Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Good Fit - Right Look

Shopping for clothes goes something like this: take off what looks good & fits, put on what doesn't, put back on what does, hang up what doesn't. All this trying to find a good fit and a right look makes me tired, sweaty and messes up my hair!


There is a "good fit" and a "right look" for Believers.  Unfortunately, we forget this at times.  Let me paint a picture: displays of anger that end in temper tantrums, personal agendas that promote selfishness, arrogance fueled by I'll-have-it-my-way-or-else, and unkindness rooted in bitterness and impatience.  Are these scenes familiar?  In Colossians we are told to put on a new man -- like Christ. And, what does this look like -- compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, endurance, and most of all love! (3:10-14)  For those who call themselves by the Name of Christ, it's The Good Look and The Right Fit.  By His grace, may we always wear it well!

Rags to Riches

How many of us would readily publish our checking account balance?  In this day of hacking, it may already be known.  I can confidently say, because of my balance – my account is truly safe!


Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit …” (Matthew 5:3).  How does a person achieve this state of spiritual poverty?  There’s a remedy for almost everything known to man – hair loss, wrinkles, toe fungus, lawn pests, etc.  In this culture of “Put Forth Yourself!”, can the “poor in spirit” even exist and thrive?  Truth is, there’s only one way for Christian succeed, and it’s found in Verse 8: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”  All the be-attitudes (beatitudes) found in the Gospel of Matthew are important, but they hinge on this one of a pure heart because it’s how we really know God’s nature and character traits.  Jesus says later we are to hunger and thirst after Him; if you’ve ever been really hungry or thirsty, all except food and water are forgotten – we are driven to satiate these longings.  Oswald Chambers writes, “Jesus Christ did not come only to teach – He came to make me what He teaches I should be.”  When we pursue the counsel of God to make within us that which we cannot do ourselves, we’ve laid aside many things including selfish pride.  Only then can we embrace the nature of Christ, and hearts made rich because of poverty!  Now, if that’s not a story of rags to riches, I don’t know of one!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Even So, Amen!

Mr. Bill and I enjoy an occasional movie. We carefully select which ones then I note the release date on my calendar.  It’s a perfect date night although more costly than 40+ years ago.  Matinees and meal coupons are usually the order!


Apocalypse doesn’t generally frame good thoughts!  The original word is apokalupsis, Greek for “uncovering, unveiling, revealing.”  Christians tend to steer clear of the Book of Revelation because it’s filled with symbolism and often difficult to understand, but there are amazing promises throughout the twenty-two chapters.  Chapter 1, Verse 3 says, “Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near.”  Believers are wise to read-hear-obey Christ’s revelations to the Apostle John of present and future spiritual realities.  Repeatedly Jesus says, “I am coming,” the time is near, and [equally important] His invitation remains – “let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price.” (22:17b).  Truth is, Revelation discloses His plan for the end-of-days and still calls hearts to His Salvation.  Christ’s return won’t be a private showing – John writes, “Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him, and all the tribes of the earth will wail on account of Him. Even so, Amen.” (1:7).    You see, Christ’s return will be catastrophic for those who have denied and scoffed at Him, but what a grand and glorious event it will be for those who have loved Him and faithfully persevered!  There’s a few more movie premieres on my calendar for 2015 – already a few for 2016.  The best-to-come for Believers isn’t noted on any calendar but by God Almighty, promised and certain.  He’s coming – Stay watchful … Even so, Amen!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

No Blooms

A rock garden! That was the perfect solution to the small area next to the porch steps where the family dog dug then buried himself during summer heat. Yes, a garden of rocks sprinkled with colorful wildflowers -- what an idea!  Why, even Mr. Bill agreed. Now, you know I'm not good at growing things (except in the refrigerator) but we truly had the best crop of rocks you'll ever did see!


It must hurt The Father when we fail to grow and bloom in our faith. Those wildflower seeds sprouted in 10-12 days, but never bloomed!  In Luke 2:40 we read where as a young boy, Jesus "grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him."  This same opportunity for growth, wisdom and grace is ours! What a challenge to develop spiritually, living and walking in the Spirit of Christ (Galatians 5:25).  Just like instructed, we watered the garden and patiently waited. We cannot expect spiritual growth when we miss the spiritual nutrients of reading God’s Word, talking to Him, worshipping and fellowshipping with other Believers, serving others; like our garden, we may show signs of life but will produce very little fruit.  Well, there were never any blooms in our garden but the rocks did great! I pray this never describes our lives in Christ!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Fly It!

