Thursday, October 29, 2015

A Path Well-Worn

A confession – as a child, I was always a bit jealous of my friends who lived next door to their grandparents.  Most had a path from home to that special place where grandchildren were always treated as extra-special.  I loved spending time with Pop & Granny, Daddy Bill & Nanny and have great memories of those times, but I sure would have loved to have had a well-worn path! 


“Let me live near to the great Shepherd, hear His voice, know its tones, follow its calls.” (Puritan prayer, Valley of Vision).  Aunt Sue and Uncle Neal lived next door and there was a well-worn path between my house and theirs.  Their door was never locked and I didn't have to knock; there was always a familiar fragrance to the house, evidence of Aunt Sue in her kitchen.  She was always happy to see me, and offered me something good to eat.  In the Father's Presence, I’m always welcome and His Fragrance – well, nothing compares! There, my soul and spirit are fed with a blessedness that doesn't leave me wanting!  The puritan's prayer continues, "Let me live near to the great Shepherd, hear His voice, know Its tones, follow Its calls."  If time spent near The Shepherd isn't part of your life, begin today.  Make and keep the path there ... well-worn!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

A Busy Wait

Doctors know patients don’t enjoy waiting so to appease us, they fill the waiting area with interesting magazines and books, a water cooler and restroom, plush couches and chairs, soothing music, and even wireless access.  All these amenities are meant to make our wait more pleasant, and to help us forget we are ... waiting.  It must work because one time Mr. Bill & I fell asleep in a waiting room. I woke first to see everyone staring at us -- like maybe one of us was snoring.

Do you catch yourself a bit impatient for the Lord's return? I've even caught myself thinking, "why mop, Jesus may return tomorrow?" Second Peter 3:10-11 says, "The day of the Lord will come like a thief. The skies will disappear with a loud noise . . . So what kind of people should you be?" The answer is quickly found in Verses 11-12, "You should live holy lives and serve God, as you wait for and look forward to the coming of the day of God." Hello, Beverly! The promise of His future return is certainly no call for slothfulness (that's laziness) in the present (that's today). I read recently that we definitely have a problem with waiting -- we are so good at waiting we don't wait with expectancy. We are too content. We seldom search the skies. Sadly, we're more focused on ... waiting, instead of listening to the Voice of God and the Divine work of the Holy Spirit in the here and now. While we wait, we miss opportunities of service [for Him] and worship [of Him] which draws us closer to Christ Himself. Yes, in our waiting ... we miss Him -- the One we are so anxiously waiting for. My Dad has always said we must not be "so heavenly minded, we are no earthly good." I believe God’s Way is that His Children embrace a "busy wait" and in the moment our Hope of Glory returns, we'll be found waiting ... yet busy for Him.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Land of Joy

Do you remember seeing your first revolving door?  I don’t remember how old I was but I think it was at a downtown department store, and I was reluctant to approach.  Of course, once I got the “hang of it,” it was pretty cool and not near so scary!


The ups and downs of life sometimes makes me feel as if I’m caught-up in that [long-ago] revolving door.  In my current season of life with its many quiet times – long gone the days of little-boy chaos – yet my spirit still struggles.  Let us not be deceived, in our sin, we all have a focus problem.  Even on our best days, how do we answer Job’s question “will they find delight in the Almighty?” (Job 27:10).  Consider what Satan parades before us in the guise of joy and delight – entertainment, careers, relationships, wealth, fashion … his alluring list is endless.  God said through the psalmist, “Delight yourself also in the LORD; and He shall give you the desires of your heart.”  When the dust of the day settles, what is it the heart of man desires?  Argue as we do, that yearning is for peace, contentment, joy.  The Puritan prayed, “How free a state where none are servants except to Thee! Bring me speedily to the land of joy.”  The Land of Joy is not some mystical place of our imagination – rather, it is a spiritual state of being, an abiding place in Christ.  Step away from that spiritual revolving door, and into the steady Stream of Christ’s Light … enter-to-dwell in the Presence of the King – the Land of Joy.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Showers of Righteousness

At the back of our property is a dog pen. It’s been home to several family pets -- a boxer bulldog, two Labrador retrievers, a beagle, and most recent ... ducks! The dog house, we suspect, may have been home to a family of skunks at one time!


