Thursday, February 27, 2014

Heaven for Me

Wouldn’t you like a nickel for every time you’ve said, “I wish …”  I remember my Granny would say, “be careful what you wish for, girl – you might just get it.”  I know one thing I never wished for, and that was the hickory switch she kept on top of the refrigerator!


What do you find attractive about Heaven?  At times, I find myself eager for its beauty and splendor – walls of jasper, streets of gold, no sickness or sorrow or death.  How marvelous!  A few days ago, I was pondering Heaven and suddenly it occurred to me my thinking was all wrong!  The magnificence of Heaven surely is more than structural wonders and absence of what grieves me here!  I’ve heard if you want a quality answer, you must ask a quality question so I asked myself, "Beverly, where do your affections lie?"  What things or activities here cause me to love Christ more or love Him less?  What about that "first love" that John wrote of in Revelation 2:4 – the exclusive love and unmeasured affection for Christ.  My idea of Heaven can’t be right; there’s really only one sustainable affection in this life and it’s a sincere yearning for The One Who sits at the right hand of The Father – Jesus Christ, my Redeemer.  So what about mansions, jasper, gold, pearl, even loved ones already there – oh, yes, I look forward to those wonders but Heaven is all about Jesus!  To know Jesus as “my Beloved … and my Beloved is mine” (Song of Solomon 6:3) and that He is “altogether lovely” (Song of Solomon 5:16) is His call on me here and now.  His finished work on the cross and at the tomb has secured my redemption and claim to the glories of an eternal home in Heaven.  Songwriter, Lanny Wolfe, said it best, “All its beauty and wonder I'm longing to see but Jesus will be what makes it Heaven for me.”  Wish with abandon about Heaven, and know Who awaits you there!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What's Your State?

Georgia History was one of my favorite 8th grade classes.  As eighth graders, Dennis & Dustin also studied the history of our state, now called "Georgia Studies." Guess what – very few facts changed!


Truly one of the greatest challenges for Believers [certainly at the top of my list] is Philippians 4:11, "I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."  The "state" or place we find peace and contentment is of much greater value to God than the "state" we actively pursue unless [of course] they are one and the same!  When the State we find peace is the same State we are pursuing, then we are in the right State!  People wondered about the blind girl as she played so happily, but little Fanny Crosby seemed to be more joyful than anyone. Blind from a young age, Fanny's mother grieved to think of the dark world her little girl would know; to this, Fanny said "Don't waste sympathy on me -- I'm the happiest person alive!" She married a blind Methodist minister, and they had a child who died as an infant.  All her sorrow and victory was poured into music. During her life she wrote thousands of hymns which have been sung all over the world. Having completely accepted her blindness, she often said "the first time I see, I want to see my Savior’s face."  Don’t you see -- Fanny was in the right State; what state are you in?

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Be a Begotter

This may seem weird, but I love to read the begots:  Abraham begot Issac, Issac begot Jacob, and etc.  You know, it's those verses no one wants to read aloud in Sunday School!  I remember a visit to an Illinois cemetery where some of Mr. Bill's relatives are buried.  Most of the headstones bear names of the predominantly German community.  Believe me, I'd rather read the begots!


Here's one of my favorite begot passages: (Ruth 4:18-2) "Now this is the genealogy of Perez: Perez begot Hezron; Hezron begot Ram, and Ram begot Amminadab; Amminadab begot Nahshon, and Nashon begot Salmon; Salmon begot Boaz, and Boaz begot Obed; Obed begot Jesse, and Jesse begot David."

David -- a man after God's own heart!  This divine lineage should be an inspiration to each of us as we consider who we are and what we can be for God.  It is simple yet faithful and obedient people who carry out God's plan for this lost world.  We are usually totally off-track doing, doing, doing when all God really wants is our availability, willingness to say "yes, Lord." That happens only when we have emptied our hearts and our agendas for His cause.  God is still in the "begotting" business -- He wants  us to begot (bring about) love and compassion, patience and mercy, encouragement and cheer to our world.  Begots are not a thing of the past ... go ahead -- be a begotter!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Our Great God!

