Friday, September 30, 2011

Places You'll Go

Waiting at the airport for our flight to Istanbul, I had little idea of what awaited me.  Although Mr. Bill had talked about growing up near the city as a boy, I did not imagine the thrill of sailing the Bosporus and seeing Ottoman Empire walls, gazing at the architectural wonders of St. Sophia and the Blue Mosque, and the archaeological discoveries of the City of Ephesus.  Makes me want to get the pictures out, Mr. Bill!  I can hear him groaning already!

What did Abraham imagine when God told him to “go to a land I will show you.” (Genesis 12:1)  A command to go – no address, no directions, no destination, no roadmap, no atlas, no GPS.  How many of us would leave home with so little to go on?  Surely the journey sounded ominous but think about what Abraham would have missed except for his faith and obedience!  While Dr. Seuss’s words may inspire us, they well describe the hindrance to simple faith in God:  “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who’ll decide where to go.”  (Oh! The Places You’ll Go!The Wisdom of Proverbs 16:9 is quite different, however: “The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.”  The Hebrew word for “land” in Genesis 12:1 refers to a country or territory, but let me suggest the “land of joy” we experience when completely surrendered to Almighty God is beyond compare!   The promise God gave Abraham far exceeded mere geography; we know it today in the Person of Jesus Christ, our Inheritance and Hope of Glory! (Colossians 1:12-14)  The more we trust and obey, the sweeter the journey.  Want to go places?  Make each step one of simple faith in God, and oh the places you’ll go!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sheperd's Way

"Follow the Leader" was a game most of us played as children.  As teenagers, some of us devised an interesting twist of the game, imitating moves of “the leader” off a diving board -- backward dives, flips, cannon balls, howling like a wolf, walking & quacking like a duck. It was big fun and entertaining to even those not playing!


God calls His children to follow His Lead. Critical to following, of course, is keeping our eyes on The Leader.  In the world today, so much and so many are posed to lead us wrongly.  It seems we are easily led astray and fall into step with some otherwise good and popular and politically correct thinkers. That's when we realize another key factor in genuinely following Christ – we must listen to His Voice. "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me." (John 10:27)  It’s good to intently watch and listen to our Shepherd [also] because there are those who are ... intently watching- listening-following US.  The most chosen and popular paths are usually destructive ones.  I challenge you this day to trust Jesus Christ, The Good Shepherd, to guide you in His Way to Life, Peace, and Rest. There’s just nothing better than The Shepherd’s Way!

Mercy Alive!

I'm not sure who said it but I remember hearing as a child, "mercy sakes alive." I'm not even sure what it means. Probably someone's mother, grandmother, and great grandmother said it and so it goes and goes and goes!

Oh, I have learned much about mercy through the years. Countless times in life I've received mercy from those who love me instead of what I really deserved. The greatest gift of mercy, however, comes from the Hands of a Loving Father.  James 2:13 says, "For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment." When I consider myself and all that is ugly within, mercy isn’t what I expect but rather due judgment and justice!  Christ set The Standard in the Way of Mercy.  God chose mercy for my soul and poured it out lavishly in the perfect Form of Jesus Christ, Blessed Redeemer.  It becomes my joy to likewise be a channel of His mercy to others. This is how mercy stays alive and broadcasts itself: we extend mercy over and over again, given in place of judgment and justice. Is Mercy alive? Oh, yes ... Mercy is indeed alive!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

First Moments

Isn’t it nice to hear someone’s voice!  I spoke with my grandmother a few nights ago and it was simply sweet.  She will be 97 years old in just a few days, and for all of my [almost] 53 years, her voice has been a familiar one.  I’m sure she has, but I can’t really remember her raising her voice at me.  I wonder what my children think when they hear my voice -- come to think of it, I really don’t care to know!

