Thursday, February 26, 2015

No Excuses

Thinking can be a dangerous thing.  Common sense and good judgment is often easily reasoned away.  Mr. Bill used to tell the boys to get all their hunting gear together the night before.  Without fail, however, one of them will be "hunting" for something when morning came.  The excuse always began with, "Well, I thought it was ... "  That kind of "thinking" is a dangerous thing when Mr. Bill is ready to go!


Do you think God tires of our excuses, our reasoning?  He deeply desires us to trust and depend on Him.  Abraham did too much thinking in Genesis 20 when he tried to pass his beautiful wife off as his sister.  What a mess he made!  His reasoning went like this: "Because I thought, surely the fear of God is not in this place ... " (Genesis 20:11a). What seemed so obvious to Abraham was never beyond God's control.  I suspect we’re all guilty of this kind of independent thinking!  Real faith rejects what appears to be and trusts [instead] in God's omnipotence ... His all-knowing and all-wise character.  Our sight is limited but God’s is not.  To trust God completely, we must put away all human reason & limited judgment, which will always hinder our ability to see The Father’s mighty hand and purpose worked out.  Let’s live today with … no excuses!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

His Tracks

Tracks are unmistakable in the snow!  Mr. Bill commented how easily rabbits are tracked in the snow but it’s not rabbit season.  Hooray for the rabbits!  Several years ago after losing power, Mr. Bill decided it was too cold for me to stay home and as Dustin advised me to walk in his tracks as he guided me to the car.  I felt like a toddler being taken to daycare!  Yes, of course, I know they were taking care of me!


We should take note of the steps of Christ; He has made them unmistakable.  He could have come to earth, been crucified, conquered death then returned promptly to The Father but … He did not.  He chose to walk among people as The Life in The Way of The Truth (John 14:6).  After the snow fall, it didn’t take long for tracks to be everywhere and the beauty of the snow to disappear. What a mess!  The same thing happens when we make our own way in life, creating our own set of tracks.  We ignore the knowledge of God’s Truth as we make choices and decisions; before long we are out of fellowship with God and life is a mess!  Choosing instead to follow Christ, to walk in His steps keeps us close to Him and in The Way of The Truth. Ephesians 5:1 says, we are to be “imitators of God, as beloved children,” as we learn what is “pleasing to the Lord” (V.10).  Fewer tracks are best in the snow and in life.  Are you making your own tracks or carefully walking in Christ’s?   Stick to one set of tracks – His!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Waller Spot

Raise your hand if you know what a hog waller is.  If you know, you may not want to admit it!  Growing up, the family clothes line was right next to the hog’s favorite place to waller.  Believe-you-me, those clothes pins were put to good use -- PU!


Romans 15:13 says, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”  What does it mean to “abound” in hope?  In the Greek, to abound is to overflow or to be beyond measure.  While the hogs were stinkin' up the place, they were having big fun!  The mud, nor the odor, seemed to bother them – they didn’t appear to have a care in the world.  Think about all those little gnatty-things things that send and keep us in life’s irritation-zone, and imagine actually living above and beyond them.  Christ came to give us joy and peace and in abundance, and it is by the power of the Holy Spirit we have and hope in Christ Jesus.  We’re not talking an itsy-bitsy bit but rather and abounding amount of Hope.  My mind envisions more than enough to waller in ... without the smell!  Find your waller spot in Christ, and enjoy Him forever!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Your Neighborhood

Everyone lives in a neighborhood.  Whether we can shout-out to him or just wave-and-honk as we drive by, we all have neighbors!  With great humor, Mr. Bill and I have speculated what our neighbors thought watching the boy-crazies that went on in our front yard through the years.  We feel fairly certain it’s [at least] added a measure of entertainment!