Mr. Bill invited me to take a “field trip” with him to his hunting club. It involved an hour-long trip to the recesses of a nearby county, ten miles off-pavement, then a thirty-minute ride on a four-wheeler. I [wisely] chose to sit behind him [on the ride] so he could clear the path of spider-webs. The recently flooded river bottoms left lots of muck-and-mire and [to me] appeared impassible at times, but the trusty vehicle plowed right through and my sweet guide allow not even one drop of mud on his passenger. Amazing!

Life is full of mountains: the summits giving thrills and the climb bringing chills! From Scripture, we read about a number of significant mountains in Moses’ life: At Mount Horeb, God called Moses to lead the Hebrews (Deuteronomy 34); at Mount Hor, Moses said a final goodbye to his brother, Aaron (Numbers 20); at Mount Sinai, God gave Moses the tablets of the Law (Exodus 34); and, finally at Mount Nebo, before his death God blessed Moses a view of the promised land. The mountains we face are usually much like the muck-and-mire I saw ahead of us, and several times I asked Mr. Bill “are we going to get stuck … can we make it through that?” Had I been the driver, I would probably have turned around or at least found a less treacherous [looking] path. It’s so easy to see life’s mountains as hindrances to moving ahead, and allow fear and apprehension paralyze us. For God's Chosen, however, mountains are opportunities to trust Him and grow in His grace. I find it especially inspiring Moses’ final mountain gave him the assurance of our faithful and sure God. There were a few times I wasn’t sure the four-wheeler would make it, but the driver knew both the way and the vehicle; he maneuvered through water, mud, between trees, and low-hanging branches then delivered his passenger clean and unscathed back to camp. What confidence we have in Almighty God when we acknowledge Him, and He makes the otherwise unsure path straight (Proverbs 3:6), and He assures us when we pass through life's waters and fire"... I will be with you... they shall not overwhelm you ... you shall not be burned ... the flame shall not consume you. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel...." (Isaiah 43:2-3). Is there a threatening mountain in your life right now? Our Great God is greater than any mountain!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Ideal Climate

A local weatherman was so often wrong his predictions became a joke in the community. When he applied for a transfer to another  station, his manager asked why.  The forecaster answered, "Because the climate here doesn't agree with me."

Sometimes the climate of godliness doesn't agree with us, and we try to adapt the climate of The Bible to our own liking.  God's Word is not climate-controlled!  It will not and cannot be swayed or persuaded to suit our own needs. We cannot pick and choose when and how and to what extent it is applicable to our lives.  Instead the goodness and purity of God's precepts free us to live in the light and likeness of Christ, thus controlling the climate of our souls – the hearts, mind, and emotions.  Psalm 119:130 says, "The entrance of Thy words giveth light ... " Believers who are really serious about knowing and applying God's Truths in every situation will always be in ... the ideal climate!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Good Practice

No one likes to be ignored, but sometimes it is an otherwise "kind" response.  One of Mr Bill's favorite activities when the boys were young was to "light-up" Mama.  It usually happened at the dinner tableand although I tried very hard, sometimes he could not be ignored.  The boys still laugh about Mama hurling a biscuit at Daddy!

The Amish have a practice called “shunning,” which uses social exclusion as a method used to enforce Amish church rules.  This has often been viewed as unfair and harsh.  While I am neither advocating nor denouncing this practice, to shun or turn away from sin is as Biblical as it gets!  James 1:27 tells us to “keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”  How does one live in the world yet avoid its contaminating influence?  “How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to Your word.” (Psalm 119:9).  Satan is relentless in his efforts to distract and lead me away from God’s way, causing me to stumble in my decisions, choices, speech, and behavior.  Oh, does he ever know exactly what to dangle before me.  Even the most wonderful blessed things of life often become snares for my heart and mind. Paul encouraged Believers to "hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil ... may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless ..." (1 Thessalonians 5:20-22).  Do not ignore sin -- no, be alert to its threats and trappings and shun it at every occasion and turn.  Shunning sin is good practice!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Your Best Effort

Because Mr Bill and I have a long history, he was 16 and I was 12 when we first met, we remember times when we celebrated the completion of otherwise simple tasks. Nowadays, the "older us" simply take joy in a … good effort!

