Monday, February 28, 2011

Sweet Times

If Granny told us grandkids to do something, by crackie, she meant it!  And just in case the grandchildren doubted it, she kept a hickory switch on top of the refrigerator!

Humble submission is always best.  Granny’s hickory switch brought on humility rather swiftly and painfully!  The concept that mortal and finite man will arrogantly defy Almighty God is asinine (silly, stupid, foolish, unintelligent,  idiotic, dim … all the synonyms I could quickly locate).  This is, however, exactly what we do like Job did in his day.  I don’t remember Granny stirring up a whirlwind (although she grabbed the hickory in a whirlwind of movement), but [from a whirlwind] God began a serious discourse with Job in Chapter 38 that left him speechless. In Chapters 38-41, Job could hardly respond, and then only briefly, while the spiritual hickory stick was applied.  Job’s humble submission went like this, “Then Job said to the Lord, ‘I know that You can do all things, and that no thought or purpose of Yours can be restrained or thwarted … Therefore I loathe my words and abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes.’” (42:1-2,6)   Job had a hard lesson to learn, a lesson God still teaches His children today.  Shaking our finger in the Face of God in rebellion, pride, and self-sovereign didn’t work with Job and it doesn’t work with us.  Humble submission bows the heart and spirit before The God of the Universe in all circumstances of life.  My favorite part of Job’s story is in Verse 12: “The Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning …”  Granny didn’t grab that hickory very much because she loved me; I knew it was always within reach but my obedience to her words made time with Granny sweet!  Isn’t that what we want with The Father – sweet times!  Humble submission makes that happen!

Friday, February 25, 2011

No Change

Did you know that change changes?  Pocket change, that is.  One such change is the 1913 buffalo nickel, which showed the bison standing on a mound. The hill was soon leveled to make room for the words “five cents” and protect the nickel from wear. 

Don’t blink at the faithfulness of Jehovah!  Change, even the fear of change, can be paralyzing.  Poor bison didn’t have an option – sometimes neither do we.  How refreshing that God is unchangeable: "For I am the Lord, I change not." (Malachi 3:6)  Octavius Winslow describes everything outside of God as mutable. These here-on-earth things in which we foolishly take root and therewith bind ourselves are often gone with a wink and a blink.  Oh, that we just remember how faithful God was in the last crisis, the current situation, our latest circumstance.  That buffalo wasn’t near as minted as he thought but, Believer, The father is.  His character is unchangeable because He is unchangeable.  He is the God of … no change.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Don't Settle

Learning to drive in the country, most certainly, involves navigating basic rugged terrain … yeah, dirt roads.  You know what happens to dirt roads when it rains? They turn into a muddy mess then you learn to maneuver slipping and sliding from ditch-to-ditch.  Yeehaw!

Ever been spiritually stuck?  You may not have ever had your tires spinning in muck and mire but we all know what “stuck” is!  Hebrews speaks of an elementary-level spiritual life that Christians must move past.  To have moved freely on the open road, stuck in a ditch or in mud  is not a happy-place.  Once Believers have drank lavishly of the teachings and doctrines of Jesus Christ the Messiah, their longings are intensifiedThose truly born of The Spirit do not only taste the Word of God, but rather … drink It in.  Once we have savored the sweetness of The Word, anything less leaves the Believer thirsty and wonting. The deep craving of the soul must be nourished and fed, “advancing steadily toward the completeness and perfection that belong to spiritual maturity.” (Hebrews 1:1 Let us stay hungry, seek the deep things of God, bask in the goodness of The Gospel, and feed of Its rich and deeply satisfying treasure.  Never, never settle for “stuck.”

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Quiet the Jungle

Life is not for the ill-equipped!  I am reminded of words from a past television show, "Be careful -- it's a jungle out there."

Life really is a jungle and most aren’t good at safaris!  For me, the jungle and its creepy, crawly things loss of focus on The King -- Jesus Christ.  Psalm 46 describes God's power in this world: "Come and see the works of the Lord, the desolations he has brought on the earth. He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth; he burns the shields with fire." (V.8-9).  God, Creator and Master of all creation, subdues evil and provides "refuge and strength, ever-present help in trouble" (V.1).  How do we know and feel His guidance, His peace, His wisdom each day when problems beset us, answers aren’t clear, future is uncertain, and faith is weak?  Verse 10 says, "Be still, and know that I am God ... "  Be still?  In this constantly moving world, be still?  Yes, He instructs us to cease from our busyness, stop rushing around, flitting about, just ... stop and be still!  I have heard The Father most often and most clearly when I was … doing less.  Just quietly listening, patiently waiting, in the stillness of a moment … I heard Him, I saw Him, I knew Him.  Let me encourage you today to find a stopping place: a quiet car, the library, an outdoor bench, my personal favorites – a porch swing, an open Bible at the kitchen table.  Wherever and whenever the opportunity comes, just stop and let God quiet the jungle.  He waits for you there!  Be still and know Him!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Calm Steady

