Thursday, February 28, 2013

Amazing Life

Some things are just good all by themselves. For instance, strawberries are delicious but mix a little whipped cream with them, drizzle a bit of chocolate, and ooolala!

The psalmist wrote, “… in Thy Presence is fullness of joy … at Thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” (16:11). How amazing is your life? There are periods of time for all of us when we can hardly imagine life much sweeter, then at times we pray for no more darkness. “I have set the LORD always before me: because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope.” Mr. Bill and I just spent a few days at an incredible Caribbean resort where we were treated like the rich and famous. Now, I enjoy Mr. Bill’s company when we’re seated in our living room chairs, but in that luxurious setting – well, it was just sweeter! For the Believer, each day should be spend in-touch, in fellowship with Christ. Sure, you may be experiencing some sweet times but nothing close to what it’s like when we “set the LORD” before us. Coram Deo – Latin meaning “living daily in the Presence of God!” Genuine and lasting gladness, joy, and rest exist nowhere else! Want an amazing life? Keep Christ ever before you and enjoy Him every moment!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Trust and Obey

In Hanna-Barbera’s “Wacky Races,” Penelope Pitstop is the classic damsel in distress. Often tied to the railroad track by her nemesis, The Hooded Claw, she was unable to do anything except yell, in true Southern style, “HAY-ULP! HAY-ULP!” As the train drew near and Penelope’s end seemed near, goodness always prevailed and she lived to see another day!

That train is always coming at us! The ending often differs -- sometimes the outcome is positive, other times not so. What matters most is how we face life’s situations: with an obedience-based or outcome-based faith? What if Jesus had been overcome by the looming threats of the cross? Based on what we know of death-by-crucifixion, the decision should have been easy -- who wants to die that way! The call is the same for us ... a call to deny self, yielding instead to Christ-centered living. This means putting an end to frequent frivolous yells of "Help! Help!" and rather, practicing an obedient faith in God then graciously accepting His work in us through difficult circumstances. "A faithful man will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished." (Proverbs 28:20) Oh, the reward of living in the Promised Land – a reward only to the faithfully obedient! So, don’t be alarmed when you hear that train whistle and feel the rumble of the tracks; just know it’s your cue to trust and obey and leave the outcome to our Sovereign God!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Be A Begotter!

This may seem a bit strange to you, but I love to read the begots: Abraham begot Isaac, Isaac begot Jacob, and etc. These are the passages no one wants to read aloud in Sunday School! I remember a visit to an Illinois cemetery where some of Mr. Bill's relatives are buried, and most of the headstones bear names of the predominantly German community. Believe me, it’s easier reading the begots!

Here's one of my favorite begot passages: (Ruth 4:18-2) "Now this is the genealogy of Perez: Perez begot Hezron; Hezron begot Ram, and Ram begot Amminadab; Amminadab begot Nahshon, and Nashon begot Salmon; Salmon begot Boaz, and Boaz begot Obed; Obed begot Jesse, and Jesse begot David." David -- a man after God's own heart! This divine lineage should be an inspiration to each of us as we consider who we are and what we can be for God. It is the simple yet faithful and obedient people who carry out God's plan for a lost world. We are usually totally off-track doing, doing, doing when all God wants is our availability, willingness to say "yes, Lord." That happens only when we have emptied our hearts and our agendas for His cause. God is still in the "begotting" business -- He wants us to begot (bring about) love and compassion, patience and mercy, encouragement and cheer to others. Begots are not a thing of the past ... go ahead -- be a begotter!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Pure Love

There’s a serious pursuit for pure things today! We know foods with less preservatives and fillers are healthier, and more organic cleaning products are safer. The most diligent effort, however, goes to the quest for pure chocolate! Oh, yes!

Pure love – what does it look like? In his first letter to Timothy, Paul writes about the relationship between Christ and the manifestation of love in the Christian’s life. “The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” (1 Timothy 1:5). It is God’s unconditional and pure love we know firsthand through Christ Jesus. Hence, we are compelled to love others deeply in and by His grace. Did you know love is the only debt we owe to others? Romans 13:8 says, “Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.” It’s the purest of heart, conscience, and faith when we love others. Also, it’s the mark of a true disciple of Christ – the love we “have love for one another.” (John 13:35). Seeking pure things is a good, but let’s not neglect the greatest of purities in our pursuit: love with abandon as The Father did when He abandoned heaven for the cross for the sake of redeeming you and me. Pursue it … pure love.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Doing Well-Doing Well

The "well-doings" of life just might be my greatest challenge! The endlessness of well-doings is exhaustive. Its repetitiveness is exasperating. Is there no relief from well-doings?

