Blog Break
MWB will resume Wednesday 01-04-2023
Stay in The Word
Miles of Smiles, Beverly
December 2022. In the “Wizard of Oz,” Dorothy noted that things come and go so quickly – and so it is with the passing of this year. It seems hardly moments since we last wrote of a year-in-the-life of The Chandler Family!
We completed our first year “at home” on Johnnie Chandler Road, and couldn’t be happier. Besides deer, squirrels and birds, the precious sights from the kitchen window remind us what a good move it was: “Cousin Corner” where cousins meet [almost] daily, the lawn mower making its rounds (often pulling a wagonful of cousins), pole-barn business and gardening down-the-hill. We’ve acquired the perfect pet: a daily-call from Olive at the back door for doggie treats then (here’s the “wonderful” part) she goes home to Dennis’s house! It was special to host Christmas 2021 here at the “Chandler Farmhouse” where so many past Chandler Christmases took place – extra special to Danny, Dennis and Dustin who share such fond memories here. For sure, it was a challenge to discover exactly where to hang 16 stockings but they were suitably hung … filling them is always a cha$$enge!
Bill and I returned to our home church, Moon’s Grove Baptist, in July where Beverly accepted the Worship Leader position. Together, we enjoyed several trips to St George Island including a June trip with all 16 of us; we’re already booked for SGI 2023 … a full house as well. We still enjoy our little jaunts to the Goose Pond cabin (about an hour from home) where Bill hunts while Bev enjoys porch-time. We, of course, treasure time with The Grands: Ella (11), Caleb (9), Isabelle (7), Natalie (6), Harper (5), Nora (3), John Luke (2), Jacob (1). We greatly appreciate how Danny & Brittney, Dennis & Elisa, Dustin & Emily give such care and love to their children and to us. The Girls (as Bev calls them) “mother” both of us really well! We are so blessed!
Without doubt, the hardest part of the year was the October Home-going of Beverly’s Dad; he was known as “Papa” to his grandchildren and “Grand Papa” to his great-grandchildren. Losing a family patriarch is never easy but losing one who left his mark so deeply in our lives (and the lives of so many) is something this family will press-through for months and years to come. We also lost our dear friend and Island Pastor, Mike Whaley. Our memories are a treasure!
Beverly finished writing an in-depth Bible study this year of Psalm 119, which she also taught-through (January-October). She continues to post daily to her blog (, and is a little closer to finishing her book of devotions. We’re so thankful her Dad was able to write the book’s foreword before he went Home. Who knows, maybe – just maybe – 2022 will be the year she sees it published!
What a joy to
share a little bit of Chandler Life with you this Season. From our
home and
hearts to yours, may Christ find
His home in your hearts
this Season and throughout the coming year.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, Bill & Beverly
Perhaps we've all be in the presence of a person or stood in a place which the world would describe as extraordinary and special. Sometimes it's not till afterward when we realize just how extraordinary and special the moment was. Luke says the shepherds made their way to Bethlehem and found "the Baby as He lay in the manger." (Luke 2:16). Surely, because of Jesus' Presence, the ground in that stable was as holy as the ground upon which Moses stood as God spoke to him from the burning bush. There in The Holy Presence those shepherds must have marveled in that moment. Their next move confirms they knew immediately the significance of the moment and The Presence: "And when they had seen this, they made known what had been told them about this Child." (V.17). Although they were the least of the least and the lowliest of the lowly, there was [visible] evidence in their behavior and actions they had been in The Presence of Excellence, of Greatness. "Thou has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, and the weak things of the world to confound the mighty." (The Knowledge of The Holy, A. W. Tozer). Just as the shepherds didn't linger long at the manger, neither should Believers; it is breath-by-breath The Holy One continues to proclaim His Glory to the world. We have an extraordinary message to tell about The Personal of Jesus Christ (Messiah). That makes ... every moment holy.
By now there are many who are looking for a quiet corner or a secluded spot to just disappear for a brief respite from holiday craziness. As if giving birth wasn't enough excitement for a young mother, the shepherds' visit must have added to the experience! Can you imagine the shepherds telling Mary and Joseph of the angel's message and the angel-choir that followed. Perhaps the young couple shared their own angel-visits with the shepherds. What encouragement to one another were those gathered there in that Bethlehem stable. Luke writes of Jesus' mother, Mary, that she "treasured all these things giving careful thought to them and pondering them in her heart." (Luke 2:19). I
suspect there would be a lifetime of pondering the wonder of Jesus as He grew into Redemption's Lamb for mankind ... including Mary herself. The wonder of such love-come-down is truly a treasure and worthy of meditation. So, go ahead, find that quiet corner, that secluded spot and disappear for [even] a brief moment to ponder The Savior. He is the ... most worthy ponder.
