peter: "And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." (V.19)  Most of us carry keys we can't even identify, but to be given a key to victorious living -- well, I doubt we'd have trouble identifying that one.  If that is so, why do we lose hope? What is our explanation for drifting aimlessly through the day, seemingly out of sorts and frazzled beyond understanding? How do we allow life to overwhelm us to the point we lose our way?   It’s much like my rushing out the door without a second thought and finding myself locked out of my own house!  The truth is Believers are never  "locked out" of victorious living.  Jesus Christ provided the "keys" special delivery, and they work simply and boldly by confession and application that Christ is King -- King of head and heart!.  Such intimacy with the Father becomes evidence in all that we do.  It's a "key ring" that should never be misplaced!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Place of No Not's

Perfectionist - Someone preoccupied with details and excellence.  Now, that's NOT a perfect definition ... oh no, I did it again!  Some people think perfectionism is great, and I guess they would.  Think about it -- who else would you want to head up a project, direct a program, plan an event?  A perfectionist!  But to the perfectionist, the idea of perfection is usually just that -- an idea.  The urgency for perfection and the desire for inner tranquility are constantly in conflict with each other.  In relations to whatever, I typically find myself pulled from being kind and gentle to being focused on what is the not’s: NOT polite, NOT smart, NOT skinny, NOT clean, NOT organized, NOT neat.  NOT ... NOT ... NOT ...

What is lacking here – what is NOT … is "peace."  Peace with imperfection. Contentment.  Psalm 16:5-6 says, "Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.  The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance." There it is -- contentment with what God has assigned me [chosen specifically with me in mind].  A God-given portion.  A lot [fate] made secure by God.  Boundaries drawn by The Father who knows me best and what is best for me.  These boundaries have been drawn in pleasant places [NOT haphazardly or carelessly and NOT in places of anxiety or stress.  My inheritance is delightful -- NOT consumed with what is NOT.  A delightful place where contentment rules -- a place of No Not’s!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Linger Near

Have you ever made a “quick” stop only to stay longer than intended?  I’m reminded of waiting in the car with Mom and sisters while Dad stopped at Mr. Arthur’s every Sunday night after church.  The purpose of the stop was to get the day’s financial report and weekly pay, but those porch visits seemed to drag on way past the patience of mother and little girls!

Do you linger with God?  When Dad got out of the car, we knew there would be no hurried conversation, neither do I imagine Moses in a hurried conversation with The LORD in Exodus 33: “And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend.” (V.11a)  Do you ever think about what priceless treasures we forfeit when we hurry our time with The Father?  God made this promise to Moses in V.14, “My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.” We have just entered [most likely] the busiest and most stressful time of the calendar year.  Not only will we run ourselves ragged doing this-and-that and being here-and-there, we’ll empty our spiritual tanks by tending to the urgent and neglecting the important!  Is it possible this season could be different than last year?  Charles H. Spurgeon gives the antidote:  “The Lord Himself will keep us company. His Presence, which includes His Favor, His Fellowship, His Care, and His Power, shall be ever with us in every one of our marchings. This means far more than it says; for, in fact, it means all things. If we have God present with us, we have possession of heaven and earth.”  He’s given us the promise of His Presence!  Know it this season (and beyond) – linger near Him!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

'Tis the Season!

What if!  What if!  What if!  What if … we began each day exclusively with pure thoughts of praise and thanksgiving.  Would our families call 9-1-1?  Would the store clerk eye us with suspicion?  Would the boss think we've landed a better job?  What if ... our feet only gloriously hovered above the carpet with enthusiasm for another day of life from God.  What if ... instead of yawns, snaps, and shouts our children heard echoes of laughter, joy, and singing -- the flavor of the day.  What if ... our jobs were seen as golden opportunities to spread a little sunshine -- the warmth of God's encompassing love.

Psalm 100:4 says, "Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name."  'Tis the season to be thankful!  'Tis the season to spread His joy!  'Tis the season to love one another!  Make haste: Enter His Courts ... Be Thankful ... Offer Praise ... Give Thanks to Him ... Praise His Name.  "Let us worship and bow down."

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

'Tis the Season!

What if!  What if!  What if!  What if … we began each day exclusively with pure thoughts of praise and thanksgiving.  Would our families call 9-1-1?  Would the store clerk eye us with suspicion?  Would the boss think we've landed a better job?  What if ... our feet only gloriously hovered above the carpet with enthusiasm for another day of life from God.  What if ... instead of yawns, snaps, and shouts our children heard echoes of laughter, joy, and singing -- the flavor of the day.  What if ... our jobs were seen as golden opportunities to spread a little sunshine -- the warmth of God's encompassing love.