The well-doings of life are important to God. In Galatians 6:9 we read about these well-doings, "And let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not." Oh, I've nearly fainted many times when I passed by the boys' bathroom, and I've suffered near loss of consciousness at the sight of the kitchen in my extended absence. God encourages us to not grow weary, but instead be strengthened and inspired. Yes, there is promise of rewards for our perseverance in being faithful and committed to Christ in all things -- even the little things. G. MacDonald writes, "It will soon lead you to something more. Your duty will begin to comfort you at once, but will at length open the unknown fountain of life in your heart." In God's perfect time we begin to understand the demands of these otherwise tiresome tasks. Whatever and however well-doing comes to us, let us be faithful in ... doing well-doing well.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Live It!

One of Mr. Bill’s favorite phrases is, “just another day in paradise.” Most people think he’s being sarcastic but he’s really not. He’s one of the few people I know who takes each day as it is – a gift. He will, however, readily acknowledge every day’s gift isn’t exactly a page out of his favorite outdoor catalog!

Do you live with the attitude that you deserve more? Ever throw up your hands in despair and shout, “I don’t deserve this!” Oh, what a foolish lot we humans are! Pastor Tony used to remind this puffed-up soul the absolute worst of this life is way more than what I deserve. He was right because God's Word says the wages of my sin are death (Romans 6:23a). I’m evermore grateful God didn’t stop there … “but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (v.23b). When days seem dark and hope seems scarce, remember what God has given us through Christ rather than deliver us to what we really deserve! When put into the right perspective, it’s not just another day for Believers – each day really is a day in paradise. Take heart! Be delighted! Live it!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tank Up!

Does your mind spin? My mind seems to stay in a’spinnin’ most of the time – the need to’s at home, the gotta do’s at the office, and the want-to’s. Unfortunately, those want-to’s are usually crowded out!

Do you sometimes suffer a spiritual deficit? My spiritual tank would be pretty full except for the need-to’s, gotta do’s, and want-to’s! Hence, it’s a good thing to ask ourselves, “what is most needful?” David wrote, “One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in His temple.” (Psalm 27:4) Of all the things I pray for, why isn’t hunger and thirst for God’s Presence at the top of my list? Christ told Martha in Luke 10:42, “One thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” Oh, how Satan loves to blur the line and confuse distinction between what is urgent and what is needful. Do not forget, however, the psalmist’s words: “one thing” we are to seek after – God’s Presence. Spiritual tanks are filled-to-overflowing and our need-to’s become our want-to’s! Begin each day with The Father, and tank up!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy-Happy-Joy-Joy Day!

Just so you know, I’m not a Ren & Stimpy fan BUT their “Happy Happy Joy Joy” song just makes me giggle!  Believe it or not, however, even that happy-joy song eventually grows old, but not so for the true Source of all Joy.  Psalm 28:7 says, “The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to Him in song.”  These old knees stop leaping a long time ago, but may my redeemed soul never cease to rejoice in God’s unfailing love and salvation (Psalm 13:5).   Celebrate His love today and evermore!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Practice Love

Practice is hard work. Play practice, baseball or football practice, making biscuits -- it's all tough! Practice sessions are almost always full of failures, then working to not fail again. Practice is also usually filled with periods of embarrassing moments of humiliation!

God has called us to practice love. Practicing love is tough also because everyone isn't an object of our affections ... not so easy to love, even like. So how do we begin to love the unlovely, the rude & crass, the obnoxious and detestable? It helps when we determine to see others through the lens of a telescope instead of a microscope. More importantly, nothing is impossible to those who know they cannot do it alone. In 1 Peter 4:8 says, "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." When we see over the mistakes and weaknesses of others, we apply God's kind of love -- an uncommon grace today. Matthew Henry writes, "The nature of a Christian's work, which is high work and hard work, the goodness of The Master, and the excellence of the reward, all require that our endeavors should be serious and earnest." The application of love in relationships trades frustration and exasperation for a sense of peace and compassion which always "surpasses understanding." Love practice is always in-season, but the month of February seems an especially appropriate time to begin. And, don't forget -- practice makes perfect!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Know No!