We have a friend whose nickname is Shakey.  As best we can determine, he got the name because he was so excitable.  Yes siree, Shakey could do some sho-nuff-shakin’ when the situation called for it!

Isn’t it interesting how easily Christians tremble?  We can converse with great CERTAINTY of God’s sovereign grace but when the first wave of UNCERETAINTY barrels down on us, we’re [like Shakey] … quite excitable!  I remember watching the taillights of my car as my oldest son took HIS FIRST solo drive; it was MY FIRST time to hyperventilate!  Do we not understand as Job did (14:5) that our “days are determined” by Almighty God?  Shall we not cease from trembling and be satisfied with God’s mercy “that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.” (Psalm 90:14)  Matthew Henry writes, “Our times are in his hands, the powers of nature act under him; in him we live and move. And it is very useful to reflect seriously on the shortness and uncertainty of human life, and the fading nature of all earthly enjoyments.”  My worry and hyperventilating could not add one second more to Danny’s life nor could my denying him the two-mile drive from home alone.  We can shake, rattle, and roll through this life but ultimately we are “upheld by His grace” (Octavius Winslow).  There, in The Lord’s Hand is the calm steady for our days.  Let’s leave it there!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Glorious State

Unlike his wife, Mr. Bill is usually content with whatever fashion, event, or company he finds himself.  I have learned, however, to not push the limits of his otherwise … good nature.

Discontent plagues us all!   Why else would we be so intrigued by the latest & greatest cell phones, video games, movies, fashions, books, cars, etc.?  “For sale” on web sites are deals of one man’s trash (items of discontent) and another man’s treasure (items of content).  Good deals, yes, but nonetheless powered mostly by man’s discontent.  Spurgeon describes discontentment as a “natural propensity of man … as natural to man as thorns are to the soil.”   Paul wrote of a better crop, a garden flourishing in [what Spurgeon called] flowers of Heaven: “For I have learned, in whatever state I am, therewith to be content.” (Philippians 4:11)  Note Paul’s contentedness was learned, indicating he was a diligent student during numerous unpleasant circumstances of his life.  We don’t always choose our situations, but God never wastes an opportunity to teach us to draw on His Nature (not our own) for complete rest and peace - contentment.  In whatever manner of life we are, shall we not agree, “The Lord is my portion, saith my soul.” (Lamentations 3:24)  We do not rest merely in His grace or His love or His promise, but in God Himself for the soul’s song!  Contentment He is thus contented I’ll be.  What a glorious state!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thankful for Grace

No playground is complete without a seesaw!  Most of us remember countless hours on the seesaw with one of our best buddies.  Best buddy or not, when the other end was vacated -- oh, the pain to the derriere!

Thank God for His grace!  It's that amazing grace that keeps us from falling helplessly into the pains of sin.  And, yes, when we know the "ouch" of striking bottom, it is that same Grace that lifts us out of its clutches. The unsuspecting decoys of sin -- bad habits, poor choices, fleshy weaknesses -- boldly pave the way to bondage and soon become a noose around the neck, choking out life's freedom. The bondage of sin is a lethal vault from which only the Grace of God can free us.  There is no "buddy" – It’s The Father Who is The Stay, Who remains faithful. Thank God for Grace!

G od's
R iches
A t
C hrist's
E xpense

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

No Foolishness

No one likes to appear foolish especially by his own display of ignorance.  Daddy Bill used to use the word “foolishness” to describe one’s silly behavior.  And, yes, on more than one occasion, he told me and Nanny to stop our “foolishness.” 

