Thursday, January 30, 2014

Who Will You Serve?

It's no mystery to me America's landfills are full-to-overflowing.  Isn't it amazing, however, items we buy and value dearly are the same items that fill our trash cans.  Imagine if we didn’t trash anything?  All things considered, I suppose trashcans are the best places to "organize" our trash.  But, no wonder Oscar was such a grouch!


The mind, however, is not a good place to "organize" trash.  The trash comes at us every day -- through television, radio, CDs, movies, billboards, co-workers, strangers, etc.  It seems we cannot escape it, and generally defenseless against sudden bursts of deadliness.  The sad part is that often we willfully choose that which Satan uses to harm us.  I recently listened to some Christian young people discuss a movie and how funny it was yet when I read the reviews it was described as full of sexual content, foul language, and immorality.  Joshua said this to the Children of Israel, "choose you this day whom ye will serve." (Joshua 24:15).  Mathew Henry puts it like this: "Those that are bound for heaven, must be willing to swim against the stream. They must not do as the most do, but as the best do."  Living "the best" is not easy, but it's what serious followers of Christ do.  You'll make lots of choices today – who will you choose to serve?

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Passing Through

My Dennis used to love going through car washes!  My last car-wash recollection is when he was twenty years old; oh, the silliness and giggles.  The late Author Joanie Yoder wrote about her first car-wash experience – powers beyond her control moving her car forward as if on a conveyor belt, the feeling of being cocooned inside, and the thunderous rush of  water, soap, and brushes that came from all directions.  Those are the very things that made Dennis giddy with excitement!


While passing through life, God is ever faithful!  Most automatic carwashes have flashing lights signaling the stage-of-wash you’re in – life’s isn’t like that!  There are times we seem to move seamlessly and confused between stage-season-storm of life.  The are often times we seem to have no control over what is happening in, around, and to us; Yoder calls these times “car-wash experiences.”  In the midst of experiencing life, God is ever working to accomplish His purpose in making us more like Him.  He said this about these tough times of life, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.” (Isaiah 43:2).  The car wash always ends with a nice blow-dry and the car comes out with a fresh sparkle and shine.  We can trust God’s promises to emerge from the stage-season-storm better, revealing just how faithful God is!  We’re all passing through this life, but never forget -- God is faithful while life happens!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Our oldest son has chickens, and as far as I know, the chickens’ primary purpose is to lay enough eggs for the family. As a little girl, I remember gathering eggs with my Granny. She didn’t have a cool egg-basket like Danny does – no, she just lifted the corners of her apron and gently nestled the eggs there. That’s the best use of an apron I can think of!

God is our refuge! Right now, the snow is falling and the ground is beginning to turn white. There’s hot chocolate and vegetable soup on the stove, and the house is nicely warm. All the fixin’s and just the right environment to weather a winter storm. Life is full of storms, and there’s no avoiding them. Some storms move in and out quickly while others tend to linger much longer than we like. It’s been said of life’s storms, you’re either headed into a storm or in a storm right now or coming out of a storm. We silly humans seek shelter in many things: our jobs, relationships, finances, to name a few; but they all fail, proving inefficient for long-term retreat. The psalmist wrote, “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.” (91:1-2) and [one of my personal favorites] “For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” (Colossians 3:3). It’s tough to imagine much better shelter comforts than a warm house, hot chocolate, and vegetable soup but “hidden in Christ” – that storm comfort is beyond mortal compare!

So let the storms rage high -- The dark clouds rise -- They don't bother me 

For I'm sheltered safe in the Arms of God
He walks with me -- And naught of earth shall harm me
For I'm sheltered in the Arms of God -- Song Lyrics by Dottie Rambo

Monday, January 27, 2014

Best and Beautiful

Mr. Bill does not worry, and sometimes, that worries me!  I will be running around like the [proverbial] headless chicken, getting ready for an event here, and he decides to mow the lawn.  Makes me nuts!