How often does God hear your voice?  When I go too long between calling or visiting Nanny, she kindly reminds me!  Imagine, if you will, the LORD patiently waiting for us to wake every morning just so He can converse with us but then we press “snooze” one time too many, must iron a blouse, unload the dishwasher, pay a few bills,  eat a bite of breakfast, and oh no -- it’s time to go!  Still, The Father is waiting … as we run out the door!  Nancy Leigh DeMoss says, “Sometimes I get the sense that God may be saying, ‘You want to handle this day by yourself? Go ahead.’ At best, it’s an empty, fruitless day lived for myself. And at worst, I end up in some big messes!”  It seems David well knew the treasure of those first moments in the day spent with God: “In the morning You hear my voice, O Lord; in the morning I prepare [a prayer, a sacrifice] for You and watch and wait [for You to speak to my heart].” (Psalm 5:3)  Martin Luther, the great man of God, said: “I have so much business I cannot get on without spending three hours daily in prayer.”  When Believers come to know the depth of God’s love and mercy toward them, their affections are altered; He becomes our first waking thoughts and we anticipate (even crave) time in His Presence.  The picture of Yaweh Shammah (The LORD Is There) taking joy in me – loving me – singing over me (Zephaniah 3:17) makes me want to meet Him early.  His Voice should be familiar to us AND our voice familiar to Him.  Give Him your first moments of every day!

Monday, September 26, 2011


Remembering can be fun!  I was looking through a box of old photographs recently and found I couldn't stop until (hours later) had emptied the entire box!  Those pictures of family, friends, parties, and trips brought a deluge of memories.  How much fun it was … just remembering!

The Word of the LORD came to Jeremiah like this: "I remember you, the kindness of your youth, the love of your betrothal, when you went after Me in the wilderness, in a land not sown." (Jeremiah 2:2)  God was speaking to the Children of Israel whom He delivered out of Egypt and led to the Land of Promise, never once failing them.  We know their story of disobedience and wandering, as well as the whining and doubt they leveled at God and His chosen Leaders.  Here, God isn’t remembering [as if He forgot] but rather calling to the mind of His beloved people a particular season when their fellowship with Him was sweet.  There are times when I find myself recalling times when I was more obedient to God, my fellowship with Christ more intimate, sharing a deeper and more sincere sense of His Presence.  That’s when my past needs to catch up to my present!  The Believer’s walk with Christ should never be a memory -- something we recall with wishful fondness.  No, it should be who we are, what we are about, a daily pursuit, the purpose for each day.  When we’re not moving toward and growing in Christ, we are backing up and losing valuable ground.  Consider today just what God remembers about you and your walk with Him.  May it never become a memory!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Draw Near

A spider can make me hurt myself!  My family knows the look and cause of terror on my face, and they graciously take care of business.  Although everything within me screams “kill it,” nothing inside makes me go near it.  My legs take over and I flee the scene!

God desperately wants to be near His children.  For many people today, nearness exposes a particular vulnerability so they put up walls and barriers keeping a safe distance.  Read what Moses asked God: “Now therefore, I pray You, if I have found favor in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You [progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with You, perceiving and recognizing and understanding more strongly and clearly] and that I may find favor in Your sight .. ” (Exodus 33:13, Amplified Bible)  Then, Moses says to The Almighty, “Please show me your glory.” (V.17)  Moses was already God’s man-of-the-hour, the one God spoke to “face to face, as a man speaks to his friend” (33:11) yet Moses sought the LORD more progressively, deeply, and intimately.  By His response, we know God loved it, “ I will make all my goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you my name 'The LORD.' … The LORD descended in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the LORD. The LORD passed before him and proclaimed, ‘The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. (33:17 & 34:5-7)  Just how much of the LORD’S richness do you imagine we miss in just one 24-hour period?  For sure, in all our busyness we fail to see-hear-experience the fullness of His favor.  I doubt I’ll ever stop running from spiders, but may it be that I pursue Elohim (God, Mighty Creator), and with David call out as “deep calls to deep” (Psalm 42:7) to draw near.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

On Track

Things that run on tracks excite little boys!  I remember one of Danny’s first tracks was a full-size Little Tikes© railroad.  He was barely able to climb onto the seat!   Of course, there were other tracks – short and long ones, wide and thin ones, curvy and loopy ones.  Some of them even entertained the parents!

