Thursday, October 31, 2024

Blog Break

 Morning with Beverly
Resumes Monday 11-11-2024
Stay in The Word!
Miles of Smiles, Beverly

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Make Some Quiet

Quiet ain't so bad! Some folks care little for solitude so they pack life full of goings, gatherings and entertainment. It doesn’t seem so long ago my life was filled with little-then-big boy sounds and such; and, yes, this Mama looked for a little quiet! Charles H. Spurgeon writes, “We should be better Christians if we were more alone, waiting upon God, and gathering through meditation on His Word spiritual strength for labour in His service.” While being still before God is an intentional act of obedience, we are also instructed to be still with purpose: “Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10). Mister Bill assures me he can be in a mental state of mindlessness – uh, okay. However, in spiritual stillness - with heart and mind and soul centered on The Creator - we begin to understand the purpose of "being still" ... allowing God to reveal Himself to us as He says in the latter part of this verse, “I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth.” As The One Most High elevates Himself to all and in all, He ultimately takes His rightful place in the hearts of those who deeply love and intensely seek Him! Will you claim moments each day to exalt (promote) God in your life? Make some quiet!

Tuesday, October 29, 2024


Most recently, I've watched Mister Bill's latest "project" ... the careful putting-together of a tower stand from which to hunt. As far as I know, it's his largest and most accommodating stand; as it nears completion, every nut, bolt and nail must be secured and inspected before occupancy! Countless things are presented to us as worthy of our trust - things boastful of longevity, steady and secure. All too soon we find these otherwise trustworthy things crash, burn and fail. Edward Mote, writer of more than 150 hymns in his lifetime, wrote for us these words: "His oath, His covenant, His blood - Support me in the whelming flood - When all around my soul gives way - He then is all my hope and stay." We've all seen the stability of roads and bridges recently crushed and crumbled by the deadly force of wind and water; such is our lives when trust is misplaced. David wrote the following words while on-the-run from his enemies including King Saul: "The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in Whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold." (Psalm 18:2, ESV). Although the words rock, fortress, deliverer, refuge, shield, salvation and stronghold are earthly words, they find their fullest and perfect effect in Almighty God! "On Christ the Solid Rock I stand - All other ground is sinking sand - All other ground is sinking sand." May those who know Christ find their habitation in The Presence of The One perfectly and eternally ... unshakable.

Monday, October 28, 2024

Do What It Does

Crawl spaces are creepy! Any “space” coupled with the word “crawl” can’t be good! Aside from babies, anything that crawls isn’t on my list of favorite things! Which would you choose: happy or holy? Before you answer, consider why it has to be either/or; why not both?. Far too long, followers of Jesus have been depicted as these sad-faced people. Somehow, that’s just not how I picture Jesus. Nancy Leigh DeMoss writes, “Did you know that according to the Bible holiness and happiness go together? In Psalm 4 David says that ‘the ungodly love vain words and seek after lies.’ In contrast, those who are godly or holy experience true happiness. David prays, ‘You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound.’ If we want to increase in peace and joy, we need to be asking God to make us holy.” Holiness is a spiritual radiator, and it’s visible effects are happiness! Holiness is an inside job and Christ is the author! Joel Houston’s lyrics come to mind: “Consume me from the inside out, Lord - Let justice and praise, become my embrace - To love You from the inside out.” I don’t think about our house's crawl space too much, and I’m pretty content to let it be-what-it-is and do-what-it-does. Believers don’t have to choose between holiness or happiness: when we choose holiness, the happiness comes with it. Just diligently pursue Jesus and let righteousness have its way its way in us. Yes, just let it ... do what it does!

Sunday, October 27, 2024

His Steps

When things go askew, there’s usually a reason. Although I’ve had some real atta’girl moments in the kitchen, I’ve had more than my share of ... oh-my moments! God has wisely and graciously given us a recipe for living in harmony with Him and with others: "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8, ESV). These are His instructions; when we refuse to do as He says, the results are both unsightly and unsavory. Do you want to know why the world looks so suspiciously and negatively at Believers today? Because the "walk" they see [of us] is similar to what they see of the world at large. What a holy shame when there is nothing distinctively different about the Saints! "For to this you have been called ... leaving you an example, so that you might follow in [Jesus] steps" (1 Peter 2:21, ESV). None of us will walk perfectly before the Lord or the world, BUT in His grace (strength), He can really shine in those atta' girl moments and those around will take notice! Let's be wise - not in our own eyes but wisely follow in ... His steps.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Happy Reformation Day!

