Work and Wait
After months of intermittent work, Dustin and Emily have a new dinner table. I asked about it a few weeks ago, and Emily said it wasn’t quite ready. Ready – complete, finished; Jesus’ earthly brother, James, wrote about this in his epistle to Jewish Christians scattered outside Palestine: “[But] let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” (James 1:4). Like hard work and patience produced the table, steadfast endurance produces a work in us that is both pleasing to God and pleasant evidence. A godly work in us allows for no carelessness; there will be times of sanding and re-sanding the rough spots – that’s where letting or patiently enduring while God works His best in us. Like the beautiful table, the finished product is a magnificent work and wonder in the Believer’s life. His glory revealed in us is always well worth the work and the wait!