Tuesday, December 23, 2014

God Is With Us!

Christmas is a special time of year when people gather to enjoy each other!  I’m evermore amazed at the BIG FUN my crew (sons, daughters-in-love, the grands) has when we’re all together.  My boys are known to be quite mischievous, and the rest of us know there’s great potential for concern when the three of them are together AND out-of-sight!


In his book, The Knowledge of the Holy, A. W. Tozer wrote, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”  This may seem an extreme statement, but the high or low thoughts we have toward God are fundamental to how we live each day.  What do we know of God?  God is Wisdom (Romans 11:33 - how great are God’s riches and wisdom).  God is Infinite (Revelation 1:8 - God is, was, is to come).  God is Sovereign (1 Chronicles 29:11 - God is exalted and head above all).  God is Holy (Isaiah 6:3 - Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD).  God is a Triune (2 Corinthians 13:14 – we know the grace of Christ, love of God, fellowship of Spirit).  God is Omniscient (Psalm 147:5 - His understanding is beyond measure).  God is faithful (2 Thessalonians 3:3 - the LORD is faithful). God is love (1 John 4:16 - God is love).  God is Omnipotent (Matthew 19:26 - with God all things are possible).  God is Self-Existent (Exodus 3:14 - I AM WHO I AM).  God is Self-Sufficient (John 5:26 - God has life in Himself).  God is Just (Psalm 25:8 - God is fair and just).  God is Immutable (Hebrews 13:8 - God never changes - is same yesterday, today, forever).  God is Merciful (Deuteronomy 4:31 - the LORD is a merciful God).  God is Eternal (1 Timothy 1:17 - the King Eternal).  God is Good (Matthew 19:16 - there is only One Who is good).  God is Gracious (Psalm 145:8 - the LORD is gracious).  God is Omnipresent (Jeremiah 23:24 - the LORD fills heaven and earth).


These attributes aren’t man-made; they’re written in The Word of God.  Furthermore, and ten thousand hallelujahs, Jesus came to earth to reveal the God of the Bible.  Matthew wrote of Isaiah’s prophetic words, “ The virgin will conceive and give birth to a Son, and they will call Him Immanuel, which means ‘God With Us’.” (Matthew 1:23).  Can we even slightly grasp God Who is Wisdom, Infinite, Sovereign, Holy, Triune, Omniscient, Faithful, Love, Omnipotent, Self-Existent, Self-Sufficient, Just, Immutable, Merciful, Eternal, Good, Gracious, and Omnipresent – willingly came in flesh and dwelt among man.  He is not a distant nor inactive God – no, He is “God With Us!”  This is the Good News of Great Joy the angels proclaimed.  This is the Message shepherds left Bethlehem share!  This is the Message the Magi would repeat to the Gentiles.  This is the Message we are commanded to bear.  This is the Message of Christmas.  Rejoice in It – Live because of It – Share It with your world.  God is with Us!


Until Monday, Janury 5, 2015 … Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Miles of Smiles, Beverly

Monday, December 22, 2014

The King's Majesty

Especially delightful is reading familiar passages of the Christmas Season and gleaning new gems of truth.  I never really know where my mind will go but one year a February 2000 morning in Israel came to mind, and the announcement our tour bus was moving through the Plain of Sharon.  That morning, I was already dazed at a breathtaking view of the Mediterranean, but then to be traveling through the Garden of Palestine … well, it was almost too much!


The Prophet Isaiah wrote, “The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad; the desert shall rejoice and blossom like the rose and the autumn crocus. It shall blossom abundantly and rejoice even with joy and singing. The glory of Lebanon shall be given to it, the Excellency of [Mount] Carmel and [the Plain] of Sharon. They shall see the glory of the LORD, the majesty and splendor and Excellency of our God.” (35:1-2).  Do we not know the sweet promise spring brings of warmth to cold and barren days of winter.  Christ is [symbolically] that Rose of which Isaiah wrote – the Majesty, Splendor, Excellency of The Father.  Peter reminds us, “For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His Majesty.” (2 Peter 1:16).  What an amazing parallel of Sharon’s rose to the Majesty of the Newborn King!  What a beautiful reference and way to view The Messiah.  Let us meet bow humbly and worship The King.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Spotlight Christ

If he's not careful, Mr. Bill becomes a mumbling-grumbler this time of year. The hustle and bustle, glitter and gloss of Christmas troubles him. One year, however, he surprised me by setting up the outside spotlights on our Christmas flag.  Stunned, but pleasantly surprised!


