Thursday, July 24, 2014

Stormy Weather

Summer thunder storms are quite common, and can be quite vicious!  One of the most frequently visited websites here is Intellicast.  Mr. Bill is an avid weather-watcher!  If there are thunder-boomers in the forecast, they rarely arrive unexpected!


Isn’t it amazing how many people are blind-sided and ill-prepared for the storms in life?  Everyone knows how important it is to unplug the computer BEFORE the lightning storm, or fix the leaky roof or roll up the car windows BEFORE it rains. In other words, be prepared!  I doubt Job anticipated the sheer magnitude of the storm headed his way, but he was ready nonetheless: "I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand upon the earth." (Job 19:25)  Remember these words at life's next crack of thunder or lightning strike. We have a trusting Savior in and out of ... stormy weather.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Eat Fresh

Whether it’s right off the truck or warm from the oven, there’s something special about fresh bread!  To some folks, a few slices of garden-ripe tomatoes go best inside a couple of slices of fresh bread; I’ll take banana with my fresh slices.  Whatever your preference of “insides,” it’s best when the “outsides” are fresh!


In Exodus 16, we read the Israelites gathered bread (manna) each morning.  There weren’t zippy bags or plastic containers to store it in, but that was okay because God instructed them to collect enough just for that day.  There was a profound lesson for them (and us) in those one-day’ll-do-it gatherings: depend on God.  Have you ever noticed how troubled we become at life’s uncertainties?  Spurgeon says, “He can withdraw the joy of thine heart, the light of thine eyes, and the strength of thy life; in His hand thy comforts lie, and at His will they can depart from thee.”  How easily we forget it is from God’s Hand we receive every single breath.  Drawing from what is past and hoping in the uncertainty of tomorrow are troubling at best! Consciously depending on the faithful love of The Father, however, brings us to His throne where we are satisfied completely.  The satisfied soul’s song goes like this: “I depend on God alone; I put my hope in Him.” (Psalm 62:5).  Now, we may find some real bargains at day-old bread stores but for the Believer, there is no blessing or joy in day-old bread (provision).  Let us rejoice we can eat fresh each day by trusting God in and for all things!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Diet for Righteousness

What are Graham crackers made of?  Do you know?  They are made of graham flour, which is simply whole wheat flour.  It was promoted by a nineteenth-century Presbyterian minister named Sylvester Graham.  He traveled through the United States preaching and promoting eating a healthy diet, which he also believed led to a virtuous & wholesome life.


God's Word says the world will see His righteousness when Christians embrace His Truth.  Unfortunately, it takes much more than a glass of milk and Graham crackers to make one righteous and holy.  Psalm 119:173-176 says, "Let Your Hand become my help, for I have chosen Your precepts. I long for Your salvation, O LORD, and Your law is my delight. Let my soul live, and it shall praise You; and let Your judgments help me. I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek Your servant, for I do not forget Your commandments."  Everything in our lives must be weighed by God's principles -- a daily diet of His Word, His Laws, His Commands.  Sorry Mr. Graham, it's the only diet that works for righteousness!

Monday, July 21, 2014


Who is your favorite conversationalist?  Most recently, I’ve observed Mr. Bill having “conversations” with … himself.  Rather than become involved, I’ve found it much more interesting [and amusing] to just watch and listen.  I’ve quietly concluded this: he wisely and accurately answers all his questions to himself by himself.  Quite the talented guy, Mr. Bill is.

