Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Instant oatmeal, rotisserie chicken, self-adhesive stamps, drive-through windows, call-ahead seating … all these have something in common. They satisfy a sense of urgency!
What is urgent? One online definition read, “too pressing to permit further delay.” I’ve had a few hurry-hurry-rush-rush times even today! For just a moment, think about how much time David spent on the backside of nowhere with only sheep for company. Did you know that of all livestock, sheep require the most care? They are jealous, have no natural defense except to run, and are easily flipped on their backswith no way to upright themselves! Tell me now, what one characteristic would be most needful in a shepherd? Patience! Although we read several places in the psalms David’s lack of patience, it was one of the most urgent needs in his life and he recognized it: “I waited patiently for the Lord … “ (Psalm 40:1) What seems most urgent is not always most important. See the blessings that come to us in patience: God hears me, delivers me from destruction, sets my feet in a firm place, secures my steps, gives my heart a new song (V.2-3). Do you see what we miss when we fail to wait on God! For the Believer, truly, only one thing is urgent: wait patiently.
Dear Lord,
Deliver me from the urgency of my own will and my own way. Put within me a patient and quiet spirit as You do Your work of grace in me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Oil For the Lamp
My car, as most, has a mechanism that lets me know when the oil level is low. I think it even makes a dinging sound, but that could mean I’m low on fuel or the washer fluid needs refilling or there’s a door open or I’m not buckled up. Oh, my! Thankfully, I have male-people at my house to interpret the dings!
What’s your oil level? Oh, I don’t mean is your skin or hair oily but rather does your soul’s lamp have sufficient oil for Christ’s light to shine? Consider how the lamps in Israel’s tabernacle required fresh oil to burn brightly (Exodus 25:6). Have we forgotten the soul of man is needy? First and foremost, the soul exists in a depraved condition requiring spiritual birth, coming only through the Savior, Jesus Christ. Then, the regenerated soul has need of the “oil of gospel grace … pure and free … hence the light which is fed thereon is clear and bright.” To put this plainly: to effectively shine for Christ, we need oil for the lamp. I fear many otherwise brightly-shining lives are instead dinging, “My lamp’s gone out!” And, is it any wonder when the lamps are empty! Spurgeon continues, “True holiness, joy, knowledge, love, these are all beams of the sacred light, but we cannot give them forth unless in private we receive oil from God … “ It is true, I do rely on the dinging in my car to warn me of low levels of “stuff.” God is not negligent in speaking: let us pay attention – be still, seek and hear Him. He anxiously waits to fill our lamps to shine brightly for Him.
Dear Lord,
Empty and cleanse, filling me with Your holiness. Make me an effective light for You today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Act Like It!
Do you remember as a child receiving notes like these: "Do you like me? Check yes or no." or "Are you mad at me? Mark yes or no." or "Will you be my friend? Yes or no." How simple and directly to the point!
The Christian's walk is just as simple. Consider 1 John 3:10-11: "This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother. This is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another." How much more simple can it be: God's Children (those who bear His name) very simply ... act like it! We don't say unkind things to and about others; we do not participate in unholy conversations or activities; we do not watch or listen to things that usher impurities into our minds and hearts; we do not practice dishonesty nor do we lack integrity; we also do not neglect praying to The Father nor put aside reading His Word. For others to know who our Father is, we are serious about our Christian testimonies; our behavior is different than the world's. Do I love God? Does my testimony mirror Christ? If the answer is "yes," act like it!
Dear Lord,
Thank You for the rich wisdom of this passage, and for it's simple reminder of how You want me to bear your image in everything that I do. Help me to love not only in word, but in deed ... make my actions point others to You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
A Quiet Blessing
There's a quote that goes something like this: "Some people bring great joy -- some by coming, some by going." Consider all the people you interact with in a day: are you a blessing a'comin' or a'goin'?
Joseph Bayly wrote a piece titled, “Quiet Comfort" … “I was sitting, torn by grief. Someone came and talked to me of God's dealings of why it happened, of hope beyond the grave. He talked constantly, he said things I knew were true. I was unmoved except to wish he'd go away. He finally did. Another came and sat beside me. He just sat beside me for an hour and more, listened when I said something, answered briefly, prayed simply, left. I was moved. I was comforted. I hated to see him go."