This is the Season to spotlight The Savior’s birth.  It’s true, there is no specific "season" for being Christ-centered and spreading love, kindness, and joy.  A dedicated season, however, helps draw our focus back to where it should be year-round. Just as we draw attention to Christmas decorations, so should be our desire to exclaim [as the angels did] the Good News of Great Joy to others! There’s no spotlights in the yard this year – oh well.  Nonetheless, let’s be sure our lives are spotlighting Christ at all times!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Fragrance of The King

Is there a difference between an odor and a fragrance?  Certainly, there must be!  After all, “deodorizing” is big business!


The smells associated with an feeding trough for cattle may be missed in Scripture, but present nonetheless.  The King’s fragrance may also be missed but absolutely noteworthy!  In Exodus 30, God instructed Moses to take sweet spices with pure frankincense and with great care and precision, make a pure and sacred perfume holy to the LORD. (V.34-37).  Imagine it – a recipe for divine fragrance!  Oh, how I would have loved a first- whiff of The Savior’s arrival that holy night: the fragrance of Heaven lingering still with the Christ Child, aromatic traces of ivory palaces (Psalm 45:8), scents of a heavenly nature, perfume of eternal glory, lingering sweetness of The Father.  Surely, sweet was the unexpected fragrance of the evening!  Believers are to be that “sweet fragrance of Christ unto God.” (2 Corinthians 2:15), reminding the world of The King. 


There's a Rose in Bethlehem, with a Beauty quite divine

Perfect in this world of sin, on this silent holy night

There's a fragrance much like Hope, that it sends upon the wind

Reaching out to every soul, from a lowly manger's crib

Oh, Rose of Bethlehem, how lovely, pure, and sweet

Born to glorify the Father; born to wear the thorns for me  -- Lyrics by Selah


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Hold the Savior

Holding babies is big fun!  Each one unique, some squirm while others snuggle, nonetheless, holding them is a treasure.  My youngest Grand, Caleb, looks so much like his father, it’s spooky looking into his little face.  I anticipate more days of fun (and laughter) as he begins to “act” like his father!


In his gospel account of Jesus’ birth, Luke wrote, “And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger …” (2:7).  Holding a first-child is no more wonderful than holding any of them, but first-is-a-first and cannot be repeated.  Aside from memorable, it's impossible to fathom all that is contained in a new little being, to understand the depth of those wondering eyes looking back at you.  Jesus’ earthly mother did this – she gave birth then held him with [I'm sure] as much wonder as any other mother.  What a wonder this same God-in-Flesh is "Our supreme honor, rest, comfort, delight" (Spurgeon).  How can man declare absence and dare depart from fellowship with One Who loves us so deeply; deeply enough to sacrifice His All for our all.  Let us not allow the Season’s distractions to hinder our time at the manger, kneeling with those who witnessed with awe and delighted at the Christ Child.  Let us embrace The Savior to experience the sweetest fellowship known to man. Hold the Savior!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Personal Emmanuel

One thing I know -- most women do not like to change hair stylists.  In the last 40 years, I've had three and each change was traumatic.  My stylist knows my hair's texture, my preferred length and style, my particular likes and dislikes.  Truth is, a good hair stylist is a beautician, magician, and friend!