God has something to say about those who live in neighborhoods – again, that’s all of us!  “Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.”  (Romans 13:10).  The Greek word for neighbor is plesion, which translates “any other man irrespective of nation or religion with whom we live or whom we chance to meet.”  That certainly answers the age-old question, "who is my neighbor?"  This is the plain-and-simple of brotherly love.  The Prophet Micah wrote, "Woe to those who devise wickedness and work evil on their bed! When the morning dawns, they perform it, because it is in the power of their hand." (Micah 2:1).  If we are to be genuine in our Christian faith and seriously seek to apply God's standards, we cannot be dastardly in our thoughts and actions nor can we withhold goodness to those whom Christ [also]loves and died for. Yes, that means that unfriendly cashier, that obnoxious client, that rude driver, as well as those who practice ungodliness -- they all deserve the Goodness of Christ from our hands!  No, this is not a joke ... this is loving our neighbors as God commands!  Yes, like the song goes Oh, what a wonderful world it would be if the peace and love of Christ ruled every heart (Colossians 3:15).  Since it does not, they must rule the hearts of disciples of Christ.  Will you accept the challenge to love your neighbor?  One neighbor at a time, we can truly change our neighborhood!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Ancient Way

Aren't in's and out's an interesting lot? Everything from baseball cards (the millions we were once worth) to polyester (yesterday's wardrobe long since donated to charity), we find our "in's" have long been out.


The Ancient Way is never "out."  Off-the-beaten path doesn't interest everyone, but it should be especially desirable to Believers.  The way-of-the-Lord in today's culture is one not often traveled. Each of us face intersections of what is "in" and what is "right" every day; we make choices but do we choose the Ancient Path the Prophet Jeremiah spoke of? "Stop at the cross-roads; look for the ancient paths; ask, 'Where is the way that leads to what is good?' Then take that way, and you will find rest for yourselves." (Jeremiah 6:16)  Especially sad, many Believers do not choose what is "good" but rather what is expedient and fashionable.  Genuine Christianity, however, takes a radical departure from the "way that seems right" (Proverbs 14:12), and chooses the [too often] less-traveled path to Godliness and the promise of rest! Will you travel the ancient path today?

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Can’t you just hear Gomer Pyle, “Shame! Shame! Shame!”?  Oh, for those days of television!  How far we seem to be from times when we had to be careful little (and big) ears weren’t exposed to language and violence and other distasteful programming.  Shame is a fairly good descriptor.


Something quite sad these days is there seems to be little shame.  Do you recall the last time you saw someone blush?  No, me neither!  The writer of Romans 10:11 tells of those who “will not be put to shame.”  The idea we can cover-up or brush-away sin and God will [somehow] forget about it, is well … foolish: “Why does the wicked renounce God and say in his heart, ‘You will not call to account’? But You do see … ” (Psalm 10:13-14a).  Living with unconfessed sin is not a shameless place!  “All my enemies shall be ashamed and greatly troubled; they shall turn back and be put to shame in a moment.” (Psalm 6:10).   The good news, there need be no moment of shame for Christians.  There is instead great reward, “Instead  of your shame there shall be a double portion; instead of dishonor they shall rejoice … they shall have everlasting joy.” (Isaiah 61:7-8).  Gomer made me laugh with his “Shame! Shame! Shame!” outbursts, but I’m so eternally grateful God has made provision to remove the shame of those who trust Him and live unto His glory.  I pray, friend, you are living shame-free!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Restored to Rejoice!

Broken things rarely bring us joy!  I have a few items I’d rather not have broken so they’re either put away or high enough so young curious hands as well as old clumsy hands do not handle them.