How easily Believers forget our spiritual purpose!  In other areas of life, we are certainly purpose-driven:  pick up batteries for smoke alarm, call insurance agent, schedule hair appointment, budget for vacation, sit in porch swing, etc.  Isaiah 49:5 reminds us of God’s design for us from the womb, “to be his servant.”  I like how Oswald Chambers writes we are “created to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.”  There was one reoccurring problem with all the boys’ tracks: we were constantly having to put the vehicle back on the track.  Goodness, how sin causes us to jump track, altering God’s purpose and design for our lives.   We are honored in the eyes of the LORD (Isaiah 49:5) and  Jesus said, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.” (John 15:16)  We were created at the pleasure of Almighty God, to delight in Him, and serve His creative and fulfilling purpose. A train or car off track is no fun but what delight [to us all] when it stays on track.  Likewise, immense joy is ours when we live in the center of God’s purpose.   Really, there’s just nothing like being … on track!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Notes sealed in a bottle carried countless miles across oceans – this idea has spawned many books and movies.  All I can say, that’s some amazing airtight seal! 

What would you write on a note to be put in a bottle?  Tough question since you wouldn’t know who would finally read it.  How about words of praise to Almighty God?  Think about it, no matter who finds the bottle and reads the note – it fits!  Truth is, our praise to The Father fits every time, place, and circumstance.  Why do we, then, hold it in like the proverbial note in a bottle!  Those who know me know mornings are not my favorite time of day but I’ve learned praise is an excellent day-starter.  It makes getting out of bed more worthwhile, that reflection in the mirror more pleasant, and the drive to work sweeter.  Psalm 22:3 tells us God inhabits (dwells, abides, remains) in the praise of His children; He is present whenever we praise Him!  In Psalm 107, David repeated himself four times: “Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!” (Verses 8, 15, 21, 31)  I’d say David couldn’t contain himself; he could be described as … uncorked -- what a way to be!  Live uncorked today!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Speak the Word

“Come here this instant,” I remember being told as a little girl.  Those words meant do not dilly dally or dawdle!  Now, that was way before instant oatmeal and instant banking but I surely knew what “instant” meant.  Perhaps it was the tone of voice!

It is always open-season for Christ and His Kingdom!  Paul wrote to Timothy, “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.” (2 Timothy 4:2)  Yeah, I hear that “in and out of season” a lot here when discussing open seasons on dove, deer, and duck.  Of course, there are rewards for hunting in-season but terrible consequences for out-of-season hunting.  There is, however, no out-of-season for making the Name of Christ known, and there are no limits!  We’re commanded to be prepared and ready to “give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” (1 Peter 3:15)  We are God’s voice, instruments for His use because the time of Christ draws near as well as His judgment (2 Timothy 4:1).  Hear, hear!  Time’s up – do not lollygag, hem haw, or shilly-shally.  Be instant with your testimony, and speak the Word!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Live to Serve

Albert Schweitzer has been called the greatest Christian of his time.  He had a deep respect for life and devoted his entire life to serving his fellow man.  He dedicated himself to the study of medicine, music, and theology; became a respected writer of theology and an accomplished organist.  In 1952 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and consequently used the $33,000 gift to expand a hospital in French Equatorial Africa and build a leper colony.  From his humble beginnings in a German town, this great humanitarian wrote these words: "Always keep your eyes open for the little task, because it is the little task that is important to Jesus Christ. The future of the Kingdom of God does not depend on the enthusiasm of this or that powerful person; those great ones are necessary too, but it is equally necessary to have a great number of little people who will do a little thing in the service of Christ."

There are no little people in the Kingdom of God, therefore, there are no insignificant acts of kindness or tasks of service.  "Each of you has received a gift to use to serve others. Be good servants of God's various gifts of grace." (1 Peter 4:10)  The seemingly smallest acts of ministry become mighty in the Hand of God!  Posted above the sink in Ruth Graham’s kitchen were these words, "Divine Service Conducted Here Three Times Daily."  Until we determine to do everything "as unto the Lord" (1 Corinthians 10:31), we will struggle with the urge to always do more.  When we obediently commit ourselves to "living to serve," we will serve for a living.  Don't delay -- begin today: live to serve!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Your House

Hooray, for new house stuff!  My friend got a new kitchen a few years ago – it doesn’t even look like the same room.  Last year, I got new living room furniture and sometimes I just stand and admire it then I say to myself, “don’t just stand there admiring it – go enjoy it.”  Next, myself agrees with me and I settle into my “queen chair,” then I’m done!