Decorative flags fly outside homes across America.  I have a small collection of them myself – seasonal ones such as Christmas, Easter, Fall, Summer.  And, yes, I even have one to “celebrate” deer season.  You can probably guess which one Mr. Bill likes best!


Oh, my, at the clamor over flags recently!  It’s made me consider my life’s banner -- my flag.  A flag is a symbol – a banner or standard – which represents something of significance.  I suspect we can all find an offensive flag, but there is one Great Offender – Jesus Christ: “For by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight, since through the law comes knowledge of sin.” (Romans 3:20).  Jesus is the fulfillment of the law (truth) and the revelation of God Himself to man.  You see, the more God is revealed through His Son and His Word, the more offensive it is to sinful man!  It is the Flag of Truth that should be heralded in evidence in us, flown proudly in all we say and do.  We do not live it arrogantly or boastfully, but as a bold display of the passion we have for The King of kings and Lord of lords.  This Great Offender is also The Savior of men: Jesus said, “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to Myself.” (John 12:32).  What life flag are you flying, lifting proudly in honor and passion?  There’s only One so deserving!  Fly it with passion!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Easy Exhale

Inhale – exhale.  We do this without thought … yes, thankfully.  I’m pretty fond of a good night’s sleep – actually, I can be quite cranky without it.  As many things as Mr. Bill reports I do unconsciously in my sleep, I suppose I’m most grateful that I … breathe!


What if we exhaled praise as easily as breathing?  Count me among the many who lack in uttering enough “hallelujahs” day-to-day!  Even on days when I [by grace] I refrain from complaining, I fail to utter appropriate words of gratitude and delight for God’s Goodness.  Psalm 113 is a short hymn of praise that celebrates the Majesty of Jehovah God.  The tone and theme of the chapter are set by it’s opening words, “Praise the LORD! Praise, O servants of the ORD, praise the Name of the LORD! Blessed be the Name of the LORD from this time forth and forevermore! From the rising of the sun to its setting, the Name of the LORD is to be praised!” (Psalm 113:1-3).  Who are the “servants of the LORD?”  They are the recipients of the riches of God’s covenant blessing!  His reward isn’t a return of good works as pay-back for His blessings -- we can never repay the Gift of God’s Salvation; anyway, we’re saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8).  Rather, our devotion to Him is this: to honor, fear, obey, and yes, praise Him “from the rising of the sun to its setting” … “from this time forth and forevermore.”  Certainly, every conscious breath should be to-and-for His Glory.  Furthermore, God’s people ought to lead the way in praise, and it’s an easy exhale when it originates from hearts that know no other King, no other passion, no other god besides Jehovah!  Exhaling praise (hallelujahs) should be as automatic as … breathing!  Consider today what you are exhaling, and may it astound your world and please The Father!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Act Inappropriately

When Danny was an only child (for 8 years), he would get off by himself and play on [what seems like] another planet.  For hours, he enjoyed his own little world, conversing with imaginary people.  Come to think of it, that’s not much different than what Mr. Bill does now!


How attentive are you to the spiritual realm of life?  You’ve probably noticed much of what I write is how the natural realm of life relates to the spiritual.  It’s a common discipline [of mine] to look at real-world stuff then relate it to a spiritual parallel; applying Scripture to life is actually a great exercise!  As a general rule, the world doesn’t operate [consciously] in the spiritual realm.  Its responses are usually reactionary: return insult-for-insult, seek vengeance-for-injustice, and so on.  Jesus commanded a different and better way, But I say to you, do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.” (Matthew 5:39).  His words must have rocked 1st century as much as the present century!  To be treated in such a way seems totally worthy of an appropriate worldly reaction, but Jesus instructs us in this verse to … act inappropriately!  Consider Jesus’ uncommon behavior when He was slapped, spit upon, beaten, mocked, then paraded through the streets of Jerusalem on His way to the cross – “When He was reviled, He did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but continued entrusting Himself to Him Who judges justly.” (1 Peter 2:23).  When a Christian is humiliated, it becomes an opportunity to defend the Honor of Jesus Christ Whom we profess.  This is, of course, very inappropriate behavior by the world’s standards – although very spiritually … appropriate.  “A disciple realizes that it is his Lord’s honor that is at stake in his life, not his own honor.” (Oswald Chambers).  Laying aside me-myself-I and taking-up Christ-likeness is just what Paul writes about – “And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” (Galatians 5:24).  Crawling upon the personal cross with disregard (total abandon) for ourselves is tough but the best way to reflect The Savior, Who laid all aside.  Let us carefully consider how we will respond to life when it happens: rock the real world … act inappropriately!