Have you ever seen a picture of Jesus wringing His hands or in a hurry?  Neither have I!  There’s good reason for that; He said, “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life …” (Matthew 6:25).  Oh, to live in the beauty and reality of right now.  How does halt the assault of tomorrow's cares?  Oswald Chambers describes it as an “invasion” [much like a flood] of things we allow to become “the primary concern of our life.”  Jesus continues with a rhetorical question, “If God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?” (V.30).  His answer points us to something much deeper than wondering about tomorrow’s needs; yes, it questions just how genuinely sufficient is our heavenly Father!  Mr. Bill recently bought a sump pump to “pump” water out of our basement in times of flooding.  In the same way, how do we pump out the unwelcome and invasive thoughts that flood our minds and consume our spirits?  How do we instead focus on the promises of Almighty God to those who love Him exclusively?  Pick up The Bible -- allowing Its words to change our thinking, be transformed by the "renewal of the mind." (Romans 12:2). We can be sure it is the certain Will of God that we are transformed, certain that the Word of God transforms; our relationship with The Father is deepened and strengthened. Let me assure you the march of the headless chicken is not pretty, and should be avoided at all costs!  It’s both beautiful and best, rather, to trust in God Who owns every moment of our lives.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Especially Special

On my mantel is a small but treasured collection of pottery.  My first piece was a gift from a daughter-in-love, brought from Montana.  Over the years, I’ve collected other pieces, mostly handcrafted by local artists.  Now, I know these treasures don’t measure up to the collections of mounted animals on our living room wall or scads of camouflage attire here, but they are “treasures” all the same!


What does it mean to be “set apart?”  There’s a very good reason my pottery collection is set high on my mantel, out of the reach of certain sweet little hands.  It certainly isn’t to punish or deprive, but to protect both the pottery and the sweet little hands from injury!  The word “holy” means to be set apart, distinct, different.  The Bible tells us that God set apart certain things for Himself: “You shall be holy to Me, for I the LORD am holy and have separated you from the peoples, that you should be Mine.” (Leviticus 20:26).  When Mr. Bill and I spoke our wedding vows 38 years ago, we pledged ourselves to one another and from all others.  What priceless promise it is for followers of Christ to know, without shadow of doubt, they belong to One Who chose them and gave purpose to their lives.  His design for all Believers is to make us like Him, free of what threatens and binds, and holy as He is holy.  Righteousness need not wear a long face or seem heavy or burdensome.  Oh, no!  It is the glory of God revealed in us – speaking boldly and effectively of Who Christ is!  Are you feeling especially special?  You should be – you are called out, set apart … You belong to One.  Let us live so!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

As God Pleases

We’ve all heard it -- "when Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."  With a smile, I confess, Mr. Bill works hard to keep the Mama of this castle happy!  Yes, I know I’m spoiled and I’m pretty sure Mr. Bill knows he’s responsible for creating the ... monster?


God pleases only Himself ... after all, He IS God.  Galatians 1:15 says, "But when it pleased God ... " -- a forgotten concept.  We tend to enter His Presence knowing exactly how God should bless us.  Usually it's in the midst of circumstances [of our own making] that we share our wisdom with God and advise Him how He should fix them.  Where was our wisdom when we landed ourselves in our own mess?  God pleases Himself " ... to reveal His Son in me." (v.16) In God pleasing only Himself, there comes that pivotal moment when we acknowledge WHO God is and that we are not Him.  This is tough, but how it must be.  When God pleases Himself, we can be rest in knowing He knows what is best for us, and that His purpose will be accomplished.  The sweetest part of this is that His best is always most pleasing to those who love Him!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sweet the Smell

One thing I love about Mr. Bill is his attention to personal hygiene -- that’s why I couldn’t quite place the odor several nights ago when he came to bed.  As it grew stronger I finally just had to ask, “What is that smell?”  I couldn’t believe it when he said he didn’t smell anything!


Have you noticed how slow we are to see our own faults?  Several days later we discovered the source of the foul odor: Mr. Bill had accidentally spilled homemade hog mash (aka fermented corn) onto some clothing that didn’t make it to the washer fast enough!  As rank rank as it was, he couldn’t smell it because he had grown accustomed to the smell.  This is exactly how subtlety sin comes to our lives, much like the flea that hitches a ride into the house on a pants leg then before long we’re calling the exterminator about an infestation.  Above all else, our holiness matters to God; “For God has not called us for impurity, but in holiness.” (1 Thessalonians 4:7).  In the pursuit for personal purity, we will be confronted with indwelt sin – the subtle and not-so-subtle.  In case you’ve never spelled it before, hog mash is not a “subtle” odor – it packs a punch!  As tough as it may be, confronting personal sin is necessary to becoming holy as God is holy.  Oh, but how delightfully sweet the smell!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Most days, you’ll find a quart-size bottle of tea syrup in my refrigerator.  True, not even close to as much sweet tea is consumed as when four guys lived here, but having that tea syrup handy is a good quick-fix gallon. 