Neglect brought trouble to the Hebrews who returned from Babylonian captivity.  "... Because of My house that lies in ruins, while each of you busies himself with his own house. Therefore the heavens above you have withheld the dew, and the earth has withheld its produce." (Haggai 1:9-10).  Despite man's great intellect, we sure are slow-to-understand.  We've banned God from the public square in lieu of a spiritual buffet to suit every spiritual taste.  Even Christians have abandoned seeking Christ and His Righteousness, bringing on times of spiritual famine and drought.  With such neglect, the Church faces spiritual ruin!  What if we [rather] abandon neglect of the things of God?  The Prophet Hosea declares, "Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the LORD, until He comes and showers His Righteousness on you."  I love what Charles H. Spurgeon wrote: "He gives by cartloads to those who give by bushels."  Selfishness becomes loss and godliness becomes great gain.  When we’re giving selflessly to the cause of Jesus Christ, we’re gaining spiritual ground.  Let us abandon neglect and know showers of His Righteousness!

Traces of You

If you will, recall a beginning scene from the Indiana Jones' movie, “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” in which the Nazi's were pursuing a valuable medallion. During a struggle, the medallion fell into the fire, was kicked from the fire, then spotted by the bad guy.  Quite proud of himself for finally having the medallion within reach, he grabbed it to painfully discover its intense heat [from the fire].  The rest of the movie humorously revealed the detailed scar seared into the palm of his hand by the hot medallion. I love that movie!


Most of us would agree – life is hard.  Struggles are part of life, as is anxiety and stress.  Finances, relationships, schedules, heartache, disappointments, sorrow, loneliness sometimes cause us to wonder where God is in it all. Do you remember being in school, raising your hand because you knew the answer; picture God with His Hand raised high – He Who knows every detail of our lives: every pain, every hurt, every tear, every anxious moment.  If you look closely at His hand, you’ll notice something: " ... I will not forget thee. Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of My hands ... " (Isaiah 49:15-16). The translated word “graven” means cut or traced.  Your name, my name – cut into the very hand of God.  There’s no way He cannot know, cannot care, ever forget His own.  We are not alone: put your hand into His, feel your name there – Traced into the Hand of God!  What an amazing  Heavenly Father we have!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Shadow of The Shepherd

Have you ever driven on an unfamiliar road at night?  It's a little tricky, isn't it?  We don't know where the bends and turns are nor do we know how difficult they are to maneuver.  The absence of light and the presence of darkness only worsen matters.


The journey of life is much like that unfamiliar road; there are so very often unforeseen turns and twists that threaten demise or destruction.  The temptation to retreat or give up altogether is sometimes overwhelming.  Although the anxieties and frustrations are complex and larger than life, there is really no need to become disarmed or immobilized.  There is One Who has traveled the unfamiliar road, knows its tricky spots, and is willing to see us safely through.  His name is Jesus Christ, and what a Precious Friend is He!



There is nowhere we can go that He has not been there before us --

We walk always in the shadow of His Presence and His Care

For the Shepherd doesn't call His sheep to unfamiliar pasture --

He has promised that, where we are, we will also find Him there.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Desperate for God

Feeling desperate isn't usually a good feeling!  It actually can cause all kinds of physical responses, one of which is hyperventilation.  I remember only one time when I needed a paper bag to breath -- when Danny drove away in my car ... alone!