Psalm 100:4 says, "Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name."  'Tis the season to be thankful!  'Tis the season to spread His joy!  'Tis the season to love one another!  Make haste: Enter His Courts ... Be Thankful ... Offer Praise ... Give Thanks to Him ... Praise His Name.  "Let us worship and bow down."

Speak Grace

We call it the “blessing" while others call it "saying grace."  Whatever it's called, it's that time before the meal when heads are bowed, eyes closed, and God is thanked for the food.  Dad & Mom always made us hold hands so I grew up thinking everyone did.  Dad joked it was to keep little hands out of the food but after raising three boys, I don't think it was a joke!

God's Table of Bounty is plentiful in our lives.  We allow blessings to breeze by us as quickly as hours in the day, giving little thought what they are and from whence they come.  How many times have you sang, "Praise God from Whom all blessings flow?" Can you recite it thoughtlessly, eyes closed, half asleep?  The Psalmist asks. "Who satisfieth thy desire with good things?" (103:5)  James answers, "every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father ..." (James 1:17)  God spoke His Grace perfectly and completely in the Person of Jesus Christ, and when we "say grace" we acknowledge His physical and spiritual provisions. Our blessings are not always measured by the hand or the eye; many are felt with the heart and best known by a common and precious bond with God’s Spirit and Truth.  This is the week to pause in genuine reflection for God’s many blessings; be thankful then ... speak grace.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Speak Grace

We call it the “blessing" while others call it "saying grace."  Whatever it's called, it's that time before the meal when heads are bowed, eyes closed, and God is thanked for the food.  Dad & Mom always made us hold hands so I grew up thinking everyone did.  Dad joked it was to keep little hands out of the food but after raising three boys, I don't think it was a joke!


God's Table of Bounty is plentiful in our lives.  We allow blessings to breeze by us as quickly as hours in the day, giving little thought what they are and from whence they come.  How many times have you sang, "Praise God from Whom all blessings flow?" Can you recite it thoughtlessly, eyes closed, half asleep?  The Psalmist asks. "Who satisfieth thy desire with good things?" (103:5)  James answers, "every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father ..." (James 1:17)  God spoke His Grace perfectly and completely in the Person of Jesus Christ, and when we "say grace" we acknowledge His physical and spiritual provisions. Our blessings are not always measured by the hand or the eye; many are felt with the heart and best known by a common and precious bond with God’s Spirit and Truth.  This is the week to pause in genuine reflection for God’s many blessings; be thankful then ... speak grace.


You Ain't Right!

Those who know Mr. Bill know he is quite the character.  His sense of humor  and uncanny wit is either entertaining or annoying.  I love him dearly,  however, I tell him often ... "you ain't right."

Do you know ungrateful people?  I suppose we could all, at times, put our names at the top of that list.  Should you list whining and complaining as a hobby?  Sometimes my whining gets on my own nerves!  First Thessalonians 5:18 says we are to give thanks "in everything."  This directive is not for a particular season, month, day -- it is for all times.  And, it doesn’t include gratitude through gritted teeth!  We are to be thankful just because it is the right thing to do – an act of obedience.  The Bounty of God's Goodness comes as a result of our merciful and gracious Father Whose Fountain of riches never trickles nor spills; it flows freely and abundantly and endlessly! This is true thanksgiving: recalling what we deserve (His wrath and judgment) then acknowledging what we’ve been given (a full pardon). With that in mind, if you cannot say "thank you" … well, you just ain’t right!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Say So!

It’s sad good manners are not taught today.  My generation got in trouble when we neglected to say please, thank you, yes sir, yes ma'am, no sir, no ma'am, etc.  I just cringe when I hear... yeah, no, huh, yep, uh-huh.  What a shame manners have been left behind!

In 1860, Edward Spencer was a student at Northwestern University. One morning in September the report came that the finest passenger boat on the Great Lakes had sunk about three miles off shore. He ran to the lake, and, being an excellent swimmer, plunged in and saved a woman clinging to a piece of wreckage. Seventeen times he did this, each time saving a life. The almost superhuman efforts that he thus used broke his health for life and made impossible for him the career he would have otherwise had. When he was an old man, Mr. Spencer acknowledged that not one of the seventeen had ever thanked him.  Grateful living is more than just having good manners; it’s an attitude of the heart -- recognition and acknowledgement of God's Goodness.  A thankful heart steers the spirit and behavior.  Someone once said, "Gratitude is the memory of the heart."  See the good things today and be grateful, then ... say so!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


What’s the most indescribable gift you've ever received?  I've received many gifts, but [clearly] one of the most indescribable gifts I remember is Dad & Mom taking me and one of my good friends on a birthday weekend to the mountains.  The scenery was breathtaking, of course, and the fellowship, fun, and laughter combined into a delightful gift.  It was ... well, indescribable!