Dear Lord,
Make me a quiet blessing to someone today. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Detour To Kindness
Did you know a honey bee will travel some three hundred thousand miles to collect one pound of honey! That may seem hard for you to believe, but I've known my Dad to travel [what I thought was] too far to save a few pennies on a tank of gas.
Some folks seem to take enormous detours just to be ... unkind! Ever asked for a little grace from someone and got it, but the cost [of harsh words] was so costly you almost wished you hadn't asked! What amount of self-gratification could there possibly be in making another person feel horrible! One of the first verses I learned, I learned as a child: ". . . be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you." (Ephesians 4:32) Why is it so hard for us to kind? Perhaps it's because we haven't put away all "bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking" as instructed in Ephesians 4:31. Verse 29 instructs us to "let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth" and that the words we speak "impart grace to the hearers." The sting of words long outlast that of a honey bee. I wonder what heart I've stung with my own unkind words lately. The road of unkindness seems to be the more traveled,
but as Christians let's lead the way in the Detour to Kindness!
Dear Lord,
Forgive me for careless and unkind words, often spoken in anxious moments and to those whom I love dearly. Give me a gentle and quiet spirit today, governed solely by Your sweet love and compassion. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Hallowed Hunger
When you have a taste for something, nothing else will do! I seem to always have a taste for Mexican but when Mr. Bill and I go out to eat, I try to remain open to other options. Unfortunate for Mr. Bill, he rarely makes suggestions so …
Christians need to stay hungry for that which comes from God. Now, I don’t know a cook who doesn’t love to see his-her food disappear. An empty dish proves it was delicious! This is just delightful to the cook! Such hunger is indeed precious to The Father. Jesus saw the [spiritually] hungry crowds in Galilee and spoke these words, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” (Matthew 5:6) He spoke of hunger with a purpose and a promise! Too many Christians today are starving because they don’t have a hallowed hunger – a genuine sacred desire for God. It’s evident because they care little-to-nothing to be in God’s Word, both personally and corporately. This spiritual starvation results in discouragement, depression, despair, bitterness, joylessness, and apathy for things of God. Christ, however, spoke of a spiritual cause-and-effect: hunger and satisfaction. Pursuing godliness satisfies bringing the fullness of Christ to the Believer’s life. Are you hungry? If not, pray for hunger!
Dear Lord,
Thank You for being my righteousness. Place within me an intense craving to know You more and more, and manifest Your holiness in every part of my life! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Have you ever wished to be sick? Surely not, but sickness is always an otherwise convenient reason to miss dreaded events: math tests, dentist appointments, family portraits, etc. It is, of course, also a terribly inconvenient cause for missing much-anticipated things!
How anxious are you to spend time with God? If your answer is “well …” or “hmmm … “ or you hesitated or even drew a “blank,” consider this: “I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if you find my beloved, that you tell him that I am sick from love [simply sick to be with him].” (Song of Solomon 5:8) There is a nearness to the Savior that the righteous soul longs for. He is to our souls as the sun is to the day, moon to the night, dew to the flower. One of the greatest joys for me is to be near Mr. Bill, my boys, my parents, my sisters. When I am away from them, there is a sense of ... incompleteness. Time with them completes me, satisfies a longing and a need. This is just what time with God does for the hungry and thirsty soul. The Psalmist wrote, “he satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things.” (107:9) Yes, there IS a sickness to be desired. Physical wellness we all want, but for the Child of God – “be sick” with love for Christ!
Dear Lord
Draw me near, keep me close, speak my name, hold me tight. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Friday, August 20, 2010
God's Mercy Is Great!
There's a good reason they call the Grand Canyon "grand." Although amazing, pictures don't show the reality of its depth, contours, hues, and beauty. "Grand" is probably a conservative description!
