Monday, November 30, 2015

See the Savior!

Much to my dismay, several wonderful shade trees have been removed from our yard.  The most recent one gave wonderful shade to my car.  I felt like I was losing a dear friend!


Because of years of rebellion, God judged Judah, leaving nothing but a stump of David’s dynasty.  What remains of the magnificent shade trees is unsightly – good for nothing really.  God’s promise to save the souls of man included the remains of David’s line: “There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, a branch from his roots shall bear fruit.” (Isaiah 11:1).  The Father leaves nothing to happenstance – there was always a plan, a manner in which to reconcile man to his Creator.  Matthew introduces his gospel, “The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.” (Matthew 1:1).  At the time of Jesus’ birth, the house of David was one of obscurity and poverty – consider Joseph and Mary; yet the Messiah, from humble beginnings, would be exalted regarding a kingdom not of this world.  Isaiah declares The Messiah’s resume: “The Spirit of the LORD will rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD.” (11:2).  As the Season begins, take care to not lose sight of the Christ – the soul’s Savior.  Know this: humbly He first came – gloriously magnificent He will return!  See the Savior!

Your Shine

The 1984 movie, Gremlins, was not one of my favorites but I'll always  remember [the good gremlin] Gizmo's famous line, "Bright light. Bright  light."  His aversion to light reminds me of the morning of our honeymoon  when Mr. Bill jerked open the curtains and bellowed,  "sun's shinin' in the  swomp."  He

'bout woke up the mean gremlin in me!


God is often  described as Light in Scripture.  One of light's greatest characteristics is how it chases away darkness -- an amazing spiritual parallel!  First John 1:5 says, "This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all."  There it is! Absent darkness because of present Light! When light strikes an object, it is either absorbed OR reflected.  In contrast, however, we never properly REFLECTS God’s Light unless we ABSORB Him; His Light shines best when He becomes part of who we are in Christ.  You see, It’s a totally different kind of light: God is the Light Source – the Light the world needs!  How’s your shine?  Reflect God’s Light today!

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Are you prone to moments when you mind is vacant?  Mr. Bill assures me there are times when [in his mind] there is no conscious thought.  I understand this is commonplace with men, but us-girls just have a tough time swallowing that one!


The salutation of every grateful thought should be: “Author of all blessings I enjoy, of all I hope for …”.   It seems – to me – the more technology advanced we become, the less contented we are with quiet unhindered moments.  You know I love to sit in my porch swing, but even there my cell phone is nearby.  Reflect, if you will, with me on these prayerful words: “Thou has given me the ordinance of song as a means of grace … I bless Thee for tempering every distress with joy … I love Thee for giving me clusters of grapes in the wilderness … Apart from Thee I quickly die, bereft of Thee I starve, far from Thee I thirst and droop … Thou art all I need.” (From Valley of Vision).  When we can day-after-day, year-round rest completely and contentedly in the Author of all Blessings, thanksgiving has come.  Only then is there a vacancy of all else – apart from Christ – and the only real conscious thought is gratitude seeded so deeply in the soul we know not from where it comes.  “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Rejoice, My Soul!

It was a pre-owned Nissan Stanza – officially, my very first car.  When we bought it, Mr. Bill insisted the title be in my name.  If possession is really "9/10 of the law," Mr. Bill was glad to get his vehicle back!


There is really only one thing each of us can claim exclusively: our sin. The Puritan clarified this in his prayer when he said he had "Nothing to move God to be gracious … or to continue His grace towards” him.  Same as my name will be signed at the bottom of this writing or an artist adds her signature to a painting, we can endorse our sin as originating nowhere else but with ourselves.  And, by the way, this is nothing to brag about!  If that's the extent of my own personal treasury, I'm broke!  For the Christian, there is more to be told: "And because of Him you are in Christ Jesus, Who became to us Wisdom from God, Righteousness and Sanctification and Redemption," (1 Corinthians 1:30).  Let's sum this up: I owned nothing but my sin – literally, my only possession; Offered this only possession to Holy God - Who owed me nothing, not even a thought; In trade, Holy God gave me His Righteousness.  What kind of exchange is that!  That is, Christian friend, is Grace.  And, furthermore, orphaned by my sin I became an heir to Christ’s riches!  Once in extreme poverty, now I know incredible wealth!  “Be happy in Him, O my heart, and in nothing but God.” Rejoice, O my soul!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


An empty tea pitcher here has always been problematic.  For me – not so much since I drink very little sweet tea.  But for Mr. Bill and the boys – summer or winter – that Southern staple was always a favorite!


