Tuesday, July 31, 2012
It’s Olympic game time again! Whoohoo, I say! It’s a real challenge watching both the Braves and the Olympics, but that “recall” feature on the remote is pretty handy indeed. Yeah, buddy!
What is spiritual oxygen to the Believer? For me, it is God’s Word! It seems my feet so sooner touch ground each day that Satan is doggin’ me about something. These are the times when Psalm 119:11 is so real – “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” Scripture, tucked away in the hidden parts of the heart, is what puts Believers “in the game.” Without God’s words and the power of the Holy Spirit to defend us and conquer the fiery darts of Satan (Ephesians 6:16), we falter and [in truth] we’re not even contenders! Olympic athletes must do well in qualifying events before they can compete for the prized Gold Medal. God’s Holy Word qualifies us for battle and when we feel spiritually faint, like the Psalmist, we “hope in Thy Word.” (119:81) Don’t take a seat on or hide beneath the bleachers of defeat. No! Get in The Word – read it, meditate on it, pray it, take it with you everywhere you go, then in the grace and power of Jesus Christ … GET IN THE GAME!
Monday, July 30, 2012
Smell Good!
Surely the sale of certain products are higher in the summer – sports drinks, popsicles, bags of ice. How about deodorant? That’s certainly one personal hygiene item not to be without during the hot summer months. You might can get away with forgetting to brush your teeth or wash your hair but don’t even think of skipping the deodorant!
Did you know God has a sense of smell? Several times in Scripture, we read of the sweet savor (smell) pleasing to God. After the flood, Noah built an altar and offered sacrifices to the LORD, “and the LORD smelled a sweet savour.” (Genesis 2:21) Sweet-smelling things bring us joy – candles, perfumes, shrubs -- all pleasing to the olfactory sense (our sense of smell). Paul reminds us when Christians walk in love, as Christ loved and gave Himself for us, our lives are “a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.” (Ephesians 5:2). There is, of course, a danger for opposite “odors” when Believers choose to walk contrary to godliness; God said, “I will not smell your pleasing aromas.” (Leviticus 26:31). We know this world needs many things but one thing it truly does not need is another bad-smelling (behaving) Christian! Followers of Christ are called to live sacrificially, be broken and spilled out for Christ, day after day after day. This is how the fragrance of Christ emanates from our lifestyle, behavior, and speech! We are “the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.” (2 Corinthians 2:15). You see, this world needs more smell-good! It needs continuous daily whiffs of Christ at every turn to contrast the odors of sinfulness everywhere. It’s not just a “breath of fresh air” they need; no, it’s the sweet-smelling and overpowering fragrance of The Savior. Ask Christ to empower you today to simply … smell good!
Friday, July 27, 2012
Reflect Christ
Not that I’m much of a decorator, but decorating with mirrors never crossed my mind. Apparently, mirrors double effects and create illusions of depth in a room or a hallway. I once watched a show that featured a breakfast room window with a blah-blah view, however, the strategic placement mirror panels on one wall reflected a nearby flower garden, which became the focal point of the room. Wow! Nothing quite like “mirror magic” to sweeten your dining experience!
What about the reflection of God in the Believer’s life? Blah-blah SHOULD NOT come to mind! Truth is, however, we’re not good “reflectors” sometimes. Leviticus 11:44 says, “I am the LORD your God; consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy.” Our sinful nature simply doesn’t promote holiness; on the contrary, God’s image-in-us is often distorted and fuzzy at best. Well, it doesn’t have to be so. When unhindered by sinfulness, the Holy Spirit, living within every Believer, can reflect The King of glory in our lives. It’s His Spirit that overcomes a blah-blah reflection, making the reflection holy-holy! I don’t know about the cost of mirrors but I know what it cost God to make His Image alive and real in us: the cost was His only Son, Jesus Christ. Just as mirrors can decorate a room, a life mirroring Jesus Christ is effectively decorated – reflect Christ!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Nothing Imagined
Mr. Bill and I just returned from a short stay in the mountains, a gift from our children. The trip itself was relaxing and refreshing, however, searching out the best place to stay was anything but. I looked at so many places for so long, I began to forget which ones were where!
