Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Practice Hope

Long ago, little boys used to ask, “Mama, why do we have to use our manners at home?  It’s just us!”  It really was a good question, however, my reply was always, “We practice our manners at home so we’ll do them real good away from home.”  That seems to satisfy the little boys at my house.

What are the expectations of the righteous?  Not what, but Who!  “For God alone my soul waits in silence; from Him comes my Salvation. He alone is my Rock and my Salvation, my Fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my Hope is from Him. He only is my Rock and my Salvation, my Fortress; I shall not be shaken. On God rests my Salvation and my glory; my Mighty Rock, my Refuge is God.” (Psalm 62: 1-2, 5-6)  We live in a watchful world; constantly and anxiously watching stocks, currencies, investments, markets, and banks.  The language David uses in Psalm 62 does not support such anxiety!  Rather, we are people with otherwise uncommon expectations.  We live in this expectation, “Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.’” (Matthew 25:34)  Such is our Hope in Christ that we live in this manner, which honors the Lord Whose Grace is evermore sufficient in all matters.  It’s time, like my little boys, to practice Hope, live what we preach and [say] we believe.  In contrast to practicing manners at home, we practice Hope away from home.  Consequently, glorious will be our time [at Home] with our Father in Heaven.  Practice Hope!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

At Home

For most of our married life, Mr. Bill has been an atlas-person.  Packing the car for a road-trip was never complete until an oversized atlas was stashed away but within reach.  Aside from the boys using it to learn the state capitals, that atlas was just a bother!

In the wilderness, the Israelites became accustomed to frequent changes in scenery.  They were rarely in one place for long!  It surely must have been difficult to feel “at home” or even at rest.  The longest I’ve been away from home was about twelve days, and living out of that [proverbial] suitcase did get old. I loved the trip, but it was good to finally be home and sleep in my own bed. Dorothy’s words, “there’s no place like home,” are true but David spoke the real truth when he wrote “Thou hast made the Lord, which is my Refuge, even the Most High, thy habitation.” (Psalm 91:9)  How wonderful the Believer knows no change whatsoever when he continually remains (dwells) in Christ. Spurgeon wrote, “Let prospects be blighted; let hopes be blasted; let joy be withered; let mildews destroy everything; I have lost nothing of what I have in God.”  Stormy weather or fair, times of joy or sorrow, pleasure or pain, the Believer’s tent pitched and staked securely in Christ Jesus is always … at home!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Outta Our Minds

At our county’s sports complex is a beautiful track used by walkers and runners year-round.  Although there’s much activity in the colder months, it gets pretty busier closer to the spring school sports.  Several years ago, Dennis would go to the track and run after work – about midnight!  Mr. Bill and I scratched our heads a few things; we were thinking he must be outta his mind!

There are lots of things we are mindful of in the course of the day – time, finances, children, calendar, laundry, meals, etc.  Most of these things demand attention and cannot be ignored for long. We are told in 1 John 2 to be mindful of something eternal: “He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.” (V.6)  To walk like Christ is a tall order and certainly doesn’t come natural.  Mr. Bill and I watched [but only briefly] the Miss USA Pageant recently and it was clear each contestant had been tutored and spent countless hours perfecting her walk.  An effective walk with Christ does not come natural; we must work at it and it begins with the right kind of mind as Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 2:16: “But we have the mind of Christ.”  I agree, it’s not usually meant as a compliment when we say someone is out-of-his-mind.  That is, unless we have abandoned our own minds and taken that of Christ’s.  What an honor to be accused of being so mindful of Christ and His Walk – to be truly outta our minds!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Be Cured!

So many diseases and too few cures!  My Granny always had a cure for what was ailing me especially when it was a bad attitude or a sassy mouth.  Her cure stayed on top of the refrigerator and she only had to look towards it and I was feeling much better!

It is quite frightening the diseases we battle physically yet encouraging the ongoing research to find cures.  We tend to forget, however, the onslaught of spiritual diseases that plague us.  My former pastor and friend frequently referred to worldly attitudes as stinkinthinkin’.  A steady diet of the world’s ideology is how we end up sounding and acting like we’ve been chugging pickle juice!  Unfortunately, these battles for a heart and mind established in The Lord are with us until Christ returns.  We do not have to lose these battles, however; there is a cure, and it’s God’s Word!  His words have power to change our perspective about everything!  In a recent article, Nancy Leigh DeMoss asked, “Are you memorizing Scripture?”  Don’t think you’re too or forgetful to tuck away His words in your heart and mind in order to do battle with the enemy. We are ill-equipped otherwise!  Satan is no match for the power of God’s Word, and well he knows it!  My Granny would have liked that phrase “stinkinthinkin’,” but she sure didn’t tolerate stinkinthinkin.  No further research is necessary – the cure is here!  Open God’s Word today and be cured!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bittersweet Best

Isn’t it great when you purchase a “best of” album by your favorite singer!   You read the list of songs and immediately wonder WHO decided these were the best? Apparently, “best” is relative to the one doing the picking.