“Let God be all in all to thee, and joy in the Fountain that is always full.” (Valley of Vision, a Puritan prayer). Can anyone really comprehend inexhaustible?  That tea pitcher certainly had a bottom to it, and I saw it often!  There was no joy in empty -- for the thirsty or the tea-maker.  This culture is rich in watering holes -- people-places-things -- dispensing variations of joy.  Trouble is, those wells run dry and leave us licking our lips for yet another supply.  God said, "My people ... have forsaken Me, the Fountain of living waters, and they have hewn for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns which cannot hold water." (Jeremiah 2:13).  All I’ve ever known is an abundant supply of well water, and had no idea there were houses dependent on water from a reservoir (a cistern). When Christians turn to other sources for joy, the supply wanes and eventually empties completely.  The Puritan writes, “Look not below God for happiness.”  Oh, how foolishly we seek the joy for living in all the wrong people-places-things.  They leave us dry - empty – longing.  Are you victim of a broken and leaky joy supply?  God’s Word tells us Christ is The Fountain that never runs dry; He delivers "joy unspeakable." (1 Peter 1:8).  Don’t wait until you’re looking at the bottom of the well – turn now to The Father Who is refreshingly inexhaustible!

Monday, November 16, 2015

The Provider

It’s been a tough lesson, but I’ve learned to look ahead.  I learned this lesson, quite simply, by failing to look ahead!


Imagine the ability to see both past, present, and future – God does!  This one characteristic enables Him to be Yahweh Yireh, which translated “The Lord Will Provide.”  Pastor Tony used to remind us that “nothing ever occurs to God.”  It never occurs – dawns on, springs to mind, materializes – to God because He is all-knowing.  He is able to anticipate and provide for His children in every way.  Interestingly, our English word “provision” comes from two Latin words that mean “to see before-hand.”  The sacrificial ram caught in the thicket is the most profound of Biblical illustrations as it foreshadowed Jesus Who would sacrifice Himself for man’s greatest need – a Savior. “So Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide.” (Genesis 22:14).  There is not one fraction of a moment God doesn’t know everything you have need of, and “no good thing will He withhold from them walk uprightly.” (Psalm 84:11).  Looking ahead may be a good plan for the holidays, but let us trust Yahweh Yireh – He loves us so!  Thank you, Lord!

Friday, November 13, 2015


Steady is good!  My limited time in Mr. Bill's john boat only confirms -- steady is really good!  Mr. Bill would agree steady would have been especially nice when I was holding the light on that charging-fast-moving-poisonous snake!


The opposite of "steady" is undependable, unreliable, untrustworthy -- also known as, wobbly!  At the moment, I can't think of anything absolutely steady in this life.  Paul wrote, "For we know that if the tent that is our earthly home is destroyed, we have a Building from God, a House not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this tent we groan, longing to put on our heavenly dwelling." (2 Corinthians 5:1-2).  Mortal life is as fleeting as the last breath, and the aging body is burdened and groans (V.4) -- don't we all know this!  Believers have an awesome Hope: "So we are always of good courage. ... For we walk by faith, not by sight.  ... Yes, we are of good courage ... " (V.6-8a).  Life, like a swinging bridge, is often approached with caution and fear; the born-again can walk confidently in courage because "He Who has prepared us for this very thing is God, Who has given us the Spirit as a Guarantee." (V.5).  Steady is sure, set, steadfast, solid, safe, secure.  Yes, steady is good and God is altogether Steady!  Walk in courage … walk steady!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Bear It!

Do you know anyone who always seems eager to deliver bad news?  You think “surely not,” but it's like there's some joy in being the bad-news bearer.  Strange, isn't it!


The Prophet Joel writes vividly about God’s judgment of evil; it's really beyond imagination. His use of words like darkness, gloom, tremble, devours, burns and desolate assure [true Bible believers] wickedness has no bright future.  Oh, how quickly we [choose to] forget the pleasures of sin are for but a season (Hebrews 11:25). Joel then contrasts God's judgment with His abundant mercy: “’Yet even now,’ declares the LORD, ‘return to Me with all your heart’ … Return to the LORD your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love; and He relents over disaster.” (V.12-13). It is particularly important we understand the just nature of God, but also that He is equally merciful to the repentant man.  Timothy Keller said, "Unless you point to the good news of God's grace, people will not be able to hear the bad news of God's judgment."  Christians, who have experienced God's mercy and redeeming grace, have much to tell!  What keeps you (and me) from eagerly – excitingly anxious – tells of how evil ends and goodness triumphs?  Let us be bearers of God’s Good News both in word & deed!  Bear it!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Good Crop

Farming, even gardening, isn’t my “thing.”  I’ve written about my poor skills at growing things before – well, nothing’s changed.  The only garden I’ve ever cultivated well was a rock garden, and I had the best stand of rocks around these parts!