Is your God personal?  When I call for a hair appoint, my stylist knows exactly how long the it will take to do her “magic.”  Now, that’s personal!  Charles Spurgeon wrote, "Certain of our sins find chariots of iron in our constitution, our former habits, our associations, and our occupations ... They are very strong, and in reference to them we are very weak."  No one [I know] likes to be chained to choices and behavior that lead to destruction.  Spurgeon reminds us, however, even one sin takes away freedom!  Isaiah declared good news: only God frees those captive to sin (Isaiah 61:1).  Just to be clear, the Spirit of Christmas isn't a Charles Dickens’ character -- The Spirit of Christmas came to earth as a Babe yet King with absolute Power to slay our chariots of iron that threaten spiritual freedom.  "Now the Lord is The Spirit, and where The Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." (2 Corinthians 3:17).  I’m grateful my hair stylist knows me so well but I’m even more thankful The Christmas Child is "God with Us" – my personal Emmanuel.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Reign of Peace

"If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" – not this girl! Might as well throw up your hands or wave the white flag of surrender or shout, "I give up" or "You win."  None of that sounds appealing to me!

Charles Spurgeon wrote, "Man is a monster when once his blood is up."  
The term "mama bear" is an adequate description of any mother when someone messes with her kids!  We see rage in the streets and incessant spewing of harsh words between men; oh, what would it be like to have peace on earth and live in harmony with one another?  How relevant then and now that Jesus brings calm in midst of chaos, "… and His Name shall be called … Prince of Peace." (Isaiah 9:6).  This same prophet foretold of a day when, "… nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." (Isaiah 2:4).  Until that day, when Christ returns as King, Christians can know the joy of Christ's peaceful reign within their hearts.  Jesus told His followers, "Peace I leave with you; My Peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you." (John 14:27).  Spurgeon adds, "only the Lord Jesus can turn this lion into a lamb," and it is indeed the Prince of Peace that stills the anxious hearts, settles fearful souls, and calms troubled minds.  Let us meet the Prince of Peace at His manger, bow hearts and minds unto Him, and know His Reign of Peace within.  Now, THAT sounds appealing!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Love of Us

Several years ago I took a batch of my homemade peanut butter cookies to a family gathering.  I thought it unusual to bring so many home since usually [to Mr. Bill’s dismay], not a crumb remains.  Later, settled in for a round of cookies and milk, Mr. Bill insisted I try one – said I “owed it to myself.”  Oh, gags!  Something was terribly wrong! 


In accordance with His Nature, God left nothing unplanned nor to chance for The Messiah’s birth.  Primary transportation in Bible times was horse, camel, or donkey; Mary [most likely] traveled the latter.  Donkeys are highly intelligent animals, stronger than a horse its same size, and donkeys aren’t easily startled.  They are known to reason, making decisions for their own safety. One particularly interesting fact about donkeys, however, is they prefer companionship.  While I can’t imagine a wiser or safer choice of travel for Mary and the Christ Child, how symbolic of our closest Companion (Christ) on life’s journey.  How amazingly satisfying that God is One of order and detail – then and now.  Because they love me, my family – not one of them – could bring themselves to tell me I had left a key ingredient out of the peanut butter cookies – sugar!  Because He loves us, God’s Salvation came in God's way, in God's time, and according to His purpose.  Years later, through Christ, God fulfilled Salvation’s Purpose just outside of Jerusalem – God’s way, in God's time, and every detail divinely executed.  No expense spared was spared – all for the love of us!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Pure and Precious

Good gracious, is there anything whole anymore!  A bag of sugar can be four instead of five pounds, a ream of paper less than 500 sheets, newspapers are thinner and slimmer, and even a package of fun-size candy bars is six instead of eight. Before long, donut holes will grow bigger! There's a whole lot of hole less whole these days!