In your mind, go back to a bitter time.  Yeah, I know we try to not remember those painful times but I’ve found them to be magnificently historical to my faith.  The past pain reminds me how Christ seemed a tad closer, His Presence slightly more evident, and His Hand tighter around me.  The bitterness of the past has the capacity to become sweetness when given to God.  Remember when Jesus’ closest friends took a nap in the Garden while Jesus wrestled with the cross.  How easy it would have been for them to have sunk into despair but Christ didn’t allow it: He said, “Rise, let us be going … “ (Matthew 26:46)  Oh, how they surely remembered that in years to come when discouragement threatened to slow them down.  Matthew Henry wrote, “let the past sleep, but let it sleep in the sweet embrace of Christ.”   It’s amazing how God uses the bitterest of times to create lives that are to Him a sweet smelling savor  (Ephesians 5:2).  It really is the best of bittersweet!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

He Said

As kids, we were reluctant to do as we were told especially when it was another kid who told us to do something.  A common response was, “yeah, who said?”  That was not, however, a proper response when Mama asked!

What about when God said it: “He hath said …” (Hebrews 13:5)  His Word is His words!  But how can we know His words unless we open His Word!  I love to read, and even enjoy a good [clean] novel, but time in His Word first leaves little time for the [otherwise] pleasure-reading.  Within the last year I asked God to give me a genuine hunger and thirst for His Word, consequently He is ever calling me to His Word.  Matthew Henry describes God’s Word as our “daily resort.”  Mr. Bill and I have a favorite resort in Mexico and all we need, we find on location --  food, lodging, shopping, recreation, entertainment.  Such is the wealth of the Bible! His Word is full of what “He hath said” and is the “source of all wisdom, the fountain of all comfort.”  His words will delight you, strengthen you, encourage you, comfort you, free you, transform you, satisfy you.  You’ll never wonder again, “who said?”  Your response will evermore be … He has said!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Show Time

Wouldn't it be nice to have a three-second delay so your five-year-old doesn't reveal your secrets to strangers in the grocery store line; a dryer that folds laundry, then tells you how good you look in your clothes; braces that change color when your kids are lying to you; a garage-door opener that also draws a bubble bath so you can soak as soon as you get home; remote control shopping carts that return themselves to the rack; a GPS that comes to the rescue whenever you temporarily lose your mind.

How about a mirror that shows how beautiful you are on the inside as well as the outside?  We have an inside-mirror -- The Bible.  Of course, it also shows us the flaws.  Psalm 51:6 says God is most concerned with the inside: "Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts."  While most of us spend at least a few moments in front of a mirror each day, we often neglect that spiritual mirror. Be careful because it is show-time when Satan puts the squeeze on us during the day -- what's inside comes out for all the world to see!  Do you want to give the world God's best show?  Begin your day with Him -- in His Word and in prayer.  A day that begins with The Father has all the makings of the best show on earth!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Never Dry

When’s the last time you had dry-mouth? Some medications, I know, will leave your mouth dry.  I’ve heard it called cotton-mouth, so dry you can’t work up a spit!  Now, that’s dry!

We’ve certainly known drought, when rainfall is so scarce gardens wither and fail.  I have an idea, however, when David wrote Psalm 63:1 he was thinking more about the severe lack of water in the Judean wilderness.  ". . . my soul thirsts for You; my flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water."  I've visited that part of Israel and seen the scarcity of water.  As a shepherd (caretaker of sheep), water was a daily concern of David’s.  He also knew times of spiritual drought, that deep longing soul-thirst?  Have you ever drank from a metal dipper?  Wow, that water tastes good but soon the dipper is empty and needs refilling.  The Filling God offers our souls is different; It fully satisfies and is all-sustaining.  Matthew Henry wrote this: "The true believer is convinced, that nothing in this sinful world can satisfy the wants and desires of his immortal soul; he expects his happiness from God, as his portion. When faith and hope are most in exercise, the world appears a weary desert ... "  Can you imagine facing each new day with a soul that is never thirsty  A life so filled with the Truth of Living Water, Eternal Hope (confident expectation) the soul is never empty – parched – singed, longing for more?  The life soaked in the beauty and richness of  Jesus Christ is such!  Hence, we can proclaim with David, “Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in Thy Name. My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise Thee with joyful lips.” (63:4-5)  The lips of the righteous are never dry or empty of praise because the soul is never parched!  No, never dry!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Live it!

