Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Be A Fountain

While attending a convention in Texas, little Danny was introduced to an outdoor fountain.  Inside the convention center, it didn't take long for boredom to set so he and I eased outside where a large inviting water fountain became a welcome playground [of sorts].  He was having so much fun, I wanted to join him!  By design, we are fountains!  There's an eternal Spring within each person who belongs to Christ: "God has poured out His Love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit." (Romans 5:5). The Holy Spirit within Believers is an endless and bountiful Source of God's Love and Compassion, and we wrong to withhold these immeasurable graces from others.  In reality, if we are living a Spirit-filled life, these treasures will spill-to-overflowing in all we say and do ... much like a fountain.  Recently, I watched a bird bath in a bird bath, and the it was naturally refreshed by the water. Consider the potential to be that splash of joy, that refreshment of Jesus Christ in the lives of your family, your co-workers, your neighbors, even strangers.  Our splashes can easily be showers of blessings to those who need a Touch of Christ. Look around and splash a few folks today!

Monday, August 27, 2018

Sitting At His Feet

As a girl, Miss Mamie and Mrs. Mozelle were household words. Each Sunday morning we took these two elderly ladies to church, because neither of them drove; I don't think they ever owned a car.  Shortly after Mrs. Mozelle's death, Miss Mamie came to live with us so we could care for her -- she was crippled.  One of the tasks assigned to me was to wash Miss Mamie's feet.  Oh, what awaits us at the Feet of Jesus.  Like me those many years ago with Miss Mamie, many Christians today don't seem so eager to be there.  Many things hinder treasured moments when head-heart-knees are humbled before Him.  I love what Wesley L. Duewel wrote, "Let us sit at the feet of God.  Let us listen for His Word.  Let us turn to the lives of some of the heroes of faith to see how they were able to see God's power released and God's answers made known."  I remember Miss Mamie & Mrs Mozelle as simple and humble and ever-so faithful -- real heroes of the faith.  Perhaps the  defining difference in mighty men and women of God are times they spend at the Feet of Jesus. One amazingly delightful thing I know: at His feet, there are blessings immeasurable and there's never any waiting in line!

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Begin Empty

Things we do to our car before a road trip – rotate the tires, change the oil, wash & vacuum, fill the tank with gas.  And, if you're traveling with Mr. Bill, you pack the latest - greatest - biggest atlas you can find.  Yes, GPS or no GPS! God wants empty vessels.  Contrary to personal opinion, being full-of-myself makes me of very little use to God.  He needs me to be at a self-poverty level so He can work in-and-through me to accomplish His work.  Just like it's impossible to put gas in an already-full tank, I cannot be filled with God's Spirit when I present myself for service already full of my agenda, my plans, and my purpose.  The New Testament tells us Jesus chose twelve men (Luke 18:31) who appeared to lack the qualities necessary to serve yet God made them into His ministers of The Gospel.  Oswald Chambers writes, "The most important aspect of Christianity is not the work we do, but the relationship we maintain and the surrounding influence and qualities produced by that relationship."  More than anything we think we have to offer, God needs our emptiness.  Then He will fill us with all He needs to make us useful to Him each day.  Do today God's Way – begin empty!

Thursday, August 23, 2018

What The Heart Needs

It's amazing how much debris gathers on the floor between sweepings
. I admit to not sweeping
enough, and I can usually tell it's been too long by what's in the dustpan! The Believer's heart needs a good continuous sweepin'.  The dirt from my floor ain't nothing compared to that which collects in my heart. It doesn't take much to know when it's past-due for cleaning either: my talk and walk don't match
, my attitude and focus are "off." Mark, Chapter 7 gives quite a list of tell-tale signs of a neglected heart: envy, slander, deceit, arrogance, foolishness ... oh, the list grows worse!  In Psalm 51, David penned some of the best steps for a good sweepin' of the heart: "Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin." (V.2) and "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." (V.10)  My Pastor reminds us how we need to keep a "short list" of sins – stay confessed up!  A short list represents a frequent sweepin'.  It's what the heart needs!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


