Thursday, August 28, 2014

No Supplements

Here's a random piece of Mama advice:​ don't go shopping for something you can't spell!  Many years ago, I offered to go get Creatine (a muscle building supplement) for Danny thinking it was a "good Mama" thing to do.  With an empty container in hand, I walked confidently into the health store, told the kind sales person what I needed, and she led me to an aisle stocked with [what seemed] a gazillion bottles, boxes, powders, pills, ​ca​psules, packets, buckets, and such of ... Creatine.  After a few moments, she left me there in my stupor!


This world offers many supplements for happiness, joy, contentment, and peace.  Most are nothing more than flavors of ... nothing!  As I stood staring, I was so overwhelmed I didn't know what to do. What I really wanted to do was walk out and let Danny do his own shopping!  Life can be overwhelming at times, and the stupor-approach isn't good strategy.  It is our nature to be ever-seeking help to help us face life, and with success. We waste so much time and energy reaching for and trying to hold to things that are no more steady or stable than grasping the wind. Christ, our Hope - our Confident Expectation -- is the sure thing: He doesn't fade or diminish with time; His strength is certain and lasting; His promises safe and sure. The Psalmist challenges all, "O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusts in Him." (34:8).  ​Supplements are good things -- I take my share of them.  There is no supplement, however, for the soul – just Jesus!  He has been, is, and will be evermore The Way - The Truth​ - The Life.  Christ is all we need - no supplements needed!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Blessed Boundaries

Boundaries are learned at a very young age.  I remember learning how important [to everyone else] that I color inside the lines. In 6-on-6 basketball, I knew better than to cross the half court line (those rules went out with Dippity Doo.)  When I was finally old enough to officially date Mr. Bill [which seemed like forever], I had to be in the house by 11:00 PM [that rule ended the day we married]. The older-me lives with boundaries, too: hide your chocolate, [in a house of guys] check the toilet seat before you sit down, never loan your hairbrush to your children, and do not [under any circumstances] shut your eyes and hold out your hand. Those boundaries have served me well!


Man's trouble began when he didn't play by-the-rules - parameters by The Creator.  "And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and blessing and calamity you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die. " (Genesis 2:16-17).  In this familiar passage, we often fail to consider "out of the ground the Lord God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight or to be desired—good (suitable, pleasant) for food" -- an imaginable endless buffet of free & good things! Even so, God set boundaries then, and they exist for Christians today.  Satan has skewed the boundaries, and they are often difficult to recognize.  The world would have us believe and live as if boundaries are irrelevant and unnecessary.  It has been said, "America has lost its moral compass," and I propose we've lost our moral compass because we first lost the Spiritual Compass! Truth is, there seems to be more folks living outside than inside the boundaries set by Almighty God. How [then] do Believers reclaim this generation, once again making known those God-honoring boundaries?  The Psalmist writes, "I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I have set Your Rules before me." (Psalm 119:30), and "He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His Way." (Psalm 25:9).  Through the Prophet Isaiah God says, "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a Voice behind you, saying, 'This is the Way; walk in It.'" (Isaiah 30:21).  Many years ago, Mr. Bill and I set a few personal and practical boundaries in our lives to help us stay-true to Godly principles; we've been truly amazed at how God graciously honored ​​these [otherwise] simple decisions​ ​to bless our family. Truth is, God gave us boundaries on-purpose and with-purpose: to make us holy as He is Holy. I challenge you as Christian men and women, as parents, citizens of faith's family, to understand the importance of Godly principles that set boundaries for living; know them - make them practical in your life - teach them to your children - determine you will live with them.  Then watch as God honors the boundaries you live by! Boundaries are not only good -- boundaries are blessings! 


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Cream Puffs and Rattlesnakes

Consider this scenario: on the supper table is fried chicken, homemade biscuits, creamed potatoes, and steamed broccoli.  The kids woof down the chicken, biscuits and potatoes, but left all alone on their otherwise clean plates is ... steamed broccoli.  "Dennis, why didn't you eat your broccoli?" "Mom, I'm stuffed!"  "Dustin, you didn't clean your plate."  "Hey, I can't eat another bite!"  Then Mom says, "Who wants apple pie and ice cream?"  A chorus of "I do! I do!"  Ha!