Isn't it interesting how an egg's yolk and white don't want to part company?  Why, the egg white even wants to take the egg shell along.  I know you know what I’m talking about; how many times have you had to fish egg shell out of a place it should not be!  The trick is that nifty kitchen gadget that defies Mr. White and catches Mr. Yolk, holding him hostage until relocated.  Poor Mr. White!

It’s especially interesting how some Christians feel their faith have little or nothing to do with the rest of their lives.  What they profess as Followers of Christ have little effect on their behavior or choices they make each day.  Something similar was going on when God spoke to the church at Laodicea in Revelation 3:16. Here's what He said about their way of thinking and living: "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou [were] cold or hot. So because thou art lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spew thee out of my mouth." Ever chugged a tall glass of warm water!  Well, that's exactly what we are to God when we put our faith in some sort of spiritual "separator." What is needed are are "faithful and true" witnesses (V.14); the visible and effective reflection of The Truth, living within us and being seen outside us. Let’s keep the "separator" in the kitchen!  Live bold and live true … Live out your faith!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mighty Things

Scrapbooking is a favorite pastime for many people, and I agree it can be quite enjoyable.  The Sustas got together for several scrapbooking days as few years ago to make a scrapbook for our grandmother.  The finished product was amazing, and I sure am glad the walls in that scrapbooking room can’t talk!

Life is a collage of little things.  Scrapbook pages are usually filled with big things like vacations, events, celebrations, etc., and it’s great to commemorate those memories.  Sadly, however, we often pass over the little things that come daily even hourly – those moments that help define us and subtly honor Christ.  What about the little things – do we seek to please God in the small moments?   For example, does kindness motivate how I treat others at work, as I drive, speak to and about people?  Is there evidence in my life God is my King?  God said to King Solomon, “And you, Solomon my son, know the God of your father and serve Him with a whole heart and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches all hearts and understands every plan and thought. If you seek Him, He will be found by you, but if you forsake Him, He will cast you off forever.” (1 Chronicles 28:9)  Truth is, the world around us (our circle of influence) will see God in us when we walk His Way in both the monumental and the small things of life.  We are called to DAILY bow our will to the LORD and please Him perfectly in ALL things.  What fun it was to watch Nanny open that [oversized] scrapbook at Christmas, but it was the moments we [Sustas] shared putting it together that weren’t captured although we share them in our hearts.  I challenge you today: consider the small [seemingly] insignificant moments of this day and commit to walk in the LORD in each of them.  Little things become Mighty Things in the Hand of God!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My God

Most folks around these parts are more familiar with “backwoods” than “wilderness.”  I took a trip into Israel’s Judean wilderness, and it was quite an experience.  Of course, I knew it would be when us four women packed ourselves into the back of a Land Rover!

Hear the psalmist’s proclamation, "O God, thou art my God ..." (Psalm 63:1)  I am reminded of the Judean wilderness and the incredible "stillness" there.  Nathan, our guide, stood silently for a few minutes and it was quietness like I’ve never known.  Perhaps it was such a place where David penned these words.  As I stood there, surrounded by endless hills and valleys, I thought about how cluttered life becomes; so busy we miss the glory and magnificence of God.  How can we forget Who He is and how wonderful His thoughts are toward His children!  The sounds and effects of our cluttered lives, however, don’t change His love for us.  We are never out of reach of the Love of Elohim (Almighty God, Creator).  “… neither death, nor life, nor angels, no principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the Love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39)  The backwoods and the wilderness can both be harsh, but there exists no harshness in our lives apart from His tenderness.  We must acknowledge Him for Who He is, and declare now and evermore ... "O God, thou art my God."

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

First Heart

Look on the card isle in the Valentine's Day section and you’ll find numerous definitions of love.  Yes, we all like the warm fuzzies of holding hands with our sweetheart, smiles and hugs, coffee with a friend, cradling a baby, or watching children play. If we could only keep those warm fuzzies with us all the time!

