Thursday, March 31, 2016

Good Days

What’s a good day to you?  One free of pain, of deadlines, of obligations, of rain?  As Mr. Bill and I sat in the porch swing, it was a good moment.  It was free of lots of things but mostly just … free.  May the words of the prayer below inspire you to take a look at yourself in light of who God is and of His Goodness.  It is Him Who makes our days … Good!


Lord of All Being, there is one thing that deserves my greatest care, that calls forth my ardent desires: that is, that I may answer the great end for which I am made – to glorify Thee Who hast given me being, and to do all the good I can for my fellow men; verily, life is not worth having if it be not improved for this noble purpose. Yet, Lord how little is this the thought of mankind! Most men seem to live for themselves, without much or any regard for Thy glory, or for the good of others; they earnestly desire and eagerly pursue the riches, honours, pleasures of this life, as if they supposed that wealth, greatness, merriment, could make their immortal souls happy; but, alas, what false delusive dreams are these! And how miserable ere long will those be that sleep in them, for all our happiness consists in loving Thee, and being holy as Thou art holy. O may I never fall into the tempers and vanities, the sensuality and folly of the present world! It is a place of inexpressible sorrow, a vast empty nothingness; time is a moment, a vapour, and all its enjoyments are empty bubbles, fleeting blasts of wind, from which nothing satisfactory can be derived; give me grace always to keep in covenant with Thee, and to reject as delusion a great name here or hereafter, together with all sinful pleasures or profits, help me to know continually that there can be no true happiness, no fulfilling of Thy purpose for me, apart from a life lived in and for the Son of Thy Love.  (Valley of Vision: Book of Puritan Prayers)

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Have you ever been part of a protest?  I suppose the closest I came was walking out of a tenth grade geometry class when the substitute teacher accused me of something I did not do.  When I objected to the charge, he told me to take it up with the principal so I left the room to do just that.  Guess you could say I “protested.”


As Christians, how diligently do we protest conformity?  Swimming upstream isn’t natural!  That go-with-the-flow-don’t-rock-the-boat suits us much better.  It should not, however, ever describe followers of Christ!  The writer of Hebrews challenges us: “Therefore let us go to Him outside the camp and bear the reproach He endured.” (13:13)  Outside the camp – that sounds scary and cold and lonely and unpopular!  Believers are not called to a conformed life but a transformed life: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2)  How far will you go to avoid conformity?  What are you willing to put aside for transformation: friends, books, music, movies, career, habits, lifestyles, church?  There is absolutely nothing in this life so sacred, so “off-limits” if it leads to conformity.  There is a call for Christ’s followers to be separated, to stand on holy precepts, and eternal Truth.  Spurgeon wrote, “The crown of glory will follow the cross of separation.”  We must decide what it is we seek -- the praise of man or the glory of Christ?  Well, I didn’t quite make it to the principal’s office: the teacher followed me into the hall and admitted he may have been mistaken and kindly asked me to return to the classroom, which I graciously did.  Now, I don’t advise acting like that foolish teenager, but we do need to be willing to step “outside the camp” and deliberately separate ourselves from ungodliness.  For the sake of Christ’s honor, we can effectively live IN this world but not be OF this world.  I challenge and encourage you for the good of Christ … live in protest!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Possessing Nothing

There’s little excuse any more for lack of know-how.  With online documents and videos, there’s instruction to complete any imaginable task.  The Internet is literally a know-how haven!


How do you become a person of poverty, or why would anyone even want to?  It's so contrary to this wealth-materialistic driven culture.  Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:3).  How nonsensical to be poor so you can be rich!  The word “poor” as Jesus used it is the picture of a common beggar in the streets of Jerusalem.  And, He wasn't referring to the lack of material things but rather the concept of "soul-poverty."  If I look in my wallet and find no dollar, the thought comes to go to the bank ... or Mr. Bill's wallet.  It is this very simple concept of knowing what I lack that drives me to seek what I need.  The problem most Christians have is we think we possess all we need: with enough gumption and fortitude we can be-it-all, have-it-all, do-it-all.  We have swallowed that lie [of Satan’s] hook-line-and-sinker!  Jesus said, "If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it." (Matthew 16:24-25).  I love how Jim Elliot, martyred missionary to the Indians , said it: "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose."  The know-how to owning it all -- the spiritual kingdom of God – is actually in possessing nothing!  God loves the poor in spirit – they are His choice vessels!  And, that’s the know-how to possessing it all! 