God pulls no punches – He calls it like it is!  Our own foolishness, we tend to dress up, paint, and spin every which way we can. In the end, however, our own ignorance is what it is -- foolishness.  Job learned a hard lesson when God left him speechless: Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? (38:4) "Have you commanded the morning since your days began, and caused the dawn to know its place? (38:12)  “Do you give the horse his might? Do you clothe his neck with a mane? (39:19)  “Is it at your command that the eagle mounts up and makes his nest on high? (39:27)  “Have you an arm like God, and can you thunder with a voice like his? (40:9)  To these rhetorical questions, God adds, “tell me if you have understanding” (38:4), “surely you know” (38:5), “make it known to me” (40:7).  Oh, how we all need the lesson of who we are in relation to Who God is.  The liberty we take to superimpose God’s sovereign purpose with plans and ambitions of our own is nothing more than utter foolishness.  Job came to a place of understanding and humbly answered the Lord, “Behold, I am of small account; what shall I answer you? I lay my hand on my mouth.” (40:4)  It is absolutely true God loves us tenderly and deals mercifully with us, however, let us never over-estimate His Sovereignty in this world and in our lives lest we also be shamed [like Job] to stop the foolishness!

Monday, February 14, 2011


There happens one day in the 365 days in a calendar year, which demands show-me love: that day is February 14.  No matter if love is displayed with poems, flowers, diamonds, chocolate, cards, or dining – this is a show-me-love day.

John, the beloved disciple of Jesus, in The Gospel gives three distinct methods of love displayed.  First, The Father showed His great love to us as He “gave His only Son” as provision for man’s sin (John 3:16).  Then Jesus gave us a new commandment to “love one another just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another” (John 13:34)  Finally, we show God how much we love him, “keep my commandments” (John 14:15).  Why is show-me-love so important?  Christ answers the question and gives Believers the mandate to love: “ By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35)  We testify best and effectively of our love for Christ when we imitate Him, follow His example, obey His rules, and love one another.  Real Christianity isn’t a title, a name, or a social standing  – it’s The Person of Jesus Christ living in us, sinful natures made holy, revealing Himself in love for others.  True, we may celebrate February 14 once each year, but real show-me-love knows no limits on the calendar; it’s a continuous exercise in keeping Christ’s commandment because it’s what He does always.  He leads the way in show-me-love.  Let us continue to show love to one another!  Christ, then, is glorified!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Thoughts

How often do you consider God’s gracious blessings in your life?  What brings happy thoughts to mind?  Here’s JUST A FEW of mine.

Mr. Bill - Front porch swing - An open Bible on my desk - Family lunches - Sunday afternoon naps
Susta time - Godly peace – Writing - Long talks with Dad - Mom's moppin' - Junkin’ with a friend
The queen chair - Nightly texts from my boys – A beach breeze and worship music - Life-long friends - Braves baseball - Playing the piano -  My daughter-in-love – Mama boys

It’s just good medicine to stop and consider life’s good things.  The bad things take up way too much of our time and mind!  Put an end to it!  Identify the good.  Focus on it.  Then join Paul in saying, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”  (Philippians 4:4)   Happy thoughts will rule!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Daily Delight

Moonlit strolls on the beach may sound sweet, but not to me.  Have you ever seen what comes out of the sand and water when it’s dark.  Well, I have and ain’t nothing romantic about it!

A faithful walk with Christ is my pick!  It’s His choice, too!  Very few people stroll through life: life-at-light-speed better describes usMost of us know exactly what time we need to be in the car, out the driveway, and what drivers we hope to avoid … because they drive the speed limit. The psalmist pictures a more docile and gentle way, “He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul; He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” (Psalm 23:2,3)  God knows we travel an unsure path and offers surety – what relief to a rough way.  He knows well the shadows that lurk so He leads the way – how comforting in fearful times.  He remembers the feelings of weariness so He carries the heavy load – what rest throughout a restless journey.  Besides sitting in the swing with Mr. Bill, a nice stroll on the beach sounds delightful … during the daylight, of courseA deliberate and diligent daily walk with Christ helps develop a habitual faith making God’s unseen presence very real.  Honestly, strolls on the beach are few and far between but a daily walk with Christ is a daily delight!

No Separator

Isn't it interesting how an egg's yolk and its white don't seem to want to part  company?  Why, the egg white even wants to take the egg shell along.  The trick is that nifty kitchen gadget that defies Mr. White pull and catches Mr. Yolk, holding him hostage until relocated.  Poor Mr. White!