Doesn't this scene sound familiar ... from your childhood, from your own kids? Steamed broccoli -- that dog just won't hunt for most kids, but now – apple pie & ice cream ... that's altogether different.  This scene describes how we treat sin.  Billy Sunday said this about sin's success: "One reason sin has flourished ... is that it has been treated like a cream puff instead of a rattlesnake."  Only recently, Mr. Bill killed a copperhead snake that had come in quietly and unnoticed through a small gap underneath the basement door.  This is exactly how sin moves into our lives:  we’re caught completely unaware of its deadly strike unless we are watching for its presence.  Don't believe me?  What about that those television shows or movies we watch oppose Godly principals?  Or the books and magazines we read that defy the purity of Christ? Or perhaps those business acquaintances who coax us into unbecoming Christian behavior?  James 4:7 offers good sound advice to help us be ready for sin's uninvited approach: "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."  When our first move each morning is to our knees, we will begin the day submitted to One Who knows all and sees all, and we are less likely to fall victim to Satan's rattlesnakes ... disguised as a cream puffs!  Thanks to Mr. Bill, the snake is dead and the gap underneath the door repaired!  Believer, beware of sin’s deadly nature and Satan’s sinister approach.  Watch out for those deadly cream puffs!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Crash Site

Where’s your crash-site?  You know, that place you finally “land” at the end of the day.  Some days it  seems a long time coming, but for me it’s my comfy chair.  Usually Mr. Bill has already crashed  and there are noises (zzzzzzz) coming from HIS crash-site!


There is One Who longs to share time at your crash-site!  Unfortunately, it is a place where He is also  neglected.  Think about it – we finally sit to relax, we grab the remote, and we zone-out rather than meet with The Father.  Sound familiar?  Sure it does, more than we care to admit!  There’s certainly

nothing wrong with a comfy chair, a remote, zoning out or even a few zzzzz, but when Christians find greater pleasure [on a regular basis] in these things rather than sweet fellowship with Christ, we should be concerned.  Solomon wrote he was “sick with love” for his Beloved. (Song of Solomon 5:8)   Charles Spurgeon described it like this: “What the sun is to the day, what the moon is to the night, what the dew is to the flower … what bread is to the hungry, clothing to the naked … such is Jesus Christ to us.”  We all know the feeling of urgency to be at a well-loved destination … the beach, the lake, home, the porch swing … yet we somehow lack a deep longing to be near our Savior.  The words of Jesus resound, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” (Matthew 5:6)  There is a promise of rich blessing when we hunger and thirst in such a way -- the reward, the blessing is genuine and deep satisfaction!  I challenge us all to reach for God’s Word instead of the remote at our crash-site, and savor some sweet moments with Christ – The Lover of our souls.  Who knows, we may come to love that crash-site even more!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Press With Passion!

Do you “hit” or “press” the keys on your keyboard?  Believe it or not, gently pressing does the trick; but we usually say "hit the key."  I learned to use the word “press" years ago as I watched first grade students doing exactly as they were told … hitting the keys!


Paul encouraged Christians to “press on.”  The word “press” brings to my mind the basketball press of long ago, and it was hard!  Back in-the-days, we played six-on-six -- 2 stationary offensive (forwards), 2 stationary defensive (guards), and 2 rovers (played full-court).  Because there were always 4 players confined to each end of the court, there was nothing leisurely about getting the ball up-court in seconds: it required strategy and talent!  Paul wrote, "I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:14).  The Greek word "press" carries with it the idea of a runner pursuing a particular goal – the finish line in sight.  The runner must stay focused, keeping the main-thing the main-thing in the race to the end.  Do you remember riding your bike downhill – oh, those downhill stints were best; no peddling, just coasting and enjoying the wind in your face.  There is no "coasting" for the Believer who seeks to finish life strong, in truth and righteousness.  It's hard work, this bearing down, but it's work-with-purpose.  The key to working through a defensive press on the court was to keep your head up – looking to see who's open then pass the ball!  Keeping in sight the eternal Prize, let us remain faithful -- run with enthusiasm and commitment this race [of life]. Press on with passion!

