Sunday, June 30, 2019

No Gaps

Since retirement, I’m often asked “what are you doing today?”  My best-loved answer is “nothing,” but that’s not always the case!  For the Believer, it’s good to consider who am I doing today with? Oh, how easy it is to zip right through the day leaving behind The One Who gifts us with and sustains our days.  Paul David Tripp writes, “So many people live with a great big gap right smack dab in the middle of their gospel, and they don’t know it.”  A hole in the Gospel – say it ain’t so!  Well, it ain’t so!  Jesus Christ came-died-rose-lives for our past-present-future [sins] and for that greatly anticipated future home [in Heaven].  Yay and Amen!  However, He also is The Savior of our todays; Tripp calls it the “nowism of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.” Never in my years have I known of so many broken promises resulting in broken hearts and sorrows from death and disease; I’m sure you can say the same! When Believers grasp the power of Christ and His mercy for our todays, we’ll turn from this self-help-pick-me-up-guruism so popular today, and actually experience “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.” (Psalm 23:1). Let us never live with a gap in our Gospel – live each day with The Savior following The Shepherd.


Thursday, June 27, 2019


Our last family pet was a purebred beagle; his name was DC (the initials of each of our three boys).  DC tended to act cowardly and irrational at times, and often Mr Bill accuse him of being “dumb.” Although quite unpopular, God gave the Prophet Isaiah some profound truths about His people’s rebellion: “The ox [instinctively] knows its owner, and the donkey its master’s feeding trough, but Israel doesn’t know [Me as Lord], My people do not understand.’” (Isaiah 1:3).  Now, DC knew the sound of his food being scooped out of the bag, even the time and place of feeding – and he rarely missed the occasion even though he wasn’t fond of being put in his pen.  What’s the point?  God, the Giver and Sustainer of all things, is largely ignored by nations, leaders and people-at-large.  One of two things is widely evident: ignorance or rebellion.  Isaiah proclaimed, “Ah, sinful nation, a people loaded down with wickedness [with sin, with injustice, with wrongdoing].” (V.4).  The contrast between animals [who know their Maker and Provider] and human beings [who refuse to know and acknowledge God] is startling-astonishing-staggering-astounding-shocking!!!  DC doesn’t seem quite so “dumb” in light of God’s truth.  Oh, how the world needs a turn toward God; how far will we fall before we are made to look up?  DC was a great family pet and proved to be smarter than the average person with regard to his Creator. Let us be part of the awakened generation who know and acknowledge Almighty God. So be it, Lord!


Wednesday, June 26, 2019


One thing I clearly recall from all Mom taught me: never do anything halfway. Jesus commanded us, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” (Matthew 22:37).  I fear too often I worship Almighty God only half-way.  Now, I’m not speaking of part-way but rather part-time.    I’m so grateful to be part of a Body of Believers (Church) that knows how and loves to worship!  How wonderful to be free to worship in such a way – genuinely, excitedly, with abandon.  But, what about the rest of our days, the otherwise mundane everyday sorta times?  King Solomon gives a wise and definitive conclusion about worship: “When all has been heard, the end of the matter is: fear God [worship Him with awe-filled reverence, knowing that He is Almighty God[ and keep His commandments, for this applies to every person.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13).  This should be the focus of every God-fearing Jesus-following Spirit-filled Believer. I suggest there’s nothing more to be added: it’s all-inclusive.  Whether we’re paying bills, scrubbing toilets, at church, car-pooling kids, having coffee, crunching numbers, counting days to retirement, caring for aging parents, struggling through a crisis – whatever whatever – let it be a worship unto God.  “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him.” (Colossians 3:17).   And let the Joy of Christ rule and overflow heartily in our hearts, be on our lips, ooze from our fingertips.  In other words - worship all-inclusively!