Conversations with ourselves aren’t such a bad thing especially when we’re asking important questions.  I recently [quietly J] pondered why I really wear a watch, and my conclusion was it is mostly from habit since I rarely look at it to see the time.  One origin of the word “watch” came from 17th Century sailors who used the new timepiece mechanisms to time the length of their shipboard watches (shifts).  In Mark 13, Jesus spoke of a far more critical cause to “watch” as He spoke of His Second Coming: “But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is ... Watch ye therefore … Lest coming suddenly He find you sleeping … And what I say unto you, I say to all, Watch.” (32-33, 35a, 36-37).  The climate of today’s culture has lulled many Christians into a state of spiritual lethargy; the Truth of the Gospel no more impacts their daily living than my watch alerts me to the time of day.  The reality is too many “believers” wear their faith like I wear my watch for reasons of fashion and habit.  Genuine disciples of Christ and His Gospel, however, do not compromise Truth; they are true “watchmen” for themselves, their families, friends, and neighbors – richly and faithfully proclaiming Christ by their words and by the way they live.  “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.” Colossians 3:23.  Here’s a good topic of conversation to have with yourself: how can I more effectively and faithfully be a watchman for my soul and for the souls of those around me?  The answer is clear and simple: be a student of Godly Truth (found in His Word), listening – hearing – doing as He commands.  Watch!

Extend Tenderness

To get certain foods tender, we soak 'em, beat 'em, smother 'em, and smoke 'em.  This takes time, a smart cook, and hungry-but-patient people.


God's mercies are NOT slow-to-tender -- they are tender-by-nature!  The psalmist wrote, "The Lord is good to all; and His tender mercies are over all His works." (Psalm 145:9)  Thank goodness we don't have to wait on God's mercies to become tender toward us -- we'd be in big trouble if that were the case!  Since it is Christ's Nature to be merciful and tender toward us, it should also the nature of His followers. The world needs to see, to know, to feel The Father’s tender mercies, and we are His pipeline.  May our attitudes, our words, our thoughts, and actions bear God’s tenderness today!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

His Strength

We lost a loved one recently, and I still grieve as I see that 75 foot oak tree lying on the ground.  My potted plants and car are missing their shady friend as well.   The guy who orchestrated its precise resting place, mere feet from my back porch, was quite pleased with himself!


Psalm 91:1 says, "He who dwells in the Shelter of the Most High will rest in the Shadow of the Almighty."  This passage speaks to the awesome power of the mere shadow of God.  His Shadow offers all we need when our hearts are heavy, when our spirits are low, and when our strength is waning. Can you imagine the vastness of a God Who's very shadow offers more than all the world's resources put together?  Can you comprehend the lengths He will go for His children?  Here's His promise from Verse 15 of the same chapter: "He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him." When tears come and the spirit is vulnerable and weak, He is strongest.  CeCe Winans sings "His strength is perfect when our strength is gone.  He'll carry us when we can't carry on.  Raised in His power, the weak become strong.  His strength is perfect, His strength is perfect."  Oh, how I need His perfect strength.  Oh, how He longs for me to call on Him and to claim His strength! So, what am I waiting on!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Lights Out! Rest!

Sleepless nights are a common thing for me – caffeine and a full moon are often the cause.  Now, I’ve learned to avoid and/or limit caffeine but Mr. Moon is quite the challenge.  Mr. Bill doesn’t struggle with sleeplessness himself – just MY sleeplessness!

The Glory of Almighty God will be the Feature of Heaven, but it’s going to be great [at least for me] to never struggle with sleeplessness!  Our new resurrected bodies won’t need the rejuvenation, nor will I have to bargain with caffeine or the moon!  Woohoo, and again I say, woohoo!  In the meantime, however, circumstances of this life need not create moments of anxiety that steal our joy, peace, and [yes] even sleep. After a particularly restless night, the Holy Spirit sent me to Psalm 121: “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My Help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved; He Who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He Who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD is your Keeper; the LORD is your Shade on your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD will keep you from all evil; He will keep your life. The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.”  Wringing of hands, gnashing of teeth, and pulling of hair are all useless exercises.  He Who never sleeps, never slumbers is keeping me.  I don’t need to hang on to Him – He’s got me in His Grip, never once will He allow me to faint-sweat-slip-fall.  Furthermore, “Jehovah thy God is in the midst of thee, a Mighty One Who will save; He will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in His love; He will joy over thee with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17).  Caffeine, Mr. Moon, and I are still in negotiations, but worry and fear must not be reason for a restless body, heart or spirit.  Yet – I will rest, I will be at peace, I will trust The One Who never sleeps and never slumbers.  Yes, lights out, I say -- rest!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

No Tricks

Not very often, but occasionally, I will play a computer game.  Very outdated, I’m sure, but one of my favorites is word-find.  The developers of these games use forms of trickery to lure your eyes to [what appears to be] the word.  Mr. Bill would disagree, but it’s the best kind of huntin’ I know!