Know this -- living a righteous life demands much effort! That road is neither free nor easy! The psalmist gives some insight into what it takes to stay pure in the eyes of God: “You have tried my heart, You have visited me by night, You have tested me, and You will find nothing; I have purposed that my mouth will not transgress. With regard to the works of man, by the word of Your lips I have avoided the ways of the violent. My steps have held fast to Your paths; my feet have not slipped.” (Psalm 17:3-5). The Christian who pursues purity understands his life is an open book unto the LORD to be continuously examined (tried, visited, tested). Furthermore, he [who is serious] is always conscious of what is required to stay pure: live intently, avoid pitfalls, faithful to convictions, move cautiously -- all for the purpose of staying within the ways of righteousness. My high school basketball coach told me “if you’re gonna loaf, don’t loaf on defense.” In the Christian life, we cannot relax our defenses. I suggest the best defense is a strong offense: "I made haste and delayed not to keep Your commandments." (Psalm 119:60). I challenge you, therefore, to be diligent and make every effort rooted in the perfect Truth of God's Word. That effort alone allows God's Grace to do Its supreme and divine work in and through you. That will always be your best effort!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Move On!

For generations, children have sung “Shoo fly, don’t bother me.”  The song written in 1869 by T. Bingham Bishop, has remained popular for decades, but was most commonly sung by soldiers during the Spanish-American War when flies and the yellow fever mosquito were serious enemies.   I remember singing it to little boys, but I wasn’t always referring to flies! LOL

Does your past “bug” you?  Whose doesn’t!  Not only is Satan the great deceiver and father of lies, he never forgets that which we so desperately try to put behind us.  With the cross looming before Him, Jesus asked His closest friends to pray with Him.  And, what did they do -- they fell asleep!  Can you imagine their shame when they realized what they had done!  How many times have mistakes launched you into the pits of despair?  Jesus didn’t allow the disciples to go there." He said, “Rise, let us be going …” (Matthew 26:46).  Oswald Chambers' paraphrases Jesus’ words, "Get up and do the next thing."  There’s to be no parking or even loitering at the shoulda’s and woulda’s of past mistakes.  No, followers of Christ are to move ahead in the redemptive grace of Christ and the power of His resurrection.  Boldly -- say "shoo" to Satan and move on!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Not One!

Good – Gooder – Goodest.  English teachers shriek, cringe, and tremble!  Such terrible grammar is sure to get you a big red “F” on a test paper!  You must admit, however, the meanings are altogether clear.  And, everyone wants to be “goodest.”


Man is spiritually bankrupt!  This doctrine is adversely contrast to what the world promotes.  I used to cringe when someone would tell me how “good” my children were.  Of course, I knew the kind intent of the remark but Scripture tells me the truth otherwise: “None is righteous, no, not one.” (Romans 3:10).  Wise and diligent parenting may produce delightful children with exemplary behavior (and proud parents), but the heart of all mankind is … not good! Prophets spoke this spiritual truth:  “All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way.” (Isaiah 33:6), and “The godly has perished from the earth, and there is no one upright among mankind.” (Micah 7:2).   The term “bankruptcy” means to be completely lacking in a particular quality or value, and the utter absence of righteousness sounds like spiritual bankruptcy to me!  The good news is we need not remain this way!  While in our weakness, God made a Way for depraved man: “God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8).  Suddenly, there’s not enough zeros to show what’s in our [spiritual] bank account – He broke the bank!  Good-Gooder-Goodest can’t begin to describe our condition, and all because of the love-compassion-mercy-grace of Almighty God who [absolutely] abhorred sin but [desperately] loved the sinner!  His Righteousness in us is God’s Superlative for man’s present condition and eternal soul: Unmatched – Unbeatable – Matchless – Exceptional … His Best!  Rejoice, and again I say, rejoice!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Truth - The Way of Love

"Honey, the truth just ain't pretty."  I know that's what my mirror would say if it could speak.  That first morning glimpse of the truth makes ME want to say to the mirror, "Hey, cut it out! It's too early for that kind of honesty!"


