Thursday, April 28, 2016

Early Hearts

What do you think about leftovers?  Leftovers at Nanny’s house were great; at my house, not so.  Come to think of it, most food was better at Nanny’s than at my house.


God doesn't deal in leftovers. We read in Lamentations 3:21-23: "This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” New every morning! Consider it: each morning while we sleep, God is present with New Mercy prepared to surround us. Yet!  Often with little [or no] thought of His fresh mercies, we dress, eat, hurriedly do our morning things ... then, we do our afternoon things ... then, we do our evening things. Tired and exhausted, we dutifully give God what we can muster before we crash into our beds at night ... our leftovers. Psalm 63:1 says, "O God, thou art my God; early will I seek Thee;" at the dawn of day, at first light, as soon as day breaks. Mark records Jesus' quiet time, "Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed." (1:35).  I like Adam Clarke's words, "What first lays hold of the heart in the morning is likely to occupy the place all the day." God deserves our

freshness, our "early hearts," certainly more than what is left at day's end. Early today, embrace Him and know His fresh and tender mercies!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

No Expectations

Has anyone ever told you to “get off your high horse?”  Medieval soldiers and political leaders mounted large horses as a display of might, power and supremacy.  Being high off the ground, the riders looked down their noses [so to speak] at the commoners below. I don’t know but this may have been followed by "the bigger they are, the harder they fall."


Christians must beware of high expectations – that is, expecting too much of this life.  It's dangerous for the righteous of God to anticipate anything other than what is part of God’s plan for us.  The story of Baruch, Jeremiah's scribe, is a good example.  This young man, eager to please the LORD, publicly read aloud God's warning of His judgment.  Anticipating some notoriety – making a name for himself – imagine his shock and sorrow when the king ordered his arrest!  This is what God had to say to Baruch, "Seekest thou great things for thyself? seek them not." (Jeremiah 45:5a).  How often do we confuse who God is with what God does for us?  Truly we must be grateful for God’s blessings but never should we seek His blessings more than Himself!  God explains to Baruch the reward of seeking God rather than God's good blessings: "But I will give you your life as a prize of war in all places to which you may go.” (45:5b).  The Believer who seeks good things for himself more than seeking God Himself can expect disappointment.  Trusting God exclusively in whatever circumstance of life – abandoning all expectations – is when life gets sweeter and sweeter.  We then experience the prized life as Christ is lifted high!  There’s something else: no risk of falling off your high horse!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Although far-and-few between, those times when we can do just what we feel like doing - well, they are sweet indeed!  Without blinking, my mind goes to a rocking chair on a screened porch at a remote location, a folding chair underneath an umbrella on a white sandy beach, a front porch swing.  Now, only if my body will catch up to my mind.


Paul’s words to Timothy, no doubt, were not written from his favorite place; actually, he was in prison!  Nevertheless, he wrote, “I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus … preach the word; be ready in season and out of season.” (2 Timothy 4:1-2).  The what-to-do is clear – preach - but Paul doesn’t stop there; he says, do it whether you feel like it or not!  Quite frankly, there are a number of things I am not inspired to do but I do them anyway.  Why is it, then, Christians believe we can pick-and-choose which spiritual commandments to obey?  That's a good question to which Oswald Chambers offers this: "The proof that we are rightly related to God is that we do our best whether we feel inspired or not."  Much as we may hate to admit it, life for Believers is not about doing as we please.  Scripture tells us "For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake." (2 Corinthians 4:5).  To genuinely proclaim Christ is to leave behind self-inspired things and take-up Christ-inspired service to others. If we are not-so inspired, there’s clearly a spiritual problem.  I’ll be first to admit my servant heart is not near what it should be; how about yours?

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Spiritual Grit

I’m a grits girl!  My Granny taught my Mama,  who taught me,  who taught my boys how to make grits. The recipe has [at times] been “tampered” with by adding this and that so there’s some debate who makes the “best” grits but nonetheless -- Grits Rock! 