We all do the same thing in darkness -- we look for light!  On my way to bed each night, I turn on small lights to give Mr. Bill some guiding light as he leaves for work each morning.  They're not bright lights -- just enough to chase away the darkness. The lights make his trek through the house quicker and quieter! Jesus (God's Son) said He is The Light: "I am the Light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of life." (John 8:12). Isn't it interesting the first recorded act of God in Scripture is His creation of light. Certainly, God didn't create light for Himself since His mere Presence is light; no, the light was for the benefit of His creation!  Just as we are drawn to light to see our way clearly, so Believers should be drawn to The Light of Christ. Life is hard, and often we're conscious of only how dark it seems.  It was Helen Keller, blind from birth, that said "keep your face to the sun and you cannot see the shadows."  What wisdom when applied in a spiritual sense: keep your face toward The Son - The Light of the world; focus less on the things which tend to discourage us.  With eyes fixed on Christ, we shine and that's exactly what we're commands to do: "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." (Matthew 5:16).  God's Light should be present in the Christian's life [first] for His glory but also to shine into the lives of others. Don't let today be a dark day - oh no, be a SonShiner!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Stinkin' Thinkin'

"Sit, soak, and sour."  That's a phrase my pastor uses to describe some Christians.  Sounds like the way we do laundry around here.  The washer and dryer are in the basement so sometimes we put clothes in the washer then forget about them.  Ugh - they sit, they soak, they sour.  Stanky!  Stanky! Sitting, soaking, and souring leads to stinkin' thinkin'.  Then, Satan has us just where he wants us.  Chocolate won't cure it.  Shopping doesn't help either.  There's only one answer: "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things." (Philippians 4:8).  We don't live in a very positive world -- this shouldn't surprise you! To focus on the good, the pure, the
lovely requires constant focus on Christ Who does not change.  Christ is the answer; we must hold to Him tightly, securely, keeping the eyes of our soul fixed upon Him.  In His arms of love we will find all we need to keep peace and joy real in our daily living. He is what we need to avoid stinkin' thinkin'.

Dear Lord, Stinkin' thinkin' certainly describes me too much of the time.  Kindly lift me from my own despair, and set my eyes on You Who conquers and sustains.  May I rejoice in the strength and hope that is mine through You.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Monday, August 20, 2018


So, what is a planned interruption anyway?  By one definition, an interruption is an abrupt occurrence or delay in continuity.  We had a planned fire drill at school today so was it really an interruption or not? ,God sends interruptions into our lives and most times we balk!  It may be a phone call while we're running out the door or road construction.  Most of us pack way too much into our schedules anyway and end up frustrated at having to squeeze in anything unplanned.  Author Annie Keary notes that
interruptions can be "trials sent by God to help one against getting selfish over one's work."  Why, doesn't God know how busy we are!  He sure does and those divine appointments just may be the greatest work we'll do in any one day.  Deuteronomy 15:10 says, "The Lord thy God shall bless thee in all thy works, and in all that thou puttest thine hand unto."  In truth, we should see those interruptions not as a waste of time but [rather] part of what we have to offer God. Let's practice giving Him our  interruptions today; after all, He planned them!

Sunday, August 19, 2018

God Gives Refreshment

Too pooped to party" - that's what I'm feeling right now.  The effort of dragging all xxx lbs of me outta bed this first full week of school has been rough.  I vaguely recall the energy I had the first part of this week, and how organized I was -- Dennis & Dustin's clothes-socks-shoes read the night before - and going to bed with that this-mama-has-it-together feeling!  By Thursday evening, however, my family looked-on with wonder to see if  Mama would regroup and pull it back together. Oh Lord, how I need some help! Then, I thought about Moses!  Imagine what thoughts raced through his mind when he finally got all those Israelites across ; then there's water and its too bitter to drink.  At this point, Moses was not doing well in the polls!  Scripture tells us Moses "cried out to the Lord" -- no asking politely or quiet petition -- just "cried out to the Lord."  God [then] in His forever Greatness and infinite Wisdom said to Moses, "If you listen carefully to the voice of the LOR your God and do what is right in His eyes, if you pay attention to His commands and keep all His decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, Who heals you." (Exodus 15:26).  God said: listen carefully - do what is right - pay attention - keep my commandments, I am the One Who heals you.  Very direct. Very simple.  Very specific.  Very refreshing. You see, God wants us to trust Him in every moment; it's how He proves his faithful over and over.  The next thing God does is brings His people to a place filled with refreshment - 12 springs and 70 palm trees! (V.27). Pay attention, weary one - God gives refreshment!