Monday, July 13, 2015

The Sweat

Do you sweat or perspire?  If you lived during Victorian times, you heard “Horses sweat, men perspire, and women glow.”  From what I read, the Oxford English dictionary didn’t list the word “glow” as a synonym for “sweat” or “perspire.”  The word “glow” does, however, have a much more delicate and

refined sound!


Sweat, perspire, or glow – call it what you will; it happens in the heat.  Why, I can produce “skin vapors” reading the news!  Believers tend to be opposed to pain, sorrow, and tears, preferring a much happier state-of-being.  Through Isaiah, God spoke to a disobedient Israel, calling them obstinate, idolatrous, and rebellious.  Just as a father corrects a child, for the sake of His own glory, God put His people on the anvil and used a hammer.  “Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.” (Isaiah 48:10)  Oh, the complaining, depression, and weakening faith the furnace generates!  Charles H. Spurgeon wrote, “Some of you are like ferns. You only flourish in the damp and in the shade; too much sunlight would not be good. Your Master knows that if He put you where you would like to be, it would be deadly.”  [What!  No AC!]  James writes, “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing the testing of your faith produces endurance.” (1:2-3)  I don’t know for sure but I will conclude sweat glands produce … sweat.  Of this I am certain, however: a little PERSPIRATION (or SWEAT) in God’s refining fire produces a righteous GLOW and I’m eternally good with that!

God's Churning

Homemade ice cream is a real summer treat!  Drive by our house any given late afternoon or evening, and you just might hear our freezer going!  Before ice cream freezers and store-bought cartons, Daddy Bill (my grandfather) stirred together milk, sugar, and vanilla then froze it in a metal ice tray.  As a young girl, I anticipated that homespun delicacy for bedtime snack.  What a precious memory!


God is churning us day-by-day into His work-of-art.  It's the mix and churning of joys and sorrows, days of struggle and ease that bring the delicacy of His Holy Character in us.  I guess we feel some [sort of] release when we scream, kick, pout, and whine but in-the-end it didn’t change a thing!  Through the psalmist, God said, "My son, give Me thine heart ... " (Psalm 23:26).   You see, that’s what He wants most!  “Giving” Him our heart instead of the screaming, kicking, pouting, and whining is the self-sacrifice God desires – a broken, contrite, surrendered heart.  Like my Daddy Bill and my Mom, my ice cream is that simple milk-sugar-vanilla mixture – that’s how we’ve come to love it (with chocolate syrup, of course).  God’s recipe for righteousness is perfect, and it’s best when we joyfully surrender to Him then let Him do His churning!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Will Yourself

Beach week was grand – of course!  Even rainy days at the beach are grand!  Besides the terribly hot mid-day sun and Dennis cutting his foot on a broken shell, the week was leisurely and peacefully uneventful.  Family together-time is always sweet, and so were the do-nothing-in-particular days!


The phrase. “God’s will,” is used [probably] too casually – what God wills, however, is never casual!  I was recently confronted with the concept that God’s will is never the problem – my will is the problem!  Even in the sweetest of fellowship times with The Father, my will lures me away to think and act in contrast to His.  On the last day of beach week, there was a rip current warning.  The current’s strong underwater flow can quickly carry unsuspecting swimmers and floaters into deeper waters. Great caution is critical to those who seek to willfully obey God and follow Christ.  Do not expect to naturally drift toward holiness; that mindset leads to being spiritually adrift – moving aimlessly toward sinfulness (the true nature of man).  Joshua challenged God’s people, “… Choose for yourselves, this day whom you will serve …” (Joshua 24:15a).  To remain safe, beach-goers in our camp heeded the warning, willfully and deliberately choosing to avoid the danger.  The Christian’s choice to honor Christ with his life is deliberate and willful.  God proposes His will for each of us, offering His Best to us.  Chambers writes, “I cannot give up my will – I must exercise it, putting it into action. I must will to obey …”.  Joshua declared, “ … as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD …” (Joshua 24:15b).  The warning has been sounded and it is clear how to avoid becoming spiritually adrift.  The answer is not easy yet simple.  Choose today (right now) by Grace to avoid the dangers.  Declare your obedience to God.  Will yourself to be faithful!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Refuse to Wither

Mom gave me a tabletop fountain years ago, and how I have enjoyed it!  The sound of moving water is soothing and peaceful.  It brought quiet resolve many times in my life especially when the primary sounds were duck calls, football games, and such!