Don't Dance

Ours, like most families, include a few furry members; Jr, Roxie, Izzy, and Olive are sometimes counted among those at family gatherings.  They are left behind more recently in lieu of some precious non-furry members who say sweet things likes PopC and MomC!


Lest we forget -- sin is a deadly beast!  An avid outdoorsman, Timothy Treadwell lived among, studied, and videotaped Alaskan grizzlies.  He often gave them names and even got close enough to touch them on occasion.  He even described the bears as “mostly harmless.”  In October 2003, Treadwell and his girlfriend’s bodies were found fatally mauled in a bear attack.  This tragedy reveals a profound lesson: wild animals can’t be reformed. No matter how trusting we become around them, sooner or later they do what wild animals do, and act according to their nature. That never ends well!  Why then do we assume, we can waltz with sin and survive?  Perhaps we have forgotten what sin is: James writes, “to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin” (4:17); and John writes, “Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness” (1 John 3:4).  We like to think of ourselves as kind, respectful, law-abiding people, but let us never forget our true nature.  “All have sinned and fallen short” (Romans 3:23).  It is the fallen and depraved reality of man’s heart that required a blood sacrifice, sending Christ to the cross so that our payment would never have to be death but rather the free gift of eternal life “in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23). At times our furry family members have acted quite naturally, getting them into trouble!  Believers do not have to act naturally, behaving according to our sinful nature.  Don’t be foolish, but wise – sin is a terrible dance-partner.  Just don’t do that dance!

Thursday, August 21, 2014


The younger me loved a good roller coaster ride – did you ever ride with your hands in the air?  Whee!  Only a few times in 45+ years have I been able to persuade Mr. Bill to get on a roller coaster.  Not once did he turn loose of the grab-bar; he held on so tight, his knuckles turned white!  He didn’t yell, “whee” either!


We humans tend to be a’lookin’ people.  Mr. Bill and I are routinely looking for something – usually it’s reading glasses, but more and more often it seems to be things we have laid aside momentarily … only to be looking for them later.  It's human nature to look around or [worse yet] to look behind us.  Paul writes of a forward mind-set, “… one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13-14).  He doesn't write about what he did or will do, but in the present tense ... what I do.  It's not uncommon to have in focus a goal yet have it elude our grasp time and time again. Ella and I were playing with a grabber recently: repeatedly, I moved the grabber with jaws flexing towards her, and she ran away squealing. How is it possible to actually grab hold to the Hope we have in Christ Jesus, and wean ourselves from ever reaching for who-knows-what? Philippians 3:12 says, "... I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me His own."  As Sandi Patti sings it, "And taking hold of Hope, I have discovered that What I took has taken hold of me."  In the looking toward Christ, we find something amazing -- we are actually in His Grip.  No longer are we hanging on to Him, but He has secured us in Himself!  Mr. Bill and I are learning it's best to never lay an item down until we're finished with it or we risk never finding it again!  Mr. Bill would have been terrified [even more] if he hadn’t had the grab-bar to hang on to – LOL!  Believer, stop looking for something to hang on to, and simply rest in knowing Christ knows you and holds you firmly.  Whee!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Set Your Mind

Oh, the quandary of transitive verbs such as lay vs. lie and sit vs. set!  Many a ‘grammar teacher had just as soon set that lesson aside or ... sit it out altogether!