Aside from the ghoulishness of the season, I love Fall. It's been especially nice this year to sit on my new patio, enjoy the crispness of the air and a cup of french vanilla coffee, and reflect on an oft overlooked event in history: the bold move of a German monk named Martin Luther who read God's Word [for himself] then challenged the church [of that time period] with some serious errors. The firestorm and beauty that resulted is known as the protestant Reformation. Perhaps the greatest and most encouraging truth for New Testament Believers [from the reformation] is what God confirms in Ephesians 2:8-9, "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast" (ESV). What a relief that no personal work nor human affirmation declares a person's right-standing with God; rather, we are declared righteous solely and completely by God Himself because of the finished work of His Son [Jesus] on the cross ... "by grace through faith" in Jesus! As a result, the very throne room of God is opened to us: "Therefore, ... we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus" (Ephesians 10:19, ESV). What a cause to pause and be grateful! Yes, buy some candy corn or whatever suits your taste, and on October 31 let all who believe celebrate the free gift of salvation delivered by God through Jesus ... Happy Reformation Day!

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Promise Keeper

Some of the sweetest, and most interesting, promises ever made to me were by little boys in a toy store.  God, however, is the ultimate Promise-Maker!   Because he failed to keep a few, Mr. Bill will give his word but doesn't make promises.  The frailty of man is sharply contrasted by the One Who cannot break a promise: "For as many as are the promises of God, in Him they are yes; therefore also through Him is our Amen to the glory of God through us.." (2 Corinthians 1:20, NASB).  The word "amen" means "so be it," so through Christ … so be it!  There's no wiggle room, no ifs-and-or-buts, no maybes, no probablies, no hope-so's, no whatevers – God's promises are forever sealed in Christ for our benefit and to His Glory.  In a world where lies and deceit are widespread and abundant, what extraordinary solace in Steadfast Words supported by One Who is forevermore Steadfast and Sure.  When we put our trust in Christ, the promises of God are ours and we can know with all Hope (confident expectation) they are real.  I remember well the words and faces of those sweet little promise-makers yet sweeter still is The Perfect Promise-Maker. And, even sweeter -- He is the ultimate ... Promise-Keeper!

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Above It All

Have you ever been "under the weather" ... wherever that is? Well, that phrase "under the weather" originated in the 1800s as language used by sailors. They would go below deck to escape the weather and recover when they were feeling seasick or unwell. Well, yeah, we've all been sick and felt the misery that oft comes with it including the despair and gloom of its presence. Paul spent his final days in [what most scholars believe] Rome's Mamertine prison, which is best described as dim, dank and dirty. If ever there was an "under the weather" sorta place, it was there! These are just a few of the things he wrote [in 2 Timothy] from that under-the-weather place to young Timothy who was serving in Ephesus: grace, mercy and peace from God the Father ... I constantly remember you in my prayers ... be strong and empowered in the grace in Christ Jesus. Paul wasn't shrinking under his conditions - he was actually flourishing! Instead of focusing on himself and his own dank-dim-dirty circumstances, his eyes were on Christ and what He was doing outside of those prison walls. What a lesson here for us as we face varying under-the-weather times of spirit and soul. There's opportunities in all circumstances to actually, like Paul, be the one who refreshes and inspires others. Yes, those under-the-weather times are when we should flourish and actually live ... above it all!

Monday, October 21, 2024

Consider the Flow

Instructions, when they are short and sweet - well, the older-me appreciates that: recipes with few and short sentences, one-page questionnaires ... oh, and large print is a bonus! This is what God said to Abraham (Abram): "I am the Almighty God; walk before Me, and be thou perfect" (Genesis 17:1, KJV). God couldn't have been clearer! He identified Himself first, making certain Abraham knew on what authority He spoke - the omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), omnipresent (all-present) One. Then the command: walk before Me, God said; live every area of your life knowing My eye is on you ... your thoughts, your intentions, your speech, your actions. Finally, God said, be perfect - holy, blameless, honorable, valiant; know Me and imitate Me in every possible way. Now, short and simple does not always mean easy. Abraham made his share of blunders, falling short of God's instructions; as New Testament Believers, we have The Holy Spirit to not only guide us into blameless living but to empower us for it: "the Spirit helps us in our weakness" (Romans 8:26, ESV). E. R. Havergal wrote, "Take my life, and let it be - Consecrated, Lord, to Thee - Take my moments and my days - Let them flow in ceaseless praise." As Saints of God, there's no part of us who should withhold from God's leading nor any of His instructions we should ignore. From Christ [in us] should flow a steady offering of obedience and praise. Let us wisely ... consider the flow.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Feeding Your Soul

