Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Sheperd's Way
"Follow the Leader" was a game most of us played as children. As teenagers, some of us devised an interesting twist of the game, imitating moves of “the leader” off a diving board -- backward dives, flips, cannon balls, howling like a wolf, walking & quacking like a duck. It was big fun and entertaining to even those not playing!
God calls His children to follow His Lead. Critical to following, of course, is keeping our eyes on The Leader. In the world today, so much and so many are posed to lead us wrongly. It seems we are easily led astray and fall into step with some otherwise good and popular and politically correct thinkers. That's when we realize another key factor in genuinely following Christ – we must listen to His Voice. "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me." (John 10:27) It’s good to intently watch and listen to our Shepherd [also] because there are those who are ... intently watching- listening-following US. The most chosen and popular paths are usually destructive ones. I challenge you this day to trust Jesus Christ, The Good Shepherd, to guide you in His Way to Life, Peace, and Rest. There’s just nothing better than The Shepherd’s Way!
Mercy Alive!
Oh, I have learned much about mercy through the years. Countless times in life I've received mercy from those who love me instead of what I really deserved. The greatest gift of mercy, however, comes from the Hands of a Loving Father. James 2:13 says, "For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment." When I consider myself and all that is ugly within, mercy isn’t what I expect but rather due judgment and justice! Christ set The Standard in the Way of Mercy. God chose mercy for my soul and poured it out lavishly in the perfect Form of Jesus Christ, Blessed Redeemer. It becomes my joy to likewise be a channel of His mercy to others. This is how mercy stays alive and broadcasts itself: we extend mercy over and over again, given in place of judgment and justice. Is Mercy alive? Oh, yes ... Mercy is indeed alive!