The Christ is both pure and whole!  For purity to exist, something must begin that way and remain so during the process unto completion.  Dustin (son#3) inspects tractors after they leave assembly, meticulously looking for defects that cause product quality to be compromised.  Man's problem was definite - sin; sin's cure was particular - salvation; salvation's criteria was pure - a savior ... One Who "will save His people from their sins." (Matthew 1:21).  The Savior -- with God before creation (John 1:1) ... Laid aside His equality with God (Philippians 2:6) ... Conceived by the Holy Spirit into virgin flesh (Matthew 1:20) … ​Lived and died as human yet without sin (Hebrews 4:15).  Why would One completely  pure, absolutely whole, choose to fix me?  "In this is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation (the atoning sacrifice) for our sins." (1 John 4:10, AMP).  There's something pure and precious about the Hebrew Babe.  He may have slipped into the world simply and quietly but He lived and died to change the world, one soul at a time.  Pure and Precious is He!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Peace Himself

Don’t you just hate pretenders!  How disappointing to feel totally comfortable with someone only to learn they aren’t real.  When Mr. Bill’s dad retired from the air force and Bill joined the youth group at church, us teenagers didn’t know what to make of hm.  When we got past the kinky hair and goofy glasses, we found he wasn’t so bad.  Also, it helped he had a cool car!


The Prophet Isaiah introduced The Messiah: “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given … and His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” (9:6).  Today, words are cheap and easy: promises are spoken then forgotten, and yes doesn’t really mean yes.  There is One Who is all and more.  He is The Word – “In the beginning was The Word and The Word was with God, and The Word was God … And The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His Glory, the Glory as of The Only Begotten of The Father, full of Grace and Truth.” (John 1, 14).  The Word’s words are never passing or trivial, through Them He offers complete rest for the human soul.  He is not peace-like or like peace -- He IS Peace – Peace Himself.  Scientists tell us at the center of a strong tropical storm is calm weather, even clear skies – the eye.  You think the mall is nuts right now?  Bethlehem was crazy with the census at the time of Jesus’ birth.  Joseph and Mary didn’t just need a room – they needed peace.  That’s exactly what arrived in that small-yet-wild town, and just as Isaiah said, The Prince of Peace came to fulfill His words “Peace I leave with you, My Peace I give unto you” (John 14:27).  I shared this with a friend just a few minutes ago: why not crawl up into the manger and find Peace Himself waiting to settle your spirit with His Spirit.  I’m sure we’ll find it the sweetest of places of to be this Season … and beyond.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Draw Near

All of us, I’m sure, have levels or places of comfort – comfort zones, so-to-speak.  Mr. Bill is definitely in his zone shore fishing although the time he spends restringing reels and getting all his stuff together … well, just tires me out!


Our relationship with The Father is always threatened by idleness.  To be idle is to be still, at leisure, or unoccupied, which is great on vacation but [spiritually speaking] it’s certain destruction.  In Matthew 2:1-2, I find the acts of the “wise men” amazing: they were not given to idleness!  Watching the heavens seems to have been what they faithfully did and when “His Star” appeared, they hit the road!  We don’t know how many men there were or even their mode of transportation, but we know this: His Star drew them to worship The Messiah.  The real danger of this Season (and life in general) is Believers become idle star-gazers.  There are so many distractions: shopping, decorating, cooking, music, twinkling lights.  When we become spiritually idle, the result is spiritual leanness.  Just like His Star drew those wise men from their routine, The Father draws us through His Word and by the power of His Spirit; our duty then is to hear and respond in His Grace.  The wise men’s journey didn’t end at Bethlehem, maybe their journey took new direction and dimension but I’m sure their lives were never the same.  They’d been in the Presence of The King!  Yeah, Mr. Bill understands all the work is worth the joy of standing at the water’s edge.   I challenge us all to endeavor to persevere in simple obedience to Christ and suffer not the mind and spirit, rather be delivered to a place where we are ever-changing.  Do not be idle – draw near to Christ!

Monday, December 8, 2014


My Mom was notorious for not putting names on Christmas gifts.  I'm not exactly sure why but maybe it was because if you didn’t which present was yours, you wouldn’t know which one to shake!


