Place of Grace
Have you ever held on so tightly to something that it left an imprint, an indention in your skin? That may rightly describe how, as Children of God, we hold on to our struggles - oh, so needlessly! God tells us to "come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need" (Hebrews 4:16, KJV). There before The Father is continual favor, good will and kindness when we need it. Why [then] do we choose that which is so freely offered? Octavius Winslow writes, "Do no brook over it. Do not cherish it. This will not make it sweeter" (Morning Thoughts). With time, that imprint in your hand fades and the skin returns to its original appearance - it's as if it was never there at all. So is the tender grace found at The Father's throne. He is attentive to our need and responds with the perfect mercy that is His nature. Whatever presently troubles you, God's invitation is open to all who come willingly, boldly with confidence to Him ... the place of grace.