What’s in your house … your spiritual house?  Sadly, many Christians live as if their spiritual house is empty.  Imagine hosting friends in your home and there’s no furniture or light or refreshments for your guests.  Psalm 112 describes the heart where Christ is King, “Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endures forever. Light dawns in the darkness for the upright; he is gracious, merciful, and righteous.” (V.3-4)   What foolishness we face our struggles with fear and wonder; we’re of a steady heart because our trust is in the LORD (V.8).  Spurgeon wrote, “Other men have not your God to fly to; they have never proved His faithfulness as you have done, and it is no wonder if they are bowed down with alarm and cowed with fear: but you profess to be of another spirit; you have been begotten again unto a lively hope, and your heart lives in heaven and not on earthly things; now, if you are seen to be distracted as other men, what is the value of that grace which you profess to have received? Where is the dignity of that new nature which you claim to possess?”  Hear, hear – we are of a different spirit!  Believer, your house is not empty – it is full [beyond measure] with God’s untold wealth and immeasurable riches.  He wants to reveal Himself not through the wringing of hands but through a steady heart. “Praise the LORD! Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who greatly delights in his commandments! His offspring will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed.” (Psalm 112:1)  Do you know what’s in your house!  You are rich – rich - richRejoice in it and live like it!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


The twins’ first school field trip – how can I ever forget!  They were so excited they could hardly sleep the night before.  The morning of the trip, they were up and dressed before me, and there they stood with matching smiles and school t-shirts.  How cute!

How easily identified are you with Christ? If you were put on trial for impersonating Jesus Christ, would there be enough evidence to convict?  Here’s the proof God is looking for in our lives: "A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another." (John 13:34)  Just how well do we stand out in a crowd?  "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." (John 13:35)  The kind of love described here is "agape," a doing-kind of love (demonstrative).  It's so much more than some warm fuzzy feeling; it's love that evokes a Christ-centered response -- smiles rather than frowns, helps rather than hurts, is gentle instead of angry, kindness edges out rudeness, is quiet rather than unruly.  This love replaces the natural [fleshy] reaction with a supernatural [divine] response.  There was great wisdom in dressing all those students in matching school t-shirts – they were easily identified, stood out in the crowd.  So will there be evidence in the lives of the redeemed – we will be guilty-as-charged of His love in action in our lives!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Good Sweep

It's amazing how much debris gathers on my kitchen floor between sweepings. I don’t claim to be the most faithful sweeper, and I can a good measure of just how unfaithful I am at sweeping is WHAT I sweep up! 

The Believer's heart needs a good sweepin' regularly!  The debris in my kitchen is nothing compared to what collects in my heart, and it becomes pretty apparent when there are unconfessed sin in my life: my walk and talk tell the tale!  Mark 7 gives quite a collection of nastiness that accumulate in our hearts: envy, slander, deceit, arrogance, foolishness ... oh, and the list grows worse!  In Psalm 51, David penned one of the greatest prayers for cleansing of the heart: "Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. … Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” (V.1-3, 10) The Believer needs to pray this every day allowing the Holy Spirit to cleanse us our sinfulness through the shed blood of Christ.  Keep a short list of sins and maintain a healthy heart … it’s part of a good sweep!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Grace ... Amazing!