Monday, March 28, 2016

It's Personal

Do you know what it means to "wear your feelings on your shoulders?"  If you're overly sensitive to the looks or comments of others, you might need to check your shoulders.


It hard not to take it personally, but religious persecution isn't really personal.  Clearly foretold in Scripture, the offenders aren't Christians themselves, who hold Biblical Truth as the Standard; no, it is Truth’s Author Who offends.  Jesus said, "If the world hates you, know that it has hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you." (John 15:18-19).  While most Christians [I know] don't agree with worldly truths, they are willing to "live at peace with all men" (Romans 12:18) as best they can.  Unfortunately, that's not how those who hate Jesus play the game.  Holding fast to Godly principles is becoming more and more difficult in today's climate, and the live-and-let-live days are in the past.  The spiritually astute see and understand the dangerous intersection fast approaching!  In his blog this week, Jim Denison wrote: "The time to decide that we will endure persecution for Jesus is before persecution begins. Challenges don't produce character -- they reveal it."  The atrocities of the Faithful in other lands may not come to America, but loss of religious freedom looms.  The days when we need not answer the call to stand firm are passing quickly.  The hatred may not be personal, but how we answer Christ’s call to be diligent and faithful will certainly be personal.  What will this challenge reveal about you?

Sunday, March 27, 2016

He Knows You!

Our family is officially on “baby watch” this week.  Expecting this grandchild is no less exciting than the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, and will be no more exciting than others-to-come!  With each expectation is that special moment of holding new life for the first time but also watching personalities develop as they grow.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – grandchildren are grand!


Consider what Elohim – God, Mighty Creator, said: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. (Jeremiah 1:5a).  We’ve seen detailed ultrasound pictures of Natalie Anne, but we’ve not yet met her.  How sad so many go through life never realizing their days were determined before their birthday!  The [often dark] ongoing journey of many to find themselves or know their purpose or realize their destiny is futile when every soul’s sweetest joy rests in The Creator.  “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10).  You see, God didn’t just know us before He formed us – He designed our lives to be in sweet fellowship with Himself by walking in His Ways.  Try as man will and does, there is no other purpose or destiny so sweet.  Furthermore, when once you have tasted its sweeting, it is evident there is nothing else which satisfies.  That’s why David wrote, “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good!” (Psalm 34:8).  Each morning I pray for my grandchildren (and future grandchildren) that they will know Christ early and walk in His ways all the days of their lives.  What joy to know that little Natalie Anne is already known to the Father – and that we’ll know her soon!  What joy ‘twill be one day to meet the One Who knew and loved me first!  He knows you, too – I pray you know Him!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Finished

A completed task is usually met with great satisfaction: the end of a work week, a closet re-organized, labor and delivery of a newborn, a new set of shocks installed.  Showered, clean clothes, a glass of iced tea, and finally seated, we can say “Done-done” … in the words of our sweet grandson Caleb!


The Apostle John penned [perhaps] the greatest words ever spoken: “’It is finished,’ and He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.” (John 19:30b, ESV).  Jesus did  not declare a finished work of temporal but eternal significance.  Less than forty-eight hours earlier, Jesus prayed to His Father that the task before Him be removed.  His words, “not my will but Thine” reveal not only obedience but commitment to complete Redemption’s work.  Bearing the full weight of man’s sin, Jesus finished that which He was sent to do!  What a Servant!  What a Friend!  What a Savior!  Let us Celebrate the Finished!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Surrendered Speech

Everyone understands signs of surrender -- I quit, you win, game over.  At least Mr. Bill knew when the ping pong game was over; I did not surrender quietly.