Tuesday, June 25, 2019

End Of The Matter

Old age cannot be rightly described except by those who have seen many moons – at least that’s what I’ve concluded.  Mr Bill and I often jokingly blame our physical-mental-verbal gaffes on “old age,” and it seems to work! The Old Testament Book of Ecclesiastes was most likely written late in Solomon’s life, when he could see the glory-days of his kingdom in decline. He’d known it all – power, prestige, pleasure, but none of it brought lasting satisfaction. In Chapter 12 he writes of a failing body – eyes, teeth, veins, arteries, heart. Then he gets to the heart of this matter of life: “Earnestly remember your Creator before the silver cord [of life] is broken … Then the dust [out of which God made man’s body] will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God Who gave it … ‘Vanity of vanities … All [that is done without God’s guidance] is vanity.’” (12:6-8).  Furthermore, the ancient king warns us of hearing-reading-studying foolish advice (V.12). Even in light of these great Truths, I wonder how much of life Believers just continue their own way. Mr Bill and I are older than we were but not as old as we may be, and yet while there is ump in our bones and breath in our bodies, we [like Paul] determine to “press on” (Philippians 3:14). We should all hear the heart of the matter from God through the old king: “When all has been heard, the end of the matter is: fear God [worship Him with awe-filled reverence, knowing that He is Almighty God] and keep His commandments, for this applies to every person. For God will bring every act to judgment, every hidden and secret thing, whether it is good or evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14). As each one of us face an end – we know not when – may we know the truth and may the truth guide us to live and testify of our Great God!


Monday, June 24, 2019

Real Faith

As I recall my childhood, I do indeed have some great memories: riding ocean waves with Dad [while Mom watched frantically from the beach], eating sardines with Papa on the back porch [because Granny said they smelled too bad to eat in the kitchen], catching lightning bugs at Daddy Bill and Nanny’s [then watching them blink from the jar until I fell asleep]. Sweet memories! We are [rightfully] eager to read of and experience the deep and abiding Love of God – a hallmark of Faith.  We are negligent, however, to equally consider truths of God’s judgments against sin. A. W. Tozer writes, “That dreamy sentimental faith which ignores the judgments of God against us … is as deadly as cyanide.” God’s warnings against sin are not casual; He does so for our best and His good: “Rejoice, young man, in your childhood, and let your heart be pleasant in the days of your young manhood. And walk in the ways of your heart and in the desires of your eyes, but know that God will bring you into judgments for all these things.” (Ecclesiastes 11:9). We can almost hear King Solomon’s heart as he recalls past choices to selfishly enjoy the pleasantries in spite of God’s eventual judgments from God.  I [also] am not free of regrets – foolish choices that linger in present judgments and consequences.  What joy to know the all-encompassing Love of The Father but never forget His Judgment. This is the real faith in which we are called to walk day-by-day. Lord, may it ever be so!


Sunday, June 23, 2019

Be Right

Approximately 12% of the world’s population can call themselves SouthPaws or Lefties; they even have their own special: August 13 is National Left-Hander’s Day!  Scripture refers to the right hand positively almost 100 times and only about 25 times to the left, each time negatively.  Hold on, now: right-handed people aren’t superior to or loved more than left-handed people!  Some of the most intelligent, successful, artistic and famous people were-are left-handed. [Mr Bill and I have some Lefties close-and-dear to us, as I’m sure you do.] With regard to Scripture’s texts about the right and left, it’s important we understand in ancient thought, the right hand was the place of honor and favor, while the left hand was the opposite.  Ecclesiastes 10:2 says, “A wise man’s heart turns him toward the right, but a fool’s heart turns him toward the left.”  Our English word “left” comes from the Anglo-Saxon word “lyft,” which means weak or broken. Notably, it is the spiritual weak or broken who are most favored for God’s use and honor.  The psalmist wrote, “The LORD is near to the broken-hearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” (Psalm 34:18). Our prideful voice claims “I can do it on my own … I don’t need any help … I know what’s best for me,” which is that way of the left King Solomon wrote about, and the way that always leads to trouble.  The wise heart, however, with Godly discipline and grace turns to the right – the way of honor and favor. The cold hard truth is, we’re all spiritual lefties; naturally bent toward foolishness. Gladly, we do not have to be! “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ Who lives in me.” (Galatians 2:20).  Yes, I’m right-handed, but I’m ever-longing to be a spiritual righty by living surrendered to Christ-in-me.  What will it be for you: right or right?


Thursday, June 20, 2019

Way of the Wise

Historically speaking, within this household [of Mr Bill and three boys] could be found more than a little foolishness. If these walls could talk, oh at the tales of monkeyshines, tomfooleries and shenanigans!  King Solomon devoted an entire chapter of Ecclesiastes to the fool’s way. For example, “Even when a fool walks along the road, his [common] sense and good judgment fail him and he demonstrates to everyone that he is a fool.” (Ecclesiastes 10:3). The fool cannot disguise his foolishness; it becomes evident to everyone! Note, however, the contrast of the wise: “A wise man’s heart turns him toward the right [which is the way of blessing], but a fool’s heart turns him toward the left [which is the way of condemnation] (V.2); and, “The words of a wise man’s mouth are gracious and win him favor, but the lips of a fool consume him.” (V.12). This truth must not be neglected by God’s children: walking obediently unto God is the way of the wise. Are you walking day-by-day the wise way or the way of foolishness? Remember, our way cannot be hidden or disguised. Walk wisely!


Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Your Utmost

The intensity of hate can be powerfully destructive. In contrast, hate can deepen our capacity to love.  Jesus said, “If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple.” (Luke 14:26).  Of course, Jesus was not telling us to hate our family members – how absurd!  He was, however, stating a basic principle of His true followers: love Me above all else!  I’ve often found myself loving others and other things more than I love Christ, causing me to wonder why I’ve lost my intensity, my passion for Godly things.  It is obedient to be busy in the Lord’s Kingdom, but that is not enough; no, “Jesus Christ calls service to be what we are to Him, not what we do for Him.” (Oswald Chambers).  Chambers titled his 1935 book My Utmost for His Highest; that word utmost is key to the Believer’s personal relationship to Christ.  Utmost means “the greatest or most extreme extent or amount.” This is the call-command of Christ to us if we are serious in our devotion to God: intense, deep, concentrated, passionate ... the utmost of all we are. Are you struggling in your walk? Perhaps, like me, you’ve allowed other loves to creep in and take Christ’s rightful place. I challenge you to being right now to devote your utmost for Him!


Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Forever Filled

Who doesn’t need a little motivation!  Days when we need more than a little nudge – more like a swift kick in the seat of our pants!  Jesus’ miracles gained Him notoriety among the people, and crowds followed Him everywhere. John writes, “When they found Him on the other side of the sea, they said to Him, ‘Rabbi, when did You get here?’ Jesus answered them and said, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek me not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled.’” (John 6:25-26). As Believers, we [too] are guilty of seeking The Father, expectantly looking toward His next blessing rather than resting completely in Who He is come what may.  Jesus spoke to the crowd: “I am the Bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst.” (V.35).  The people well understood the body’s need for bread and water, but were yet to know God’s sustaining power through His Son, Jesus.  Do you find yourself anxious in your seeking? Lacking peace and rest? Perhaps you’ve fallen among the crowds who pursue Jesus looking for and waiting on the next temporal gift. The human soul’s deepest longing is not found in momentary feedings but true-lasting-satisfying nourishment, which comes only from The Bread of Life and Living Water – Jesus Christ. Come out from the crowd, seek Him alone and be forever filled!


Monday, June 17, 2019

Simply Jesus

Our granddaughter, Ella, enjoys tongue-twisters and she’s pretty good at “she sells seashells by the seashore.”  I think she’s still working on “peter piper picked a peck of pickle peppers.” Now, here’s what’s really confusing: “For what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.” (Romans 7:15). The sheer frustration for the Believer is the genuine wanting to do righteously but not doing it!  Why so?  Paul continues, “For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.” (V.18-20).  This! [in a nutshell] is the gist of the struggle between the New Nature [of the Redeemed] and the [lingering] sin-nature. So easily ensnared we are! In a moment, we are twisted by sin. In a blink, we learn just how sin-sick we are!  “O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (V.24-25).  Forgiveness – Deliverance – Hope. Nothing tricky or difficult: simply Jesus!


Sunday, June 16, 2019

Live Rescued

We used to sing, “how much is that doggie in the window – I do hope that doggie’s for sale.”  It’s common now to get a pet from an animal shelter; they’re called “rescue animals.” It’s actually a remarkable concept – rescuing an oft-abandoned animal from cold, heat, hunger, neglect.  Such is the Gospel of Christ: God sent His Son, Jesus, to rescue us from sin and its present and eternal consequences.  The Believer is once redeemed-justified-saved yet God doesn’t leave us there; He knows well how desperately  we need rescuing from a daily struggle of sin.  “I still need to be rescued from me because as long as sin remains, I’ll be driven to desire, think, say, and do what God names as evil.” (Paul David Tripp, New Morning Mercies). Immensely more than the rescued animal taken in by someone who cares, God rescues daily His children (Believers) who look to His rescuing Grace to overcome sin and live life in the Light of Christ and Power of The Holy Spirit.  Consider right now whether you are among those rescued and being rescued every moment of every day. Live life rescued!


Thursday, June 13, 2019


Yes, there are times when Believers desperately need reassurance of  The Assuring One. Perhaps [like me] this is one of those times. Thank you, Martin Luther, for this beautiful reminder that we can rest assuredly in what stands forever!