King David wrote, “Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones that you have broken rejoice.” (Psalm 51:8).  Mr. Bill’s super-duper glue has mended many broken things here, but there’s been a few broken beyond repair.  The Hebrew word for "bones" is etsem, which refers to one's deepest and most inner being. David speaks of pain from a broken heart over sin, comparing it to that of a broken bone.  God’s Word shows us our brokenness but does not leave us there; the Spirit that wounds is the same Spirit that cares for our brokenness -- “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” (Psalm 147:3).  The Healer's work restores His Joy and Gladness, and by His Grace makes us to hear it once again.  Repaired things often look like … repaired things, but the forgiven and restored soul looks-feels-sounds like new -- it is truly restored to rejoice!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

No Crumbling

Castles must be interesting places to visit.  I suppose the closest to a castle I've ever visited is Biltmore House.  Now, Danny had a Skeletor castle.  Skeletor was an action figure bad guy and he had The Castle.  It had hidden escapes, a draw-bridge, and was fortified with huge stones. But, of course, Skeletor nor his great castle were a match for ... He-Man!


One of Israel's most popular archaeological sites is Megiddo, translated the "place of troops."  It’s located on the ancient Via Maris highway (Way of the Sea), and has a history of more than 3500 years.  A royal city of Canaan, it was most strategic because it guarded passage through the Carmel mountain range.  More than twenty civilizations built on the mountain's flat plateau overlooking the Valley of Jezreel, also called Armageddon, where Revelation notes earth’s final battle takes place (Revelation 16:16).  I walked through the ruins of one of Megiddo’s six-chamber city gates and they were massive! The people must have felt so secure inside the walls of Megiddo.  Oh, but history reveals Megiddo was conquered … many times!  Did you know there is a place more secure than Megiddo, a refuge totally impenetrable?  Psalm 71:7 says God is our "Strong Refuge" and 91:2 says He is "my Fortress." Psalm 94:22 tells me He is more than my Refuge -- He is "The Rock" of my refuge.  Have you felt that kind of security lately?  No one knows better than The Father how desperately we need protection and security against the enemy.  One of Satan's countless lies is to make us feel safe in relationships, careers, and bank accounts (among other things).  All those will [and do] crumble much like the strong and fortified walls of Megiddo. What joy it is to know The Rock, The Fortress, The Refuge and to know there is no risk of crumbling!

Monday, February 16, 2015

My Weakness

What’s your weakness?  Perhaps it’s a good sale, or shoes, or chocolate, or how about (oh, yes) grandchildren!  Let’s not forget, we all have a common weakness – sin!  There’s one who just delights in knowing and exploiting our weakness – Satan.  More importantly, however, there is One Who knows our weakness and delights [rather] in empowering us to victory over the sin and the enemy.  He says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9).  I pray this “borrowed blessing” lifts weary spirits and encourages fearful hearts.


When I am at my weakest point -- You are just beginning.

When I know myself to be at the end of my strength,

I know my LORD to be at the front of the battle.

When I'm convinced I cannot go another step,

You sweep me into Your mighty Arms

And carry me the rest of the way.

LORD, I abide in Your marvelous grace.

I lean on your never-failing love.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Supper Time

“Supper time” were words of interest to a house full of boys!  Rarely did it matter what was on the table, although there were times the stampede seemed to arrive faster and louder!


For the Redeemed, there is a great Supper coming!  Revelation 19:9 says, “Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.”  My pastor pointed out that God must be from the South since Scripture calls it “supper!”  The dinner bell outside at Daddy Bill and Nanny’s symbolized the dinner bell once used to call workers from the field to meal time; most southern suppers included hot biscuits, sliced tomatoes & onions, a meat and fresh vegetables … perhaps even a hot blackberry cobbler.  There’s no mention of food on the table at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb when Christ takes His Bride (His Church), however, there is much on the menu: “Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, crying out, ‘Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and exult and give Him the glory …” (Revelation 19:6-8).  Perhaps it will be all-satisfying to our glorified bodies to revere Jesus Christ Who made possible our salvation and eternal home.  We’ll no longer be bound by these mortal longings, and just being in The Lamb’s Presence may be all we crave!  This evening, when you sit down to supper (or dinner, if you prefer), consider that moment in Glory when Supper is served and we are completely and wholly satisfied in His Presence!  I can hardly wait till Supper Time!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Celebrate Love!