Have you ever looked in your rearview mirror to see the dreaded flashing blue light?   Hats off to you if you can answer “no.”   Mr. Bill and I got separate tickets on the same day, at the same time, by the same state patrol.  Quite a trick, huh?
Righteousness comes only through faith by grace in Christ Jesus – no other way. It is critical we understand this basic concept of God’s salvation.  Man doesn’t make some sort of business deal with God with righteousness the reward!  By His design He intended we receive His promised blessings solely by faith and of grace.  It’s the law of God, however, that our sinfulness is exposed.  How do you know when you are speeding, breaking the law?  Well, it’s not rocket science to compare your speedometer reading with the posted speed limit. “For the promise to Abraham and his offspring that he would be heir of the world did not come through the law but through the righteousness of faith. For if it is the adherents of the law who are to be the heirs, faith is null and the promise is void. For the law brings wrath, but where there is no law there is no transgression” (Romans 4:13-15, ESV)  It was Abraham’s amazing belief and trust in God that righteousness came to him.  Matthew Henry writes, “Unbelief is at the bottom of all our staggering at God’s promises. … God honours faith; and great faith honours God.”  As you probably guessed, Mr. Bill and I did not receive “grace” from the officer that day; rather, we learned just how “much” we were on the wrong side of the law!  Understand the Divine Precepts of God and how They draw unbelievers to righteousness by faith through grace, and for the Believer even sweeter fellowship with The Father.  Oh the sweetness: faith by God’s grace … amazing!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Poured Out

Here's something that annoys me: pouring out a full glass of tea or milk or soft drink.  It used to happen much more than it does now: I traded in big & tall cups for short & small ones!

Do you think anyone really knows what it means to be truly sold out for Christ?  Paul wrote about this in Philippians 2:17, and several translations use the words "poured out."  Just a few verses earlier, Paul reminded his friends at Philippi -- no arguing, no grumbling, no complaining, just "shine as lights in the world." (2:15)  I imagine one who's main purpose & focus for each day doesn't see sacrifices and inconveniences, but instead opportunities.  The act of pouring out begins with emptying.  One thing I've found to be true: selfishness & selflessness do not coexist.  Remember those big & tall cups?  When I poured out what
remained, there was only emptiness.  If we have any desire whatsoever to be an effective "light" in our world, God needs empty vessels.  Let's begin today with a good "emptying out," so we can begin to understand being "poured out" for Christ's sake.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Stagger Not

Product performance is a big deal, and even the most penny-conscious of us are reluctant to substitute.  Peanut butter, flour, corn meal, trash bags, and hair products are a few items on my no-substitute list.  Most substitutes fall into the if-it-sounds-too-good-to-be-true-it-probably-is category anyway.

Yahweh Yireh (The Lord Will Provide) has the perfect performance record as every Believer will agree!  Never does He [nor will He ever] fail to do all He has promised.  Even in the most trusting seasons of life, we know times when our faith is small and shallow.  Abraham, that giant hero of faith, is a model for trusting Yahweh Yireh. My heart smiles at Romans 4:20-22, “Yet with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully assured that what God had promised, He was able also to perform. Therefore it was also credited to him as righteousness.“  I love how the King James’ Version says Abraham “staggered not …”   Surely we recall the last situation – relationship – circumstance that blindsided us, making us falter, stumble, yes even … stagger?  You should then recall what happened to God’s strength: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)  In our feebleness, the power of Christ was put on display for the glory of Almighty God.  His performance was perfect!  Do not be deceived – there is no substitute for El Shaddai (God Almighty).  He is every bit [and more] as good and wonderful as He sounds!  Know It. Trust Him. And … stagger not!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Uncommon Living

We live in a world where uncommon has been redefined.  My boys blurred the lines of common and uncommon a long time ago:  jumping on the trampoline in the dark, whiffleball games by flood lights, tossing the baseball at 11:30 PM, ding of the microwave at 2:00 AM, and camouflage year round!