How “set” is your mind, and on what is it “set?”  For those of you who didn't excel in grammar (like Mr. Bill), the duty of transitive verbs is to transfer their action to an object.  Paul had a good grasp on this when he penned the Colossian letter, “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” (Colossians 3:2).  Paul exhorts the early Christians to discipline themselves with hearts focused on heaven and off this world. You may have heard Christians cautioned not to become “so heavenly-minded they are of no earthly-good.” Truth is, the Christian who is focused on heavenly matters is of the greatest earthly good!  Paul continued, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 2:5).  Federal Express became a household word only when the company turned its focus primarily to one thing – overnight delivery.  Do tell, what would our spiritual lives be like if we were single-focused on Christ Jesus!  Matthew Henry writes, “Upon the wings of affection the heart soars upwards, and is carried forth towards spiritual and divine objects.” It’s a daily struggle to indeed keep the main-thing the main-thing, but what a noble goal for the Christ-called!  The old-timers used to say “set a spell,” and “set” we did.  To sit is good but to set is better – set your mind on Christ today!

Monday, August 18, 2014


Claustrophobia comes from the Latin word claustrum which means “a shut in place” and Greek phobos meaning “fear.”  Generally speaking, I am not claustrophobic but I know those who are, and I am sensitive to their efforts to avoid what may trigger panic.  I suspect if claustrophobia had ever been a threat to me, living in a house with four male-breathers would have certainly cured me … or pushed me beyond hope.


How narrow-minded are you?  We’ve all had occasion [I’m sure] to be in conversation with someone who just couldn’t seem to see beyond their own point-of-view.  I’m not good on-my-feet so I rarely debate an issue, however, I do try to hear another person’s thoughts and ideas.  I’m reminded of Paul at the Areopagus in Athens (Mars Hill, Acts 17) who [no doubt] heard and listened to various Greek philosophers debate many things, among them their gods. That became the platform for one of Paul’s greatest presentations of the One God and Gospel of Christ. A few days ago, I read this: “The very nature of truth is narrow.” That statement made me consider how narrow-minded we must be on spiritual matters.  Jesus Himself said, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” (Matthew 7:13-14).  In essence, Christians are called to the narrow way. Consider the “wide gates” of our day, and the throngs [even followers of Christ] who march through them!  Mr. Bill recently rambled through the kitchen looking for a funnel – for what, I shudder to think -- but I assumed he needed to move something from one container to another in a "narrow" fashion.  O. S. Hawkins continues, giving examples of the narrow truth of science (water freezes at 32 degrees, not 34 or 35), history (Abraham Lincoln was shot at Ford's Theater in Washington, DC, not the Bowery in Lower Manhattan), and mathematics (two plus two always equals four, not five or six).  We come to Christ one way -- by Grace through Faith in Christ Jesus; righteous living comes by embracing one truth -- God’s, nothing else.  I've never thought of myself as narrow-minded, but I now see it is necessary as it pertains to spiritual matters.  Avoiding narrow and shut-in places may be the cure for the claustrophobic, but the narrow Path of Truth and Obedience is The Way to Life.  You see, narrow-minded is really good!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Question

Do you remember when … spam was mystery meat … hacking meant to cut or chop …  a wall was something made of wood or stone?  The ever-changing vocabulary is often enough to make me want to refrain from using words!


Have you ever thought of Jesus as a pollster?  I’m a bit wary of polls myself, but some people consistently rely on them to help form personal opinion.  Efforts to gather and measure public consensus are sometimes manipulated to suit particular agendas, nonetheless polls are of great interest to many.  Jesus posed a question to His disciples at Caesarea Philippi with regard to public consensus: “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” (Matthew 16:13).  His probing question drew varying answers to which Jesus probed deeper, “But who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15).  In a few months, voters will step into voting booths across the country and make personal choices from among those who have campaigned.  For each voter, it will be the defining moment of personal choice.  Every day, I hear Jesus ask, “Beverly, who do YOU say that I am?”  The question is personal and my answer will not reflect public consensus: not what my parents say, not what Mr. Bill says, not what anyone has taught me – quite simply, it is personal conviction.  Furthermore, my language, priorities, choices will all reveal the role Jesus plays in my life.  O. S. Hawkins writes that many Christians “live in a world that is much more interested in what men say than in what God says.”  Peter and the apostles boldly said, “We must obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29).  The question is before us and it demands a response: will we answer with just words or will our words take flight in how we live?  And, your answer is …

Thursday, August 14, 2014

His Heart

There’s one woman I doubt I will ever consider a “friend.”  She is annoying and persistent – she is that “woman” in our GPS.  The sound is turned off so I don’t hear “her” but I know she’s there bout to bust-a-gut to get out and scream at me to turn right, turn left, turn around!