There are several foods that boast of intense flavor! The more bitter-hot-sour the candy, the more my boys loved it. I learned quickly, never ever blindly agree to “taste” anything they handed me! Although my countenance made for some little-boy laughter, my taste buds were not the least bit amused!

One dictionary uses the phrase “intense affection” to describe love. Those little-boy intense flavors usually turned my mouth inside-out, and left me wondering who would ever create something so … intense! Oh, the things we pursue with intensity – if only we sought after The Father with the same degree. A. W. Tozer wrote, “The man who has God for his treasure has all things in One.” Can you imagine a deeper, more powerful love than “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13). I cannot! Let us lay aside all that binds-hinders-distracts, and take up with great intensity the pursuit of God! Know no greater love!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Celebrate Love!

Oh, the things we do for love! Yes, I painfully acknowledge the list and lengths Mr. Bill goes to prove his love for me. Now, I’ve given a few really good efforts myself: I went hunting with him … until I almost shot his hunting dog; I fished with him … until he told me to be quiet ‘cause I was scaring the fish; I even tried crow-shooting … until I insisted we take an injured bird to the vet. Hey, I tried! Really, I did!

Central to all His mercy and compassion for man, is God’s great love! John wrote, “God is love.” (1 John 4:16) What else would cause Creator of the universe and Sovereign King of all to send His only Son to the cruelty of a cross! Imagine what you will, but it was love! The mercy and compassion of Almighty God are poured richly upon us because of His great – unconditional – deep – amazing love for the likes of me. I’m so thankful Mr. Bill doesn’t measure my love for him by my interests in huntin’ and fishin’ … good thing! May the measure of our love for God be in seeing Him on the throne of heaven and the throne of our hearts. Celebrate His great love!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Love Protects

DC wasn’t much of a guard dog -- or so I thought. He may have been a beagle and could smell a pop tart a mile away, but he just wasn’t very smart. I mean, he ran head first into a parked van one time! Whenever I was in the yard, he barked continuously. It is so annoying I usually just gave up trying to get him to be quiet. As soon as I went in the house, he stopped barking! Used to drive me nuts! Mr. Bill brought something to my attention that made me think again about just how "ferocious" DC really was. His constant barking when I was in the yard was his way of warning anything and anybody to stay away ... from me – it was his way of protecting me. Well, that dog was smarter than I thought; he also knew I was the only one that would feed!

God is our Protector, so it only makes sense we should embrace this same characteristic in our lives. The Greek word for charity or love is agape, which refers to affection or dearness and benevolence. Agape type love brings great joy in protecting and providing for those in need. Such love always puts the needs of others ahead of our own.  This love isn't self-seeking, nor does it pursue self-gratification especially at the expense of others. I suppose I've never thought of myself as a protector, but love protects in a world where protection comes with a price.  Who, in this me-first world, will defend the innocent, provide for the unfortunate, and care for the weak? That's our job! Look around and see those who need a protector protected by The Protector!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Love Is Trustworthy

What are some things you can count on? Everything I was going to list is susceptible to failure, therefore, I refuse to write it down or I'll wish I hadn't.

God's love is not susceptible to failure ... it is trustworthy! It is the only substantial truth which prompts us to trust ... beyond reason. Such love will certainly be abused and taken advantage of, but do we stop loving? No, James 1:4 gives the Christ-like response to such love-gone-bad: "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience." God created man and woman, gave them His finest lodging, and the most succulent fruits ... all-the-while, knowing the risk and the results. God's love did not diminish, rather was spurred to newer depths. So, how do we build and/or maintain the trust of those to whom we wish to share God's love ... when they are abusive of love and kindness, when they reject our care and concern, when they are cold and unresponsive? It's a slippery slope into the sea of apathy, and discouragement beats loudly at our door! I say, how can we risk giving up! "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal." Let's face it -- our love stinks, but the Love of God within us is pure and rich and holy. Love in our own strength will always cause us to throw up our hands in disgust and walk away from those who are trusting in That Love within us to persevere. It must be within us ... others are counting on it! It must be renewed over and over and over again, day after day, moment after moment. If not, it will subside into that which is not trustworthy. Love someone today, and may it be real and ... trustworthy indeed!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Love Is Patient

Are you a toe tapper? Foot stomper? Finger thumper? Yes, I admit it! I am not a patient person – I’m sure that is at least one reason God gave me Mr. Bill. I should have recognized it -- the fishing pole should have been a dead giveaway ... anyone who fishes must be patient. If I do not learn patience from Mr. Bill, surely I will die of anxiety.

