Two Voices
Few people I know would ignore a road sign warning of danger ahead. That is exactly what we do, however, when we refuse to heed the God's warning about life. Proverbs 7 presents the lure of the world as a sly and cunning woman, lurking and setting an ambush intending to drag away unsuspecting victims into her trap of destruction. She says, "Diligently I sought your face and I have found you." (Proverbs 7:15). How foolish we can be at Satan's sleek presentations! We are described "as an ox goes to the slaughter" (V.22) ... "like a bird fluttering straight into the net" (V.23). Foolishly, we consider ourselves master of good choices but we've just been taken-in by the bait set before us ... "descending to the chambers of death" (V.27). In contrast, Chapter 8 speaks of a different woman - Lady Wisdom: "Does not Wisdom call, and understanding lift up Her voice? On the top of the heights beside the way, where the paths meet, Wisdom takes Her stand ... Listen, for I will speak excellent and noble things; and the opening of My lips will reveal right things.. For My mouth will utter truth." (Proverbs 8:1-2, 6). Contrary to popular thought, God's Truth is not relative ... It is Truth established and settled from eternity past and forevermore - Truth that changes not and leads only to life. Two voices speak: Lady Folly or Lady Wisdom ... which voice has your heart?