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Your Samaria

My old acrylic canisters have become dingy and scratched.  Every time I pick one up, I cringe at its the unsightly condition.  Being frugal and wise, I reasoned they did their job nicely -- keeping air out and freshness in - so, why replace them?  How often do we judge others by what is visible to the eye?  Remember how God chose His king for His people: He looked on the inside.  Saul was the
people's choice because he looked like a king -- tall, mighty, handsome. David, however, was God's choice -- a "man after God's own heart."  How many times do we fluff-off or pass-over a person who is hurting and in need of a hug or a kind word because he or she is obnoxious or rude?  Who will offer compassion in this world to the unlovely if Christians side-step those who are otherwise unlovable?  Christ told His disciples, "I must needs go through Samaria."  They must have scratched their heads and thought, "Do what!"  [Jews avoided Samaria like the plague.]  Jesus knew better way; His plans included an encounter with a certain Samaritan woman in the middle of the day who would come to the well to draw water.  She was one of His own, and needed His a touch, needed Living Water.  Where is the Samaria in your life?  Who is at the well ... just waiting for a special touch from Jesus ... through you?

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Blink a Lot

Although I
dislike bugs, I must confess ... I love lightning bugs.  They don't bite and they're not gross like most bugs.  Anyway, me and lightning bugs go way back: my Daddy Bill & Nanny's yard was the best place to catch those little summer night-flights.  I remember many evenings me, a pint jar and the mission - chase and capture.  Daddy Bill had used the wooden-handle ice pick to punch holes in the lid.  Later, from the bed, I watched my night's harvest blink and [momentarily] chase darkness from the room. What a challenge for Believers - to blink The Light of Jesus to the world! In Matthew 5, Jesus said, "You are the light of the world ... Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." (V. 14, 16). While there's not enough of Jesus' Light in the world, imagine how different it would be without some presence of God here. We - Christians - have an assignment to blink The Light into a world filled with darkness.  Those little night-lights take me back to years-ago as I watch them today from my porch swing. You know, we never know the greater influence of the little things we do day-to-day - what joy they bring to coworkers,  neighbors, friends, family members, even strangers. We are instruments in the hands of a Mighty God: do not neglect to shine a little but blink a lot!

Monday, August 13, 2018

Dandelion Days

Vivid is my recollection of Pop & Granny's.  Their place on Grace Street had two of the biggest trees I've ever seen with an exposed root system that provided something similar to a mountain climbing adventure.  Pigeons rested on the limbs waiting for bread crumbs.  Granny & I went into the hen lot and gathered eggs and picked figs until Granny's apron was strained with the weight of them.  Pop's flowering bushes were scattered throughout the property. Then, on the back part of the lot was a large open field filled with hundreds of dandelions!  How I loved to pick dandelions, lay in the grass and blow them until it looked like a blustery snow storm in the middle of summer.  What fun memories -- those  dandelion days. Psalm 1:3 says those who delight in God's precepts are "like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season; its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does he prospers." While those sweet days of leisure play a role in shaping us, a good portion of life is filled with days of struggle, which also mold and shape us.  It's dangerous to rush-through or to tarry-too-long in the dandelion days lest we find ourselves unprepared for the next phase of life.  There's no substitute - in times of leisure or struggle - for a faithfulness to know and meditate upon God's words.  The great truth of the psalmist is timeless: when we remain true to God's Word, faithfully applying Its principles - in all seasons of life - we are prepared for success! I'm thankful for the sweet memory of those dandelion days, but most thankful for the unchangeable truth of God's Word!

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Written Down

I'm a note-taker!  In school I always had great lecture notes, and often loaned them out to the not-so-good note-takers.  Today, I'm still a note-taker.  I remember things better when I write them down ... in meetings, at work, at church; so far, the brain has been a relatively safe place to store my notes. God doesn't have to write things down, but I'm so glad He does! Luke 17:20 says, " ... rejoice because your names are written in heaven." How wonderful! God's great Salvation isn't only freely offered, but confirmations of acceptance are written down in [none other] than the precious Blood of Christ. Aren't we glad our Heavenly Father doesn't need to write our names down, but He does to give us an added sense of peace and joy.  What a reason - among many - to rejoice!