God's mercy is great! Spurgeon said, "there is nothing little in God." A church pianist most of my life, I thought the small console piano really good; that is, until I played the grand piano in our present sanctuary. Yep, there's a good reason it's called a grand! Man cannot comprehend the depth of God's mercy alone but an even greater mystery is that such mercy is extended to me! Hymn writer, Charles Wesley, wrote: "Depth of mercy! Can there be mercy still reserved for me? There for me the Savior stands, shows His wounds and spreads His hands. God is love! I know, I feel; Jesus weeps and loves me still." Dare we ever doubt Its grandness! Yes, God's mercy is great!
Dear Lord,
I am humbled and stand in awe of Your abundant mercy. Make it rule my heart and be a way of life for me! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Tender Mercy
No one likes a chewy piece of meat! The memory of a tough steak lasts lots longer than its price!
God's mercy is tender! Tenderness is an amazing attribute. Have you ever watched a big burly guy hold his infant child? He does so with incredible tenderness -- power and strength constrained with immense love. God's power is infinite yet so is His mercy; it’s The loving touch we need. Psalm 147:3 tells us our all-powerful Father "heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." What a beautiful description of care and compassion. Spurgeon writes, "He is as gracious in the manner of His mercy as He is in the matter of it." Our God is gracious and merciful as we should also be unto others. Will we trust God of all-mercy with our brokenness and wounds? God’s mercy is tender!
Dear Lord,
I praise You for Your tender loving-kindness towards me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Lack of Gratitude
Aunt Sue used to say, "My name's Little Jimmie; I'll take all ya gimme." I didn't have a clue who Little Jimmie was or what it was he wanted! I remember when my boys were little, my buggy could be filled with their favorite cereal (determined solely by which box had the best toy) yet it was a significant miracle if I got through checkout without candy & drinks. I reckon Aunt Sue knew "Little Jimmie" real good!
Sadly, gratitude is absent in many Christian lives. The word "thanks" appears about 100 times in the Bible, and with almost every occurrence appears a form of the word "give." Now, "give" is almost always a verb with one noun exception: "the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length." How interesting both verb and noun relate to our gratitude to God. To give is to transfer possession, to bestow, to convey, to dedicate, to utter, to deliver, to show. S-t-r-e-t-c-h our thankfulness, bounce back, then ... yes, start all over again! Just like a piece of elastic -- that never wears out. Look around right now and consider everything you seek and how all is from God. The Psalmist wrote, "Surely the righteous shall give thanks ... " In other words, if God's own children aren't grateful, who will be!
Dear Lord,
Make my life an offering of thankfulness, and create in me a genuine attitude of gratitude for Your eternal and boundless goodness in my life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Thoughtless Praise
Thoughtlessness really annoys me! I try so hard to be alert and sensitive to the feelings of others, I find it difficult NOT to be annoyed when people plow through life at the … speed of rudeness!
Thoughtless praise: that, however, is altogether different! I doubt any of us can imagine the pleasure we give God when we praise Him. Horatio Bonar describes a lifestyle of praise: "Fill Thou my life, O Lord my God, in every part with praise. That my whole being may proclaim Thy being and Thy ways. Not for the lip of praise alone, nor e'en the praising heart I ask, but for a life made up of praise in every part." What if we praised God as THOUGHTLESSLY as we breathe, as THOUGHTLESSLY as we criticize? Just consider lips abundantly loose with sounds of praise, hearts beating thankfully, tongues forming words of honor. Why, those who know us might wonder what has overcome us! If we’re caught being thoughtless, let it be thoughtless praise!
Dear Lord,
Forgive me for times when my heart seems dry and praise doesn’t come easily. Give me today an attitude of gratitude and lips devoted to only You! In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Diamonds of the Hope
If you watch cooking shows, you learn it’s not just about taste – presentation is important. I’ve even heard it said, presentation is everything! Arranged on a lovely plate, even a peanut butter and jelly sandwich can look extravagant! Add a drizzle of honey and … well, take a picture!