Do you find it difficult to see God in the circumstances of your life?  I didn’t mention it, but I don’t like timed games; oh no, I want to play at my leisure!  Believing God is totally sovereign, it isn’t wise to conclude things “just happen” – rather, they happen by God’s design and in His time.  Isaiah wrote, “Remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, ‘My Counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all My purpose.’” (Isaiah 46:9-10).   Almighty God (El Shaddai) authors and orchestrates each detail of our lives to reveal Himself in the perfect way at the perfect time.  Isaiah declared, “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the LORD.” (Isaiah 6:1).  Those words – saw the LORD – ponder those for a moment.  What is it we see when tragedy strikes unexpectedly, when children choose unwisely, when our self-made life gets out of kilter?  Do we see these bumps in the road from our own bias or as the means God will use to our better end – to grow us into His Character?  Oswald Chambers says, “Your priorities must be God first, God second, and God third, until your life is continually face to face with God and no one else is taken into account whatsoever.”  Seeing God first and foremost in every circumstance leads us to proclaim with King David, “O LORD, there is none like thee, neither is there any God beside thee.” (1 Chronicles 17:20).  From my own perspective, I’m pretty good at word-find games.  It’s my desire, however, to see God frequently and clearly in all of life – even those times when I must search Him out.  No tricks – He’ll make Himself known!      

Friday, July 11, 2014

Be Alert!

Mr. Bill tried to tell me!  For more than twenty years he tried to describe how snorkeling revealed hidden beauties.  All I knew was the snorkeling equipment made Mr. Bill sound like Darth Vader, and I just couldn't imagine myself equipped to snorkel.  Finally, several years ago, I saw those hidden beauties while snorkeling the clear Caribbean waters.  Words are not enough to describe the wonders below: coral of brilliant colors and an amazing assortment of fish indeed alien to Georgia's muddy banks!


The Book of Ephesians describes workmanship like no other: "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." (2:10).  Have you ever seriously thought about the uniqueness of ... you?  Uniquely created, and for what "good works?"  Do you doubt God orchestrates your day:  the student crying in the hall ... the mother struggling with her infant in the grocery store line ... that rude and indifferent sales person ... a neighbor's grief ... the stranger asking directions ... the anger of a co-worker.  We are His design, created in Christ to do His business, and He's already planned the good works. Will you be His Hands-Feet-Voice to share His Heart?  It’s your purpose – your design, so be alert! Watch out for those good works ... and be about ‘em!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Stay Stupid

We should not call others stupid, but stupid does overtake everyone at certain moments. The secret is -- keep it a secret as best you can! A customer called her telephone company and asked, "how do I print my voicemail?" It's been wisely said, "better to keep your mouth closed and thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."


Can you believe, of all people in history, Solomon felt stupid! "Surely I am more brutish [stupid] than any man, and have not the understanding of a man. I neither learned wisdom, nor have the knowledge of the holy." (Proverbs 30:2-3).  Interestingly, his feeling of inadequate wisdom only fueled him to seek God more. Solomon struggled to avoid vanity and pride, which hinders knowing God more. What a model for the wise!  Now, let’s not promote stupidity as the world defines it, but staying humble and teachable unto God is a good thing. As ridiculous as it may sound, spiritually-speaking … stay stupid!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

God's Churning

Homemade ice cream is a perfect ending to Independence Day … actually any day!  Before churns, freezers, and store bought cartons, my grandfather made ice cream in metal ice trays -- a little milk, sugar & vanilla.  What fun it was at "picnic time" (every night at 9:00) to eat his homemade delicacy!