Love doesn't celebrate in evil, but finds joy in the truth (1 Corinthians 13:6).  I suppose we're all grateful mirrors don't talk, but The Bible sure does!  Those who seek to know the Truth in light of God’s Holiness – well, we don’t like what we see!  There is nothing lovely about the unlovely!  For Believers,  God's banner of Truth (Psalm 60:4) is ever before us, revealing-changing-freeing us in Its power. We can celebrate our reflection of Christ-in-us when we follow in humble obedience to His Truth.  Yes, Truth is the way of Love.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Kindness -- The Way of Love

Have you noticed how some people are like vending machines?  If you put forth a token of kindness, you get kindness in return.  There are some, of course, whose “vending machines” are perpetually out-of-order!


The Love Chapter says, "love ... is kind." (1 Corinthians 13:4) Kindness is not always automatic or easy.  Satan would have us rather embrace an unkindness-for-unkindness approach to living.  In his book, "Uncommon Graces," John Vawter lists kindness as an uncommon grace and writes, "Kindness is not a character quality buried deep in our lives that we have to excavate. It's not something we build one brick at a time. More accurately, it is grown within us by the work of the Holy Spirit." Genuine, kindness finds its roots in a Godly heart, one that produces acts of kindness that change lives and our world. That makes me think I need to check my own vending machine inventory to what how well it’s stocked!  Kindness -- it's the way of Love.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Way of Love

Mr. Bill is an atlas guy!  How he loves to map out a new route to even a familiar place.  The only bad thing about a new route is he has to have a navigator ... that will stay awake. Did I mention how I love to nap on long trips?  We have learned (after many journeys) that a napping navigator isn't very efficient!


The life of Christ is well described as a life of love.  His every move showed us a better way to live.  In John 14:6, He told us the only way to His salvation: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."  It was Jesus' love toward others, however, that defines how we are to live today.  The great love chapter, as it has been called, of First Corinthians 13 says faith, hope, and love abide, but "the greatest of these is love." (v.13)  What we know of genuine human love may be profound yet how much more can we learn of the real way of love – the way into which Christ calls each of us. Let us direct our hearts and minds to God's Way, manifest in earth by Jesus Christ ... The Way of Love.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Calm Steady

We have a friend whose nickname is Shaky.  As best we can determine, he got the name because he was so … excitable.  Yes siree, Shakey could do some sho-nuff-shakin’ when the situation called for it!


Isn’t it interesting how easily Christians tremble?  We can converse with great CERTAINTY of God’s sovereign grace but when the first wave of UNCERETAINTY barrels down on us, we’re [like Shaky] … quite excitable!  I remember watching the taillights of my car as my oldest son took HIS FIRST solo drive; it was MY FIRST time to hyperventilate!  Do we not understand as Job did (14:5) that our “days are determined” by Almighty God?  Shall we not cease from trembling and be satisfied with God’s mercy “that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.” (Psalm 90:14)  Matthew Henry writes, “Our times are in His hands, the powers of nature act under Him; in Him we live and move. And it is very useful to reflect seriously on the shortness and uncertainty of human life, and the fading nature of all earthly enjoyments.”  My worry and hyperventilating could not add one second more to Danny’s life nor could my denying him the two-mile drive from home alone.  We can shake, rattle, and roll through this life but ultimately we are “upheld by His grace” (Octavius Winslow).  There, in The Lord’s Hand is the calm steady for our days.  Let’s leave it there!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Don't Be A Creeper

A story is told of a weary traveler who arrived on the banks of the Mississippi River with no bridge to cross. Although it was winter and a layer of ice covered the water, the traveler feared the ice not strong enough to bear his weight.  Nightfall was fast approaching so reluctantly the traveler began to slowly crawl on hands and knees across the river's frozen surface certain of death. In his fear, he heard the rattle of a horse-drawn wagon as it passed him.  He heard the amazing sound of its driver singing merrily as he moved across the icy road.