What about the presentation of Christ in us? Billy Graham wrote we are to “stand out like sparkling diamonds against a dark velvet background.” The Hope Diamond, a 45+ carat diamond, is showcased in the Smithsonian Natural History Museum in Washington, DC. Its size and beauty alone are amazing, but the 45-diamond lined chain and the 16 pear-shaped surrounding diamonds make this jewel one of the museum’s most popular attractions. Imagine Christ on that kind of display in Believers’ lives: wholesome, courteous gracious, clean, holy, kind, unselfish, friendly, industrious, thoughtful, truest, loving. Daniel 12:3 says, “Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.” What a difference we are to be. What a difference we are to make. What a calling we have to display Christ in our world, wherever we are placed to shine. We are truly diamonds of The Hope!
Dear Lord,
Perfect in me the image of Jesus Christ so It shines forth through me to a world lost in the darkness of sin. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Best Part of the Day
What do you consider to be the best part of your day? For school kids, it’s recess or the last bell. For a full-time mom, it could be a few peaceful moments during children’s nap time. For others, who work public jobs, it just may be recliner-time!
God looks much differently at one’s true work. We see those otherwise unplanned and annoying interruptions as obstacles in our day, but God sees them as opportunities. It’s quite natural, I fear, to see them as trifling hap hazardous issues thrown into our day, but truth is, God does not waste our time at anything! I’ve already had a couple of meltdowns with first-of-school-year stress, so I know how easy interruptions can turn into eruptions! “The Lord thy God shall bless thee in all thy works, and to all that thou puttest thine hand unto.” (Deuteronomy 15:10) See, there’s much better things to do with my hands that slap my forehead or throw them into the aid; why not instead lay them gracefully into the precious Hands of God! Annie Keary wrote those times of the day are the “most important part of the work of the day – the part one can best offer to God,” trusting Him and keeping a quiet heart. Wow, Annie, what wonderful truth you remind us of! Let us not dread but look forward to each day’s opportunities, those best parts of the day with all hope (confident expectation). After all, God may be also doing His best work of the day!
My place of lowly service, too
Beneath Thy sheltering wings I see
For all the work I have to do
Is done through sheltering rest in Thee -- A.L. Waring
Dear Lord,
Thank You giving purpose to living and sovereign grace for each part of the day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Glimpses of Grace
Mr. Bill had a flashback one time when he saw Dustin looking for something on top of the refrigerator. His mind flashed back to when Dustin could barely reach the handle on the refrigerator door!
It’s true, of course, not all flashbacks are good, but many are! We are much too easily distracted from what is good and perfect and holy, so it’s good to have frequent flashes of God's graciousness in our lives. Psalm 111:4 says, "He hath made his wonderful works to be remembered: the Lord is gracious and full of compassion." How can we possibly forget "so great a salvation" or divine design in earth’s beauties: a harvest moon, a fiery sunrise, a subdued sunset, glide of a hawk, grace of a crane. I like to think God is responsible for flashbacks: Christmas laughter at Nanny's, Sunday night’s cornbread and milk, fizzy sounds of peanuts in Coke, holding a baby’s hand as he takes his first steps, singing "Jesus Loves Me" with a room full of preschoolers, smell of Aunt Sue's kitchen and her fried apple pies! A sweet teenager once said to me, “give God credit for your thoughts.” God never wants us to lose sight of just how gracious He is. What better way than to give us glimpses of His Grace in the sights and sounds of yesterday and the countless wonders of today. Look around today -- see the wonders of His Grace!
Dear Lord,
Oh, the beauty that surrounds me -- teach me to really see it and glorify Your Name today. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
It’s true, of course, not all flashbacks are good, but many are! We are much too easily distracted from what is good and perfect and holy, so it’s good to have frequent flashes of God's graciousness in our lives. Psalm 111:4 says, "He hath made his wonderful works to be remembered: the Lord is gracious and full of compassion." How can we possibly forget "so great a salvation" or divine design in earth’s beauties: a harvest moon, a fiery sunrise, a subdued sunset, glide of a hawk, grace of a crane. I like to think God is responsible for flashbacks: Christmas laughter at Nanny's, Sunday night’s cornbread and milk, fizzy sounds of peanuts in Coke, holding a baby’s hand as he takes his first steps, singing "Jesus Loves Me" with a room full of preschoolers, smell of Aunt Sue's kitchen and her fried apple pies! A sweet teenager once said to me, “give God credit for your thoughts.” God never wants us to lose sight of just how gracious He is. What better way than to give us glimpses of His Grace in the sights and sounds of yesterday and the countless wonders of today. Look around today -- see the wonders of His Grace!
