Focus and Hold Fast!
Do you know anyone who seems to feed on drama? Personally, I can do without drama! While we love to read David's psalms of peacefully quiet times, he had a lot of less-than-peaceful days during his life. Psalm 2 speaks of times when kings and rulers rage and plot against the Godly. That could be today's headlines! This psalm proclaims The Messiah, God's only begotten Son (Jesus) installed in Zion, the holy mountain, Who has been given [by God] the nations and the very ends of the earth (V.6-8). "You shall break them with a rod of iron, You shall shatter them like earthenware." (V.9). In these days when fear and despair threaten to upend us, let us do as commanded: "Worship the LORD with reverence and rejoice with trembling. Do homage to The Son that He not become angry, and you perish in the way ... How blessed are all who take refuge in Him!" (V.11-12). Really, it's a matter of focus and discipline; setting aside those things which draw us away from The Father and diminish Christ [in us], and embracing and holding fast to The Rock, The Refuge, The Strong Tower, The Deliverer. Focus and hold fast!