Cultivating a healthy spiritual life is no small task.  Just like weeds and insects threaten a garden, sin left unattended mar the life of a Christian.  Neglect of prayer, study, meditation, worship and fellowship in a Believer’s life doesn’t end well.  Paul wrote to the Believers at Colossae, “And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.” (Colossians 1:9-10).  To walk in a “manner worthy” doesn’t just happen – we can’t wish or dream it to be so; it happens when we weed the garden. In front of our house are fields of soy beans, soon ready for harvest; scattered among the beans is pigweed, which will pollute the harvest of beans.  In much the same way it is a sinful heart that defiles a person (Mark 7:23).  It is sin that hinders us from being all God wants us to be!  Now, that rock garden was magnificent, but funny thing – rocks don’t bloom.  Let me encourage you to cultivate Christ in your heart, allowing the Spirit to produce His beauty within.  It’s a sure way to have a good spiritual crop!

Speak Grace

We call it "the blessing," some call it "saying grace."  Whatever it's called, it's the moment before the meal when heads are bowed, eyes closed, and God is thanked for the food.  Dad & Mom always made us hold hands so I grew up thinking everyone did.  Dad joked it was to keep little hands out of the food but after raising three boys, I don't think it was such a joke!


God's Table of Bounty is plentiful in our lives if only we take notice.  We allow our blessings to breeze by us as quickly as the hours in the day, often giving little thought to what they are and from where they come.  How many times have you sang these words -- praise God from whom all blessings flow? Can you recite them thoughtlessly?  The Psalmist asks in 103:5: "who satisfieth thy desire with good things?"  James answers in 1:17, "every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father ..."  God's best gift of grace came to us in the form of His Son, and when we "say grace," we verbally acknowledge His many gifts. Our blessings cannot always be held in the hand or seen with the eye; many are felt with heart and best known by a common bond in Spirit and Truth.  Take a moment today to pause at the gifts --  acknowledge them then ... speak grace.

Sunday, November 8, 2015


There are certain traits Mr. Bill says I “come by” quite honestly.  In other words, family characteristics I “inherited,” and I don’ think he is referring to good looks or keen intellect!  For example, I admit I have quite the inquiring mind but he describes it as … nosiness.  Whatever!


When I was a teenager, we sang a song titled, “They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love.”   I’m not sure the world can rightly identify Christians these days, but the ABSENCE of love and kindness is easily recognized!  Many fruits are now out-of-season which makes it a little more tricky picking out the …

good fruit. Galatians 5:22-23 lists characteristics (or fruits) of Christ: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  Now, don’t count on getting up in the morning and announcing, “I’m going to be fruitful today,” as in having only Godly traits. That could possibly last until you encounter the first unloving, impatient, unkind, or out-of-control person – if it lasts that long! Yep, so much for that announcement! Genuine fruits of Christ are rooted in His fullness inside us: a heart-full of Jesus!  Impossible?  Not at all: “And in Him you have been made complete … “ (Colossians 2:10).  Such character traits become a showcase for Christ in our lives. This shows the world WHO we are and WHO we belong to. So, don’t suffer an identity crisis: identify with Christ and bear His fruit!

Thursday, November 5, 2015


Who cares to boast of having nothing?  Having no access to chocolate is certainly nothing to boast about - that comes close to being poverty-stricken!


John Piper wrote, "The people that make a durable difference in the world are not the people who have mastered many things, but who have been mastered by a few great things." This shouldn’t news to anyone but an extensive resume or career titles does not make us.  I put forth it is not what but Who has "mastered" us that gives us reason to boast.  There's a group of Americans who claim no religious affiliation - they are referred to as the "nones."  I suspect there are even more "nones" who should admit no affiliation with The Master.  Like the Ephesian Christians, they have abandoned their "first love," laid aside their zeal and passion for the God of Salvation (Revelation 2:4). Acts 20:24 says, "I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may accomplish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the Gospel of the Grace of God."  Ah! There's the reason to boast – mastered by The Master.  Not one who has thus accomplished, thus testified can possibly be counted among the "nones."  Are you a student of The Master - Jesus Christ?  Is your first love still your ... first love?  May it be so that we may rightfully and joyfully boast of none other!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

His Strength

Have you ever watched a dog chase a car?  Better yet, have you ever seen a dog catch a car?  No, I haven't either.