Surrender of speech is certainly much harder than waving a white flag.  Oh, how many times has my mouth engaged before my brain!  Proverbs 18:21 confirms what we already know: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.”  Isn’t it interesting His speech was one of the things Jesus surrendered as He stood before Pilate:  “ … He did not answer him with regard to even a single charge … “ (Matthew 27:14)  Spurgeon comments on Christ’s silence in court: “Did it show that He would not utter a word to stay the slaughter of His sacred person which He had dedicated as an offering for us?  Had He so entirely surrendered Himself that He would not interfere in His own behalf, even in the minutest degree, but be bound and slain an unstruggling, uncomplaining victim?”  He refers to a patient  silence” as Christ’s reply.  It is not human nature, however, to remain silent or even of a quiet spirit when instead we can offer defense or explanation. Words spoken in anger, bitterness, or at the height of some dramatic moment rarely serve us well. Silence, however, is seldom misquoted and often wise representation of a surrendered spirit to a Sovereign God Who masters every committed moment in a Believer’s life.  I am sure God could use less interference from me and how blessed I will be if I begin with … surrendered speech.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016



MWB Archives 03-2011

Greatest Friend – Part 4


Gone are the days of hero dogs like Lassie and Rin-Tin-Tin.  They seemed the perfect pets: friend,

companion, and savior – all rolled into one!  


Who are God’s enemies?  We don’t care to admit it but WE are natural enemies of God.  James writes

“whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” (4:4)  There’s no

denying our instinctive choice of friends!  Paul writes, “For while we were still weak, at the right time

Christ died for the ungodly … For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of

His Son, much more, now that we are reconciled to God by the death of his Son …”  (Romans 5:6, 10)  

Why, even Lassie and Rin-Tin-Tin unleashed wrath on their enemies!  Not so, however, with Greatest

Friend: “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” (John

15:13)  We know The One who willingly laid it all aside, enduring ghastly suffering to make His enemies

… His friends.  Wow! He recognized His enemies and saw the potential for friendship!  Jesus Christ

defined friendship: “God shows his love for us in that while were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

(Romans 5:8)   Casting Crowns sings it like this: “Not because of who I am - But because of what you’ve

done - Not because of what I’ve done -  But because of who you are.”  Hallelujah, O what a Friend!

Greatest Friend!


Miles of Smiles, Beverly


Greatest Friend, Part 2

An estimated 43 million households own a pet.  I am sure there are various reasons – protection, hunting, service, and some inherit their pets.  I would guess, however, companionship ranks near the top reason people own pets.


Oh, to be a friend of God’s – just the sound of it is satisfying!  Pets have a way of getting into our hearts.  In truth, Mr. Bill and I must count our grand-dogs among our grandchildren!  I am convinced they love to see me coming through the gate!  Friendship is more than just a close acquaintance: it’s being attached to another by affection.  Christ said, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friend. You are my friends if you do what I command you.” (John 15:13-14).  Abraham was known as a “friend of God” (Exodus 33:11) [perhaps] because he drew no boundaries on his heart.  When we, like Abraham, surrender our hearts to The Father, we [too] can know Him as Greatest Friend and Most Faithful Companion.  It’s the Perfect companionship!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Greatest Friend, Part 1

How many friends do you have?  Why, Facebook will number them for you!  How funny is that!  In real life, who counts their friends!


There’s truly One Who should be numbered among our friends – God.  Can you imagine the headlines after Enoch went for a walk and didn’t come home or when Elijah was taken to heaven in a whirlwind?  These two men of God didn’t die; escaping death altogether, God just took them to heaven.  Can you imagine how exciting that would be?  And, what about being on God’s friends list as Abraham was: “Abraham my friend” (Isaiah 41:8).  How did these men rank such an amazing honor?  They certainly weren’t perfect but – most importantly – they were faithful.  Their overwhelming devotion to God was way beyond superficial; it was deeply spurred by love and courage outside of themselves.  They lived faithfully within the boundaries of God’s eternal Truth that ”nothing is impossible with God” (Matthew 19:26).  James confirmed the ultimate faith: “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness”—and he was called a friend of God.” (2:23).  Jesus modeled the greatest love:  “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.” (John 15:13).  Will you seriously consider – this Holy Week – if you are counted among God’s friends?  His list matters most!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Master Ambition

We live in an ambitious world!  Some of the most ambitious people I know are also the most passionate.  Take coffee drinkers, for example: they wake with one primary thought - coffee.  The same could be said of chocolate enthusiasts or college basketball fans.  Whatever the passion-of-the-moment ... make way!