This older-me doesn't hurry much anymore. There was a time, a season of life, it seems I was always in a hurry; thankfully glad the hurried-ness is behind me. Luke writes (2:16) that the shepherds "went in a hurry" to see The Baby of Bethlehem. Too many Believers see neither a need to hurry or go at all to The Savior. Given the free and precious gift of our Salvation, we should be anxious to draw near to God. True, the shepherds witnessed an angelic army announcing Jesus' but The Redeemed of God know personally Salvation's Lamb, sacrificed and risen victoriously over death. I suggest we have lost the wonder of Redemption's work in the heart of man. The shepherds wasted no time - they embraced the urgency to be present at the manger, to experience The Presence of Emanuel - God with us. Consider what distracts and hinders you from drawing near to The Infant King this Season. Whatever it is, set it aside and ... hurry-on.
"One size fits all" - do not believe this! Even if you're able to "fit" yourself into it, the "fit" won't be "fit" for other eyes ... even the mirror will cringe in horror! The coming of The Messiah drew a mixed crowd; how could One be so right for such diversity? Rich or poor, educated or simple, family descent nor notoriety mattered -- the sinful heart of man needed rescue, needed a deliverer. The heart of man longed for (longs for) its return to The Creator. The deepest need of every soul is a way to return to its Maker, sweet fellowship restored. Before the foundation of the world, The Father knew The only way to reconcile fallen man to right relationship with Himself: Jesus - The way, The truth, The life. The plan was perfect, and nothing more was required for all of mankind. Now, this you can believe: one Savior for all.
Never having owned nor operated a cart or a horse, I do [however] understand the concept of getting the "cart before the horse." It is a principle you do not want to learn the hard way! A Puritan prayer goes like this: "Destroy in me every lofty thought, break pride to pieces and scatter it to the winds." The destroying, breaking and scattering is a tough task and one we are ill-equipped to do. God, however, is able and willing to destroy, break and scatter perfectly the pride of one willing to bend to Him. There was something extraordinary about the young maiden, Mary: "The angel said to her ... "you have found favor with God." (Luke 1:30). The Greek meaning of the "favor" Mary had found with The Father was "a spiritual condition governed by the power of divine grace." We see Mary's gentle submission to God's purpose in her life, but it was way more than what she did - her surrender to Almighty God was from her heart. She had allowed God to destroy her lofty thoughts, break pride to pieces and scatter it to the winds. Mary's nature was to be governed by God ... therein is the winning favor of God - and for us. "Thus will my heart be a prepared dwelling for my God; then can The Father take up His abode in me ... then can The Holy Spirit descend in sanctifying grace." (Puritan Prayer, The Valley of Vision). What we do really does matter but who we are matters most; true surrender is always ... heart-deep.
Although I've only used it a few times, depositing a paper check digitally is handy. With direct deposit, the use of paper checks grows more and more infrequent. Think about where you deposit the emotions of each day - your anxiety, stress, fear, tears, impatience, hurt, etc. Some people internalize them which often ends in ginormous meltdowns or blowups while others explode-on-contact then stomp-through the collateral damage. The Christmas story is filled with opportunities for rejections, rebellion, refusals, emotional stress and disbelief ... but that's not what happened. See instead the beauty - Joseph did as The Lord commanded (Matthew 1:24); Mary humbly submitted to The Lord's plan (Luke 1:38); the shepherds heard the angel's message then hurried to see the Christ-Child (Luke 2:16); as wise men set aside their own wisdom and took God's route back to their home (Matthew 2:12). What does Scripture show us in these responses that differ from how we face our own challenging circumstances and relationships and situations? I suggest the difference is where they placed themselves - yes, their fears and tears and stress and hesitancy. Hebrews 3:6 says Christ is faithful ... our confident Hope. Because the attributes (characteristics) of Almighty God are unchangeable, so are His Ways and His Promises ... you cannot separate who God IS from what God DOES! When we see Christ for who He IS, we do not contemplate nor hesitate to deposit all we are in Him. Let's examine where we are making our spiritual deposits and secure our deposit in Him!
