Monday, September 30, 2013

Good Housekeeping

You’ve heard me say it before: housekeeping is not high on my list of things to do nor ways to spend my free time. Thanks to my sweet Mr. Bill, I now live fairly guilt-less about this – that’s because Anna & Gladys come once a month to do it for me. They’re faithful and efficient! Woohoo, I say!

This "borrowed blessing" reminds us of spiritual housekeeping that [for the Believer] must not be ignored and cannot be “hired out.” Its faithful and efficient work is done only by Almighty God through the shed blood of His Son, Jesus Christ, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Lord, it is not the dirt and clutter in plain sight that nag at me
It's the hidden dirt ... you know, behind the refrigerator, in the closets, under the bed
Dirt that no one sees or knows about but me -- it's the same way with my life, God
It's those hidden sins that I can't keep up with ...
Those petty little grievances, the grudges, the resentments
The unspoken harsh feelings, the superior attitudes
Thoughts and feelings that no one else knows about but me ... and You, God
Help me, Father, to clean my heart as I would my home
Take away all dust and cobwebs of pride, ill feelings and prejudice
The dirt behind my refrigerator will never hurt anyone … the dirt in my heart will

Dear Lord,
Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your steadfast love; according to Your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin! Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. (Psalm 51:1-2, 10, 12)

Friday, September 27, 2013

The Sign

Do you remember “Here’s Your Sign?” Absolutely and most certainly not a follower, but Bill Engvall’s “Here’s Your Sign” comedy routine from years ago was pretty funny. What made it so funny and subsequently popular was the framework in which we all find ourselves at times. That is: I’m not really stupid – I just sound like it! For example, a trucker gets his truck stuck under an overpass, and the responding policeman asks "Hey, you get your truck stuck?" The trucker answers, "No sir, I was delivering that overpass and I ran out of gas.” Well, here's your sign.

Is God eternally faithful? Of course, He is! Is He true to every one of His promises? Absolutely! How do you know? He says so in His Word! But how do you really know? Because I’ve experienced it over and over again in my life! So, why do we wring our hands in despair – fret over the current crisis – live life as if we’re in some barren wasteland? Here’s your sign! The psalmist wrote, “I am the LORD your God, Who brought you up out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it. But my people did not listen to my voice; Israel would not submit to me.” (Psalm 81:10-11). One of the greatest exercises in faith is to press your life’s rewind-button to recall God’s faithfulness; read how true and dependable He was in the lives of the men of faith – Abraham, Jacob, Joshua, David, Paul, Peter; consider testimonies of modern-day Christian giants; be encouraged by those you know personally who listen to God’s Voice and open their mouths to experience His faithfulness and fulfillment in their lives. When we listen to God and walk in His ways, God says He will “feed you with the finest of the wheat, and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.” (V.13, 16). This is how we learn first-hand God’s faithfulness – we personally taste His Honey and know ultimate satisfaction. That’s the sign!

Have you tasted that the Lord is gracious? Do you walk in the way that’s new?
Have you drunk from the living fountain? There’s honey in the Rock for you.
Oh, there’s honey in the Rock, my brother; There’s honey in the Rock for you.
Leave your sins for the Blood to cover; There’s honey in the Rock for you.

– Frederick A. Graves. 1895

Thursday, September 26, 2013


It’s been so much fun to watch Ella learn new things! Their dogs, Jr and Roxie, cause quite the ruckus when they bark, and it was so cute to see Ella “shhh” them with a finger to her lips. To hear her whisper is precious, then a challenge to help her know when to whisper and when not to whisper. You know, us older folks don’t hear a whisper too good! LOL