God is patient ... love is patient. He expects us to be patient as well. The New Testament says, “love suffereth long …” (1 Corinthians 1:4) I know what that is -- don't you? It's running in the grocery story for one or two items, and ending up behind someone with a buggy full. It's leaving work late for an appointment, and getting stopped by every traffic light. Actually, it's much more like praying knowing God's answers and timing are perfect. It's faithfully obeying His commands in spite of the difficulties. God rewards our patience with endless joy and a spirit of peace. Therein is the Love of Christ, brought about by Godly

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Love Is Kind

There's lots of deficits in this ole world -- rain, food, gold, only to mention a few. One of biggest shortages I can think of is kindness. Even to the most kind of us, we run low on it sometimes. When was the last time you stopped to pick up something someone dropped, allowed someone to go in front of you in the checkout line, or held the door open for another person? Little and random acts of kindness go a long, long way with others. Actually, they tend to go a long way with us, too!

First Corinthians 1:4 puts it very plain " ... love is kind." I double-checked and there's no parentheses indicating be kind only to your friends, to those who are kind to you, to smart people, or even if you feel like it. No, according to God's Word, kindness crosses time, culture, race, and personalities. It may not be convenient or our first choice, but kindness is a Godly response to the unlovely, unkind, foolish, and mean-spirited. Mary Whelchel writes, "Kind means smiling at others; it means not saying the sarcastic words that come into your mind; it means putting up with interruptions and not showing your annoyance about it, to mention a few." Being kind sounds so easy, but we know it is not. What a challenge for today, as well as a great use of the time God has gifted us.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Love Hopes

Do you recall a seemingly hopeless situation? One such situation I recall happened when Mr. Bill whisked me away to the Caribbean for our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. We went to an eco park and taking a break from snorkeling, we decided to do a slow tube ride down the river in a double tube (built for two). Kindly, Mr. Bill held the tube steady so I could maneuver myself onto the tube from the ledge. Instead of easing onto the tube, I gave a big heave-ho -- catapulting myself backwards into the twenty-foot deep, cold water ... losing my prescription sunglasses en route. The laughter and applause from onlookers was no match for the astonished look on Mr. Bill 's face. He hung his head in despair because he knew – yes, he knew I expected him to dive for my glasses. Mr. Bill has always been my hero ...

With God's Love, there’s always hope. How many times have we wanted to give up on situations, people, or circumstances! It must not be so for Believers – we know The Hope and hope is ours. Hope carries us beyond the realm of human expectancy. Yes, the Hope provided to us by God's eternal love always surfaces, rises to the top in any situation of life. “In your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.” (1 Peter 3:15). Our world -- friends, co-workers, neighbors, family -- needs to see that Hope in our faces, our eyes, our living. Never despair – love hopes!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Roar Not!

“I am woman, hear me roar,” sang Helen Reddy. Although short lived, her song “I Am Woman” was #1 on the music charts in 1972. Yes, of course, I remember singing with her but the older-me sings a new tune -- “I am woman – hear me snore!”

God’s Word may not say it exactly like this, but “roaring is for lions.” Have you ever had one of those “roaring” days? Days when all you seem to do is snip-snap-spit-and-spew! Mercy on those who get in your way! God, through the psalmist, lays out the way to a mighty spirit: “As for me, I am poor and needy, but the LORD takes thought for me. You are my Help and my Deliverer; do not delay, O my God!” (Psalm 40:17). I’m not sure when we learned to roar at the world, but even my sweet Ella can make the sound of a lion – of course, hers is sweet to the ears! Only when we give up do we win; when we surrender are we victorious; when we are humbled are we mighty in spirit. It’s hard to admit our spiritual poverty, but the riches of Christ empower us to magnify the LORD (V.16). Snore, if you must, but leave the roaring to the lions. Be mighty only in His Spirit!