God is never in a hurry.  We, on the other hand, are seldom patient!  Have you noticed the more unpleasant the circumstances, the more impatient we grow and more whinier the whine?   Most of us just don’t do well in God’s greenhouse yet it’s where great spiritual growth occurs … if only we’d surrender to His sovereignty in quiet and peaceful and obedient patience.  Oswald Chambers makes this observation: “If we wait, we shall see that God is pointing out that we have not been interested in Himself but only in His blessings.”  Can it possibly be the Believer is more interested in what God can do & give instead of the awesome Creator & Redeemer & King that He is!  When we persevere [by God’s grace], the spiritual hammering produces (like Christ) that “fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” (Ephesians 5:2).  Truth is, we need spiritual grit!  The word “grit” is something produced by pounding, and we [Southerners] love the taste of that coarsely ground corn.  Yeah, yeah, I know not everyone appreciates a good bowl of hot grits, but [oh my] how the world needs to see God glorified when His Children patiently wait upon the Lord.  Let’s take a breath, step back, and put forth some spiritual grit to the glory of The Father!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Evident Faith

Have you ever looked for something, but weren’t sure what you were looking for?  While you’re chuckling at such a question, tell you've never been browsing at the mall or wherever, saw something, and suddenly aha! – “I’ve been looking for something like that!”  Yeah, I thought so.


Spiritual eyes are ever intently looking, reaching to see and experience Christ magnified.  When I open God’s Word, I do so with  anticipation; never disappointed, there are times I ponder the depth of my time with Him.  Maybe, I wonder, I didn’t press toward Him enough or perhaps my spirit hindered His nearness.  In John 14, Philip said to Jesus, “Show us the Father.” (14:8).  I understand Philip’s intensity – I’ve prayed those same words!  Jesus answered Philip, “Have I been with you so ong, and you still do not know Me, Philip? Whoever has seen Me has seen the Father.” (V.9).  Oswald Chambers explains it this way: “We look for God to manifest Himself to His children: God only manifests Himself in His children.”  Consider those [otherwise] impractical and uncommon responses to the world, the spiritual nudges toward righteousness.  It's the almost-forgotten Person of the Trinity -- the Holy Spirit -- always present, always working to reveal the Father through the Son in our lives.  We just fail to see it.  To know the Son is to know the Father, and that knowledge gives way to the Spirit's putting on a beautifully orchestrated display of Christ in real-time living.  Therein is the evidence – the fruit – of the faithful, thos who rightly obey by reading God's Word, spending time in prayer, are in worship and fellowship with other Believers (the Body of Christ - His Church). While we may not see the evidence, God will use you to exalt Himself to the world!  Consider your faithfulness to Christ.  Let the evidence be ... evident.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Pathway to Peace

Memberships scream exclusivity!  Some ARE free, but most come with a cost.  Potential members must weigh the cost against the benefits.  Personally, I just like the free ink pens!


America certainly has a lot of problems, nonetheless, there are countless numbers who long to be a "member."  Although [I thought] we already had one, the debate about a "pathway to citizenship" is quite intense.  Oh that there were as many souls who desired to belong to God's Kingdom!  Isaiah identified those who trust exclusively in God: "You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD God is an Everlasting Rock." (Isaiah 26:3-4).  God uses His holy city, Jerusalem, to illustrate the fortification and security found in trusting Him.  Jerusalem sits high on a hill, its location easily defended from approaching enemies.  Isaiah says: "We have a strong city" (V.1) – one fortified by God, the Everlasting Rock; "He sets up Salvation" (V.1) – God has promised His redeemed to be their Salvation, their defense against the enemy; "Open the gates that the righteous ... may enter" – the righteous ones may enter for their protection." (V.2).  The benefits are many for those who are part of God's Kingdom, especially in this passage: perfect peace.  Matthew Henry wrote, "Whatever we trust to the world for, it will be but for a moment: all we expect from it is confined within the limits of time. But what we trust in God for will last as long as we shall last."  In 1882, Louisa Stead penned the words to this hymn: "Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus - Just to take Him at His Word - Just to rest upon His promise - And to know, 'Thus saith the Lord' - Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him - How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er - Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus - Oh, for grace to trust Him more."  The rewards, prizes, comforts, profits, blessings - the benefits of trusting God are immeasurable! The pathway to peace is clear - be a member ... trust Him!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Fruit Stand