Have you ever been really desperate for God?  The word desperate usually notes a sense of urgency.  What woman hasn't been desperate for chocolate, or man desperate to get home in time for kickoff.  Yes, we've all experienced moments of desperation.  In 1 Samuel, Chapter 15, we find King Saul pretty desperate to un-do what he has done but what's done-is-done – can’t put that toothpaste back in the tube, unscramble that egg.  Saul had decisively rejected the word of God and God had rejected him as king.  In an anxious moment that the Prophet Samuel plead on his behalf to God, Verse 27 says "As Samuel turned to go away, Saul seized the skirt of his robe, and it tore."  While God is ever faithful and just to forgive us our sins, God will not be mocked by repeated poor choices and bad decisions.  Christians can best avoid God's righteous judgment by staying desperate -- thirsty, hungry for His Presence.  I love the Psalmist's words, "It is good for me to be near God" (73:28), and James counsels us to "draw near to God, and He will draw near to you" (4:8).  The simple truth is when Believers remain desperate for God, we avoid desperation!  Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness!  Avoid desperation - stay desperate for God!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Own It!

Mr. Bill has this phrase he uses occasionally which describes taking possession of something without intent.  He stopped to help someone in our community one time, which ended up costing him many hours and $100.  Later as he described all that transpired, he summed it up, “I knew I owned it.”


Israel’s first king turned out to be brash and foolish.  Because the Amalekites had long been an enemy to the Israelites, God gave King Saul explicit instructions (no wiggle room) how to deal with them.  Saul [remember, he’s brash & foolish] tweaked God’s plan a little and as he began to explain his adjustments, the Prophet Samuel said, “Stop!” (1 Samuel 15: 16).  In other words, the prophet told the king to just hush!  What was King Saul’s problem?  The answer may very well may be in Verses 15 and 30 when speaking to Samuel, Saul used the phrase, “the LORD your God.”  Like, Saul, I suspect many Christians today haven’t made God personal.  They have readily acknowledged Jesus as a prominent figure in history (even Messiah), One to be honored in word, and song and prayer, but He’s never been embraced as genuinely personal.  Can any of us imagine a more personal act of love than when Jesus offered Himself to satisfy God’s wrath against our sin!  During his reign as king, Saul [at times] offered some fair-sounding lip service to God but never seemed to confidently say “the Lord my God.”  Is Christ personal to you?  Do you enjoy a sweet and joyous personal relationship with The Father, Son and Spirit?  I hope you do and can and will say … “I own it!”

Sunday, October 18, 2015

What Are You Kissing?

Lips.  What would we do without them!  Mr. Bill loves to perplex waitresses by ordering “chicken lips.”  Lips get painted, chapped, sunburned, licked, and, of course, kissed!  By far, the best of lip activity is kissing – our children and grandchildren, spouse, parents, etc.  A kiss warmly and lovingly planted conveys so much.  Why, I even watched a ten-year old kiss his aluminum bat once as he stepped into the batter’s box!


In John 11, we read how Jesus set His feet to go to Judea again.  His disciples couldn't believe it!  He was going back to an area where the people were going to stone Him, but it was Judea that He needed to go. Finally, Thomas said something that I find interesting ... and challenging. "Let us also go, that we may die with him." (v16b)  Dying to self [the flesh] is never easy, and mostly because I'm "kissing" too many other things: my mirror, my checkbook, my calendar, my refrigerator, my profession, my stuff.  I should be humbled instead, and kissing the feet of my Savior and Lord Who sacrificed His all ... died to His flesh in the garden, in front of Pilate, before the world on Golgotha ... simply so I could live victoriously over strong holds in my life.  Death to self is the greatest  opportunity to live freely and joyfully in Christ.  The secret is a definite change in lip activity! What are you kissing?

Friday, October 16, 2015

Proper Place

How nice it is when things are in their proper place.  Come to think of it, there’s so much stuff here, every-thing may not have a … proper place!


Our God is a trustworthy God, and faith placed in Him is never misplaced. David knew his trust had a proper place, and he wrote about it.