The Love Chapter, 1 Corinthians 13, reveals a deeper love -- no less warm and fuzzy but more genuine and lasting.  The lovelies of love are mentioned first: patient, kind, protective, trustful, hopeful, enduring.  Then, of course, love is discredited by sin’s ugliness --  those not-so-lovely characteristics in our lives.  We are promptly called to a consciousness of what love is not. "It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth." (5-6)  A country music singer once sang of the things he would "take away" as a gift of his love.  Psalm 51:17 tells us what God desires of us -- "a broken and contrite spirit;" a heart sacrificed, truly surrendered unto Godliness and His righteousness. Today is the day of love!  There will be millions upon millions of things given away today.  What more wonderful way to say "I Love You, Lord," than to give (surrender) our hearts to Christ.  After all, He gave His Heart first!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Perfect Conductor

As a member of the choir, one of the first things you learn is to watch the conductor.  A good director knows his stuff and well he should especially if all eyes are on him!  His one missed cue or stutter step and the whole crowd is whacked except, of course, those who aren't watching the director!

Psalm 33:18 says, "But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, and those whose hope is in his unfailing love." God is always watching those who fear him, those who hold him in reverence.  A young eagle is born with the capacity to fly, but he must be taught.  That's why he is literally pushed from his nest by father and mother after only a few short months; he must learn to soar -- it's what eagles do!  I recall times when I felt God had shoved me from where I was comfortable, felt secure, and was actually quite content.  Those difficult and scary times were times of learning to depend on Him more, trust Him more completely -- my "soaring practice." However unpleasant those times, God was always between me and the rocks below!  He never missed a cue, never went to sleep. He was the Perfect Conductor!

Friday, February 10, 2012


Have you noticed how some people are like vending machines?  Put in a token of kindness and you get a token of kindness back.  Then sometimes you put in a token and get nothing back – yeah, the vending machine is just broke.

The Love Chapter says, "love ... is kind." (1 Corinthians 13:4) Kindness is not always automatic or easy.  Satan would have us rather embrace an unkindness-for-unkindness approach to living.  In his book, "Uncommon Graces," John Vawter lists kindness as an uncommon grace and writes, "Kindness is not a character quality buried deep in our lives that we have to excavate. It's not something we build one brick at a time. More accurately, it is grown within us by the work of the Holy Spirit." Genuine kindness originates in a Godly heart and produces acts of kindness that change lives and situations. That makes me think I need to check my own vending machine inventory, and see how it’s stocked with the Grace of God’s Kindness.  It's ... The Way of Love.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Unfailing Love

Things fail!  Light bulbs, car batteries, computers, are among quite a list of failing things.  My height fails me at times; those tip-top kitchen cabinets are SO out of my reach.  Fortunately for me, I have tall guys here and they are always happy to oblige, as well as point out how short I am!

Love as described in 1 Corinthians: 13:8 never fails!  Better translated from the Greek: love never at all is insufficient. We use the word "love" too loosely these days: we love pizza , summer vacations, and snow yet we become tired of them. Have you ever known anyone to have too much or grow tired of love?  Love is part of God’s unchanging and unfailing character. His love is not designed for man's temporal appetites or whimsical moods instead It is what our hearts require continuously. Because God never changes, neither does His love.  When we possess His kind of love, our hearts are given over to that same unchanging and infinite love for one another.  It never fails.  It's ... The Way of Love.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Certain Sound

Danny played the trumpet in middle school so a couple of concerts were part of each school year.  Like other families, we arrived equipped with camera, eager to spot our own little musician. Performances of first-year band students were, shall I say, clang-and-bang. Dennis & Dustin were toddlers so they got away with covering their ears!


Love has a certain language. Most noteworthy, however, it is a dialect unique to Christians.  Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13:1, "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal."  In other words, speaking with eloquence means nothing if spoken apart from love.  Our words often sound much like the clanging and banging of first-year band students.  Honestly, how pleasant is that?  Seriously, how effective is that?  Verse 8 says, "love never fails," which brings resolve for the Believer to abandon clang-and-bang language that angers, hurts, and dishonors God.  The dialect of genuine love instead resounds Truth with tender mercy and uncommon grace, and God uses the pleasantness of its sound to change lives.  It is … the way of Love.

Find the Time!

How much is your time worth?  I’ve had to seriously ponder this when I wanted to pay someone to do what I didn’t want to do myself.  Rather than gasp in horror at the cost, it put into right perspective the value of everyone’s time! 