Consequences can be positive.  Verses 1 and 2 of Psalm 1 describe wonderful things which occur when we follow Godly advice, avoid unholy influences, and focus on God's Word.  "He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper." (Psalm 1:3)  We all have seen how heat and lack of water kill vegetation, but this passage describes how beautifully a tree can flourish.  The appearance of well-fed plants is obvious, but we also see evidence of a healthy plant by its fruit. What a lovely illustration of how spirits can remain fresh when remaining close to God, in Christ -- Living Water.  Sadly, every day brings things that threaten us spiritually and emotionally  yet the refreshment from The Eternal Spring is abundant and accessible.  How wonderful, too, that God places us at this place of refreshment in His perfect timing.  Truth is we do not have to "dry up."  We can confidently claim His promise to prosper.  So, don't be shy -- refuse to wither!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

No Waste

My grandparents wrote-the-book on recycling!  They wasted very little!  They collected rain water, saved newspapers, re-used containers and plastic bags.  If something seemed useful, it lived to see another day!


What does it mean to be poured out for Christ?  Poured out is usually what I feel at the end of a work day!   Near the end of his life and from a Roman prison, Paul wrote words to encourage Believers to persevere (stay strong) in difficult times.  The persecution of Christians and the disregard for religious liberty are nothing new.  Paul knew he didn’t suffer alone at the hands of a “crooked and twisted generation” (Philippians 2:15), so he wrote: “For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:6-7).  Oswald Chambers writes being poured out is “an act of your will, not your emotions.”  I certainly know how to be whiney and grumbly when life is tough, and I forget there’s something useful – refining, purifying – in the fire.  God wants to empty me-of-me so He can be more than God of my glory but [also] Lord of my life.  John said,He must increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3:30).  Daddy Bill and Nanny taught me much about recycling, and it wasn’t throwing plastics into a recycle bin – they saw potential and value in what others disposed.  No struggle or difficulty is wasted when given to God: His child always emerges stronger and more deeply convinced of Who He is and of His enduring faithfulness.  Let us never forget there is no waste whatsoever in being poured out for Christ!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Up With Stupid!

We should not call others stupid, but stupid does overtake everyone at certain moments. The secret is -- keep it a secret as best you can! A customer called her telephone company and asked, "how do I print my voicemail?" It's been wisely said, "better to keep your mouth closed and thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."


Solomon, with all his God-given wisdom, felt brutish or stupid: "Surely I am more brutish [stupid] than any man, and have not the understanding of a man.

I neither learned wisdom, nor have the knowledge of the holy." (Proverbs 30:2-3)  His admission of stupidity only fueled him to seek God more. Solomon wanted to avoid vanity and pride, which hinders knowing God more. What a model for the wise!  Now, we certainly do not advocate stupidity as the world defines it, but to remain humble and teachable unto God is a challenge for each of us. Crass as it may sound, in our spiritual lives --  up with stupid!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

No Tools

Over the years, Mr. Bill has had quite a few deer stands -- some ladder stands and some climbing stands.  The newer ones feature some [proclaimed] improvements, however, their basic function remains unchanged.  The purpose of each stand is to put a man [seemingly intelligent] in a tree [as quietly and easily as possible] to sit for long periods of time [as comfortably and safely as possible].  Gee, what more could he possibly need!


Man has always struggled with the fact God doesn’t need ++help!  Even in the Garden, pride and trust issues surfaced when man was told he could be LIKE his Creator.  On the Plain of Shinar, man attempted to build a structure reaching to the heavens, proving once again to be discontent with God’s sovereignty.  In Exodus 20:25, God gave specific instructions to the Hebrews regarding the building  of stone altars: “And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, thou shalt not build it of hewn stone: for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it.”  It seems we’re always anxious to have a hand in “improving” God’s work. Spurgeon wrote, “Human wisdom delights to trim and arrange the doctrines of the cross … instead of improving the gospel, carnal wisdom pollutes it, until it becomes another gospel, and not the truth of God at all.”  Why do we battle Sovereign God so?  It seems we must have that last word, be on the winning team, show ‘em who’s boss, and twist & turn The Truth to suit our own interests!  In the end, we blaspheme Almighty God and Jesus Christ Who declared in His dying moments “It is finished.”  Complete. Done.  No option for improvement on perfection and completion!  God demanded unpolluted stone altars and so must we put away our tools today, and embrace The Truth of pure Gospel.  Let us turn away our otherwise insatiable thirst for self-sovereignty: bend the knee, bow the heart, acknowledge Christ’s finished work, and find rest in Him now and forevermore.  Trust in God’s finished and perfect salvation!