God gave us such a gift in His Son, Jesus Christ.  I will never forget that birthday weekend -- I have pictures and souvenirs to help me remember.  I am forever grateful to my parents for the gift!  Second Corinthians 9:15 says, "Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!"  We are forever indebted to The Father for so great a love and expression of His love – It’s truly like no other.  Grateful Living always begins with remembering The Cross and The Tomb and The Promise of Christ's Return to take us to our real home. Want to make today a day of thanksgiving? Ponder – Meditate - Consider God’s Indescribable Gift!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Little Things

It's amazing how we don’t consider the little things.  Why, there's lots of little things and we hardly give them a second never-mind. Consider, if you will, the refrigerator.  Of course, it's not so “little” but it does lots of little things: keeps food cool and from spoiling and chills our drinks. I've even found it to be a great place to hide things from the guys at my house; things like ketchup, mayonnaise, etc.  

God showers us with little things, but we tend to overlook and take them for granted.  We don't appreciate our health until we have health problems; we assume our family will always be with us until they’re not; we even prefer a thankless job over no job at all!  Psalm 75:1 says, "It is good to give thanks to the Lord."  Notice it doesn’t say "except" or "unless." We are to be thankful always – at all times, in all circumstances, for all things.  Let’s not forget grateful living includes being that for which others are grateful: a warm smile, a kind word, a note of encouragement, a phone call, a pat on the back.  These gestures may seem very small but in the Hand of The LORD, they are really big. Devote today to the little things, and be grateful for each little thing that is extended to you!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sudden Shifts

I've never experienced first-hand an earthquake, but Mr. Bill has.  He was living in Pakistan, and it was bath time for he and his younger brother.  He recounts quite an experience caused by the sudden movement of the earth thus the bath water!  Without further thought, his Mom grabbed her two little boys and herded them out of the house into the street ... totally naked!

It's interesting how people respond to "sudden shifts" in life.  I’ve witnessed some interesting "adult" behavior as result of inconvenience and interruption, and been reminded of similar outbursts of my own to sudden shifts in plans.  Those times could be more accurately described as eruptions than Christ-like responses. Oswald Chambers said, "The true test of a saint's life is not successfulness but faithfulness on the human level of life."  His words echo Paul’s in 1 Corinthians 10:31, " . . . whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." Grateful living begins with humility -- believing to the point of living the Truth that God is Almighty and we are not but rather remain here to serve Him and others. It's much like putting ourselves at the bottom of the totem pole.  When we can do that, sudden shifts become divine opportunities to respond and display Christ.  Sudden shifts in our lives happen almost daily.  Be prepared to live gratefully and gracefully.

Monday, November 14, 2011

A Good Shine

Recently a sales clerk commented how pretty my blue topaz ring was, yet when I looked at it I was appalled at how dirty it was!  There was no sparkle or shine, only the slightest notion the stone should have been a crystal clear powder blue. The first thing I did when I got home was clean it up!

What causes us to be ungrateful?  It’s often a selfish attitude, which is caused by an unwillingness to serve.  How often do you find yourself grumbling about having to do this, having to do that?  I'm ashamed to say my middle name could be "grumble" when I find my focus more on me, myself, and I rather than Jesus and others.  Grateful living, however, is the result of a heart clean before and right with God.  Psalm 51:10 says, "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."  This should be our first request of God each day: a cleaned and renewed heart to reflect God's Light at Its best -- it's the secret to a truly good shine!

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Question

Have you ever made a Honey-Do List? It works pretty well with tremendous results except during Honey’s hunting season. What I really enjoy is when Honey begins to quietly mark through each item one-at-a-time!

Did you know each Believer has a companion To-Be List to the daily To-Do List?  In all we DO, we are to BE “doers of the word, and not hearers only.” (James 1:22a).  How easily Satan would have us forget “Christianity is not a way of doing certain things, but a certain way of doing all things.”  God doesn’t add to our To-Do List, He just sanctifies it according to His holy purpose.  Imagine how what we do changes when we present God our To-Do lists as a tool unto His righteousness and ask of Him: make me reflect Your love today, display Your joy, manifest Your peace, practice Your patience, express Your kindness, make known Your goodness, reveal Your faithfulness. show Your gentleness, exhibit Your self-control.  We don't have to totally abandon what we DO, but rather seek His guidance TO BE His reflection.  It’s not Shakespeare asking – it’s God, “to be, or not to be: that is the question.” Ultimately, the answer rests in how much of me I daily surrender to Christ.  Just so we know -- He wants it all!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Fishing lures intrigue me.  No, I do not fish but I love to walk down the fishing isle and see all the different kinds of lures.  Some say that isle a fisherman’s paradise, but why not a fish’s dream?  There’s something there for all fish!