The heart’s desire – what exactly is that?  Out of curiosity, I did an Internet search on “follow your heart” quotes and [like most searches], the results were endless!  It seems the counsel of the times is ignore sound advice, nurture dreams, rely on instinct, be true to you, don’t be bound by what is taught – bottom line, “follow your heart.”  There’s a nice ring to all this as we mindlessly give credence to every “I wish” we’ve ever conceived!  What if, however, that which the heart dreams (desires) isn’t God’s best – not His design for your life, doesn’t fulfill His purpose in you?  It’s true, Scripture tells us God will give us the "desires" of our hearts but take a fresh look at what God says: “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalm 37:4).  His promise to give us those desires comes with a clear prerequisite -- delight yourself in the LORD.  Uh-oh, that doesn’t sound like I have a free-pass to all I wish-or-want.  Through His Prophet Jeremiah, God described the nature of man's heart: "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” (17:9).  Because of man’s fallen (sinful) condition, the natural state of his heart is far from pure!  When we "delight in the LORD," however, we find our greatest joy in discovering more about God and living in close fellowship with Him; the Holy Spirit begins to change the heart's desire, reshaping it (and its desire) to be one with The Father’s.  We come to understand the real desire of the human heart isn't "someTHING" but "SomeONE" – that is, Jesus Christ!  "In Him" are the real desires of the heart and we experience them "according to the riches of His grace" (Ephesians 1:7).  The next time someone tells you to “follow your heart” – feel free to scream in protest (like that woman inside my GPS), and be reminded to look to Him Whose Heart is holy and pure.  Follow His Heart!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Share the Treasure

You want to get someone’s attention – say “it’s free.”  Free is an eye-popper, a real breath-stopper in a nothing-is-for-free world.  Mr. Bill’s basement is full of “free” junk … oops, I mean stuff.


O. S. Hawkins writes, “What Christ has to offer is free.” (The Joshua Code, 2012).  One of my favorite lines is “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”  Tell Mr. Bill something is free and he says, “Danger! Danger! Danger!”  One of my personal favorites is “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.”  God’s salvation to man is free and without condition, however, to say that was without cost to Him is horribly false!  “For the Grace of God has appeared, bringing Salvation for all people,  training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, waiting for our blessed Hope, the appearing of the Glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, Who gave Himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession who are zealous for good works.” (Titus 2:11-14).  Believers experience the Treasure of God’s Salvation each day, but do we share the free offer of Christ with others?  Or, are we hoarders, withholding the same free offer to family, friends, and neighbors?  Recently, someone gave a friend of Mr. Bill’s a hog trap for free; the friend, in turn, offered it to Mr. Bill for free.  A timely illustration of how God’s free gift of Salvation isn’t ours alone to hoard and enjoy, but realizing Its cost was the Life-giving blood of God’s Son to all people.  The powerful words of Ephesians 1:7 continue, “In Him … we have redemption … through His Blood …”  Christian, is your salvation a treasure?  It may sound “to good to be true” but It is True and It is a true Treasure.  Share the Treasure!


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Redemption Now

Don’t you love a good buy!  Now, I’m not an expert shopper but I do know what BOGO means and it gets my attention.  Buy One Get One, and it’s really a sweet deal if, of course, it’s something you want or need.  There are multiple items in my house that I haven’t yet figured out why we needed the first one!