How good is your imagination? If you consider the countless things invented by men, we must agree man’s imagination [in general] is pretty good. The water sprinkler, fly swatter, picture frame, paper clip, mechanical pencil [to name a few] all were “imagined” by someone then came the design and development. As good as man’s imagination may seem, there remains things yet unimagined (out of man’s eye, ear, mind, and heart). Isaiah wrote, “For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside Thee, what He hath prepared for him that waiteth for Him.” (Isaiah 64:4) Paul echoed, “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9) Certainly, there are unimaginable eternal riches to come, however, there are incredible spiritual treasures in this life for Believers who love God, which are revealed through the Gospel of Christ and genuine growth in His grace. How else can we [Christians] explain our hope in hopelessness, peace in crisis, joy in sorrow, strength in weakness, calmness in fearfulness? Because “… God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit.” (2:10a) Looking at room accommodations on websites can be misleading with camera angles, lighting, etc. Those pictures often leave much to the imagination! There’s nothing misleading or confusing when The Spirit of Almighty God lovingly reveals the secrets and mysteries of our faith. His revelations are completely trustworthy and absolutely on-target! Let me encourage you to seek Him and know Him; He leaves nothing to the imagination!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Real Retirement
Most people I know anticipate that sweet season of life when they will retire from a daily grind: no more morning alarms, rush-hour traffic, time clocks, lunch box surprises. Then, again, some of the busiest people I know are … retired!
From Kingdom-Work, there’s no such thing as retirement! Hebrews 10:24 says, "And let us consider and give attentive, continuous care to watching over one another, studying how we may stir up to love and helpful deeds and noble activities." See, there’s no reference to an off-season, rather an unending use of our spiritual gifts and a continual faithfulness to Christ in this life. Oswald Chambers writes, "The real danger in spiritual laziness is that we do not want to be stirred up - all we want to hear about is a spiritual retirement from the world." It’s sad to see Christians who embrace the attitude they’ve done their time thus declare themselves spiritual retirees! The Apostle Peter warns, "I consider it right, as long as I am in this earthly dwelling, to stir you up by way of reminder." (1 Peter 1:13) Senior Saints inspire me – they have so much wisdom to share; fine-tuned spiritual gifts to encourage us all. Pastor Tim reminded us a few weeks ago: if we’re going be busy, let’s be busy for the LORD! That’s right, when I lay my head on my pillow at night, let my weariness be a result of wide-open service for Christ! May we always remember -- the only real retirement is... out of THIS world!
Friday, July 20, 2012
Henceforth and Forever
As a child, did you ever shove your bed up against the wall? That was always a fun thing to me: something cozy about being snug up to the wall. I could pile up pillows and stuffed animals then lay up against it or fence myself in with the mounds soft things. It was a neat feeling of being tucked away!
What beautiful imagery of how God surrounds us! Psalm 125:2 says "as the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the LORD is round about His people from henceforth even for ever." Jerusalem sits on a plateau 2,500 feet above sea level and is surrounded by hills and deep valleys. This made Jerusalem a military stronghold! So is God our forever Fortress! Satan uses otherwise wonderful things – friends, family, money, job -- to draw us away from God's safe-keeping. Don't let Satan get to you and have his way -- stand firm and boldly proclaim, "Henceforth and Forever."
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Essay on Joy
This was the rule when the boys were in school: Mama proofreads all essays! Not only is she a perfectionist, which is not always a blessing, she knows her stuff. It also doesn't hurt she’s a writer and can suggest oodles of different ways to say the same thing!
What if we were called to write a treatise on joy? Perhaps we’d have to wait for the "perfect" day -- a calm day, void of frustrations and aggravations. And, just how long would we have to wait for such a day? Sometimes I find myself living as if peddling furiously on a stationary bike -- same chores, same scenery, same routine ... the word "joy" is just another word lacking real meaning. The Apostle Paul wrote his discourse on joy in horrible circumstances: confined within the dreary walls of prison, chained to a Roman guard. His letter to the church at Philippi could have been riddled with complaints, bitterness, and pessimism, but it wasn't. One of the most profound passages of encouragement and genuine joy is found in Philippians: "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things ... And the God of peace will be with you." (4:8 & 9b) Paul's essay describes a life absorbed and immersed in joy, rendering a heart that knows the depth and extent of God's Love in Christ Jesus, and a life committed to "shine like stars in the universe" as it holds out the word of life to others (4:15-16) Well, we may never be called to pen an essay on joy in the literal sense, but we live one each day. What does our essay of joy say? Don't forget -- the world is proofreading it!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
A New Look
Pedicures used to be what other women did, that is, until a friend gave me a gift certificate for one. That was it – I was hooked! Now, gettin’ new toes is what I do … often.