Thursday, August 9, 2018

The Shifting Place

Mr. Arthur was one of Dad's best friends - it must have been so because whenever they were together they talked [what seemed] forever!  Mr. Arthur was the church treasurer, and each Sunday night on the way home from church we stopped at Mr. Arthur's for the attendance & financial reports and Dad's weekly pay.  In unison Mom and us girls pleaded with Dad not to talk so long; we were all tired and hungry for the usual Sunday night cornbread & milk.  As a young girl, I didn't understand what encouragement Mr. Arthur gave to Dad -- a young pastor and father of four girls -- how much wisdom and counsel was passed along on that back porch. Can you imagine if you never talked to your best friend?  How long would you have this best friend?  Sadly, we toodle along in our daily doings often giving God a never-mind. He quietly and patiently waits for us to seek Him out for conversation and counsel.  Most likely, Mr. Arthur anticipated Dad's weekly stop;  when we were on vacation, I'm sure Dad was missed.  So it is, the blessings we miss when we avoid or neglect conversation with God -- what we miss is immeasurable.  "Prayer is the place where burdens are shifted. Have you experienced the joy of coming alongside Jesus, lining up your shoulder to His? He puts an arm around you, pulling you close. He speaks words of Life into your ears, carrying the full weight of your burden. You soon realize the load has shifted, and it doesn't seem so heavy. Surprised, you look up to see that Jesus has gone on ahead of you, with the heaviest part of your burden squarely atop His shoulders." (Boomerang Joy, Barbara Johnson)  The "shifting place" -- a wonderful place to meet our Best Friend - Jesus!

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Chiggers R Us

Pesky little things -- those chiggers!  A recent hunting trip resulted in a major case of chiggers for Bill, Dennis and Dustin. Watching them wiggle-rub-scratch even made ME itchy!  A friend told me chiggers go in head first 'cause they like their tail-end scratched. Well, I don't know about that but we've been through a bottle of Chigarid and clear fingernail polish. Since he figures it's the only way to legitimately wear it, Dennis asked for red polish - LOL. Isn't it sad how many Christians allow life's "pesky little things" to suffocate their joy. It really doesn't take much -- a flat tire, a toothpaste tube squeezed in the middle, a scratched CD. True joy isn't relative to what is falling apart around us or what just landed unpleasantly in our world.  No, real joy is what takes over, suffocates and repels life's otherwise pesky intrusions.  That Joy runs so deep and is so steadfast there is no danger of a drought.  The principles taught in God's Word are that His Joy might remain in us and that His Joy [in us] may be full (John 15:11).  Christ's Joy is much bigger than the peskies of life.  May it ever remain!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

God's Words - Light and Life

I don't really know how many remotes we have here, but my hip size comes to mind.  Home alone one day, to eliminate missing-remote anxiety, Mr Bill carefully drilled two tiny holes in the lower part of the remote, wove a bright red string though them, and tied the other end to the base of the living room floor lamp. As clever as it sounds, after several incidents of someone walking off with the remote and dragging the lamp across the living room floor, he concluded it wasn't a very practical solution.

Proverbs 6:20-23 says, "My son, keep your father's commands and do not forsake your mother's teaching. Bind them upon your heart forever; fasten them around your neck. When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you. For these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the corrections of discipline are the way to life."  You know, that remote was absolutely useless until it was in someone's hand; then, however, it was a powerful tool.  The Father's commandments are ineffective unless they are "bound in our hearts" and "fastened around our necks." When kept close. they are part of who we are every day in every way.  Much like that bright red string, they are bound to us at all times.  Know and follow God's words - they're light and life!

Monday, August 6, 2018

No Whining - Choose Joy!