We are created with, thus given to, many ambitions - many of which honor our calling in Christ!  True disciples, however, must have one master ambition: "aim to please Him" (2 Corinthians 5:9).  An education buzz-word is "assessment," and it should also be a spiritual buzz-word - one which produces real results.  One of my favorite quotes is "The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing," and how fitting this is for Believers.  Remember, Satan is the master deceiver and loves to lure us away from that main thing, leading us away from the most important.  How important it is for Christians to stay fixed on pleasing God rather than satisfying a myriad of ambitions - even the honorable ones!  Oswald Chambers wrote, "Once a week at least take stock before God and see whether you are keeping your life up to the standard He wishes.”  How do we sift our goals before God to find that one master ambition -- pleasing Him?  "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You." (Isaiah 26:3).  We must learn "to relate everything to the master ambition."  In other words, master your ambition by making Christ your master ambition!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Hope Springs Forth

Hope is often a fleeting thing.  We use the word casually, interchangeably with the word “wish,” to describe something anticipated.  These hopes-wishes are soon realized and then sometimes … not at all.


Throughout the Old Testament, the Jewish people experienced bouts of oppression, loss of freedom, then watched their beloved Jerusalem and temple burned and brought to ruin.  The Book of Lamentations is Israel’s song of sorrow as they mourn the latter tragedy: “How lonely sits the city that was full of people! How like a widow has she become, she who was great among the nations! She who was a princess among the provinces has become a slave.” (Lamentations 1:1).  Oh, America – will this also be your lament?  Dare we imagine the grand dreams of those who first stepped onto her soil?  What is … is, but it need not forever be.  There is Hope.  The great and present tragedy is America has yet to declare as Israel did, “The crown has fallen from our head; woe to us, for we have sinned!” (5:16). God stands ready and willing to restore this nation in Christ Who is the eternal Hope for all men.  Israel's song "Restore us to Yourself, O Lord, that we may be restored" (V.21), must become our own.  It begins in the heart of every American, in the heart of every leader and citizen.  It is there the Hope for all springs forth!

What Matters Most

You don’t think what's inside matters?  Take that pack of microwave popcorn off the shelf and see what happens. There’s just enough moisture in that envelope to respond to heat, rupturing into that wonderful snack!


God's Word says what's on the inside of me matters most!  One of my favorite Bible heroes is David and how God chose him to be king.  "But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for a man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.' " (1 Samuel 16:7).  What a great spiritual principle for life!  Consider what we feed our minds that settles in our hearts.  It's a spiritual reality show: trash in - trash out.  How do you support David became that "man after God's own heart?" I doubt it came about by neglecting or ignoring God.  The Bible is full of David’s conversations with The Father confirming they spent lots of time together, which helped keep David’s heart pure and useful to God. There's always a few kernels that don't pop -- they're useless, real dump 'ems.  Because they lost enough of their moisture they never quite achieved their snack potential.  That describes what happens when we follow our deceitful hearts or we fail to guard our hearts – that’s when sin takes charge and renders us ineffective and useless for God.  Jesus said, “The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” (Luke 6:45).  Yes, the inside matters – God says it matters most!

Monday, March 14, 2016


Consider words that turn us away: no vacancy, no parking, occupied.  Sometimes it’s not just words – it can be a long line or a full parking lot.    One word or one look at we’re moving on to something else.


Consider now how Christians turn God away.  In this fast-paced, drive-through world, sitting quietly is just not a common thing.  Our sweet granddaughter Ella told me last year she was practicing “sitting down and being quiet.”  I’ve thought about how tough that must be for a [at the time] three-year-old then I realized that’s a challenge for young and old alike!  The psalmist writes, “Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10).  Perhaps one reason Christians have missed knowing the God of the Bible is that we do not practice being still before Him.  I’ve stood in the Judean wilderness (desert) where absence of sound and activity rule; this is where God revealed Himself to David and led him to pen some of his sweetest thoughts toward His Creator.  I challenge you to step out of the traffic of the day and become preoccupied with God.  He has much to say – let Him speak!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Be Alaramed!