How loud are you? I remember telling rambunctious little boys to quiet down, to use their “inside voices.” Of course, my definition of “inside voices” has changed with Mr. Bill’s … older ears -- LOL. The Psalmist writes, “Sing aloud to God, our strength; shout for joy to the God of Jacob.” (81:1). He uses other sound-related words like raise, sound, blow, call, and listen. I hear people say all the time they “can’t sing” – hogwash! Over and over in Scripture we are told to sing! The psalmist even carries it one step further: sing out loud -- SOL! Praising The Creator changes so much – attitude, countenance, focus; it also satisfies a deepness in our souls beyond explanation. It is my personal conviction that when we sing out loud (SOL), we're encouraged to LOL -- Live Out Loud!  Today is good day to stop whispering before God – sing out loud and really live. Yes, LOL – Live Out Loud!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Shine Forth

The second morning after Mr. Bill and I were married, I wondered about the nature of this man to whom I had said “I do” and “I will.” Atop the highest floor of the hotel, in the honeymoon suite, my new husband yanked the curtains open and proclaimed, “Sun’s a’shin’ in the swamp!”

The song of Psalm 80 uses the word “shine” four times, and three of those are part of the writer’s plea, “Let Your face shine that we may be saved!” (80:3, 7, 19). Now, Mr. Bill’s an early-riser; he loves to see the dawn-of-the-day – that lesson came early and painfully to me. Me, I’d rather enjoy a sunset from the front porch swing. The thought of feeling the warmth of God’s Face invokes happy thoughts, however, there is a prerequisite (a requirement, a condition) to such a measure of God’s response to this plea: “Restore us …” (V.3, 7, 19). An insurance company “restores” property to its condition before the time of loss. How then is the heart of man “restored?” John writes, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9). A “broken and contrite heart” before God is what He desires most (Psalm 51:17), and the broken (humbled) spirit of man leads to true confession and repentance. Only then are we restored to the “joy of our salvation” (Psalm 51:12), and only then will God’s Face shine upon us. Oh, how America needs God to “shine forth” once again upon the people of this once-great nation. I hope I never witness the “sun a’shinin’” in a swamp, but it is my prayer each day that God’s Face shine upon me. How about you?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Your Act

You ever been told to “behave yourself” or “act like you’re somebody”? Oh, let me count the times! My boys used to ask why they had to remember their manners at home, and my answer was “home is where we practice our manners.” Practice makes perfect, right? Well, at least practice helps!

The Psalmist begins Chapter 80, “Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, You Who lead Joseph like a flock!” (V.1a). He uses a common relationship here – one between shepherd and sheep. It is the shepherd’s role to care for the needs of his sheep as well as to guide and protect them. The shepherd is faithful to do this things, and it is the nature of the sheep to depend upon and follow the shepherd. Such is the nature and role of The Good Shepherd, but what about His people – His sheep? His sheep (the redeemed) are prone to be obstinate and unresponsive, contrary to sheep’s nature; we don’t always act like sheep! How often do we pray asking for God’s help, for His grace in counsel yet consider His reply as one-of-many options. We hear The Shepherd’s Heart and give a non-sheep reply! The rest of the verse is insightful, “You Who are enthroned upon the cherubim, shine forth.” (V.1b). The two “cherubim,” one at each end of the mercy seat on top of the Ark or the Covenant, represent God’s Presence where worship takes place; “shine forth” is a call for God to have His Way in our lives. Submission (obedience), as is sheep’s real nature, is an act of worship! An act – to do something, to take steps, to perform, to proceed … to behave as sheep of The Good Shepherd. We must behave ourselves – act like who we are. Redeemed by Christ to live victoriously as we follow The Good Shepherd – this is the call of Christ in our lives. So, think about it -- how’s your act?

Monday, September 23, 2013

Your Act

You ever been told to “behave yourself” or “act like you’re somebody”?  Oh, let me count the times!  My boys used to ask why they had to remember their manners at home, and my answer was “home is where we practice our manners.”  Practice makes perfect, right?  Well, at least practice helps!