God is churning us day-by-day by His Design.  It's a mixture and churning of blessings, trials, joys, and disappointments that bring the Delicacy of His Character in us.  We seem to feel better when we scream, kick, pout, and whine ... until it's over and we realize how much better it would have been to just let Him do His Work in us.  The truth is -- He wants our hearts!  "My son, give me thine heart ... " (Psalm 23:26)  All the ruckus only makes a scene and leaves us discouraged and bewildered.  His Character is developed in us according to His Recipe -- why don't we just let Him do the churning!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Mind Your Heart

It’s actually pretty common that long-time couples, friends, even neighbors know each other’s thoughts and predict one another’s responses.  That’s why I try to remain [somewhat] unpredictable to Mr. Bill.  Yes, I know the looming dangers of mind-games but … well, [to put it kindly], the minds here are … ever-changing.


Can you imagine how dangerous, even embarrassing, it would be if we could read one another’s thoughts?  I might never leave the house!  Genesis 6:5 says, “Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”  At first glance, we read how God knows the very thoughts of the heart but on closer look, Scripture says He knows the “intent of the thoughts of the heart.”  This Truth is a game-changer!  The intent refers to the purpose of the thoughts, and even the “target” of the thoughts!  Yikes!  Another interesting truth here is it’s not the [infamous] brain that thinks but [rather] the heart – the wicked heart.  And where does stinkin’ thinkin’ come from? “As he thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7).  Consumed with impure thoughts, it’s a heart problem: impure thoughts = impure heart.  Yes, we struggle against numerous things which cause us to think and act against God, but we have an ally; by power of the Holy Spirit, we can pray that our every thought be taken “captive to obey Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5).  The whole of who we are -- every thought, idea, motive, desire, and decision belongs to Christ!  There’s always a battle of the minds here, but it’s usually whose mind can remember the most … with accuracy.  The battle for the heart, however, need not be lost to Satan – a mind faithfully renewed through God’s Word is the sure-way to a pure heart.  Don’t neglect it – mind your heart!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Live Smarter

Quiscalus Mexicanus, otherwise known as Great-Tailed Grackles ... blackbirds.  In Quintana Roo, Mexico, they’re everywhere -- in trees, on the ground, roofs, the beach.  There in 2000, Mr. Bill and I watched a Great-Tailed Grackle with one clever, swift movement steal food from a lady’s plate.  She never saw it coming!


As I thought about the incident, I considered the clever-swift movements of another -- Satan.  He sits in calculated silence at times with target in sight.  It seems he waits patiently for just the right moment when we’re not paying attention.  A foolish move we often make is deciding we’re too busy to read & meditate on Scripture and pray.  Before we know it – we’ve been bombed, and never saw it coming!  Oh, but there is One more clever than all others, One all-wise, One eternally all-powerful and all-knowing.  Be assured, Satan never "pulls one over" on God ... God knows his strategy, his calculations, and his moves.  David knew this too: "Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever with me." (Psalm 119:98).  Don’t miss this -- "Wiser than my enemies."  The next time you’re tempted to skip that early meeting with The Father, consider if you want to be a victim or a conqueror that day.  Deliberately and diligently, seek The Father – be in His Presence – equip yourself with His Armor of wisdom and power … live smarter!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Cost of Freedom

What is freedom?  To DC (our last dog), it was being out of his pen to "paint" every tire in the yard.  To the boys, it was a holiday from school or work. The word "freedom" doesn’t’ begin to describe its real value, yet the word rolls off our tongues and slides from our lips with way too much ease.


Do you know ... The Declaration of Independence was signed by 56 men. Some names are well known in American history (John Adams, Benjamin Franklin,

Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson), but have you ever wondered what happened to the other men who signed our Country's certificate of birth?  Five signers were captured as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army, while another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revolutionary War. They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.  Never question the cost of freedom -- the price is always great.  The

freedoms we share as Americans were literally paid for with courage, commitment, and blood of men whose dreams of liberty far outweighed their own lives.  So it is with spiritual freedom;  the Cost is immeasurable and like no other.  It cost God everything -- His only Son.  Pure and unblemished, His desire that we be free far outweighed His own life.  There in the Garden, He spoke our words of liberty, "Not my will, Father, but thine be done."  He pledged His life, His divinity, and His Godly honor for our liberty.  Lest we forget, the cost of freedom is always great.  Thankfully, so are the rewards!