Dear Lord,
Oh, the beauty that surrounds me -- teach me to really see it and glorify Your Name today. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Sitting At His Feet
Miss Mamie and Mrs. Mozelle were household words at my house. Each Sunday morning my family took these two elderly ladies to church, because neither of them drove -- I don't think they didn't even owned a car. Shortly after Mrs. Mozelle's death, Miss Mamie came to live with us so we could care for her -- she was cripple. One of the tasks I shared with my sister was washing Miss Mamie's feet. Although I did so with love and kindness, I can't say it was something I eagerly stood in line to do!
Oh, what awaits us at the Feet of Christ. Sadly, that doesn't seem to be a place we are eager to occupy. So many things steal away those precious moments when we are bowed in heart and mind to God's great blessings and spiritual truths. I love what Wesley L. Duewel writes, "Let us sit at the feet of God. Let us listen for His Word. Let us turn to the lives of some of the heroes of faith to see how they were able to see God's power released and God's answers made known." Have you ever thought about becoming a "hero of faith?" I can't say it has ever been a goal of mine, but why not? Maybe the defining difference in mighty men and women of God are the times they sit at the Feet of God. One thing I know -- there's no waiting in line there!
Dear Lord,
Draw me to You so You can pour out Yourself on me, and make me mighty in Your Spirit. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Enjoy Yourself!
Do you know anyone who seems to just enjoy life? This describes my Dustin (Twin B) quite well. Sure, he has his less-than-enjoyable moments but, mostly, he loves life and enjoys himself!
In Paul’s second letter to the Corinthian Christians, he wrote, “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.” (9:15) No one likes to keep company with a grump; in contrast, we all enjoy sweet company. The best way to rightly enjoy oneself is to keep right company with The Father through His Son, Jesus Christ. We know He is the fountain of all goodness! Several years ago I watched little ones play in mall’s fountain on a hot day. What fun they were having; just recalling the sight makes me smile! The joy of God brings strength to us (Nehemiah 8:10), an indescribable gift in life. Lyra Catholica wrote,
“O giver of each perfect gift! This day our daily bread supply;
While from the Spirit’s tranquil depths, we drink unfailing draughts of joy.”
Something about my Dustin, and those who know him know this is true: he always has a smile on his face! His countenance is pleasant. If joyful hearts produce joyful faces, God’s Children should be beaming! Is your joy waning? Do this: jump into The Fountain and drink of It; experience Its refreshment and renewal, Its genuine joy. Enjoy yourself!
Dear Lord,
Wash over me with Your joy, renewing my heart and establishing Your reign within me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Oh, the challenges of growing old! I’m adding a couple of items to my technology doctor-bag: reading glasses and a magnifying glass! Those cute little labels on the side of computers are NOT for old techs like myself!
God loves every one of His children to the point of overflowing – actually OUR overflowing! Ephesians says it’s possible Believers be filled with ALL the fullness of God (7:19) Not sure how much that is, but I suppose it’s more than we can fathom. To be so filled is blessed, but it is not self-serving but rather God-serving. We notice when a sink or water fountain or cup overflows. Imagine how others would notice Christians if all our satisfaction rested in Christ, if we were filled-to-overflowing. Our faces would aptly reflect the Psalmist’s words, “He satisfieth the longing soul, and the hungry soul He filleth with good.” (117:9) It is completely and God Himself who enlarges the bliss of His love in us -- not people, not things, not circumstances … JUST Christ! This week, a teacher asked me how to print something bigger, enlarging it so it would be more visible. That’s exactly what we are to be to the world: an enlargement of Jesus Christ, a visible up-close-and-personal image of The Savior. Okay, I know – no one wants to APPEAR larger than they are but that’s just the point – when they look at us, they don’t see US at all: they see Christ, larger-than-life in us!