Do you identify with the trusty driver or the hesitant traveler?  Too many of us must admit we are creepers -- just like the traveler.  God has promised us so much: "We live within the shadow of the Almighty, sheltered by the God who is above all gods." (Psalm 91:1).  "This I declare, that he alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I am trusting him." (Psalm 91:2). "He will shield you with his wings! They will shelter you. His faithful promises are your armor." (Psalm 91:4).  "Now you don't need to be afraid of the dark any more, nor fear the dangers of the day." (Psalm 91:5).  "For Jehovah is my refuge! I choose the God above all gods to shelter me." (Psalm 91:9). "Give your burdens to the Lord. He will carry them. He will not permit the godly to slip or fall." (Psalm 55:22). 

Those who truly believe in God will truly trust Him.  We have the promises of One who cannot lie and is absolutely trustworthy.  We can boldly move through even the most difficult times confidently and singing merrily.  Let us walk uprightly trusting fully in The Father. Don't be a creeper~

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My Weakness

What’s your weakness? Perhaps it’s a good sale, or shoes, or chocolate, or how about (oh, yes) grandchildren! Let’s not forget, we all have a common weakness – sin! There’s one who just delights in knowing and exploiting our weakness – Satan. More importantly, however, there is One Who knows our weakness and delights [rather] in empowering us to victory over the sin and the enemy. He says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9). I pray this “borrowed blessing” lifts weary spirits and encourages fearful hearts.

When I am at my weakest point -- You are just beginning.
When I know myself to be at the end of my strength,
I know my LORD to be at the front of the battle.
When I'm convinced I cannot go another step,
You sweep me into Your mighty Arms
And carry me the rest of the way.
LORD, I abide in Your marvelous grace.
I lean on your never-failing love.

Monday, February 3, 2014


"Life is easier than you think -- all you have to do is: accept the impossible, do without the indispensable, bear the intolerable, and be able to smile at anything." Just when I begin to think too much of me, I find myself standing at my office door trying to unlock it with my vehicle's keyless entry!


What do you do in the "face" of troubles?  Oh, I'm sure answers are varying and endless -- scream, holler, slam doors, stomp feet, count to ten, pout. God has quite a different answer for the anythings of life: "Consider it pure joy ... whenever you face trials of many kinds ... so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." (James 1:2-4) Being able to smile at anything is a real challenge, and the best practice is to get to the end-of-ourselves. The "end of me" seems to be where I find the greatest faith; that place where I give-me-over to God and His Strength. Not-so-amazingly, that is where I find pure joy. Let each of us find that end-of-me place today.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Best Environment

A long time ago I had a pet fish.  Now, I know one cannot cuddle or snuggle with a fish but [at the time] it made sense: fish are quiet, easy to feed, no training – a real low-maintenance pet.  The fish came along after … the pet canary … that was eaten by … the pet cat.  I guess you could say we weren’t exactly pet-friendly in those days.


In what environment does holiness grow best?  Personally, I think growing things is easiest in the refrigerator but those who like to grow things in the yard know you need more than just a hole; the hole needs stuff  – water, mulch, fertilizer, rich soil, etc.  Nancy Leigh DeMoss writes “True holiness is cultivated in the context of a relationship with God.”  Personally, I’ve found what is needful most to develop righteousness is a deep hunger and unquenchable thirst for the Word of God.  I must say, that prayer for hunger and thirst has never gone unanswered!   My pet fish [one day] jumped from his fish-friendly bowl to soapy dish water; apparently soapy water is not a good place for fish.  You see, it’s true, environment is key.  We cannot expect to grow in holiness in otherwise sin-rich settings, but rather in God-centered intentional moments, alone in His Presence.  Jesus modeled this as He “went up on the mountain by Himself to pray.” (Matthew 14:23).  Away from distractions and alone with God is the right environment to grow in the beauty of Godliness.  Let me ask you -- do you have a specific place where you meet with God?  It could be in a front-porch swing, a lamp-lit corner of the living room, underneath a shade tree, or at the kitchen table.  Where is of little consequence and it need not be impressive, but I challenge you to designate a place where you meet God and grow in holiness.  Consider an environmental change – set the stage and invite The Father.  He will not be late!