How amazing so many Christians believe their faith has little-to-nothing to do with the rest of their lives. What they profess as  Followers of Christ bears little-to-no fruit nor produces any evidence. God had something to say about this manner of living as He spoke to His church at Laodicea: "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor  hot: I would thou [were] cold or hot. So because thou art lukewarm, and  neither hot nor cold, I will spew thee out of my mouth." (Revelation 3:16)  Oh, yum -- chugging  warm water!  Doesn’t that sound appealing!  Well, this is exactly how God describes us when we put our faith in some sort of spiritual separator.  What God wants and this world  needs are "faithful and true" witnesses (V.14) to the power Christ produces in our lives; a visible and an effective reflection of The Truth, living within us and being seen outside us. Let’s make sure the only “separator” in our lives is the one used in the kitchen!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Dogs go to obedience school, but where do humans go to learn obedience?.  Dogs have shock collars, fetters, and whistles to learn to follow the rules but what about the man?  Oh, yeah, he’s the boss.

If Israel lacked ONLY one thing throughout history, it must surely be … obedience.  In the King James Version of Scripture, the word “obey” is used 1,595 times!  What ‘cha think -- obedience important to God?  Jeremiah wrote, “Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you.” Obedience factors into so much of life: traffic laws, employer’s guidelines, due dates, even gravity demands obedience!. The learning curve for us is usually in the form of hard-knocks – we learn the hard way, from disobedience. What if, just what if, we learned to hear and obey; no second-guessing or rationalizing what we hear from God, just do as we’re told? How simple perhaps if self- will, that spiritually irrational idea we are sovereign, not God.  J.H. Newman wrote, “Pray Him to give you what Scripture calls ‘an honest and good heart,’ or ‘a perfect heart;’ and, without waiting, begin at once to obey Him with the best heart you have.”  The best heart – one attentive and coherent to God’s Voice and His commands.  Hear and obey is what every dog-owner long for from his pet. It’s also what God desires of His own. How about a little hear-obey practice today!

And oft, when in my heart was heard, thy timely mandate, I deferred
The task in smoother walks to stray, but thee I now would serve more strictly, if I may.  – W. Wordworth

Monday, February 7, 2011


Dogs go to obedience school, but where do humans go to learn obedience?.  Dogs have shock collars, fetters, and whistles to learn to follow the rules but what about the man?  Oh, yeah, he’s the boss.


If Israel lacked ONLY one thing throughout history, it must surely be … obedience.  In the King James Version of Scripture, the word “obey” is used 1,595 times!  What ‘cha think -- obedience important to God?  Jeremiah wrote, “Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you.” Obedience factors into so much of life: traffic laws, employer’s guidelines, due dates, even gravity demands obedience!. The learning curve for us is usually in the form of hard-knocks – we learn the hard way, from disobedience. What if, just what if, we learned to hear and obey; no second-guessing or rationalizing what we hear from God, just do as we’re told? How simple perhaps if self- will, that spiritually irrational idea we are sovereign, not God.  J.H. Newman wrote, “Pray Him to give you what Scripture calls ‘an honest and good heart,’ or ‘a perfect heart;’ and, without waiting, begin at once to obey Him with the best heart you have.”  The best heart – one attentive and coherent to God’s Voice and His commands.  Hear and obey is what every dog-owner long for from his pet. It’s also what God desires of His own. How about a little hear-obey practice today!


And oft, when in my heart was heard, thy timely mandate, I deferred

The task in smoother walks to stray, but thee I now would serve more strictly, if I may.  – W. Wordworth



Do you remember the first revolving door you went through?  Scary at first, but once through, I wanted to go in and out of the store needlessly.  Many years later, I wished for a revolving door for little boys that couldn’t make up their mind whether they wanted to be in or out!

In Christ we are given fullness of joy, nonetheless, life is one big storm.  I’ve heard we’re either just coming out of storm, in a storm right now, or headed into a storm – the revolving door of life!  Know this, however, God never wastes a storm!  “He delivers the afflicted in their affliction and opens their ears to His voice in adversity.” (Job 36:15)  We’d rather God used the word “out” in the place of “in,” but He uses the “in” of our circumstances, situations, and seasons to make Himself known more and more.  We [selfishly] prefer the “out” because of the discomfort the “in” brings. Don’t miss the sweet promise, “He delivers” and “He opens their ears to His voice” because both tell us He’s present to deliver and speak to us “in” the storm.  The breaks between storms represent the “through,” time to recall and be mindful of God’s faithfulness before we’re “in” yet another storm.  I wasn’t quite sure how to approach that first revolving door but Mom guided me right through it – that’s what God does in-out-through each storm of life.  What a wonderful Heavenly Father we have!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Christian Fixings

One of my Mom's specialties is chocolate syrup.  Homemade ice cream is not complete without the fixings -- her homemade syrup.  It must have been frustrating to work so hard to get the ice cream ready, serve it to us, only to hear (usually in surround sound) ... "where's the syrup!"