Oh, the things we do for love!  Yes, I painfully acknowledge the list and lengths Mr. Bill goes to prove his love for me.  Now, I’ve given a few really good efforts myself: I went hunting with him … until I almost shot his hunting dog; I fished with him … until he told me to be quiet ‘cause I was scaring the

fish; I  even tried crow-shooting … until I insisted we take an injured bird to the vet.  Hey, I tried!  Really, I did!


Fundamental to God’s mercy and compassion for man, is His great love!  John wrote, “God is love.” (1 John 4:16)  What else would cause Creator of the universe and Sovereign King of all to  send His only Son to the cruelty of a cross!  Imagine what you will, but it was Love!  The mercy and compassion of

Almighty God are poured richly upon us because of His great – unconditional – deep – amazing Love … yes, for the likes of me.  I’m so thankful Mr. Bill doesn’t measure my love for him by my interests in huntin’ and fishin’ … good thing!  May the measure of our love for God be our seeing Him on the throne of heaven and giving Him rightful place in our hearts.  Happy Valentine’s Day -- Celebrate God’s Great Love!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Practice Love

Practice is hard work: practice baseball or driving or making biscuits -- it's all tough!  Practice sessions usually include failures, then working not-to-fail again.  Practice is also generally filled with moments of deep humility!


God has called us to practice love.  Practicing love is tough because not person is an object of our affections! So how do we begin to love the unlovely, the rude & crass, the obnoxious and detestable?  It helps when we determine to see others through the lens of a telescope instead of a microscope.  More importantly, nothing is impossible to those who know they cannot do it alone.  In 1 Peter 4:8 says, "Above all, love each other deeply, because Love covers over a multitude of sins."  When we can overlook the mistakes and weaknesses of others, we’re applying God's [kind of] Love -- an uncommon grace today.  Matthew Henry writes, "The nature of a Christian's work, which is high work and hard work, the goodness of The Master, and the excellence of the reward, all require that our endeavors should be serious and earnest."  The application of love in our relationships trades frustration and exasperation for a sense of peace and compassion, which always “surpasses understanding."  Love-practice is always in-season, but the month of February seems an especially appropriate time to begin. And, don't forget -- practice makes perfect!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Love Is Trustworthy

What are some things you can count on?  Everything I was going to list is susceptible to failure, therefore, I refuse to write it down or I'll wish I hadn't.


God's love is not susceptible to failure ... it is totally trustworthy!  It is the only substantial truth which prompts us to trust ... beyond reason.  Such love will certainly be abused and taken advantage of, but do we stop loving?  No, James 1:4 gives the Christ-like response to such love-gone-bad: "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience." God created man and woman, gave them His finest lodging, and the most succulent fruits ... all-the-while, knowing the risk and the results.  God's love did not diminish, rather was spurred to newer depths.  So, how do we build and-or maintain the trust of those to whom we wish to share God's love ... when they are abusive of love and kindness, when they reject our care and concern, when they are cold and unresponsive?  It's a slippery slope into the sea of apathy, and discouragement beats loudly at our door!  "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not Love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal."  Let's face it -- our love stinks, but the Love of God within us is pure and rich and holy.  Love in our own strength will always cause us to throw up our hands in disgust and walk away from those who need to trust in the Trustworthy Savior, making His Love their own!  If Christ be in us, we possess His Trustworthy Love – we are trustworthy because God is trustworthy.  Love someone today, and may it be real and ... trustworthy indeed!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Love Is Patient

Are you a toe tapper?  Foot stomper?  Finger thumper?  Yes, I admit it!  I am not a patient person – I’m sure that is at least one reason God gave me Mr. Bill.  I should have recognized it -- the fishing pole should have been a dead giveaway ... anyone who fishes must be patient.  If I do not learn patience

from  Mr. Bill, surely I will die of anxiety.