The Psalmist begins Chapter 80, “Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, You Who lead Joseph like a flock!” (V.1a).  He uses a common relationship here – one between shepherd and sheep.  It is the shepherd’s role to care for the needs of his sheep as well as to guide and protect them.  The shepherd is faithful to do this things, and it is the nature of the sheep to depend upon and follow the shepherd.  Such is the nature and role of The Good Shepherd, but what about His people – His sheep?  His sheep (the redeemed) are prone to be obstinate and unresponsive, contrary to sheep’s nature; we don’t always act like sheep!  How often do we pray asking for God’s help, for His grace in counsel yet consider His reply as one-of-many options.  We hear The Shepherd’s Heart and give a non-sheep reply!  The rest of the verse is insightful, “You Who are enthroned upon the cherubim, shine forth.” (V.1b).  The two “cherubim,” one at each end of the mercy seat on top of the Ark or the Covenant, represent  God’s Presence where worship takes place; “shine forth” is a call for God to have His Way in our lives.  Submission (obedience), as is sheep’s real nature, is an act of worship!  An act – to do something,  to take steps, to perform, to proceed … to behave as sheep of The Good Shepherd.  We must behave ourselves – act like who we are.  Redeemed by Christ to live victoriously as we follow The Good Shepherd – this is the call of Christ in our lives.  So, think about it -- how’s your act?


Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Hosting a meeting is sometimes a real stresser! Days before, the focus is on a clean and tidy house then what to serve for refreshments. My guys weren’t too thrilled being involved with the “clean and tidy house” part but they sure didn’t want to miss the refreshments!

Things that refresh us – a long hot shower, a power nap, fresh fruit, crisp autumn air, a porch swing, “hold MomC,” a beach breeze, a hug, a card from a friend. Yes, on and on I could go. I’m so grateful God knows how to perfectly refresh me! Times of spiritual revival are nothing less than Divine Design. “But we Your people, the sheep of Your pasture, will give thanks to You forever; from generation to generation, we will recount Your praise.” (Psalm 79:13). Why is praise so relevant, so vital to Christian living? Praise secures the presence of His Presence in our lives: “Yet You are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.” (Psalm 22:3). There’s that word again – enthroned! When we focus on His Majesty, His Glory, His Honor, all else pales – diminishes – fades; He is magnified and exalted. All those refreshing things actually seem pretty puny in light of Who He is. So, Christian, will you surrender your heart to The King and allow His Spirit to rule your spirit? Oh, to be continually abandoned to Jehovah and enjoy Him eternally. Let us praise Him and be refreshed!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


As an 8th grade student, I visited the GA State Capitol and met [then] Governor Jimmy Carter. I shook his hand, had my picture made with him, and even sat in the governor’s chair. I proudly framed that picture and hung it in our first house. Yeah, I know, big deal!

God’s Throne Room – have you ever thought about it? I’ve met very few celebrities -- Alan Jackson, Ricky Skaggs, Governor Carter, and Senator Sam Nunn, but that’s about it. To be in their presence seemed like a “big deal” at the time, but the Throne Room of Almighty God – for certain, nothing compares! Psalm 29:10 says, “… The LORD sits enthroned as King forever.” The Jews understood reverenced the Temple; not just because of the sacred things inside, but they understood it was God’s dwelling place -- where His Presence resided. How foolish we are to consider the luxuriousness of God’s Throne room; it is The King Who makes the Throne Room. David describes It as where God sits (is set) as The King for forever over His people – those faithfully obedient to Him. We know, of course, God’s dwelling place is no longer a place made with hands but rather the hearts of the saved (redeemed, regenerated) man. It’s where God makes His home. I wonder just what kind of dwelling place I’ve made for The King of Glory? Must He share my heart’s rule with things of this world or selfish ambitions and arrogant pride? The framed picture of me and Jimmy has long been forgotten and packed away. Oh, how God longs to enthrone the hearts of Christians, and it may not seem like such a big deal, but hearts so enthroned frame the Beauty of God's Holiness! And, that's something to put on display!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Living Desperately

The feeling of desperation is not a happy one! I find myself being more desperate in these post-50 years. Because I don’t put things in the same place twice, most moments of desperation are self-inflicted.