You may know this already but I do not put myself in the cooking-class of my Mom nor some others I know. One thing I do know, however, is recipes rely on absolutes: if it says 1 cup of flour, do not take the liberty of using 2 cups of flour ... that won't end well. I suggest too many Believers today embrace spiritual liberties [that conflict with God's commands] and the [as Mister Bill says] "cause their own blessings." Joseph and Mary were not spiritually liberal: they both heard from The Lord and obeyed - by the way, so did the shepherds and the wise men. Paul wrote, "Now may the God of Peace Himself sanctify you through and through [that is, separate you from profane and vulgar things, make you pure and whole and undamaged - consecrated to Him - set apart for His purpose]; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept complete and [be found] blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Thessalonians 5:23). We're not given a lot of detail about the spiritual lives of those in the Christmas Story but what their actions tell us a lot! They trusted in The One Who Paul writes of in the very next verse (V.25): "Faithful and absolutely trustworthy is He Who is calling you [to Himself for your salvation], and will do it [He will fulfill His call by making you holy, guarding you, watching over you and protecting you as His own]. This description of Jehovah God is absolute - He is faithful and absolutely trustworthy. The faith and obedience of Joseph, Mary, shepherds and wise men are remarkable because they absolutely believed and obeyed He Who is ... Absolute.
It's true, I've been accused of being a Christmas scrooge. I must confess the Christmas crazy-train isn't my favorite mode of travel through December. The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:21-22 that along with mankind creation itself longs to be free of sin's curse - yes, the whole creation has been groaning in pain. I suspect I'm not the only one who struggles to find-keep Christmas Joy. The Season's joyful celebration of Jesus' coming to earth is accompanied by the joyful expectation of His promised return. Paul writes, "we groan inwardly, as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons - the redemption and transformation of our body." (V.24). So, groaning is okay? Ah, there is a holy stipulation: our sighing must be an eager and joyful expectation of that which Believers are promised when The Messiah appears a second and final time. Yes, of course, we have received new life [in Christ] but there is more to be known of the full inheritance that is to come; here's what awaits those who have placed their faith in Jesus here and now: "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no
more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for
the former things have passed away." (Revelation 21;4). Oh, my, what a day of Great Joy that will be! Now, I'm not an advocate of groaning [as-groaning-goes] but if we must groan or sigh, let it be the exuberant joyful looking-toward that glorious day when we will ultimately ... groan no more!
Family trees are interesting. If your family tree is anything like mine, it has some colorful personalities. My three sisters and I (The Sustas) have been accused of being “rowdy” at times. Yes, we’ve seized opportunities to "color" the family tree – sometimes coloring outside the lines! The family tree of Jesus Christ is interesting indeed! Trickery, adultery, murder and idolatry are all represented in The Messiah’s lineage. As shocking as it may sound, even Jesus’ genealogy is full of real people – like you and I ... in need of a Savior – like you and I. He came for the likes of His own family, and the likes of yours and mine! Truth is, there was enough sin in the Garden of Eden to need a Savior! The family tree of Christ is comprised of the sinful-yet-forgiven; hence, we are saved to serve “in holiness and righteousness before Him, all the days of our life.” (Luke 1:75). ‘Tis the Season to recognize then obediently fulfill your rightful place in ... the Family.
While I love having my toes in the sand, I absolutely do not care to be covered in sand. Not by choice, once I found myself entirely too close to a wet-and-sandy dog which resulted in what wet-and-sandy dogs do!. It did not go well for me. As I'm sure you are well aware, there are times in life when we find ourselves paralyzed, unable to move forward, wondering how we will press on. Paul wrote, "Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press
on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me His own." (Philippians 3:12). The "it" Paul is referring to is the Power that comes from knowing Christ intimately. I've heard it said ... Believers should profess what they possess ... affirm openly what you claim - practice what you preach. I remember [and now treasure] words my Dad would say to me on the ball field after I'd walked a couple of batters and couldn't seem to "find the plate" again; he'd call time-out, walk to the pitcher's mound, look me in the eyes and firmly say, "Bev, shake it off and pitch to the glove." Oh, how we need to shake-off the things that weigh us down and hinder us from living each day victoriously. The way forward may truly be tough but remember the IT that every Believer possesses - the Spirit and Power of Jesus Christ ... "for nothing will be impossible with God" (Luke 1:37). Let us profess what we possess ... remember the IT.