God is patient ... love is patient.  He expects us to be patient as well. The New Testament says, “love suffereth long …” (1 Corinthians 1:4).  I know what that is -- don't you?  It's running in the grocery story for one or two items, and ending up behind someone with a buggy full.  It's leaving work late for an appointment, and getting stopped by every traffic light.  Actually, it's much more: It’s faithfully doing good, understanding “in due season” we reap what we sow (Galatians 6:9); It’s being “patient before the LORD,” trusting Him completely (Psalm 37:79); It’s joyfully enduring difficulties with patience, “constant in prayer” (Romans 12:12); It’s staying humble and gentle with others “bearing with one another in love” (Ephesians 4:2).  God’s reward for patience is ongoing joy and a true spirit of peace.  Therein is the Love of Christ, brought about by Godly patience.  Yes, love is patient.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Love Is Kind

There's lots of deficits in this ole world -- rain, food, gold, only to mention a few.  One of largest shortages I can think of is kindness.  Even to the most kind of us, we run low on it sometimes.  When was the last time you stopped to pick up something someone dropped or allow someone in front of you in the grocery line or held the door open for another person?  Little and random acts of kindness go a long, long way with the hearts of others.  Actually, they go a long way with our hearts, too!


First Corinthians 1:4 puts it very plain " ... love is kind."  I double-checked and see no parentheses indicating to whom we are to be kind -- friends, those who are kind to you, to smart people, or even if you feel like it.  No, according to God's Word, kindness crosses time, culture, race, religions and personalities.  It may not be convenient or our first choice, but kindness (otherwise known as love) is a Godly response to the unlovely, the unkind, the foolish, and the mean-spirited.  Mary Whelchel writes, "Kind means smiling at others; it means not saying the sarcastic words that come into your mind; it means putting up with interruptions and not showing your annoyance about it, to mention a few."  Being kind sounds so easy, but we know it is not.  What a challenge for today, as well as a great use of the time God has gifted us.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Cast of One

Famous film maker, Cecil B. DeMille, made his mark in Hollywood by producing historical Bible dramas.  Long before computer-generated images, DeMille’s film, “The Ten Commandments,” called for tens of thousands of people with DeMille himself directing his “cast of thousands.”


God doesn’t see in thousands.  The psalmist noted this when he wrote, “who is man, that Thou art mindful of him?” (Psalm 84:4)  Job, too, acknowledged the mindfulness of his Creator, “that You should set Your heart on him?” (7:17) and “visit him every morning” (7:18).  We live in times when numbers and picture IDs are all that separate you from me.  Personal attention to detail and common courtesies are the norm of days past.  You see, God does business one-on-one, heart-to-heart. He’s mainly concerned with the obedience-of-one – not that of my neighbors, friends, or family –  just my personal obedience!   He cares most that His righteousness is perfected in my life.  We have this deep and assuring promise, “Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; He is the faithful God, keeping His covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commands (Deuteronomy 7:9).  He doesn’t see “thousands” of hearts – only one-at-a-time, specifically speaking and drawing that one. When God’s people respond to Him one-on-one, families – churches – communities – nations glorify His greatness.  Don’t you want to be in the “cast of thousands” that one day will gather at His Throne?  You can and you will if right now you are a faithful and obedient “cast of one.”

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Is It Real?

Years ago I bought a small plastic succulent plant, and it never fails someone will comment on how healthy the plant looks.  If they only knew, I can’t grow anything except in the refrigerator!


What does real peace look like, feel like?  One thing is for sure – it is rarely mistaken for counterfeit peace!  Paul described God’s peace and how it works: "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:7).  Whatever worldly peace you experienced yesterday is easily duplicated – it is sold to the highest bidder with incredible discounts and in abundant supply.  Strangely, however, it must be purchased over and over again, and renewed often.  Not so with God's peace!  Genuine peace isn’t brought on by anything outside but rather occurs and resides deep in the heart.  A torrential hurricane of life-stuff can be going on yet the Calm exists unaffected.  Effectual spiritual peace is always directly proportional to the depth of intimacy we have with The Father.  Plastic plants rock … at least for me.  Real peace comes from The Rock!  How about your peace – is it real?