God’s glory and His awesome power are not diminished. Things of this world grow faint, weaken, and lessen with time. New tires wear down, appliances wear out, and our bodies grow frail. Only One remains; is consistent, eternal, unchanged, ever powerful. The Psalmist writes of the Voice of the LORD Which “is over the waters … thunders … is powerful … full of majesty … breaks the cedars … flashes forth flames of fire … shakes the wilderness … strips the forests bare.” (Psalm 29). Bible scholars speculate David penned this song during a great storm. Mr. Bill and the boys used to sit on the front porch during storms – who hasn’t witnessed God’s might and power in the turbulence of nature as well as times of calm! David calls on all to “ascribe” or give God the glory due His Name! Oh, how the Redeemed neglect to acknowledge the power of our God! I fear we have we lost the fervor, the passion, the zeal to declare Who God is as the Hebrews did: El Shaddai – LORD God Almighty, El Olam – Everlasting God, El Elyon – Most High God. As world chaos abounds and time of Christ’s return draws near, now [not some distant date] is the call to “worship the LORD in the splendor of holiness.” (V.2). Now is the time for all His children to cry “Glory!” (V.9). We are living in desperate times which call for desperate living! Desperate for our God. Desperate for His Truth. Desperate for The King’s return. Just how desperate are you?

Friday, September 13, 2013

See & Show

Do you remember "Find Waldo" books? Danny had one and it was filled with page-after-page of scenes of Waldos. The object was to find one particular Waldo in an endless sea of Waldos. Just thinking about those red and white striped shirts makes me see spots!

Do you see God in what you do? A better question is: do others see God in what you do? It's easy to see God's Handiwork in a beautiful sunrise or sunset or the autumn leaves, but He's not always so apparent in the mundane of life. First Thessalonians 5:16 says, "Rejoice evermore." That changes the way we answer the phone, sweep the floor, serve our meals, greet one another, stand in the checkout line, clean the toilet ... whatever we do -- we do it joyfully ... as unto The Lord. It's an uncommon way. It's particularly challenging. It's definitely a revelation of The God Whom we profess to serve ... joyfully! See Him today, and show Him off to others!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Real Beauty

Anyone who thinks girls spend more time in front of the mirror than guys ... well, they haven’t raised three boys! With two full baths, each with a large mirror, there was a real struggle to get a spot in front of the mirror. As boys, they weren’t interested in checking their clothes for wrinkles or if their shirt was tucked in. No, they were much more interested in looking up their noses, in their ears, and at their tongues. Guys are just weird and they're mirror hogs!

Beauty is a lot of trouble -- especially true beauty. I'm not talking about the outward appearance, but the only beauty God acknowledges. A beautiful heart should be the first and foremost desire of us all for, "The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." (1 Sam 16:7b) From a beautiful heart pours characteristics of Christ; the flip side is that from a heart of vanity gush all the things that make us truly ... ugly. When Mr. Ugly-Self shows up, its roots can be traced clearly to a heart far too long and too far from The Master; away from God’s Word -- the mirror. Just like my guys would hinder me from taking a look at my outward appearance, Satan does all he can to keep me away from time with God: the phone, television, magazines, meetings -- all kinds of busyness. I must fight for my time at the mirror -- time in God's Word pointing out the areas of my life that need touch=ups, make-overs, and re-dos. Beauty is indeed a lot of trouble, but real beauty is truly worth it!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Glamorous Thing

Have you ever had one of those "Glamour Shots?" Someone talked me into doing that one time ... and that was enough! I showed up at my scheduled time, and the "make over" began. The makeup woman slowly undid everything I had so carefully done: she took off my makeup, brushed and teased my hair, painted my face, then put feathers on me. I felt like ... well, probably the same thing I looked like. Then, I was to sit and smile like I felt like a million bucks. Well, I didn't feel like a million bucks!