What things in your life weaken you spiritually?  I can look at the color of my tea to know if it’s weak.  In her book Holiness – The Heart God Purifies, Nancy Leigh DeMoss writes, “The more we learn about purity and godliness, the more we see the dilution of the Christian life around us.”  That sentence made me gasp!  Within the Church today is an accepted idea and commonplace practice we can piddle in what is unholy yet boast utter loyalty to Christ.  What folly!  Consider this: how do choices in entertainment or immodest dress or embracing cultural values influence godliness in my life?  Do they encourage me in my Christian walk or does Christ-in-me become diluted?  Isaiah’s response when he came face-to-face with Holy God is noteworthy: “And I said: ‘Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!’” (Isaiah 6:5).  I fear a lack of deep intimacy with The Father is what causes me to miss the reality and depth of my sinfulness!  A few times tea syrup was mistaken for tea -- POW!  Oh, that our witness be effective, pure and holy, undiluted before God and the world.  Live undiluted!

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Cross-stitching never appealed to me, but the finished product sure does!  A close friend gave me a framed cross-stitch piece years ago, and it is a sweet treasure.  As pretty as the upper side is, the backside is … well, it’s just a mess!  The depth and desperation of our struggles rarely make sense to us, and we easily fail to see their purpose.  The Master Weaver, however, knows exactly what it takes to make our lives a beautiful tapestry!  


“The Weaving “ by Corrie ten Boom

My life is but a weaving, between my Lord and me,

I cannot choose the colors, He worketh steadily.

Sometimes He weaveth sorrow, and I in foolish pride,

Forget He sees the upper, and I, the underside.

Not till the loom is silent, and the shuttles cease to fly,

Shall God unroll the canvas, and explain the reason why...

The dark threads are as needful, in the skillful Weaver's hands,

As the threads of gold and silver, in the pattern He has planned.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Just what are the … heebie-jeebies anyway, and where did that phrase come from?  It was printed in Morgan “Billy” de Beck’s 1923 Barney Google [and Snuffy Smith] cartoon: "Get that stupid look offa your pan. You gimme the heeby jeebys!"  He was clearly describing a serious feeling of apprehension!


A serious problem for Believers today is a real lack of the spiritual ... heebie-jeebies! Romans 12:9 says we are to "Abhor [hate] what is evil.  Cling to what is good."  Oh, but those sinful things are so inviting, so interesting, so tempting, so satisfying so ... what we love.  In God’s Word, He tells us the things He hates, however, those seem to be the very things on our "love list."  The Christian's list of loves and hates must line up with God's, and when evil or unkind thoughts, behavior, and words creep into our lives, we clearly should have the ... spiritual heebie-jeebies.  When we do, it’s a sign the Holy Spirit is working and leading us to confess and turn away from sin in our lives.  It's plain & simple -- disciples of Christ SHOULD BE overtaken with serious feelings of apprehension!.  If you’ve not had the spiritual heebie-jeebies lately, pray you get 'em real soon!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

His Mighty Hand

None of my boys was ever keen on holding my hand to cross a street.  Perhaps it's because where we live there aren't any streets, just roads -- you look both ways then run to the other side.  Having to hold Mama's hand on the few trips to the city seemed silly I guess.


We cannot lose God because He will lose us!  It doesn't matter where we are or in what circumstance we find ourselves, He’s  always there along with His Mighty Hand.  David wrote these words about the presence and power of God: "If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; even there shall Thy Hand lead me and Thy Right Hand shall hold me." (Psalm 139:9-10).  I can name countless times of personal anguish when my heart looked up.  How fitting, since that's the best direction to look!  Our Father is always reaching down His mighty Hand to lift us up, pull us close, and make us to feel His powerful Presence. Trust me, there’s nothing unnecessary or silly about it – be thankful always for God's Mighty Hand!