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Losing At Its Best

It’s not on my radar, but the show has quite an audience.  “The Biggest Loser” television show features real people who take the challenge to lose weight and be rewarded.  Along with cash, there are many other rewards. In the end, the “biggest loser” is really the “biggest winner.”


Mart De Haan posed an interesting thought when he wrote, “… the Bible offers ‘bragging rights’ even to the biggest losers.”  The realities of life have a way of changing our sense of winning to losing. The younger me was an athlete and I know all about winning and losing. Dad taught me how to be a good loser, but I sure didn’t like to lose.  There is something deep within each of us that wants to end up on top, be #1, soar to victory.  Oh, we’re sure we will win in this life-game if only … I didn’t have so much debt, if my kids were grown, if I was better appreciated at work, if this - if that.  What if when in the losers’ bracket we had “bragging rights?” Truth is – Believers do! Second Corinthians 11:30 says, “If I must boast, I will boast in the things which concern my infirmity.”  All contestants experience times of weakness but for the Believer, this is time for the power of Christ-in-us to shine.  We lose but Christ-in-me wins!  That’s losing at its best!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Cease and Rest

An oft repeated question here is, “did you rest well?”  The older us seem to have good nights and not-so-good nights of rest.  When one or the other has a restless night, we both usually know it.  Many of you will recall in the sitcoms of the 50’s and 60’s, couples usually slept in separate twin-size beds.  Aha, now we know why!


Genuine rest is important to God, and because of Him it really does exist!  A bedding company may boast of its product delivering a good night's sleep, but they cannot guarantee rest!  A concise definition of rest is "to cease."  Even the Hebrew word used in Genesis 2:3 stating God "rested" from His work in creation means He ceased [from His work].  We all anticipate and benefit from times of physical and mental rest, but what about rest for the spirit that seems to be unable to cease from endless struggle with evil lest we be overtaken?  The promise of eternal salvation is rooted solely in faith, as is rest for the day.  Scripture tells us God counted Abraham as righteous because of his faith (Genesis 15:6).  The promise of salvation "depends on faith, in order that the promise may rest on grace" (Romans 4:16).  It is because of grace we are saved through faith, not of ourselves! (Ephesians 2:8).  There we have it -- ultimately, we have rest today and for eternity because of faith in Jesus Christ!  We must stop all the striving for peace, hope, comfort, sustenance, etc. – God's Grace is sufficient both for salvation and for daily living.  Christian friend, there is no cause for restlessness – acknowledge Him and His might power … cease and rest.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Ideal Climate

Several years ago, I went for my first winter beach trip.  I didn’t know what to expect but one day it was 81 degrees and [in spite of a slightly cool breeze], I was sitting in the sunshine soaking up sunshine! And it was nice!


Sometimes the climate of godliness doesn't agree with us, but it does no good to run away from it.  The story is told of a local weatherman so inaccurate in his predictions it became a joke in the community. When he applied for a transfer to another station, his manager asked why.  The forecaster answered, "Because the climate here doesn't agree with me." When righteousness doesn’t suit us, we often try to manipulate or adapt the climate of The Bible to our own liking.  God's Word is not climate-controlled!  It cannot be swayed or persuaded to suit our own personal tastes. We cannot pick and choose when and how and to what extent it is applicable to how live and the choices we make.  God’s goodness and the purity of His precepts instead free us to soak up The Light and likeness of Christ, hence controlling the climate of our souls -- hearts, minds, and emotions.  Psalm 119:130 says, "The entrance of Thy words giveth light ... " Believers who are really serious about knowing and applying God's Truths in every situation will always be in ... the ideal climate