Have you ever felt like your heart needed a good make over? I truly believe that a Mother's heart is something special, and Mothers' hearts ache more intensely than most when it comes to their children. The heart is the essence of who we are, and God in all His wisdom knows what our hearts need first and foremost. There’s certainly nothing glamorous about a heart that is soiled and scarred so badly that it cannot host the best things of God. The Psalmist wrote, "LORD, you have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart; You will cause Your ear to hear." (Psalm 10:17). The human heart is ever in need of the cobwebs out and the goo gone so we can best serve God and turn Satan away. When God rules the Christian’s heart, makes-it-over ... it’s truly a glamorous thing!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sweet Refreshment

Don't you love refreshments? Most successful events end with food – it just seems to bring people together and encourage fellowship. Dennis and I were invited to a wedding one time, and his immediate response was, "Who's catering the reception?"

God calls us to be "refreshing" to others. At the close of some days, I'm ashamed to say I don't recall being so ... refreshing. I can, however, think of those who are best described as a "breath of fresh air." Proverbs 27:9 says, "Ointment and perfume delight the heart, and the sweetness of a man's friend gives delight by hearty counsel." We all are prone to a bad day [once in a while] and can even justify our case of being ornery, but that's just pitiful. Read this passage by George Eliot, which beautifully defines a safe and supportive friend: "Oh, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then, with the breath of kindness, blow the rest away." Now, that is a friend! How delightful when our words are heard with the heart of a faithful friend! That's exactly how we should listen -- with a heart that understands painful circumstances often governing the words of another soul. We are called to be that ointment, that perfume, that delight to another heart that needs to feel the Sweetness of God Himself. Sweet refreshments ... sounds like a great menu for the day!

Monday, September 9, 2013

A Certain Hope

Oh well, I never had a hope chest -- that savings of stuff for life with "Mr. Right." Well, I'm certain I landed Mr. Right [without a hope chest], and I'm also certain my hope chest would not have included camouflage, fishing lures, duck calls, or shotgun shells.

The longer I live and the more I experience, the more reality smacks me in the face. Reality usually shows itself when you least expect it. Remember the television show "To Tell The Truth," and its imposters. The question at the end of the show was always the same: "Would the real xxx, please stand up." That's how hope is: we misplace our hope in stuff, relationships, jobs, money, etc. Before long we find they are nothing more than imposters and thieves, stealing our faith, our dreams, our hopes. There is truly only one place where hope is secure and certain -- in God our Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Psalm 71:5 says, "For Thou art my hope, O Lord God ... " There’s no disappointments and no regrets when our hope is that certain. It's certainly a ... certain Hope!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Take His Hand

Holding hands is a sweet gesture – at any age. At a young age, I remember holding hands at the dinner table (Dad thought it kept little hands out of the food); as a teenager, holding Mr. Bill’s hand in church (hoping Daddy couldn’t see it from the pulpit); holding a little boy’s hand during a nighttime storm; and, now, extending a grandmother’s hand to Ella when she reaches and says, “Hand!”

Holding someone’s hand isn’t always OUR idea! At times, I was grabbing little boys’ hands rather than reaching for willingly extended hands. I distinctly recall an age when Danny (my oldest) cared nothing about his Mama holding his hand, but crossing a busy downtown street was not the time independence! “So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, ‘If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’” (John 8:31). He spoke of belief – the kind of belief that is so real, we walk in obedience to Him. How often do we say we believe yet wring our hands in worry, grow anxious in calamity, and seek counsel and comfort anywhere but in Christ? Ouch! Jesus words connect belief to obedience and truth to freedom. Sinful behavior not only has consequences, it enslaves – robs the spirit of freedom. If only little Danny could have understood the freedom to walk in safety when holding Mama’s hand. In the same way, if Christians would take their obstinate hands-of-independence out of their own pockets and walk hand-in-hand (abide) in Christ, we can truly live in freedom of God’s Truth [and ultimate protection]. Whose hand are you holding?

