The Rock
Storms often leave tracks. As I walked onto the front orch one morning, there was indeed evidence of a storm's trek through the neighborhood. The challenges of life leave tracks as well, and sometimes those tracks hurt. The pain typically reminds us of past or present pain. The hymn, “The Solid Rock,” played over-and-over in my mind as I cleaned up from the storm: "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' Blood and Righteousness – I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus’ Name – On Christ the solid Rock I stand – All other ground is sinking sand – All other ground is sinking sand." In times when even standing is a challenge, stand in Christ Alone. Jesus didn’t just weather the storms – He calmed them: “Peace! Be still! And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.” (Mark 3:39). Jesus’ words weren't spoken without full authority to command peace and absolute power to create stillness. He’s the Rock that is higher than I – the Rock upon which I stand. All other rocks are as sinking sand. On what rock do you stand?