Don't you just love a fresh fruit stand! I've had a few passing thoughts of wanting to grow fresh fruit and vegetables myself but Mr. Bill says "no." Quite adamantly ... "no."  I’m pretty sure he has inside information on who the CEO would be!


We represent God's fruit stand! Jesus used the illustration of "growing things" to explain bearing fruit.  “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." (John 12:24).  Living righteously displays Christ-like qualities and characteristics ... spiritual fruit.  Because of genuine faith in Christ and what He has done within, the genuine Believer’s life looks differently than the world: there are places we don’t go, things we don’t say, things we don’t watch, things we don’t listen to.  Furthermore, the serious disciple of Christ will have routines and habits the world does not!  A changed heart changes everything!  This kind of spiritual fruit is Christ-on-display and all glory His!  It's our opportunity, our responsibility, our obedience, our joy to be an array of Christ to the hopeless, the discouraged, the lost.  So, dear friend, how's your fruit stand?

Monday, April 18, 2016


If you’ve ever hosted a party, planned an event, chaired a committee – success was sweet but getting there wasn’t so-sweet!  The planning and preparation were killers!  Regardless how well-organized and ahead-of-the-game you tried to be, those final details were enough to make you say “what was I thinking!”


Then there’s Moses – quietly, peacefully, tending sheep – and the burning bush!  Needless to say, an unexpected wilderness experience.  Exodus 3 tells the story of Moses’ encounter with I AM - the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and Moses’ answer to God’s call. Have you ever been caught off-guard when God called?  Several years ago I was asked to be the pianist for a county-wide crusade - I was stunned, and fairly certain someone misunderstood the LORD!  Not everything He asks us to do will be sensational; some calls to do simple things, but none trivial!  Oswald Chambers writes, "A ready person never needs to get ready."  Like a charged-and-ready battery, a soul one-with-Christ, is "ever-ready" to do whatever task - large or small - because of The Father’s present nearness, and from deep love for and devotion to Him.  The ever-ready-soul knows a Oneness with The Father, and is ever-listening for His call.  Moses' response, "Here I am," is the response God longs for from every Believer.  Stay ever-near The Father, and you’ll be ever-ready when He calls!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Perfect Place

My Papa, Mom’s dad, was particular about his stuff. All of us grandkids knew better than to mess with his stuff!  He could spot it if anything had been moved even half an inch.  He believed everything had its place and he lived by it – everything better be its rightful place!


Life is bumpy – okay, more than bumpy – potholes and craters!  Truth is, every situation and circumstance has a rightful and ordained place in God’s plan for our lives.  Maybe it's to teach us to trust God more and ourselves less, or simple to remind us He is in control.  Whatever His intent, it is perfect “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28).  Yes, Papa was right on-target: everything has its perfect place in God's Plan.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Pump

A crisis can come in many shapes and sizes, and it’s certainly a crisis here when we can't find the pump!  It’s a well-known fact deflated items such as footballs, basketballs, and bicycle tires present a crisis. So goes the popularity of the pump!


We all need "pumping" up occasionally. Life is hard with all its sorrows, disappointments, and stress. There never seems to be a shortage of situations or people to thoroughly frustrate our lives. However, there is also no shortage in God's Word of personal promises to lift and sustain the human heart. Someone sent me a card and on the front is written, "God's Promises To Beverly." The card is filled with promises from The Father.  I have read each one over and over and keep it close to read again and again.  God’s words are the all-sufficient spiritual pump!