The promise of Heaven to those born-again is of great value!  Oh, how we love to read of the beauty and magnificence of our eternal home.  Ephesians 1:7 tells us “we have redemption,” – it doesn’t say we “will have” redemption; the joy-filled redemptive life is now, in “real time.”  Kingdom-living isn’t just a promise of future significance.  Goodness, no!  The joy of my salvation is having the Spirit in me and experiencing Christ right now!  His power, peace, and joy are mine today as I walk in these times of struggle.  O. S. Hawkins describes this generation as searching for “instant gratification” – it’s true, we live by the microwave, ATM machines, drive-through windows, and call-ahead seating.  By design, those in Christ enjoy all He is here-and-now. “For it was the Father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven.” (Colossians 1:19-20).  BOGO is a good buy when it’s products we use or want to try.  Christ paid the one-price for all the joy and fullness we know as Believers.  That, my friend, is GRACE -- God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.

Monday, August 11, 2014

In Him

Many years ago, Mr. Bill spent a stint of time working 2nd shift.  Since I worked day-shift, we saw little of one another during the week.  Of course, I missed him, but “oh, the joy” of cooking only  and what I wanted and watch my favorite television shows. True, it was a bitter-sweet time … mostly sweet!


How’s your relationship with God?   Now, there was a rough period of adjustment when Mr. Bill returned to 1st shift: back to meals-on-the-table and sharing the television.  Meaningful relationships require attention -- they don’t just “happen.”  Ephesians 1:7 begins with, “In Him we have …”  Although important, genuine Christianity isn’t religion, ritual, tradition.  No, it’s first-and-foremost about relationship – a unique, personal, vibrant relationship with God through His Son, Christ Jesus. Moses told God’s People, “"The Lord your God has chosen you to be His own special treasure!" (Deuteronomy 7:6).  You and I are special to God, and He desperately longs for closeness between Himself and each of us.  Of living “in Him,” James Smith of New Park Street Chapel in London wrote, “Let it be the ruling object of our lives, to be specially for God! And as God desires to have us near to Himself – let it be a daily effort to get near, and keep near to Him.” (1860).  Our search for significance begins and ends in Him – rooted in a personal Christ.  Mr. Bill and I are about to celebrate 39 years together, and those years didn’t happen by ignoring one another (well, sometimes).  Satisfy your soul’s greatest longing … in Him!

Sunday, August 10, 2014


Inclines can be treacherous!  I’m not a mountain climber so I have no personal reference at how difficult climbing is, but I do recall a few rides that made serious ascents.  The mechanical sounds of hauling a load of people made me think of “grunts” I would have made climbing!


We will never know Christ apart from spiritual incline.  Personally, I found the fast and furious downhill thrill of a roller coaster exhilarating – Mr. Bill did not!  The very nature of gravity makes descending easier; just let ‘er rip tater chip!  The status of our culture can be described much the same way: left to our own “inclinations,” we’re in great and serious decline!  In our search for meaningful life, gratification, entitlement, guilt-free living, and prosperity, we are as far from the truth as Adam (first man).  As Believers nod in agreement, we must realize that [we too] suffer from failure to [at times] find all-sufficiency in Christ Whom we proclaim.  Paul writes, “In Him we have Redemption through His Blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His Grace.” (Ephesians 1:7).  Quite simply, unless we incline ourselves toward Christ, we will continue to decline.  God’s Wisdom for today is, “The way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know over what they stumble. My son, be attentive to My words; incline your ear to my sayings. Let them not escape from your sight; keep them within your heart. For they are Life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh.” (Proverbs 4:19-22).  While decline is otherwise easy, the incline demands work and diligence.  To grow toward Christ in mind and heart is 365x24x7; the reward is every need of body, spirit, and soul is met and in surplus!  Get going, friend – Incline!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Best Plan

Several months ago, I came across my high school report cards.  What a hoot to reminisce about classes, teachers, and methods of grading from those days.  The grades on a few of the reports were copied by carbon paper!  The current generation probably knows nothing of duplication by carbon or ditto and mimeograph.  Oh, my -- can't you just smell that lovely aroma from those purple-print pages made by ditto copier!