Enough that He who made can fill the soul
Here and hereafter till its deeps o’erflow
Enough that love and tenderness control
Our fate where’er in joy or doubt we go. -- Anonymous
Miles of Smiles, Beverly
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Lip Control
Do you remember this childhood phrase: "loose lips sink ships?" Seemed sort of stupid as a child, but as an adult it makes TERRIBLE sense!
Lips are interesting body parts. To make them more attractive, we color and outline them but perhaps the most intriguing thing about lips is they conceal something extremely dangerous -- the tongue! Yep, that thing that is known to protrude through the lips to display disgust at teachers, bullies ... yes, even parents. It’s amazing to consider lips as the hiding place for that which sounds both pleasure & kindness as well as pain & deceit. David spoke of the ownership of our lips in Psalms 12 and reminds us our lips (tongue) are capable of causing tremendous good or tremendous evil. "... Flattering lips speak with deception" (v2b) and "May the Lord cut off all flattering lips and every boastful tongue that says, 'We will triumph with our tongues; we own our lips ...' " (v3-4). It is true, we use our lips to build ourselves up over others causing deep emotional pain. It is true, we utter unkindness we cannot retrieve to those we hold dearest resulting in irreversible harm. It is true, our lips are used as a weapon of hate instead of a fountain of love, mercy, and kindness. It does not have to be so, however: "The words of the Lord are FLAWLESS, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times." I like those words -- flawless, refined, purified. Truth is, we can paint 'em and dress 'em up real nice, but the tongue is a beast, monster, wretched! Let's admit it – we cannot control it so we do well to give up ownership. Turn our lips (tongue) over to The One who knows how to control, refine, purify and use them in divine fashion. It’s truly the best method of … lip control.
Dear Lord,
Teach me to seek you first for a pure and undefiled heart, trusting Your grace to be my perfect guide in all I say and do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Heaven's Notes
I'm a note-taker! In school I always had great lecture notes, and often loaned them to the … not-so-good note takers. Today, I'm still a note taker. I simply remember things better if I write them down ... in meetings, at work, at church; writing stuff down plants it in a safe place in my brain for fairly good recall. The older version of me now must ask myself "now, where did I put my notes?"
God doesn't have to write things down, of course, but I'm so glad He does! Luke 17:20 says, " ... rejoice because your names are written in heaven." How wonderful! His memory is perfect, of course, but I don't have to wonder about His recall. I can rejoice in knowing He not only knows my name is there but it’s written down! It’s not written in pencil or with erasable ink, but in the permanent markings of His own shed blood! Aren't we glad The Father doesn't NEED or HAVE to take notes but HE DOES so by choice, lending an added sense of peace and joy to His children. I rejoice today my name’s in The Book, and I pray yours is too. What a joy to know WITH CERTAINTY it’s written safely in the Lamb's Book of Life – Heaven’s beautiful notes! How exciting, too, THAT BOOK will never be misplaced!
Dear Lord,
I will rejoice again, I say, rejoice in the integrity of Your Word! Remind me and renew that joy over and over in my life today! In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Center Focused
Ever been to a three-ring circle? So much to see, and you want to see it all! But with so much going on in three different rings, it’s near-to-impossible!
What’s your life’s center-focus? For many, it depends on what time of the day, day of the week, or season of the year you ask. If we are honest about it, most of us live life a bit off-center and out-of-focus. If not THE center, Psalm 117 is near the middle of the Bible and it’s message is no happenstance: "Praise the Lord, all nations; Laud Him, all people! For His lovingkindness is great toward us, and the truth of the Lord is everlasting. Praise the Lord!" Center of God’s Word or not, it certainly should centralize and draw lives of Believers into focus! To be absolutely grateful, one will complain; to be completely contented, one will not be covetous; to be genuinely compassionate, one will not be critical; to have faith, one will not be filled with doubt. When we embrace the delightful merciful kindnesses of The Father, we become Center-focused. And, although life may seem like a three-ring circus, we have no trouble seeing what matters most … The Center.
Dear Lord,
Turn my heart toward You and keep my eyes fixed on You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.