"I will never leave you nor forsake you." Joshua 1:5

"I will sustain you and I will rescue you." Isaiah 46:4

"I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go." Genesis 28:15

"I have engraved you on the palms of my hands." Isaiah 49:16

"I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3

The Burden-Bearer

Mr. Bill has been replacing some siding on our house, and guess what – I helped!  Now, the extent of my help was in carrying one end of the plank, holding it in place as Mr. Bill nailed the other end in place.  I'm fairly certain I don't have a future in construction, but amazingly not once did he say “just can't get good help these days.”  Yes, amazing!


We are commanded to do God's work but not to do the work of God.  Let me explain: as members of the Body of Christ, we are called to serve Him in Kingdom work but we are not to do the work intended for Him!  Mr. Bill rarely asks for my help but he knew he couldn't lift the cumbersome plank, hold it in place, and nail it down.  Oh, how Christians try to bear burdens they are not called to bear!  Underneath the weight of them, we are overwhelmed to despair.  The psalmist wrote, "Cast your burden on the Lord." (Psalm 55:22a).  You see, the first step to understanding God's role in burden-bearing is distinguishing which burdens we are to bear and those which are His alone. With regard to the burden, Oswald Chambers wrote, "put it over on to Him and yourself with it, and the burden is lightened by the sense of companionship."  God is the Burden-Bearer by way of His Son, Jesus Christ Who said, "My yoke is easy, and My burden is light." (Matthew 11:30).  Let me discourage you from falling beneath the weight of burdens not intended for you; seek the blessed Companionship of Christ and know a lighter burden and excellent companionship!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Just Trust

Just what!  It was just a bug - just a bird - just a penny - just an hour. That word "just" implies insignificance.  I've learned the otherwise insignificant things are often of much greater significance than they seem!


Sometimes our first choice is the least effective.  David writes in Psalm 55, “Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest; yes, I would wander far away; I would lodge in the wilderness; I would hurry to find a shelter from the raging wind and tempest.” (V.6-8).  Life's [rough] storms make us want to just fly-the-coop -- relocate to calmer waters.  Those options sound way more attractive than “But I will trust in You.” (V.23).  When we choose to please God - the best choice - we find everything we need. How do we "please God?"  I'm so glad you asked:  “And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6).  You see, faith isn't an option: "without faith it is impossible to please God."  Faith isn't A factor in pleasing God - it is THE factor in pleasing Him.  Faith must be engaged to please God, and yes, to know His full reward.  To put faith into-play, we begin with just trust - believing God will give me courage when I am fearful, believing God will give me what I need, believing God will give me strength when I am weak, believing God will give me guidance when the way is unclear, believing God will comfort me in sorrow, and so much more.  "Simply trusting ev'ry day - Trusting through the stormy way - Even when my faith is small - Trusting Jesus, that is all - Trusting as the moments fly - Trusting as the days go by - Trusting Him whate'er befall - Trusting Jesus, that is all."  Trust may seem insignificant, but it is not "just trust."  If you aren't already, engage your faith ... just trust.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Big Faith

Rational thinking is expedient especially in an emergency as well as when there are multiple choices.  I do not consider rational thinking one of my strongest traits – that’s why I have Mr. Bill … well, one reason.


It evermore amazes me how spiritually irrational Christians live.  We say we believe God is all-mighty and all His words are true yet we lack enough faith to (as Pastor Tony used to say) “blow the fuzz off a peanut!”  Yes, I am many times amazed – and ashamed – at my little faith.  Truth is, I don’t serve a little God.  Job declared this: “I know that You can do all things, and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted.” (42:2).  What a profound and bold statement – what a basis for big faith – how rational then to live in it!  The writer of Hebrews encouraged us: “Let us hold fast the confession of our Hope without wavering, for He Who promised is Faithful.” (10:23).  As you wake, opening your eyes to the new day, taking in your first conscious breath, having your earliest thoughts – let it all be by faith.  There exists no promises for this day except The Promiser.  Live in … big faith!