How teachable are you?  I made good grades in school; Mr. Bill did not.  I studied hard before tests; Mr. Bill did not.  I graduated with honors; Mr. Bill did not.  Now, before you stand to cheer and applaud me, consider this: Mr. Bill remembers most of what he learned in school; I do not.  A teacher told me one time she wanted her students to “learn” what was taught, not just “regurgitate” information on a test.  Apparently, Mr. Bill learned while I mostly practiced … regurgitation.  The life and times of Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar is an interesting study in Scripture.  While he reigned a pagan nation and worshiped many gods, Daniel introduced him to the One God. Nebuchadnezzar was brought low (humbled) before Almighty God, and for seven years deemed a mad man, living like an animal.  At the end, here is what he said to his people, “It has seemed good to me to show the signs and wonders that the Most High God has done for me.  How great are His signs, how mighty His wonders! His Kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and His Dominion endures from generation to generation.” (4:2-3).  Beautiful words from the mouth of an otherwise pagan king. Scripture nor history is clear whether King Nebuchadnezzar was true to the One God till his death, and we can wonder how he could possibly return to a divided heart, but do we not suffer the same disease!  Although James wrote of the untamed tongue, his point went much deeper to the heart of man: "With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so. Does a spring pour forth from the same opening both fresh and salt water? Can a fig tree, my brothers, bear olives, or a grapevine produce figs? Neither can a salt pond yield fresh water." (3:9-12).  Hearts that toggle between what pleases the Spirit and the flesh are divided -- any way you spin it.  In contrast, Christians who walk humbly before the Face of God (Coram Deo) are exhilarating (breathtaking) to one another, and stand courageously against an evil world.  Like King Nebuchadnezzar, God still takes folks to "the woodshed" to teach and discipline but [personally] I'd prefer to not go there!  Jesus modeled His Way while among us and He's given us His Way in writing -- why not just spare ourselves the trouble and wholly commit to His Way?  It’s the best plan!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Truly Rich

Pictures are often priceless, and there are three  such pictures in my collection.  A three, four, and five generation picture of my grandmother, father, son, grandson, and me.  Everyone would agree my grandmother was sweet, dignified, stylish, and Godly but there was also a side of her some never witnessed. That part makes me [truly] laugh out loud!  Nanny wasn’t a “” generation, but she would have felt right at home there!


The Born-Again is a rich generation!  My family can genuinely boast of a family tree filled with "nuts."  Those who know my boys know it's true, and considering Mr. Bill, they have a clear understanding why my boys are “nuts!"  There's a foolish idea that man is master of his own destiny or fate.  While it’s absolutely true we live in a cause-and-effect universe, God -- not man -- is sovereign.  Proverbs 16:33 says, "The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD."  Yes, the LORD has the final say in all matters!  Those in Christ live spiritually rich because of something settled eternally; The Creator to Abraham: "I am God Almighty ... Walk before Me, and be blameless.” (Genesis 17:1).  It wasn’t just a command, but a command-with-promise: “That I may make My Covenant between Me and you … You will be the father of a multitude of nations … Kings shall come from you … I will establish My Covenant between Me and you and your offspring after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your offspring after you … I will be their God.” (Genesis 17:1-14).  God sent His Son (Jesus) to ratify (seal) the Covenant by His shed Blood shed at Calvary confirming, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28).  There's no way to improve this rich history and heritage!  Personally, I suspect Jesus had a great sense of humor – how could He not while [lovingly and patiently] walking among us!  Believers don't need a photograph or document to prove the treasure we have in Christ; in Christ and by Grace, it is visible to the world each day.  We’re rich, rich, rich -- let's live like it!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Stay the Line!

Some things you just never forget, and one such time is when we tried to avoid the cost of a hotel crib, certain the twins would share their playpen.  It took less than fifteen minutes to call the front desk asking for a crib, and I don’t remember that we asked the cost!