I cannot lose Thee! Still in Thee abiding.

The end is clear, how wide soe'er I roam;

The Hand that holds the worlds my steps is guiding,

And I must rest at last in Thee, my home." -- E Scudder

Monday, January 13, 2014

He's For Me!

“Who are you pullin’ for?”  It’s a common question -- in other words, what team do you want to win.  Only recently, on the refrigerator was an infamous list of college football “bowl picks” among family members.  And who won?  I won’t mention HER name but I assure you SHE knows who she is!


Who is on the Lord's side?  Moses put this question to a grumbling and complaining Hebrew crowd in Exodus 32:26, and it's a question we should ask ourselves daily.  We are evermore faced with countless choices and decisions; how and what we choose reflects our alignment with [or against] God.  There's no side-stepping the matter; at day’s end, clearly, we have chosen one side or the other.  The psalmist’s writing gives us amazing hope and encouragement:  " . . . this I know; ... God is for me."  (Psalm 56:9 ).  Woohoo!  God will never act against what is best for me!  Why?  Because He's my greatest fan, my most avid supporter, always in my corner, and loves me most.  Everything of His -- all His power, grace, wisdom, strength, guidance, blessings, love and mercy are mine because . . . HE IS FOR ME!

Sunday, January 12, 2014


There are childhood experiences that [even in failing memories] stay with us.  For me, it is perhaps those times when Dad took me aside and “explained” some things to me.  Maybe it came about because of disobedience or misbehavior, but the “explanation” was clear … and memorable.


God knows all about hard-headed people.  Today, the word used is “strong-willed” … hard-headed nonetheless.  God said to Moses about the Hebrews, “I have seen this people, and behold, it is a stiff-necked people.” (Exodus 32:9).  Some children learn by watching their parents discipline siblings, but others have to learn the hard way, experiencing discipline first-hand.  Oswald Chambers writes, “We can only be used by God after we allow Him to show us the deep, hidden areas of our own character.”  The critical eye we have toward others is often quite simply a mirror of something God wants to refine in us.  Getting alone with God is where He begins to explain things.  When Dad came into my room and shut the door, it was chilling!  Well, it can be chilling indeed when God must use hurt and pain to drawn us aside.  The [recommended] alternative is solitude with God; it  is sweet and revealing, and always in life’s best interest.  “He reveals deep and hidden things; He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him.” (Daniel 2:22).   Clarity of purpose and purity of heart come only from time alone with The Father.  Those divine moments are more than memorable; they refresh, sustain, and enable us to be one with Him.  I challenge you to put away selfish pride and get alone with God.  He truly longs to be alone with you!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Pitch Your Tent

Temper tantrums!  While I’m certain my parents could share a few tales, I have quite a tale of my own. Danny was three when he pitched a kicking-screaming-yelling fit on the waiting room floor of the doctor's office.  Reluctant to claim him at that moment, I [actually] remained quite calm never looking up from my magazine.  Soon the tantrum was over and he crawled up in my lap.  Then, of course, I had to claim him!


True worship -- how important is it to you?  If you follow the moves of Abraham, you'll see he regularly pitched his tent, built an altar, and worshipped the LORD.  Now, I've watched Mr. Bill and the boys pitch a tent, and it’s just too much work to ultimately sleep on the ground! Our worship should be a sincere effort of determination and deliberation.  Oswald Chambers says "public service for God is measured by the depth of the intimacy of our private times of fellowship and oneness with Him."  Just how deep is your worship? Is it intimate, private? Is there fellowship and oneness with God?  I suspect our worship is too often the VO5 brand -- "a little dab'll do ya."  True worship comes when we intently pursue God’s Presence with a passionate desire to know The Father's Face. Only then will we know the depth of His love and mercy and see it made real in everything we do. There is such sweet fellowship there. We will know then we have truly "pitched our tent" and experienced worship.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

My Place

Each family member has a certain place at the dinner table. I don't really know how that came to be, but it's the same in most families. When a place is empty at dinner time, you still sit ... in "your place." I suppose food just doesn't taste right when you sit in the wrong place!