Psalm 7:1 "O Lord my God, in You I put my trust ... "

Psalm 11:1 "In the Lord I put my trust ... "

Psalm 31:1 "In You, O Lord, I put my trust ... "

Psalm 71:1 "In You, O Lord, I put my trust ... "


Don’t count on luck or chance – Full Rely On God (FROG).  He made His love and care for us very clear on that Galilean hillside when He said, "Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?" (Matthew 6:26)  God’s promises are steadfast, sure, solid, tried and true.  In Him is The Only credible Place of rest for this life.  In Christ Jesus, our trust has its proper place; take care not to misplace it!


Dear Lord,

Thank You for Your promises which give settled Hope in an unsettled world. Help me to keep my trust in You!  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Hasten & Obey

Mr. Bill calls me The Procrastinator!  I admit my motto is often "why do today what you can put off until tomorrow."  Now, a seasoned procrastinator, I prefer to explain my delay-in-doing as working best on deadlines.  It just sounds so much better.


We are often greatly bothered by two fussy little men,

Who sometimes block our pathway -- their names are How and When.

If we have a task or duty which we can put off a while,

And we do not go and do it, you should see those two rogues smile!

But there is a way to beat them, and I will tell you how:

If you have a task or duty -- do it well, and do it now.  (Author Unknown)


God doesn’t nurture procrastination! I must confess, my personal and professional life seem to be much better organized when I make [and adhere to] a "to do" list.  With regard to our spiritual lives this should be our guide: "I will hasten and not delay to obey Your commands." (Psalm 119:60). When the Lord speaks, without hesitation or doubt, we are called to "hasten and obey” in trust and obedience.


Dear Lord,

Take away that nagging urge to procrastinate, and hasten my steps and make my spirit obedient today.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Tuesday, October 13, 2015


While shopping on Fifth Avenue in downtown Manhattan, Eleanor Bradley fell and broke her leg. Unable to move, she called for someone to be kind  enough to help her.  Many people walked around her, even stepped over her for forty minutes before someone stopped to help her!


Are you a helpful person?  I try to be, but sometimes I find myself being more annoyed than glad for opportunities to be helpful.  In his book,  The Jesus Touch, Lynn Anderson writes: "Helpfulness is the 'bread and butter' of the Christian virtues. It is to be 'standard equipment' on all models. Not all can preach. Few can lead. Not everyone is a musician or can counsel or teach. But ALL can be helpful. Anyone can roll up his or her pants legs and wade into the flood of day-to-day hassles and hurts of others. And to do this is to do what Jesus did; it is, in fact, to be like God! It is the Jesus touch."  Paul wrote, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Galatians 6:9).  I understand some are in "help mode" all day every day, but imagine the opportunities to grow, helping in the Name of Christ.  Do you wonder how many different kinds of people failed to stop to help Eleanor?  Whatever kinds they were, may none of us be “that kind.” See how many times you can say it today … and, with a smile: "May I help you?"

Monday, October 12, 2015

Worthy Vessel

Because many things come and few things go from this place, I've determined we collect old things.  Mr. Bill has a1976 14' aluminum john boat, and it could tell some hair-raising stories.  Like the night I helped Mr. Bill and his buddy, Kenneth, haul that boat across a cow pasture (in the dark) to a snake-infested pond for a night of frog-giggin'.  Mr. Bill sure knows how to show a girl a good time!


The word "honor" isn't used much anymore.  We all recognize "dishonorable," but rarely do use "honorable" to describe anything or anybody.  Personally, I like the word!  "Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work." (2 Timothy 2:21).  That Greek word, "timē," means precious, valuable to the highest degree.  It's worth noting that a vessel won't be considered both dishonorable and honorable.  Bill's john boat leaks; even though the holes are small, it's not a worthy vessel; at least, I'm not getting in it!  God wants men and women who are serious enough in their relationship to Him to pursue holiness, becoming worthy-useful-ready for His service.  What we offer Christ may not seem like much, but small things are mighty in the hand of The Father: "But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing Power belongs to God and not to us." (2 Corinthians 4:7).  I long to be a woman of honor, not by the world's standards, but "honorable" by God's prefect measure and grace.  Worthy vessel … worthy goal!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Spread Hope

What does the word "spread" bring to mind?  Two things for me: first, we spread peanut butter on bread, crackers, etc.; then, those pesky bed spreads ... it was tough getting all those wrinkles smoothed out.  Well, I’ve given up bed spreads but not peanut butter!