God allows many things into my life to give it … color. Now, those things aren’t always to my likin’ but it’s His Way to His Purpose. E. B. Pusey wrote, "Every contradiction of our will, every little ailment, every petty disappointment, will, if we take it patiently, become a blessing." Do you know how hard it is to see good in the yuck of life? What I call the “yuck of life,” Pusey calls "contradiction of will.” Okay! If only we could see beyond the contradictions: "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." (Romans 8:18) I’d much rather see it revealed TO me instead of IN me! Christ wants to display His Glory through us -- His Peace gloriously revealed in how we respond to the smattering of disturbances in our lives. Pusey continues, "So, walking on earth, we may be in heaven; the ill-tempers of others, the slights and rudenesses of the world, ill-health, the daily accidents with which God has mercifully strewed our paths, instead of ruffling or disturbing our peace, may cause His peace to be shed abroad in our hearts abundantly." The challenge is, then, to see and live life differently – living that Glorifies The Father through us ... life with new meaning & a new look!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Say Something!
Yawning is an interesting bodily function. It’s been linked to sleeplessness, tiredness, stress, and [often] boredom. On occasion, I’ve found myself in a place where it seemed impolite to yawn. Now, that’s a tough one – suppressing a yawn!
The purpose of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever! Please don’t tell me that spawns a yawn in you! Recently, I was introduced to Scripture verses set to beautiful lullaby music. I was so blessed I could hardly wait to share the “find” with others. Believers should have this same intense excitement to share Christ with people. Paul wrote to young Timothy, “Preach the Word; be ready in season and out of season.” (2 Timothy 4:2a) Paul knew [and furthermore explained] that “the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.” (V.3-4) Sounds like the morning news, huh? I fear Believers today find themselves yawning and spiritually speechless! This is not the time for speechlessness – not the season for being without words! As my pastor says, “Somebody ought to say something!” The Psalmist couldn’t seem to keep silent: “I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” (34:1) King David prayed he would never be speechless, “May my lips overflow with praise …” (119:171) The Redeemed certainly have nothing to yawn about but EVERYTHING to proclaim. May we never be speechless but to the glory and honor of The King … Say Something!
Monday, July 16, 2012
Be Peculiar!
really doesn’t seem that terribly long ago little boys sat in the backseat of
our car listening getting their “marching orders” with regard to expected
behavior. Most of the time, to our
surprise, they were pretty good. Then,
other times, well …
says His children (those who obey His Voice) are a “peculiar people.”
(Deuteronomy 14:2, Deuteronomy 26:18)
Today, describing someone as “peculiar” (odd, weird, strange) actually
isn’t so flattering! The Hebrew word for
“peculiar“ – cegullah -- refers to a treasure,
a jewel, something of great worth -- special and valued. The treasure certainly isn’t the earthen
vessels in which we live; no, it’s the essence of who we are in Christ
Jesus. Titus wrote because of Whose we
are, redeemed and purified, we will be zealous (eager) to good works
(2:14). In other words, because of
Christ the One Who chose us and declared us His chosen treasures, our acts (our
behavior) will be honorable. The
Believer’s behavior won’t be a list of do’s and do not’s (marching orders) but
rather a spill-over of a heart devoted to The Savior. The only “drum” the Christian hears and
marches to is the perfect Heartbeat of The Father, Which is Love Itself. Peter writes, “But you are a chosen race, a
royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own
possession, that you may proclaim
the excellencies of Him Who called you
out of darkness into His marvelous light.” (1 Peter 2:9) By the Grace of Christ, His peculiar people
joyfully excel in proper conduct, letting “brotherly love continue” (Hebrews
13:1) in every area of life. Such a tall
order! In truth, it’s no “order” at all
– it’s simply kingdom-living! You see,
it’s perfectly and wonderfully and gloriously okay to … Be Peculiar!
Friday, July 13, 2012
Delightful Steps
My morning routine remains unchanged during this summer break, although it begins quite a bit later in the day. Whoohoo!