For those who do not have to set an alarm clock – good for you!  For the rest of us, bless us!  Resetting the time and alarms on digital clocks can be quite a challenge depending on how many you own. In the last week, we have reset multiple clocks multiple times due to loss of power and the time change.  Right now, I’m of the opinion alarm clocks have become too high maintenance.


God never intended for us to be alarmed but, of course, when sin became part of His creation He knew we would need “resetting” from time-to-time.  The world is full of scary things that constantly send us into spells of fear and anxiety!  Old Testament King Jehoshaphat became fearful when he was told a multitude was about to attack.  What did he do?  “Jehoshaphat was afraid and turned his attention to seek the Lord … “  One translation says, “Jehoshaphat, in his alarm, resolved to seek guidance of the Lord.” That pesky alarm clock can do a number on a person’s heart and so can the problems of this world.  What a time to be “alarmed,” but it’s good to know the battles of life are not ours but God’s: “ … Do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God’s.” (2 Chronicles 20:15)  The next time you are tempted to wring your hands, sweat bullets, hyperventilate, or faint in fear, hear the alarm … to seek the Lord’s help. The battle is His and He accommodates only and always in victory. 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Good Housekeeping

Mr. Bill is known for moments of real ingenuity, and he had one of those moments one weekend years ago while camping with Dennis’ and Dustin’s Scout troop.  Moments before camp inspection, he noticed a nasty stain on the otherwise spotless tablecloth.  With one swift move of great finesse, he flipped the cloth, hiding the stain and the judges were none the wiser!


Don't even think of making such a move with God!  There's nothing hidden from Him – even the deep, dark, nasty sins hidden from others.  He knows every nook and cranny of the heart.  To the repentant heart, there is complete cleansing, but only when sin is exposed is it … disposed.  Jeremiah 17:9 tells us the heart is “desperately wicked,” and in need of daily cleaning.  Genuine confession leads to glorious forgiveness, and “though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” (Isaiah 1:18).  Wonderfully, miraculously, gloriously clean!


Good Housekeeping (Author Unknown)

Lord, it is not the dirt and clutter in plain sight that nag at me.

It's that hidden dirt ... You know, behind the refrigerator, in the closets, under the bed.

Dirt that no one sees or knows about but me.

It's the same way with my life, God.

It's those hidden sins that I can't keep up with ... those petty little grievances ...

The grudges, the resentments, the unspoken harsh feelings, the superior attitudes.

Thoughts and feelings that no one else knows about but me ... and You, God.

Help me, Father, to clean my heart as I would my home.

Take away all dust and cobwebs of pride, ill feelings and prejudice.

The dirt behind my refrigerator will never hurt anyone.

The dirt in my heart will.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Do I have a bucket list?  Well, no I do not.  The absence of a bucket list doesn’t mean, however, there aren’t some things I’d like to do before I kick the … well, you know.

The Gospel of Matthew records Jesus’ encounter with a lawyer, “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?  And He said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the great and first commandment.  And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.  On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 22:38-40).  The culture in which we live doesn’t support this; rather, ”most men seem to live for themselves, without much or any regard for Thy glory, or for the good of others.” (Puritan prayer).  The bucket-list mentality generally focuses on personal pleasures or self-gratifying activities.  Of course, it is not wrong to participate in times of personal enjoyment, of rest, of refreshment – hey, sign me up!  It’s worthwhile, however, to ask ourselves and reflect upon what it is we diligently and faithfully pursue.  What really are our deepest passions in life?  The old childhood adage, J-O-Y (Jesus – Others – You), holds a simple and profound truth for living.  It really is a good life-theme!  And, it should be at the top of every Christian’s bucket list!

One Thing

One thing at a time – this is often the rally-cry of my aging brain.  Women have often been praised for their ability to multi-task – and usually quite well.  True as this may be, I’ve arrived at a time in my life where I no longer care to participate in such an art!