We can learn a lot by contrasts. For example, the life-span of a poorly made product compared to one of good quality; the outcomes of a good choice versus a bad one; the performance of a well-maintained vehicle and one neglected. "The human heart, apart from Your love, will drink itself to ruin on the wine of unholy communions." (Every Moment Holy, Vol II). If we embrace the ideology "we are what we eat" in the physical sense, oh so much more we should embrace it spiritually! What we feed our mind, soul, spirit, heart will ultimately reveal itself in us: hate or love, envy or contentment, fear or trust, prejudice or justice, pride or humility, rage or peace, etc. When we feast on the brokenness of this world, we can expect an ugliness that festers and wounds us and others. Jesus said, "It is The [Holy] Spirit Who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are Spirit and Life." (John 6:63). Do not be deceived: our souls are being fed continually. On what is your soul feeding?

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Empty Altar

Sometimes, something triggers a memory: for example, a childhood memory that church services typically ended with an "altar call." This verse from 2 Samuel 15 in God's Word triggered that memory for me: "Has the LORD as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams." (V.22, NASB). It's not uncommon to wonder just what best we can offer God Who has given and continues to give to us everything - in what way can we rightly honor Him? He plainly says in this verse that the best way we can show Him praise and honor is "to obey" - it's better than anything and everything else. We may ask, "that's all?" ... well, obedience is usually the absolutely hardest and last thing we want to do, the most difficult condition for our hearts to be! Jim Elliot said if we are the sheep of His pasture, we must remember: "sheep are always headed for the altar." That laying-down of what we think and what we want is tough but so glorifying to the Fatter and satisfying to the soul. There's an altar call for each one of us to give-up and set-aside something. Listen intently and hear the call of the ... empty altar.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Well Content

Admittedly, I've never been one to observe "first light" ... I've seen some pretty awesome sunsets but few sunrises! In meeting his brother Esau, Jacob said: "I am unworthy of all the lovingkindness and of all the faithfulness which You have shown to Your servant ..." (Genesis 32:10, NASB). How is it so difficult to praise instead of complain, be positive rather than negative, to replace griping with gratitude? "Some murmur if their sky is clear - And wholly bright to view - If one small speck of dark appear - In their great heaven of blue" (R. C. Trench). Martineau wrote about people who choose to live not in expectation of the "right to be happy" but rather see their blessings not numbered by anticipation, but "come to them fresh and brilliant as the first day's morning and evening light." In other words, there's deep gratitude and contentment toward all things. Paul wrote, "And He has said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.' Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong." (2 Corinthians 12:9-10, NASB). For the sleepy-head, morning's first light brings joyful reality for another day of life ... For the early-to-bed, evening's first light is the assurance of the day's gifts and rest to come: contentment and gratitude in all things! What a life when we are ... well content.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Well-Ordered Life

Nonsensical - I like that word! Its root word, nonsense, stirs my memory to countless comical antics of days-gone-by of Mister Bill and our three boys. All foolishness aside, Scripture instructs Believers: "For the grace of God has appeared, bringing Salvation to all men, instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and Godly in the present age." (Titus 2:11-12). In this world, to deny ourselves seems irrational-illogical (nonsensical), however, that's exactly what we are instructed to do in order to live a sensibly holy life! Verse 13 explains why: "Looking for the Blessed Hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus." A well-ordered, sensible, forward-looking life in anticipation of Jesus' return. I recall fondly those days of the guys' utter nonsense yet I care nothing for a spiritual life devoid of direction. Oh, for grace to deny myself and embrace the Godly ... well-ordered life!

Monday, October 14, 2024

Sweet Resignation

Although it simply means to give-up or relinquish, the word "resign" typically brings a negative thought. Resigning one's self to inevitability, i.e. the effects of gravity - well, how's that negative? M. Molinos wrote: "Strive to carry thyself with a total resignation to the Divine will, that God may do with thee and all thine according to His heavenly pleasure, relying on Him as on a kind and loving Father." Now, that's resignation with purpose and a confident end! How much more, however, we'd rather depend upon our own imaginations and strategies with [in reality] uncertain success. God says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5, ESV). Frankly, we are nothing short of fools to put the sum of our trust in ourselves and what we know and understand about ... well, anything. In contrast, "perpetual resignation" - hard as it may be - guarantees a peace and confidence found nowhere else and in no one else than The All-Sufficient One. Resignation (surrendering, giving-up) of personal will (not mine but Thine) to the All-Knowing (Omniscient) and All-Powerful (Omnipotent) God is truly ... sweet resignation.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Cautious Traveler