How did Jesus feel about His time on earth?  He certainly was every bit as busy and tired at times as we are yet He found time to talk to His Father.  Are we really getting this -- the Son of God, Jesus Christ, needed to and found time to spend in prayer.  That very idea makes me want to re-do today!  Why do we carry on like we’re super-human rather than the weak frail creatures we are!  Of course, our souls need refreshment from the fatigue of life; aside from deadlines-carpools-homework-laundry-schedules, there’s endless and constant spiritual battles!  Oh, how we need to come apart before we come apart! Set aside time [preferably] early in the day to meet with The Father and know it is He alone Who satisfies and replenishes the weary soul (Jeremiah 31:25).  Jesus time with God was more than just a “good idea;” He set the standard on how to wisely spend our time.  When we need time, we manage to find it so … Find the Time!

Monday, February 6, 2012

ROCK of Rocks

It’s been 12 years since my visit to the Holy Land!  It was an incredible and life-changing trip; I came home with many memories and mental images of childhood stories from The Bible.  I also brought home quite a few rocks.  My rock collection was soon a topic of tour-group conversation.  My luggage weighed more on the return trip, too!

Isaiah 36:4 says, “Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD God is an everlasting rock.”  One of my greatest surprises in Israel was how rocky the terrain is.  On any given hillside, countless numbers of rocks were scattered about!  How amazing our God is!  Throughout His Word, we read about rocks and He even reveals Himself as Yahweh Tsuri – The Lord My Rock.  One thing we know about rocks is how [relatively] unchanging they are.  Several years ago, when I couldn’t get anything to grow in my flowerbed, I made a rock-garden.  What a marvelous idea! Spring, summer, fall, and winter, I had the perfect stand of rocks – unchanged by time and elements.  Isaiah knew this great and eternal truth: God is the Everlasting Rock … the ROCK of all rocks!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Soul Song

As a worship leader, I’m always listening to songs – new songs, old songs, toe-tappers and heart-reflectors.  Typically, whatever song wakes me during the night or catches my ear during the morning drive, that’s the one that sticks with me then [if you know me] that’s it becomes the humming tune of the day!

What is your soul’s song?  If you are re-born, you must have one!  Believers should be the most joyful, contented people on earth.  The Prophet Isaiah’s world produced little to sing about, but the greatness of the God of Israel delivered much to Isaiah’s soul: “Sing praises to the LORD, for He has done gloriously; let this be made known in all the earth. Shout, and sing for joy, O inhabitant of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.” (Isaiah 12:5-6)  Temporal things of this world will bring us only passing joy at best.  For sure, we’ll never know the glorious Isaiah refers to, and any shouting we do won’t be “for joy.”  The amazing part of this passage is that the Holy One of Israel is “in the midst” of our lives! Elohim (Almighty God and Creator) is present and His glorious works generate shouts of joy and songs of praiseNo excuses and no further delay -- get in The Word, Believer, and find your soul song then let ‘er rip!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Life Fixings

One of my Mom's specialties is chocolate syrup.  Homemade ice cream is not complete without the fixings -- her homemade syrup.  It must have been frustrating to work so hard to get the ice cream ready, serve it to us, only to hear (usually in surround sound) ... "where's the syrup!"

Paul wrote about the fixings for Christians: "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (2 Corinthians 4:18)  Satan loves to dangle fears and imaginations in front of us to paralyze us. He'll do anything to take our eyes off Christ, and he does it well!  Did you know that the eagle's eyesight is four to eight times stronger than human eyesight?  Eagles' eyes can be compared to zoom lens on a powerful camera: the bird can see not only what is up close but things far away.  God reminds us in this passage how as His Children we have an edge when it comes to eyesight. We do not have to be scared stiff by wild imaginations (or what if's). We can on purpose, with determination, and by choice fix our eyes on Jesus Christ Who loves us beyond and above anything unseen or seen.  Staying focused on Jesus Christ is like fixings for the ice cream -- it just makes life all the sweeter!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Genuine Delight

There’s a wonderful dessert called "Chocolate Delight."  I’ve made it only a couple of times but whenever it’s on the dessert table, it’s my first choice.  I know I certainly don’t need it but I’m sure someday someone will make one just for me! J

What delights you?  Family and friends?  Money in the bank?  Shopping?  We all get pretty giddy about material things (aka stuff)!  How does Almighty God delight you?  In reality, He defines Delight and Believers should look no further.  The psalmist wrote, "Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart." (Psalm 37:4)  Have you ever wished for something intensely and got it only to find out it’s not-so-great?  When we commit ourselves wholly and unreservedly to God, an amazing thing happens – He changes what delights us and even what our hearts long for!  God is Master of all delights; His promise to grant the desires of our heart is just ... delightful!  Trusting and living in the LORD is nothing short of genuine delight!