God calls Believers to uncommon living.  In 1 Samuel we read of a friendship between David & Jonathan marked by uncommon boldness.  Read it and notice how boldly these men spoke truth to one another then consider how we zip-lip and side-step truth instead of speaking it plainly.  It’s uncommon to find one today who speaks with such boldness.  If we’re really serious about making the Truth of God known in our world, we’ll do and say the uncommon: speak when others are silent, be silent when others are boisterous, show self-control when the situation is uncontrollable, love the unlovable, and extend grace when it isn’t practical. Only God knows the blessings that await us when we speak and live His Truth in boldness and love, and only He knows the lives to be changed by Truth lived out in us with courage and compassion. People need to know God's uncommon love and truth in these uncommon times.  We are called to uncommon living!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Seeing Him

Do you remember "Find Waldo" books?  Danny had one and it was filled with page-after-page of scenes in which Waldo (in his red-and-white striped shirt) was hidden.  The object was to find Waldo in an endless sea of other things.  One page was filled with hundreds of Waldos, and the search for the “real Waldo” left me seeing stripes!

Do you see God in what you do?  A better question is: do others see God in what you do?  It's easy to see God's Handiwork in a beautiful sunrise or sunset or the autumn leaves, but He's not always so apparent in the mundane of life.  First Thessalonians 5:16 says, "Rejoice evermore."  That changes the way we answer the phone, sweep the floor, serve our meals, greet one another, stand in the checkout line, clean the toilet ... whatever we do --  we do it joyfully ... as unto The Lord.  It's an uncommon way.  It's particularly challenging.  It's definitely a revelation of The God whom we profess to serve ... joyfully!  See Him today, and show Him off to others!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Be a Fountain

At age five Danny was introduced to a fountain when we were attending a convention in Dallas, Texas.  Inside the convention center, It didn't take long for boredom to set in so we eased outside where a big and inviting water fountain became the perfect playground [of sorts] for his little feet & hands.  He was having so much fun, I wanted to join him!

We are fountains!  There is a fountain within each person who belongs to Christ. Romans 5:5 says, "God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit."  His Spirit within Believers is an endless and bountiful source of love and compassion.  We have no right to withhold this love and compassion from others.  Surrendered to Christ, we cannot help but spill to overflowing ... much like a fountain.  I watched the splash of water at a bird bath recently, and the water by its very nature was refreshing to the bird.  We have the potential to be that splash of joy, that nature of Jesus Christ that refreshes others.  Our splashes of joy can easily be showers of blessing to that friend, co-worker, stranger that needs a Touch of Christ. Look around today. Consider yourself a fountain, and splash a few folks today!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sick Days

"I'm sick."  Unless those words were accompanied by fever and vomiting, my Dad wasn't buying.  Maybe that's why I expected my boys to [at the very least] ACT sick -- moan, groan, throw up, writhe in pain ... something!

Do you know what makes God sick?  Things more serious than mere headaches, fever and chills.  God finds it detestable when we are indifferent to our faith -- no genuine walk with the talk.  So what does He think of that: "So because thou art lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spew thee out of my mouth." (Revelation 3:16)  What we truly believe defines what is important to us. Matthew Henry wrote, "If religion is worth anything, it is worth every thing." How can a Believer possibly explain why he/she never reads the Bible, never prays, never goes to church? When God is really important to us, what He loves … we love. There will be evidence of good spiritual health in our lives. We are to "walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God." (Colossians 1:10)   There are no “sick days” in a Christian’s life -- make each day count for Christ.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Good Poke

Who doesn’t need a good nudge occasionally!  When young, our boys responded fairly well to thumping and finger-poking.  I’m sure Mr. Bill would say I need much more than a “gentle nudge” to get me out of bed in the mornings!  Dynamite probably comes to his mind.

How often do you ask God for help?  I don’t mean simply praying, “help me, Lord.”  It’s true, the LORD knows our heart and utterings, but the writer of Psalm 119 wasn’t vague in his request to The Father: “Deal bountifully with your servant, that I may live and keep your word. Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law. … Take away from me scorn and contempt, for I have kept your testimonies. … Your testimonies are my delight; they are my counselors.” (V.17,18,22,24)  He writes fully aware of his frail state and doesn’t hesitate to ask God with forthrightness: Lord, do this for me so I am empowered to do this for you!  God through His Son, Jesus Christ, made this possible, “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16)  This Truth alone should give us the thumpin’, gentle nudge, good poke, yes, even the dynamite we need to make our requests known to The Father.  He always responds perfectly!