As leaves begin to turn, folks take to-the-road to see the lovely fall colors.  But who wants to drive - the driver can't look ... he has to watch the road!  Followers of Jesus have been given excellent directions for travel:  "Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersover thou goest." (Joshua 1:9).  Whether the road is smooth or rough, the directions do not vary ... be strong, encouraged because God is with you.  These words were not written just for the traveler who has lots of frequent-flyer miles, silk suits, and an unlimited expense account. They were given to normal folks who [too] struggle in the trenches with not enough time, money, patience, and stamina to go it alone. M. A. Kelty writes, "Watch your way then, as a cautious traveler; and don't be gazing at that mountain or river in the distance, and say, 'How shall I ever get over them,' but keep to the present little inch that is before you, and accomplish that in the little moment that belongs to it."  The Holy Spirit Who indwells the Believer provides all power for every moment.  We must not watch the road but keep our eyes on The One Who knows the road - every bump, curve and ditch! Trust the Lord and be a ... cautious traveler.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Reign in Me

If my hair could talk, I wonder what it would say to me first thing in the morning. I suspect it would be quite candid about the abuse it suffered during the night! If there's one thing I often overlook in my spiritual life, it is my sinful tendencies - that is, my natural leanings. Paul writes of the conflict between the two natures: "What I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate." (Romans 7:15). Of course, it could not have been said any better! As miraculously and confidently redeemed (saved) as I, that old [sinful] nature plagues my thoughts, motives and actions. I exclaim with the psalmist, "Oh that my ways may be steadfast in keeping Your statutes!" (Psalm 119:5). There is hope! "Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!" (Romans 7:24-25).  We sing it like this: "Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it - Prone to leave The God I love - Here's my heart, O take an seal it - Seal it for Thy courts above." Morning hair will continue to be ... morning hair; here on earth, the sinful nature will be ... the sinful nature. Let our daily prayer be ... Lord, reign in me!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Choose Wisely

Vision statements are often overlooked but are actually a great way to move forward as an organization or individually. One of the best "vision statements" ever voiced was made by a Bible hero named Joshua: "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15). Unfortunately, too much of the time I allow my calendar to direct my life! An opportunity presents itself, I quickly check the date [on my calendar] then seize the vacancy for what I will ... but what does God will for me? Joshua, Moses' successor, stood before God's people and challenged them: "choose this day whom you will serve" (V.14). Interestingly, the challenge was for "this day," not for tomorrow or some distant time-to-come. The challenge was for right now - the current moment, which is all we really have. Here's the question for each of us: what will we do with the current -moment? Joshua staked his claim on the time-at-hand, he chose to follow and serve The Giver of the moment and all moments. It's my choice, your choice ... choose wisely.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Keep Calm

Perhaps you've seen the "Keep Calm" phrases: "Keep Calm and Just Smile" ... "Keep Calm and Order Pizza" ... "Keep Calm and Call Batman" - the list is endless. Keeping calm should be a virtue of every child of God! "The Lord God says this, 'Listen carefully, I am laying in Zion a Stone, a tested Stone, a precious Cornerstone for the [secure] foundation, firmly placed. He who believes [who trusts in, relies on, and adheres to that Stone] will not be disturbed or give way [in sudden panic].'" (Isaiah 28:16, AMP). I'm not a builder, of course, but what I understand about a building's cornerstone is that it is the stone-piece that not only marks the origin of the building but also unites or joins intersecting walls; it's also a common practice for that fundamental piece of the building to be specially inscribed or marked. Do you see the beautiful message of Jesus as our Cornerstone! Any anxiousness is settled in Christ as we are united in Him. "Holy Spirit, Peace divine - Still this restless heart of mine - Speak to calm this tossing sea - Stayed in Thy tranquility" (S. Longfellow). Because of and in Jesus ... keep calm.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Just Say The Words

A parent's ear is trained to a child's call or cry in the still of night. I remember even the sniff or cough of one of my boys was enough to put my feet on the floor. We aren't always welcoming recipients to things God sovereignly allows in our lives. Our good response is usually to the tune of the Hebrews in their wilderness, each verse filled with rebellion and complaining! Dare we deny that "every good gift and every perfect gift is from above." Oh, how much better we could have planned our lives! A surrender or resignation to God's divine will is certainly more in line with a grateful heart. Rutilius in 1604 wrote, "for hearts unthankful can no blessing find." How do we as children of God - Abba, Father - tune our hearts to sing His praise? Wm. Law wrote, "Whenever, therefore, you find yourselves disposed to uneasiness or murmuring at any thing that is the effect of God's providence over you, you must look upon yourself as denying either the wisdom or goodness of God." Because we are His dear children, The Father's ears and heart are ever-listening for the sweet sound of His child's voice. Let the sound be one of deep gratitude and eagerness to draw near in love and obedience. Abba, Father ... just say the words.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Do Better!