Christians are to be one-thingers.  Yeah, I made up that word.  God inspired it, however, as Paul writes: “… one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead.” (Philippians 3:13).  As life goes, it’s difficult to stay focused – to stay on-task!  And, what is it that Paul is straining toward, what is it that lies ahead?  “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (V.14).  The call of God in Christ – the goal, the prize, the … one thing!  A Puritan prayer begins like this: “LORD of all being, there is one thing that deserves my greatest care, that calls forth my ardent desires, that is, that I may answer the great end for which I am made, to glorify Thee Who hast given me being … life is not worth having if it be not improved for this noble purpose.”  Does your spiritual life reflect God’s noble purpose?  It is the one thing upon which we should be be fixed.  One-thingers are fixed on Christ … He is The One Thing!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Every Precious Day

"The Lord delights in the way of the man whose steps Je has made firm;

though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with His Hand." Psalm 37:23


Help me to begin each new day with Your Name in my thoughts

Your Love in my heart, Your Spirit at my side to guide and lead me

Help me, Lord, to celebrate in the quiet the splendor of another sunrise

To bow in thanksgiving before the incredible beauty of a clear blue sky

And to stand in awe as I add my voice of praise to nature's chorus

Every morning, Lord, every precious day ... I will sing Alleluia!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Spend It!

Of all the people I’ve known, my grandparents were the most frugal.  I suspect they saved the most of every dollar they ever earned, but not in a negatively stingy way; they were also compassionate and giving.  Their daughter and son (my Dad) carried this in their adult lives.  Unfortunately, and much to Mr. Bill’s chagrin, that didn’t rub-off on this ole gal.


Three times Jesus asked Peter “do you love Me,” three times Peter answered yes, and three times Jesus commanded Peter “feed My sheep.” (John 21).  Last time I looked that word “feed” is a verb – an action word, a do-something word.  I’ve seen in places of business where the first dollar earned was framed and displayed on the wall; yeah, I get it – however, that dollar never did anything more than … hang on the wall.  When the soul of man is united with God (salvation), we receive the Holy Spirit and the Father’s Love is given to us. What do we do with that Love?  Wrongly, Christians save God’s Love for Sunday mornings when, in fellowship with other Believers, we offer it freely.  This is contrary to Jesus’ command: “Don’t testify how much you love Me, don’t profess about the marvelous revelation you have had, but – “Feed My sheep,” Jesus says (John 21:17).  Mr. Bill (and Dad), I’m sure, would be delighted if I’d hang on to more of my dollars; God my Father is pleased, however, when we spend His imparted Love in ways which tend to, care for, feed His sheep.  Is the Love of God in you?  If so, spend it … lavishly!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Trust Him

Some people are claustrophobic – a sensitivity to confined or enclosed spaces.  They often prefer the aisle seat or the stairs instead of the elevator.  Personally, claustrophobia doesn’t affect me although I could quickly become that way if confined to those places with certain people!


God has a way of backing us into the corner sometimes.  The most natural response is, of course, panic but that’s not why He puts us there.  In John 21, Jesus asked Peter three times “do you love Me.”  Peter’s first two answers were “yes,” but it was the third time that grieved him. (V.17).  Jesus wasn’t hard-of-hearing nor was He displeased with the first two answers, rather, He was probing Peter’s most inner being.  Oswald Chambers makes a very profound statement, “nothing goes through to that place except the word of God.”  There are times in our lives when God allows circumstances to be the probe of our devotion to Christ – times when we must seriously consider if our faith is real or just something we “put on” like an overcoat.  It is in those most serious of moments when the real me is revealed: “The Lord’s questions always reveal me to myself.” (Chambers).  For me, it’s usually a wakeup call to how deep or shallow Christ is in my life; is He really my “Hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27).  Is God probing you these days with a difficult circumstance, troublesome relationships, are you at a critical life intersection?  It’s no time to panic!  This One God Who probes is also the One God Who delivers, heals, comforts, defends, strengthens.  Experience all those things – trust Him!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Good Shoulders

Imagine what our bodies would be like without our shoulders?  Our clothes would droop.  Where would our arms attach?  Why, we might not even have armpits!


Can you recall good shoulders?  Shoulders that were good to lean on in times of trouble?  Good friends have good shoulders, and during trying times their ministry of meals, cards, flowers, visits, errands, and prayers lift spirits and warm hearts.  Galatians 6:2 says, "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."  I read this recently: "A real friend notices when you are bent under the weight of a great burden, and without saying a word, simply steps alongside you to help carry it. With the help of a friend, you can endure almost anything."  Those who show how much they care inspire us to be good shoulders in return.  I challenge you today to find someone in need of ... good shoulders!