Who Will You Serve?
It's no mystery to me America's landfills are full-to-overflowing. Isn't it amazing, however, items we buy and value dearly are the same items that fill our trash cans. Imagine if we didn’t trash anything? All things considered, I suppose trashcans are the best places to "organize" our trash. But, no wonder Oscar was such a grouch!
The mind, however, is not a good place to "organize" trash. The trash comes at us every day -- through television, radio, CDs, movies, billboards, co-workers, strangers, etc. It seems we cannot escape it, and generally defenseless against sudden bursts of deadliness. The sad part is that often we willfully choose that which Satan uses to harm us. I recently listened to some Christian young people discuss a movie and how funny it was yet when I read the reviews it was described as full of sexual content, foul language, and immorality. Joshua said this to the Children of Israel, "choose you this day whom ye will serve." (Joshua 24:15). Mathew Henry puts it like this: "Those that are bound for heaven, must be willing to swim against the stream. They must not do as the most do, but as the best do." Living "the best" is not easy, but it's what serious followers of Christ do. You'll make lots of choices today – who will you choose to serve?