It was very early in his short life that man “crossed the line.”  We all know the story of the crafty serpent’s question to Eve, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” (Genesis 3:1).  It’s an age-old question with the same age-old response: disobedience.  As I considered this text, I remembered a humorous confrontation between Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam where Bugs drew a line in the sand, daring Sam to step over it.  Hundreds of lines later (LOL), Yosemite Sam falls into a crack in the rock.  The Standard of Truth has been settled and Line drawn by which men are saved and in God’s Grace called to live.  Proverbs 4:27 says, “Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil.”  Words just don’t come any clearer!  The current border crisis isn’t our greatest threat; rather, the real crisis are present consequences and coming judgment of the human soul which has repeatedly disregarded its Creator by trampling the Blood of Christ – plainly, we routinely thumb our noses at God’s Truth.  We have ignored the precepts of Almighty God, and re-drawn His Line to accommodate our own sinfulness.  Yes, this life is filled with parameters, and most of us live agreeably and peacefully within them.  Let us be ever-conscious [most importantly] of the boundary of Truth set by God Himself, sealed by the Blood of Christ making Grace abound.  It’s hard work, but let us faithfully … Stay the Line!  

Monday, August 4, 2014


Regular staff meetings are common in most businesses.  It’s a time to reflect, collaborate, anticipate, and plan.  When the boys were at home, occasionally we would have a “family meeting.”  Before the meeting, however, Mr. Bill and I had already reflected, collaborated, anticipated, and planned.  The focus of the meeting was typically the game-plan and marching orders [I wish I could say] “henceforth and forevermore.”   


God doesn’t have staff meetings!  Most candidates for new positions are chosen based on certain criteria -- education, work history, references, personal traits deemed valuable to the employer.  God’s effective use of Believers, however, demands much different … and much less.  When learning something new, we’re often told to forget everything we ever knew about the matter – in other words, learn from “scratch.”  In Acts 9:15, God referred to Paul as a “chosen vessel,” one filled to proclaim the Name of Christ to the Gentiles.  You should recall, Paul (Saul) had a serious “vessel-cleansing” on the Damascus Road, which prepared him for service to God.  When we want to fill a glass with our favorite beverage, we reach for an empty glass, not one already filled.  In the same way, God looks for “empty vessels” – Believers who are empty of themselves, willing to be filled by God for His purpose (and, not our own).  Too often we offer ourselves for service to God when our hearts are divided, committed to other passions.  I suggest the next meeting you should plan is one in study and prayer with God.  Allow Him to moderate then wholly submit to His leadership.  Remember to arrive empty – and plan to leave filled and ready for service!

Sunday, August 3, 2014


“Bacon-lovers unite” could be a rally-cry for all who love [even crave] the best part of the hog!  In recent years, we’ve seen bacon covered & smothered with everything from gravy to chocolate.  Consider the BLT without bacon … well, for one, it’s not a BLT! 


There is a serious spiritual illness among men: HAM disease, and it attacks suddenly and without warning!  HAM’s early signs are unhealthy thought patterns leading to bad attitudes ending in bad behavior.  Old Testament King Nebuchadnezzar developed the HAM, and things did not go well for him.  The final symptom of HAM led him to admire himself, "Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for a royal dwelling by my mighty power and for the honor of my majesty?” (Daniel 4:30).   Yes, King Nebuchadnezzar developed the sickness when he began to think too highly of himself; the result was HAM -- High And Mighty.  Verse 31 says, "While the word was still in the king’s mouth, a voice fell from heaven: “King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is spoken: the kingdom has departed from you!"  Even well-meaning and deeply spiritual Christians often become victims to pride, arrogance, and self-righteousness.  Soon their eyes depart from the Kingdom of God and His understanding.  We are instructed to “walk humbly with God,” (Micah 6:8), honoring Him (and not ourselves) as the Mighty and Sovereign of life.  King Nebuchadnezzar paid a high and personal price as he learned to "praise and extol and honor the King of heaven, all of Whose Works are truth, and His Ways justice. And those who walk in pride He is able to put down." (V.37).  No, I’m not ready to give up bacon or ham!  There remains only one cure, however, for spiritual HAM (High And Mighty): acknowledge the One True King Who is Highest and Mightiest of heaven and earth.  We honor Him best when we … walk humbly!