When my boys were still boys, occasionally Mister Bill and I would call a "family meeting." That meant when all activities were halted and the five of us came together [basically] for some "do-better" conversation. Oswald Chambers ask this question, "If Jesus Christ is going to regenerate me, what is the problem He is up against?" In other words, if there's really going to be a change in my life, what's got to happen? That do-better family meeting was a time when Mister Bill and I brought to light some things that as a family we needed to be aware of; often it wasn't anything earth shattering but small things that were hindering the smooth-running wheel of family life. As sinners, however, the issue at-hand is always a big deal: sin. Paul uses a beautiful phrase that describes the eternal change that comes to be in the new heart of a Believer: "Christ formed in you" (Galatians 4:19, ESV). Interestingly, when Christ is "formed" in us, we don't just do better, we are changed from the inside out. Because we ARE a "new creation" (2 Corinthians 5:17), we want to DO better - all because of the righteousness that Jesus has put within us! I must admit, those family do-better conversations were usually fairly effective ... at least for a time. What confidence we have in knowing who we ARE because of and in Christ, and by His grace empowered to ... do better!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Spread the Cheer

There are countless shortages in this world: perhaps right now, we're all wondering if we need to stock-up on this or that. May I suggest a real shortage that none of us will find on store shelves nor waiting to be unloaded from some foreign or domestic shore ... that is, a smile. Some experts propose it is 15-20 muscles engaged in both frowning and smiling, however, few agree whether it's frowning or smiling that give the face a muscular break! God's eternal Word of Truth says: "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." (Proverbs 17:22, ESV) ... "A glad heart makes a cheerful face, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is crushed." (Proverbs 15:13, ESV). Maybe you've also discovered it's an exercise in futility to look in the mirror and practice smiling; wanna know why? A smile doesn't originates from facial muscles; a genuine smile comes from a heart that is devoted to The Lord, the source of real joy and sheer delight and deep cheerfulness! The shortage of joy and delight and good cheer is something every Believer can do something about. Job said, "I will put off my sad face, and be of good cheer." (Job 9:27, ESV). What this world is short-of and in need-of are kind faces illuminated by a hearts filled-to-overflowing with the Love of God. Children of God, let's be challenged and encouraged to do something about this shortage: If The Lord is Lord of you, let your face speak of it ... smile, spread the cheer!

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Sweet Conversation

The concept of re-purposing items isn't a new one: my grandmother took her empty snuff cans and used them as spit cups! David wrote, O LORD, "You have tried my heart; You have visited me by night; You have tested me and You find nothing; I have purposed that my mouth will not transgress." (Psalm 17:2-3, NASB). David acknowledged that God knew his heart yet David humbly asks for God's strength as he determined to live a pure life. The seasonal time of pruning bushes is upon us - so is it ever-timely that we allow God to prune our hearts, purifying our conversations. "How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" (Psalm 119:103, ESV). The spiritually effective words of God should transform our daily conversations into a wealth of The Father's sweetness to others: "Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body." (Proverbs 16:24, ESV). I'm not suggesting we give up talking about the weather or family or sports or [even] politics - just re-purpose those conversations for opportunities to exalt the Name of Jesus and glorify The Father! Like Jeremiah, let our words be counted among those that become "a joy and the delight" of our hearts (Jeremiah 15:16) ... yes, sweet conversation.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

A Song for a Sigh

Have you ever got a song stuck in your head? Even the sweetest of songs, after a while, begin to make you nuts! Handley Moule wrote, "It is possible to see the will of God in everything, and to find it, as one has said, no longer a sigh, but a song." To see the sovereignty of God in every moment of life is indeed a challenge yet a worthy goal. When life takes that unexpected twist and unpleasant turn, it's not our nature to be happy about it or rejoice in it. The common response of "oh no" and the resulting attitude and complaining that follow often is best described [in musical terms] as sour and off-key. Paul wrote, "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, ESV). Don't let those words "always" or "without ceasing" or "all circumstances" get stuck in your throat! Let this be the never-ending song of the Saints: God is higher and mightier than any twist or turn; look to Him - The Presence and The Power. Christ is your trusted ... song for a sigh.