When is last time you asked God what He had planned for you today? There are so many options to how I will spend the day, and it’s much easier and convenient to choose from MY menu rather than God’s! Notice how the psalmist set his focus on the LORD early in the day: “O LORD, in the morning You hear my voice; in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for You and watch.” (Psalm 5:3, ESV) Prayer is special anytime but morning prayer is most needful when we seriously desire to fill the day with eternal significance. Seeking God’s Face before the day begins then obediently going His Way will always lead to fulfilling and satisfying things. I’ve noticed this: when I do things my way and by myself, it has my name written all over it – it looks like me. However, when God authors and steers what I do, it all looks like and honors Him in every way. Truth is, there’s a huge difference! The King James translation of Psalm 5:3 reads “My voice shalt Thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning I will direct my prayer unto Thee, and will look up.” Like the archer who shoots an arrow watches to see how near it has come to the mark, so should we pray then look up [with spiritual eyes] watching how God will accomplish His day’s work through us. Summer break will end soon then I’ll be back to the morning routine at its regular time, but every day (year-round) should begin God hearing my voice. We must not forget, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in His Way.” (Psalm 37:23) It’s the only way to delightful steps!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
His Song
Can you imagine a world without music? Oh, how I appreciate my parents nurturing a musical interest in me early. Music has changed through the years. Different tastes and imaginations have certainly spawned varying styles, however, music and “racket” are evermore being redefined for me!
What kind of music does God like? What an interesting thought! Isaiah 12:2 says God is "my strength and my song." How just like God to be THE Beat, THE Lyrics, THE Rhythm, THE Cadence – the perfect song! Today, we have lyrics, artists, and music files at our fingertips but nothing compares to the Lyrics, Sounds and Character of God's Song. His Song is not just for fleeting entertainment: It saves, It forgives, It equips, It inspires, It strengthens, and It protects. What other Song can boast such wonders? No other song!
Praise Him! Praise Him! Tell of His excellent greatness.
Praise Him! Praise Him! Ever in joyful song! -- Lyrics by Fanny Crosby
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Lose the Scales
I've kept score a lot during my life. My earliest memory is getting paid $1 to put old metal numbers on the scoreboard at church league softball games. Soon Dad taught me how to keep the official scorebook at softball and basketball games. Since then, I've scored many little league and high school baseball games. I’m still pondering whether learning to keep score was a "blessing" or a "curse."
Keeping score didn't fly with Jesus. In Matthew 5, He referred to the Old Testament teaching of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." (Deuteronomy 19:21) Then He offered a better way: "But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also." (V.39) " ... love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you." (V.44) Do what? Love my enemies? Bless those who curse me? Do good to those who hate me? Pray for those who use me and wish me harm? So, what about the scales of justice? Take a moment to consider justice: a blameless lamb standing in my place of punishment by death. Now, about those scales of justice? There was no justice -- there was only compassion and mercy. Yet, daily I insist on taking up the scales -- dragging them around and passionately measuring how unfairly I am treated, demanding my “rights.” I react with everything BUT mercy, compassion, love! Christ's way demands less focus on me, and more focus on others – He says to love them, bless them, do good to them, pray for them. We are called to lay down the scales (over and over again), and balance injustice with a lifestyles of humility and love. The reward? "Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect." (Matthew 5:48) Yeah, lose the scales!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Know That You Know
Ever been absolutely certain of something only to later question yourself? The older me is often positively sure I put something in one spot to find it has “migrated” [from that positively-sure spot] to another. If I truly believe that, I must also believe it when Mr. Bill tells me his clothes are … shrinking.
The Bible assures us of many things, and perhaps one of the greatest assurances is found in 1 John, Chapter 5. Bible commentator, Mathew Henry, calls this passage the “privilege and stability of the real Christian.” Verse 10-12 says, “Whoever believes in the Son of God has the testimony in himself. Whoever does not believe God has made him a liar, because he has not believed in the testimony that God has borne concerning His Son. And this is the testimony, that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. Whosoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” Now, if you purchase a product with a money-back guarantee, you will benefit in one of two ways: product satisfaction or product refund. The key to either, however, is a fundamental belief in the product itself. So it is with the initial faith in Christ: he who believes no longer relies only on outward evidence (what he sees in others), he has [in his own heart] a testimony. He understands personally what Christ has done for his soul. John continues, “I write these things to you who believe in the Name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life.” (V.13) In this world, how rare it is to be certain – positive – absolute – confident of anything, however, God gives us full confidence of His salvation in the Person of Christ Jesus, His Son – The Guarantor. Press pause here -- it’s shoutin’ time! Well, my things will continue to “migrate” and Mr. Bill will continue to insist his clothes are shrinking, but one thing we are sure of: “Life is in His Son.” (V.11b) Friend, I pray you … know that you know!