Thursday, September 5, 2013

See It - Know It!

How do you know? It’s a question I’m prone to ask when someone tells me something new … and somewhat unbelievable. If you’ve been around children, you know they can tell some tall tales. Come to think of it, it’s Mr. Bill who taught me to question the validity of otherwise tall tales!

Fruitfulness – Jesus spoke candidly of it! “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35). By what? Jesus spoke of the result of His type of love. It’s no wonder my boys learned to tell some whopper tales – they learned from one of the best. Mr. Bill’s tales of having two hearts and buying bugs for the septic tank – well, they’re a good laugh especially when Mama is so gullible. O.S. Hawkins describes Christian love as “oxygen of the kingdom … the acid test of our own discipleship.” God sent His Son as evidence of His love for us; we are to follow His example in love toward others! That is a fruit of His Spirit: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love …” (Galatians 5:22a). Incredible and unexplained love toward the lovable and unlovable is proof - verification of Christ’s love within. Tall tales from big and little guys lack real evidence – Christ’s love within us, however, shows up in how we love one another and others. May the world see it and know it!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Full Armor

He didn’t really want to, but Mr. Bill bought snake chaps. Since he’s been hunting for 40+ years and has survived without them, he didn’t really see the need. In the same light, he refuses to learn how to tie a tie too. He insists at 60 years old, he has no need to learn that art.

Do you recognize Satan’s attack? Paul describes the continuous onslaught as “flaming darts of the evil one” (Ephesians 6:16). One good reason for the snake chaps is Mr. Bill doesn’t hear well – a snake’s warning rattle would mean nothing to him. Now, I am more than confident I don’t need snake chaps nor keen hearing, but for sure, every day I need shielding from Satan’s attack. Christians do well to remember, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12). Paul says to take up the whole armor of God so we can stand against evil in truth and righteousness … and “above all, taking the shield of faith … to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.” (13-16). Mr. Bill doesn’t wear a tie much but when he does, he seeks help. Regardless of what we think, we cannot stand against Satan alone; we might resist him for a season but ultimately if we go-it-alone … we’re toast! Learn the wise art of being suited in the full armor of Christ – it’s never out-of-fashion or out-of-season!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Don't Wait

How many times have we observed the backside of opportunities ... a long face -- moments past, never to be regained. I can recall only two times when in God's mercy I was given a second chance at something. I'm sure you will agree, those times are almost unheard of and rare indeed! The following passage (author unknown) reminds us time is precious, and how we are to be good stewards of the time God gives us.

Mend a quarrel.
Search out a forgotten friend.
Dismiss a suspicion and replace it with trust.
Write a letter to someone who misses you.
Encourage a youth who has lost his faith.
Keep a promise.
Forget an old grudge.
Examine your demands on others.
Fight for a principle.
Express your gratitude.
Overcome an old fear.
Take time to appreciate the beauty of nature.
Give God the praise.
Tell someone you love them.
Tell them again, and again, and again.

Don't wait another day -- today is rich in opportunities.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Wherever We Go

Unexpected inactivity of the brain is often referred to as brain dead, brain cramps, and [for some] senior moments. We all have them, and they seem to show up at the most unfortunate times. The worst is they usually make us look totally foolish!

God may be amused by our brain cramps, but He never excuses us from having our mind on His business. Romans 5:5 says, "God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit." Our role as Christians is to love others and show them the way to Christ. Mindlessly wandering through the day with no thought of who we are [in Christ] and what our mission is [in Christ] is just not acceptable. Jesus was a people-person; He went to where people were. He listened to them. He talked to them. He answered their questions. He was always focused on who He was and what He was about. Someone has said, "If you are not completely where you are, wherever you are, then you are nowhere." Who wants to be nowhere? I don't! We must desire the Spirit of God within us to show us where we need to be ... wherever we go.