Our names were written all over God's Gift. It arrived on schedule and was tagged specifically for you and me!  The Father didn't have to think about what His Gift would be; He knew redemption would take a perfect lamb. Just like we have someone special in mind for our gifts, we were always on God's Mind to receive His Gift of Love.  Bethlehem's Baby represented and is Hope for all of us. Jesus sacrificed His home temporarily so you and I could have an eternal and permanent home.   As you wrap and tag your gifts this Christmas, think about God's Gift -- how simply it was wrapped then perfectly tagged with your name and mine. Tagged for you! Tagged for me!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Blessed Moment

I'm not a hunter, but I seem to do a lot of hunting.  With great forethought and intentions, I gather items together and put them  collectively in a safe place -- so safe I can't even find them when I need them.  Maybe there is a hunter instinct in me after all.  Oh, no!


God doesn't hide away His Joy.  He desires us to have it.  So why is it so difficult to find at times?  I'm certain I've asked myself this question many times this Season.  Years ago, unable to bake & take, shop & wrap, decorate & design, had made the Season different and difficult.  With depression threatening, I found myself "hunting" for the Season's joy.  Finally, soaking in a tub of hot water one night, I found myself unconsciously singing "Joy to the World" ... now, where did that come from?  "For he shall not much remember the days of his life; because God answereth him in the joy of his heart." (Ecclesiastes 5:20)  For that brief moment, the Joy of Christmas broke through rotten circumstances and temporal feelings and manifest itself in song ... God's Heart of Joy answered my own searching heart.  A blessed moment!  Surely it must have been the same moment for Mary when she first held her Holy Child, after the pain of a long hard journey and the anguish of physical birth.  Despite and beyond all unpleasantries, God answered Mary's heart and the hearts of men with The Joy of all joys -- His blessed eternal Peace and Joy.  Oh, what a blessed moment!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Hope of The Season

Have you ever been called on to read Biblical genealogies?  Gasp! Cringe! Shudder!  Those Old Testament names can stump a stumper!  Well, ​they often stump me, too, but I just love the genealogies.  One of my favorite memories is walking through the cemetery with Dad at his home church where many of our family members are buried.  No, the names aren't quite as difficult to pronounce but each name represents a life with a story!  And, no, it wasn't a nocturnal walk – that would be too weird!

For certain, God is almighty and
works at His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13), but have you ever pondered what else gives validity to His great promises?  God spoke through the Prophet Isaiah, "I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning and ancient times things not yet done, saying, 'My Counsel shall stand and I will accomplish all My Purpose.'" (46:9-10). After many years of sorrow and hardship, Naomi held Ruth's son in her lap while her lifelong friends cheered,"A son has been born to Naomi!" (Ruth 4:17).  Can't you just imagine the emotions Naomi felt -- losing her two sons leaving her without children with no hope of grandchildren or great grandchildren!  Now, holding tiny Obed, she experiences hope!  That long-ago walk through the cemetery with Dad wasn't just about reading family names, it was the remembrances Dad shared about the lives of those gone-before, connecting past to present, and savoring the richness of ancestry.  Verses 18-22 of Ruth 4 are genealogy -- those verses no one wants to read -- which give us glimpse into ​messianic ​history, lives woven together often in strange and unusual ways – yet on purpose and with purpose … God's Purpose.  Real people, uncommonly common and at times unseemly, but real people (not different than us) who followed a higher call; these are the ones God used to deliver real Hope on a starry night in a Judean cave (stable). Yes, Bethlehem is the place and Jesus is the Person for this Season.  ​I challenge you to keep your mind bent toward the manger, where Divine first breathed earthly air, wrapped tightly and rocked gently?  If your eyes dare leave the manger, let them wander ahead to God's Purpose fulfilled by way of a cross, and Hope delivered – grave clothes laid aside in yet another cave ​(tomb) left empty by One responsible for death's demise and sin's defeat.  This is the Season & Christ is The Hope! 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

His Grand Plan

He did not grow up on a farm, however, our oldest son (Danny) has discovered how much he loves to farm.  He has a garden, bees, and chickens.  It's actually been fun watching him and we've even enjoyed some goodies from his labor.  I suppose he's my favorite farmer -- sorry, Green Giant!