Why do we wiggle and squiggle as if to get out of the place God put us? Some people don't seem to be happy in any place, always sad & whining, wanting another job, another house, another family, another life! Oh, yes, we've all been in that wiggle-squiggle mode at one time or another. To each of us God has given a particular task in a particular place: "Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labor. For we are laborers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building." (1 Corinthians 3:8,9). It's clear God is counting on us to do our assignments in our places. Why not settle down, acknowledge our present place of service (circumstances & all), and do our part for God's Kingdom. He's assigned His work to us where we are, and He's counting on us to joyfully serve Him in our rightful places.

Is your place a small place?
Tend it with care -- He set you there.
Is your place a large place?
Guard it with care -- He set you there.
Whate'er your place, it is not yours alone,
But His -- Who set you there. -- John Oxenham

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Best for Best

Fresh is always best. Fresh markets are popping up everywhere, and the reason is simple … people like fresh! Whatever you’re cooking, fresh fruit and vegetables always seem to render a tastier dish. Silly me, thinking of “fresh” in the dead of winter.

God doesn’t give us leftovers! Unlike leftovers, it is not recycled or re-heated; oh no, His blessings to us are blissfully unique and made-to-order by the One Who knows us best. Right after God said to Abram, “to your offspring I will give this land,” Scripture says Abram “built there an altar to the LORD.” (Genesis 12:7). Shamefully, how often do God’s blessings to us grow cold before we in-turn honor Him? Oswald Chambers writes, “Worship is giving God the best that He has given you. Be careful what you do with the best you have. Whenever you get a blessing from God, give it back to Him as a love-gift.” I remember a few particular blessings that humbled my heart and dropped me to my knees. True, we don’t find as much fresh this time of year except from God’s Hand of provision and providence. Let us stop now and give our Best for His best!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Blessed Blessing

As we live, we … become. To “become” is to begin to be: from childhood, we begin to old from young, active to inactive, happy to sad to happy, sleeping to awake, etc. We are constantly becoming, beginning to be … something.

Scripture has much to say about “becoming.” Top of the list [surely] is God’s instruction, “Be holy, because I am holy.” (Leviticus 11:44, 1 Peter 1:16). Another one worthy of note is God’s conversation with Abram in Genesis 12:2, “And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.” Have you ever watched the television show “Hoarders?” The enormous collection of stuff is astounding! What a shame when we withhold blessings when we are so blessed! Think of the modern-day heroes who have embraced this be-a-blessing command and made it a way of life. Hoarding blessings should never describe a Christian. We are set apart to be givers rather than takers, fully understanding as we are blessed so we can bless others. Since none of us can deny we are blessed, consider if you have become [are becoming] a blessing. Don’t miss an opportunity – be a Blessed Blessing!

Sunday, January 5, 2014


What do the movies “Signs,” “The Blob,” “Men in Black,” and “War of the Worlds” have in common? They all are invasion movies! I regret to say I’ve watched a few of these, some under duress, leaving me with nightmares of aliens at my front door. Nowadays, however, I dream only of being invaded by sweet little people called … grandkids!

It is important that Christians be spiritually conscious! By today’s standards, the older alien movies are hokey in their cinematography – it’s actually humorous to watch, but the plots of invasion are the same. When Jesus called His disciples saying “Follow Me” (Matthew 4:19), little did they know how their worlds would be rocked! Three years later, this same Jesus told these same men He was leaving them and they could no longer follow Him!. Jesus said, “Where I am going you cannot follow Me now, but you shall follow Me afterward.’” (John 13:36). No, this isn’t a riddle or some mysterious saying; time had come for Jesus to return to The Father [and be seated at the right hand of The Father] as completion of His mission of redemption. No longer would Christ be physically present – He would send a spiritual presence in the Person of the Holy Spirit. A few short days later, Jesus stood resurrected before these men, “He breathed on them, and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’” (John 20:22). Oswald Chambers referred to receiving the Holy Spirit as the idea of “invasion.” The idea of relying on no part of self but rather fully relying on His Spirit Who dwells within us. This Spirit is ours, sent from The Father, to strengthen, to guide, and to comfort us as we testify of Christ. No new year resolution will ever succeed without an invasion of Him – The One – Who sets and directs the courses of our lives. You see, the invasion of the Holy Spirit is miraculously divine! Open your heart today to an the Spirit’s invasion – be divinely overcome!