Paul wrote about the fixings for Christians: "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (2 Corinthians 4:18)  Satan loves to dangle fears and imaginations in front of us to paralyze us. He'll do anything to take our eyes off Christ, and he does it well!  Did you know that the eagle's eyesight is four to eight times stronger than human eyesight?  Eagles' eyes can be compared to zoom lens on a powerful camera: the bird can see not only what is up close but things far away.  God reminds us in this passage how as His Children we have an edge when it comes to eyesight. We do not have to be scared stiff by wild imaginations (or what if's). We can on purpose, with determination, and by choice fix our eyes on Jesus Christ Who loves us beyond and above anything unseen or seen.  Staying focused on Jesus Christ is like fixings for the ice cream -- it just makes life all the

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cast of One

Famous film maker, Cecil B. DeMille, made his mark in Hollywood by producing historical Bible dramas.  Long before computer-generated images, DeMille’s film, “The Ten Commandments,” called for tens of thousands of people with DeMille himself directing his “cast of thousands.”

God doesn’t see in thousands.  The psalmist noted this when he wrote, “who is man, that thou art mindful of him?” (Psalm 84:4)  Job, too, acknowledged the mindfulness of his Creator, “that You should set Your heart on him?” (7:17) and “visit him every morning” (7:18).  We live in times when number and picture IDs are all that separate us from them.  Personal attention to detail and common courtesies are of days past. If you don’t believe it, forget to pay a bill or put a stamp on an envelope.  You see, God does business one-on-one, heart-to-heart. He’s mainly concerned with my obedience– not that of my neighbors, friends, or family –  just my personal obedience!   His cares most that His righteousness is perfected in my life.  We have this deep and assuring promise, “Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands (Deuteronomy 7:9), and the “thousands” represent individual hearts rooted in and devoted to Him. When God’s people do business with Him one-on-one, families, churches, communities, and beyond glorify His greatness.  Be in that “cast of thousands” first by being that faithful and obedient “cast of one.”

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Perfect Word

We all know what happens in the translation of a message from one person to another: sometimes it loses … or gains … content.  That’s why Mr. Bill uses his personal palm pilot.  Milk or bread or whatever he’s asked to stop for on the way home, he writes it on his hand … his “palm pilot.”  Clever fella!

God always speaks perfectly!  We know this because Jesus said He didn’t “speak His own message [on His own authority]” but [from The Father] delivered “the message that has been given to Him.” (John 16:13)  The Truth of God was ultimately given to us from His Son by the Holy Spirit.  This is how God speaks to each Believer.  Furthermore, God’s words are never idle, not puffs of air like our own.  His thoughts “became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.”  (John 1:14)  How grossly inactive and negligent our words are in reality. Oh, that they were as beneficial and effectual as God’s going forth from us and never returning void and ineffective (Isaiah 55:11)  God desires to accomplish and fulfill His work in and through us by The Truth of The Gospel. If you’ve ever played the Gossip Game in which a message is repeated over and over, you know the laughable distorted end. Let us determine to know and hold fast the Perfect Word [of God], writing It on our hearts, and working It out in how we live.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Just Me!

I have a dear friend who signs personal notes, "Just Me!"  I like that -- no airs, no pretenses, what you see is what you get.  She’s just who she is.

God accepts me just as ... me!  I come to Him over and over again in spiritual disarray and He forgives me, cleans me up, and sends me on my way again in His strength with renewed hope.  Romans 5:8 says, "But God commendeth his love toward [me], in that, while [I] was yet a sinner, Christ died for [me.]"  Since God sees my woeful state and still loves me, I too must love others.  Susan Lenzkes writes: "Some people have a way of making themselves at home. They don't ring the front doorbell. They slip in the back. They don't care if there's clutter on the floor. They'll either help you pick it up, or step over it to pour you each a cup of coffee. How do these people do it? Perhaps the key to the back door of our hearts is simply acceptance. Such people leave behind their expectations of how others should be and what they should do. To them, every person is buried treasure to be discovered and enjoyed. Evaluations, judgments and makeovers are not their job. Loving acceptable is. When such a person takes me into her heart, it is certain that she cannot stay long out of mine."  God gave up His Precious so that we could have everything! His love was neither blinded nor tainted by what He saw ... He loved me enough to send His very best for ... just me!