Scripture tells us God shows "no partiality ... for all [are] the work of His hands." (Job 34:19).  It's amazing how He uses people who seeks to honor Him.  Ruth was from Moab, a nation of people who worshiped the false god Chemosh.  It was in her homeland she met [and married] a Jewish man when his parents, Elimelech and Naomi, came to Moab because of a famine in Bethlehem (their homeland).  After her husband (Mahlon) died, Ruth chose to remain with her mother-in-law (Naomi) and even return to Bethlehem – it's one of Scripture's greatest stories of love and devotion.  There is more treasure, however, to this Old Testament account.  Although married for ten years to Mahlon, Ruth was childless yet later when married to Boaz, "the LORD caused her to conceive, and she bore a son." (Ruth 4:13). Her son, Obed, would lead the prophesied lineage of David which produced The Messiah - Jesus Christ.  Occasionally, Danny will add feathered friends to his brood, and it's a rather delicate task of "introducing" new birds. The story of Ruth is a beautiful picture of how God introduced the heathen world into the kingdom of God.  Out of an idolatrous people, Ruth emerged to eventually confess God as her own - an amazing foreshadow of The Messiah's entering this world as a babe to embrace and redeem sinful man.  From unseemly people in unseemly circumstances, God's grace and glory were revealed.  Let us look to Him for purpose, obediently being part of accomplishing significant things in His Name.  His plan is always grand and evermore glorious!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Gum Trees

Have you ever been up a gum tree?  Oh, I'm sure you have – we've all been in a tough spot, a sticky situation.  While I certainly remember a few of my own, I much prefer to think about Mr. Bill's gum trees: hunting without a gun, a gun with no bullets, no batteries in his flashlight, a hole in his waders, driving off on his four-wheeler while chained to the porch.  See -- it's just so much more fun!


God is sovereign in all things, even when we're up-a-tree!  The expression "up a gum tree" seems to have originated in Australia where gum trees are common, and [quite likely] a welcome refuge for possums from huntin' dogs.  The great difficulty is when the possum is "treed" and his only escape is – down where the danger is!  ​Up a tree is a good description for Naomi: she's in a foreign land, away from her family, her husband  dies then both of her sons, and serious poverty follows.  No wonder she told her two daughters (by marriage), "the LORD has gone out against me." (Ruth 1:13).  It's a wonderful Old Testament story of love and devotion, as well as deep abiding faith amid hardships of life -- those gum tree experiences. Naomi's days may have seemed hopeless at times, but God's purpose for her life was utterly divine.  Before life's end, she would hold Ruth's child (by Boaz), Obed, and hear her friends say, "Blessed is the LORD Who has not left you without a redeemer, and may his name become famous in Israel." (4:14).  Perhaps at that moment, Naomi came to understand her significant role and influence in Obed's life. You see, Obed became the father of Jesse who became the father of David, "the ancestor of Jesus Christ." (Ruth 4:22).  Let us never doubt God's sovereignty in our circumstances – how He allows them to shape and mold us to spiritual maturity ... or how He's using us to shape and mold the lives of others.  Yeah, climb that old gum tree then grin like a possum, knowing for sure God's working everything to His glorious end!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Season of Love

Usually, February that comes to mind when the Season of Love is mentioned.  Yes, but during the Christmas Season, even most scrooges get a little bit warm and fuzzy.  It may take a while but that old tune, "Love Is In The Air," eventually stirs those ba-humbug hearts!


The Love which God has toward us is described in many ways yet Its depth is really inconceivable.  One significant thing to be said about God's Love is that It is not passive!  No, It’s active, alive, aggressive – and It shines best through us!  It is His insurmountable love for each of us that is fundamental to the Christian life -- a spiritual [if you will] ground-zero.  "That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the Love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God." (Ephesians 3:17-19).  There we have it!  Now, aren't you the least bit interested in knowing what kind of love this really is?  Before the Christmas music and lights steep into your brain and you are carried away on streams of holiday euphoria, ponder His Great love: know it, understand it, feel it, embrace it.  After all, it's the Season of Love … His-Love-Come-Down!