Contrary to worldly logic, God sees weakness as great strength.  From strong leaders to strong paper products, strength is usually is a legitimate qualifier. Why then does Paul admit in 2 Corinthians 12:9, "For my strength is made perfect in weakness."?  Many a well-intended Christian pollutes the spiritual strength for battle by admitting "God and I got this."  Spurgeon says, "God will not go forth with that man who marches in his own strength."  Only when we've admitted to no power at all are we filled with All-Power, God’s Strength.  Paul understood only when he was empty of self-mustered strength – weak – was he prepared for and equipped with God's Strength.  Perhaps the dog is convinced he can take the car, like we're certain we can fight our battles on our own – both are wrong!  Victory comes in Christ alone -- His Strength, His Time, His Way.  Just give it up … and win!


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Whistle While You Work

Remember "Whistle While You Work" – Snow White’s dwarfs song?  A favorite childhood memory of mine is hearing my grandfather whistle. We always knew he was close, because we could hear him whistling.  Daddy Bill seemed always content and happy, whistling as he went.  I guess that's why whistling is a happy sound to me.


G. K. Chesterton wrote, "Joy is the gigantic secret of the Christian." God said a Fruit of His Spirit is joy (Galatians 5:22). How does one find joy in scrubbing toilets, changing diapers, leaky pipes, a struggling budget, long work hours, chronic pain, strained relationships ... yeah, how?  Written on the flyleaf of a Bible by King George V is "The secret of happiness is not to do what you like to do, but to learn to like what you have to do."  God doesn’t allows us to “call the shots” in life; rather, He commands us to trust Him and live obediently doing everything "heartily, as unto the Lord." (Colossians 3:23).  Therein lies the deepest joy for Believers – subservient (submissive) to Him any-where, any-time, any-way. Can you whistle while you work?  God wants us to!


As we grow older, year-by-year and day-by-day, we change.  It’s fun to look at old photos of ourselves and see the hair styles, the fashions, and yes, even the thinner years.  We all have those moments, of course, we know should never have been captured by the camera!


Here’s a great immutable Truth: “For I the LORD do not change …” (Malachi 3:6).  How would it be if change were not a part of this life?  Among other things, we wouldn’t be adjusting to a 5:00 EST sunset!  Can any of us truly comprehend the Treasure of our unchangeable God – He Who has no beginning or end, Who was and is?  In a world that is never constant, He is because He IS.  “Whatever His attributes were of old, they are now … He loves now as much as ever He did … Precious is the assurance that He changes not!” (Charles H. Spurgeon).  All comes and all goes – hair styles, fashions – yet the Believer’s faith is settled securely and eternally on this great Truth: “I am the LORD, I change not.”  Unchangeable!

Sunday, November 1, 2015


It’s the time of year when Mr. Bill sprays for bugs!  He sprays the baseboards and it actually works pretty good since most all the bugs I see are belly-up!  And, guest what – no bugs, no spiders!  Yes!


God calls for perseverance.  Poor bugs strive to persevere, but [woohoo] it just doesn’t happen around here!  Sadly, Christians don’t always persevere either.  Satan likes nothing more than to cause us to  fall.  He’s pretty good at hitting below the belt – dangling in front of us the very sin that entices and entangles.  There’s few things more spiritually crushing to me than my weak link! Oh, how sweet the reward of confession: God is faithful and just to forgive (1 John 1:9).  With Satan defeated, we can move forward in forgiveness and freedom but sometimes we’re hindered by the guilt cycle – forgiven but not forgotten, forgiven but not  forgotten, forgiven but not forgotten.  We can take this spiritual beating or we can rest in the forgiveness and Jesus’ words: “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.” (John 8:11).  Mr. Bill’s bug spray is potent; so is the power of God against self-inflicted guilt of past sin.  To God, forgiven sin is forgotten sin – far as the east is from the west, in the past – that kind of forgotten!  That sin is belly-up!  Let us rejoice and live on in the light of God’s amazing grace!