Monday, July 9, 2012
Fit For The King
Have you ever started watching a movie, then turned it off – stopped it – didn’t finish it? Perhaps it was not funny, it was boring, or not what you expected. Because of Proverbs 4:23, Mr. Bill and I are very particular about the movies we watch, and we’ve turned a few off for one reason or another. Now days, however, we might as well turn off the wisely-chosen movies because we might not finish them -- we fall asleep!
Are you an arrogant worshiper? Must worship be on your terms? Recently, I bought a small fan to blow “cool breezes” my way as I play [for worship] each Sunday. Guess you didn’t know playing the piano could be so strenuous! The Apostle John wrote about real worship, “… the true worshiper shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” (John 4:23) Perhaps none of us have truly experienced genuine worship because we demand too much, missing what is required for real worship. In days of old, what caused a knight to bow before his king? What was it that caused him to acknowledge there existed no one higher in the land, none worthy of supreme devotion and absolute submission? It was humility! Humility is the key to worship; we assume a lowly state and surrender ourselves to One higher. We offer The King hearts bowed in complete submission. It is worship on His terms as the Holy Spirit takes control of our personal will and spirit then we act-walk-speak in total surrender. This is the “living sacrifice” Paul writes of in Romans 12. Suddenly, nothing matters except The King – not the temperature of the sanctuary, how long or loud the pastor is, whether the music suits our taste, or whatever. Spirit-and-truth worship is void of any personal arrogance, self-centeredness, and preconceived notions. I’ll say it again – nothing matters except The King! Nothing! Now, I’m not ready to give up my sweet little fan, but oh how I desire real worship. The Psalmist wrote, "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise." (Psalm 51:17) So you have "the heart" for worship? It takes a heart ... fit for The King!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Forever Freedom
An unforgettable moment for me was standing in Flag Hall of the National Museum of American History in Washington DC where “Old Glory” is on display. Incredible! I saw it first in 1974, then several times since. The Flag is best known as bravely flying above Fort McHenry in Baltimore Harbor, enduring the night and inspiring Francis Scott Key to write the poem that later became our National Anthem. It's less-than-mint condition is an American wonder. It seemed to beckon me closer for its tales of freedom. If only it could talk!
Does the Cross do this for you? The cross talks: It speaks of One Whose pure, spotless blood spilled to become our Righteousness. One Battle -- One Victory -- Forever Settled – Eternal Freedom. As you celebrate American freedom today, rejoice evermore in Forever Freedom we know in Christ Jesus our Risen Savior and Eternal King of Glory!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Be An Abounder!
There’s quite a stand of flowers at the end of my porch. I’m not sure where they came from nor do I know what they are. Right now, they’re just green and bushy but late summer, they’ll break into beautiful golden blooms. I can see them from my bedroom window, and I like that!
What’s abounding in your life? Yeah, we don’t use ”abounding” much but all of us are overflowing-exceeding in something even if only the air we breathe! Almighty God is an infinite sea of perfections! How do we learn to flourish in these Godly perfections? “If we desire to ‘abound’ in hope,’ we must abound in faith. The measure and luster of our hope in Him will be in proportion to our believing, looking to Christ, growing in our knowledge of Christ, and living on the fullness of Christ.” (Octavius Winslow, Our God) The key to thriving in love-hope-patience-comfort-grace-holiness-peace-light (you name the Godly perfection) is … abounding in faith. We limit God’s ability to prove Himself, bless us, grow us in His graces when we’re so tightfisted in our faith. I suggest if your faith is not growing, it is shrinking! The wise King Solomon wrote, “Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 11:7) We must not be content with mere reflections of The Father when with eyes and feet of faith, we can experience His Glory worked out in our lives. That bed of late-summer bloomers gets bigger and bigger every year; they’re multiplying – more and more beautiful blooms! We are called to abound in Christ ... grow in faith … be an Abounder!
Monday, July 2, 2012
God's Churning
My guys love homemade ice cream! Before churns, freezers, and store bought cartons, my grandfather made ice cream in metal ice trays -- a little milk, sugar & vanilla. What fun those snack times were when we enjoyed his homemade delicacy!
God is churning us day-by-day into His work of art. It's the mix of blessings, trials, joys, and disappointments that churn us into the delicacy of His character. We sometimes scream, kick, pout, and whine learning often too late how much more pleasant it is when we just surrender to His complete authority in the process. The best way to God's heart-work in our lives is found in Psalm 23:26: "My son, give me thine heart ... " Daddy Bill had his own recipe and process for homemade ice cream, and so it is with The Father -- His Character from His Recipe and His churning!