When I arrived at school last week, someone had placed a "No Whining" sign on my desk.  No whining?  Now, I can whine with the best of 'em. Why, it's one of the most effort-less things to do.  Who would think of taking away such an important function of the day! I'm sure there's a support group: "Whiners Anonymous" or "Recovery for Whiners" or "Twelve Steps To Freedom from Whining."  But give up whining cold-turkey? Is that even possible? The children of Israel (a famous bunch of whiners) ended up in bondage a second time.  It seems God simply had enough of their rebellion, disobedience, and yes ... whining. He once again sought to teach them to joyfully trust Him so He sent the prophet Jeremiah to them with these words: "Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce. Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not decrease. Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper." (Jeremiah 29:5-7)  God intended they make their captivity home and they be content there. Here in a heathen land, God's chosen people could choose joy or sorrow -- the choice was totally theirs.  What kind of God would the heathen people see in the faces of God's chosen race? A favorite Christian humorist is Barbara Johnson, and she writes, "Pain is inevitable, misery is optional."  [Please excuse me Mrs. Freeman but ain't that the truth! In this life, we're not promised much in the way of happiness.  It's true, we know moments of joy ... even years of it perhaps.  God is the Giver of life -- good & easy,  bad & hard.  What kind of God do others see in our faces each day?  Do they see a God who brings joy in pain, laughter in sorrow, peace in trouble?  Do those around use see or hear constant whining and discontent?  How do we portray our God?  For sure, they're watching and listening; for sure ... we are His face, His eyes, His hands, His voice! When we can smile at adversity, laugh at trouble, be joyful in spite of everything -- we're showing off our God!  We're letting the world know God is bigger than our circumstances and we know it in a big way!  Choose joy - it looks good on you!

Sunday, August 5, 2018

MWB - How It Began

The year 1998 was a difficult one.  I found myself having several "mama" crises.  Certainly, I knew the difficulties were compounded with the fact that I was neglecting a regular quiet time with God.  One evening I admitted to myself what I already knew -- I could not go on in my own strength! Hence, I sat down at my desk and began to read God's Word, meditate on its message, and to pray.  God showed me some remarkable things during those quiet moments, and I simply wrote them down.  Writing down my feelings is as natural as throwing a softball; my Dad was a "word smith," and as a young girl I watched him type out his feelings and thoughts. As a young man, Dad had entered college to pursue a journalism career until God called him into His ministry.  Flippantly naming my thoughts "Morning with Beverly," that night I sent my words to a few close friends, whom I knew would humor me and even read my ramblings!  I continued to do this for several weeks, then a very strange thing happened.  I began to get emails from people I didn't know, asking that I add them to my "mailing list."  Of course, I didn't know what mailing list they were referring to.  Unknown to me [but well known to God], my friends had forwarded my writings to others.  It was soon apparent to me that there were people counting on me having my daily quiet time with God, then sharing it with them.  God has a unique way of getting His way in our lives, and His ways are always perfect. Now years later, I am still penning my thoughts from my quiet times with God.  God has blessed my obedience to spend time with Him, and He is using it to encourage and lift others who share similar challenges in own their lives.  The rewards have been many, but the greatest is that on a regular basis I give God His time.  The crises and difficulties have not disappeared, but I have learned so much and a daily quiet time is now part of my routine.   In my weaknesses, I see and feel His strength and "Morning with Beverly" is more than a ministry ... it is now a way of life.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

All Glory - His

MWB is 20 years old this month
: the
first "official" MWB is dated August 5, 1998. That's [actually] thousands of
writings,tons of reading, a lot of studying including many late nights!  Reflecting on this, I conclude one thing: it's been well-worth the investment. While you - the reader - may conclude something else, one verse sums it for me: "Your word I have treasured and stored in my heart, that I may not sin against You." (Psalm 119:11). Nothing - and I adamantly mean nothing - compares to time spent faithfully reading and studying Scripture. God said, "For just as rain and snow fall from heaven and do not return without watering the earth, making it bud and sprout, and providing seed to sow and food to eat, so My word that proceeds from My mouth will not return to Me empty, but it will accomplish what I please, and it will prosper where I send it." (Isaiah 55:10-11).
The richness of His words have found their rightful seat in my heart - they guide, counsel, comfort, encourage, convict and refresh me.  Christ has become my Treasure through His Word! Twenty years seems like a long time ago but what a small investment for His immeasurable reward! What great things He has done ... All glory - His!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Secure Steps

Toothpaste out-of-the-tube, milk out-of-the-cup, words out-of-the-mouth ... all descriptions of the Hebrew word "slipped" which means to be poured out or slipped. Psalm 73:2 says, "But as for me, my feet came close to stumbling, my steps had almost slipped." (AMP).  Every Christian understands slipping and stumbling but every Christian should also understand almost. Those who walk in righteousness - honoring Christ in the walk - know Him to be the full measure of almost. He's the shower-shoes, the tire tread, the vice that defines the difference in slipped and almost slipped. You know the life-walk is treacherously slippery - trust Him alone to secure your steps!