Feelings come and feelings go – And feelings are deceiving

My warrant is the Word of God – Naught else is worth believing

Though all my heart should feel condemned – For want of some sweet token

There is One greater than my heart – Whose Word cannot be broken

I’ll trust in God’s unchanging Word – ‘Til soul and body sever

For, though all things shall pass away – His Word shall stand forever


Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Regard Christ

The life of a feather is really no life at all because it contributes nothing.  I suppose it could be described as fickle.  The Christian who regards himself rather than Christ is always grasping at wind, which we know is ever-changing and unpredictable.  Circumstances, relationships, situations, even the mood-of-the-moment often determine the barometer of our lives, making one fickle as a feather. Hebrews 12:3 says, “Consider Him Who endured from sinners such hostility against Himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.”  In reality, we choose to regard only one: self or Christ.  How can we rightly disregard Christ Who alone founded and finished true faith, Who endured the shame of the cross, and Who is now seated with The Father?  Truth is, the Believer cannot rightly disregard Christ.  Let us press-on-to-endure with disregard pf self – regard Christ.


Tuesday, June 11, 2019


If you’ve ever stayed in a beach-house, one thing is certain: there will be steps – steps to the main floor, steps to the second floor and steps to the beach. Well, guess what? There are steps in the life of every Follower of Jesus Christ. King Solomon wrote, “Guard your steps and focus on what you are doing as you go to the house of God and draw near to listen rather than to offer the [careless or irreverent] sacrifice of fools for they are too ignorant to know they are doing evil.” (Ecclesiastes 5:1).  In other words, behave yourself; think about your behavior if it is righteous or unrighteous, wise or foolish.  There is a definite and direct connection between a Believer’s profession of Christ and his-her behavior! Solomon’s words “guard your steps and focus on what you are doing” is re-emphasized in Verse 7: “Reverently fear God [and worship Him with awe-filled respect, knowing who God is].”  Admittedly, I often fail in this instruction because I behave-act-walk out of an unguarded heart!  Scripture tells us, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD.” (Psalm 37:23); and, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” (Proverbs 4:23). Truth is, an unguarded heart produces unordered and unguarded steps. Furthermore, the ordered and guarded heart will be evident because he-she is walking in-by The Holy Spirit: “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23). See, it’s true – steps are inevitable at the beach and in the Believer’s life.  It’s always good we consider our steps: How are you a’steppin’?

Monday, June 10, 2019

The Unexpected

For many years, Mr Bill always wore a hat. Whenever someone spotted him without a hat, there was a brief moment of question “is that really Mr Bill?”  I wonder just how many times I’ve missed seeing God’s Glory intended just for me. We are quick to [rightly] speak of God’s glorious displays in nature – sunsets, starlit skies, etc – but there’s so much more to His Glory than the obvious. Jesus took Peter, James and John up a mountain where He revealed His Glory in an intimate way; they were amazed, falling to their faces in awe (Matthew 17:1-8).  In Exodus 33:18, Moses plainly asked God, “Please, show me Your Glory!” Notably, both occasions occurred unexpectedly when these Believers were away from, out of the usual of their lives, near Father and Son; they were alone with God, away from common distractions.  It’s no mystery [then] why we miss so much of God when we randomly-haphazardly show-up expecting to see-know God on-demand.  Oh, the sweetness of Father-child fellowship when we are deliberate in our seeking! Oh, the awesomeness of Glory revealed when we determine to draw near to God (James 4:8).  Yes, those are often the times when He reveals the glories of Who He is at times least expected.  Perhaps you [too] have missed His Glory revealed. Determine today to draw-near to The Father; expect the unexpected – see His Glory!


Sunday, June 9, 2019

Let Loose

One of our grand-dogs (Olive) is a Whippet, and fast doesn’t adequately describe her when she runs.  I am amazed to giggling!  The wise King Solomon wrote, “Cast thy bread upon the water: for thou shalt find it after many days.” (Ecclesiastes 11:1).  Interestingly, Bible scholars have been unable to apply any certain contemporary parallel to this metaphor but because it is God’s Word, there is indeed application for living.  I suggest the word cast to be key and proactive here: the Hebrew word means “to let go, to stretch out, to set free, to let loose.”  Isn’t it crazy how we hold so tightly those things which God has blessed us with?  Bread was the central part of the Jewish meal so to give away bread was a big deal – so was receiving bread. Perhaps the real message from these ancient words is to let go of what we hold so closely and cast it as a blessing unto others.  I wonder how many of us have that give-away spirit; I can think of a few people!  The latter part of that verse is a promised blessing – for you will find it after many days.  When Olive lets loose, it’s a sight to behold; well, so is the Believer’s heart casting forth his treasures!