Isaiah 60 is an awesome chapter about The Light come to us in the Person of Jesus Christ!  Aside from a full moon peaking through the blinds all night, who doesn’t love light!  It’s warm, inviting, and illuminating!  Read what the Prophet writes about God’s Light: The glory of the LORD has risen upon you … His Glory will be seen upon you … I will beautify My beautiful House … I will make you majestic forever, a joy from age to age … The LORD will be your Everlasting Light … Your God will be your glory.”  How do these ancient words impact the Believer’s life today?  “Arise, shine, for your Light has come.” (V.1a)  It’s a command, and the Hebrew meaning is to be or become light, to give light … as His Light gives unto us.  I “interviewed” the resident fisherman about the shiny lures and why shiny matters.  To the hungry fish, a shiny lure resembles another fish’s shiny scales so the hungry fish is drawn to its prey.  God commands us to shine in a world full of other dark and alluring (shiny) things.  Unlike fishing lures, there’s no trickery or pretense to God’s Light – It’s real, and It attracts then satisfies the seeking soul.  I suppose there’s a real lesson to gain from walking the fishing isle: Shine!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Focused Life

A popular and useful technology tool is the projector.  It projects the image displayed on your computer screen to a wall or screen.  The best thing about the projected image is that it is greatly enlarged which makes it more easily viewed from a distance.

God needs us to project His image to the world, and His image needs to be clear and in focus.  Earlier projection technology enlarged and displayed computer images but they were fuzzy, rendering unclear and distorted likenesses.  One of the greatest hindrances to a clear projection of Christ is a life out-of-focus. When our hearts and minds are focused on Christ and His Goodness, we best project His Likeness.  Jonah allowed his focus to drift to himself, and he became the honored guest of his own pity-party.  He even said to God, "please take my life from me, for it is better for me to die than to live!" (Jonah 4:3)  The Psalmist commands us instead to " ... give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.” (106:1) In spite of the times we fail to see God's Goodness, the truth is ... He remains Good.  Grateful living begins with an in-focus life -- focused on God's eternal Goodness!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


What are your favorites?  We all have lists of favorite books, movies, foods, vacation spots!  In my web browser, I have bookmarked sites I visit often and they are my “favorites.”  I do not have favorite children but I certainly have a list of favorite things they do for and say to me!
God has favorites!  We, His chosen children of promise, are His favored!  Oh, how quickly Satan would have us forget this very truth using circumstances in our lives to distract us.  Twice this year, Mr. Bill and I had travel plans interrupted.  Yes, the disappointments were hard to bear but we found tremendous comfort in knowing the Sovereign Grace of The Father.  To Israel’s accusation that He had forgotten and forsaken them, God said, “Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you. Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me.” (Isaiah 49:15-16)  Nothing outweighs the faithful promises of God.  Spurgeon made an interesting statement that God keeps His promise “a thousand times.”  Now, how do you keep a promise a thousand times?  Well, you don’t because it actually only takes one promise, eternally unbroken, to define perfectly faithful.  That’s Spurgeon’s point exactly – our God is THAT faithful!  “He is never a dry well; He is never as a setting sun, a passing meteor, or a melting vapour.” To Satan, who continually vexes-molests-disturbs, we rest in knowing we are God’s favored.  And, don’t forget -- His palms bear witness to just how favored we are!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Beauty of Debt

To be completely debt-free is nice … well, I suppose it is.  I vaguely remember when we lived in [what Mr. Bill calls] a cracker box and the only pitter-patter we knew was the sound of the furnace about to cut on … or out!

God declares all Believers live in debt!  Not to Him, of course, because our sin-debt is paid-in-full by the Spotless Lamb.   However, we live indebted to others.  Yes, even those … PEOPLE … those people who frustrate and aggravate us, those who make us resolve I’m done – I quit - I’m not taking any more.  Paul writes “owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.” (Romans 13:8)  Do what, Lord?  Surely You don’t mean that boss, that co-worker, that neighbor, that relative, that-that-that … PERSON who gets under my skin, pushes my buttons, grieves my spirit!  Surely not, Lord?  Actually, God’s Word says if we truly comprehend “thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself” and “love worketh no ill to his neighbor,” fulfilling this love-law keeps us indebted (V.9-10).  The law of love affirms an honest walk and Christ-like response for the Believer (V.13-14).  Amazingly, living indebted to Christ’s law of love is quite the contrary to the restraints of material debt; it frees us to be known “even as also I am known” (1 Corinthians 13:11).  Yes, when we love in such a way, the soul declares along with the Lord … “Oh, the beauty of living in debt!”