Christians should be the best "spreaders" of all -- spreading Hope through the message of Christ.  Hope, rather than hopelessness, looks good in people and situations. Hope opens doors where despair closes them. Hope brings vision for what can be done instead of grumbling about what cannot. Hope draws power from a deep trust in God. Hope lights a candle instead of cursing the darkness. Hope sees problems, small or large, as opportunities. The Psalmist wrote, “And now, O LORD, for what do I wait?  My Hope is in You.” (Psalm 39:7). Christ gives-brings-is Hope – genuine Hope, the only Hope for man. We, who hold Hope, must share … spread it.  Who will you spread Hope to today?

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Be Beautiful

Favorite play things for Ella and Caleb are a collection of colorful plastic beads.  I think Dustin brought them home from a visit to New Orleans years ago.  No matter how high-or-low tech the toys are, the cheap-and-simple seem to always be the favorites.


Have you ever considered how well your life displays Godly instruction and teaching?  Proverbs 1:9 says "they are a graceful garland for your head and pendants for your neck."  In short, Godly wisdom beautifies our lives!  The Grands enjoy wearing the beads, expecting everyone to ooh-and-aah.  Imagine how very different the world rooted solely in the Wisdom of The Creator!  Oh, how we have lost our way -- how nations despise God's laws and His counsel.  They not only despise it, they seek to outlaw it!  The result should come as no surprise: "Because they hated Knowledge and did not choose the Fear of the Lord, would have none of My Counsel and despised all My reproof, therefore they shall eat the fruit of their way, and have their fill of their own devices." (Proverbs 3:29-31).  Sad but truth, we concern ourselves with fashion, technology, higher education, profession, yet neglect the Law of the Lord.  Who of us doesn’t know that the fruit-of-our-way is both distasteful and destructive.  There is Hope: "But whoever listens to Me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster." (V.33).  We’re never too old and it’s never too late to seek beauty for our lives.  Let’s consider how we may improve our looks -- display Godliness to our world.  The Beauty of Christ-in-us is way more than skin-deep … it goes all the way to the soul!  Be Beautiful!

Right Direction

Occasionally ... I have a good idea!  Sometimes ... it's even an original one!  I've arrived at a place in my life, however, I'd just as soon someone point me in the right direction and give me a good shove!


Wisdom is not learned -- it's a reward to the person who seeks God. Sadly, Christians have [mostly] treated Godly wisdom with disdain, worth little serious consideration.  Godly counsel is often received as a "good idea."  A good idea!  God doesn't suggest but instructs us toward Life.  He said, "See, I have set before you today Life and Good, death and evil. If you obey the commandments of the Lord your God that I command you today, by loving the Lord your God, by walking in His ways, and by keeping His commandments and His statutes and His rules, then you shall live and multiply, and the Lord your God will bless you ..." (Deuteronomy 30:15-16).  What is it to know The Holy One and live in His Wisdom?   Matthew Henry writes, "We must make It our business, not a by-business ... Lay hold on It as we lay hold on a good bargain ... Persevere in the way of It ... Embrace It with all our might."  Those who follow Christ do not live a life of guessing, relying on luck or chances!  God gives Wisdom and reveals Understanding to all who seek Him.  He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life – those who have lost their way, their sense of direction, seek Him.  His Way leads to Life … the Right Direction!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Bone Deep

Mr. Bill and I just returned from a family reunion in Waterloo, Illinois.  My first visit there was in 1976 to attend his first cousin's wedding.  Interestingly, that ten-plus hour drive [years ago] didn’t seem near as long and tiring!


Refreshments usually get our attention.  Whether it’s a cool glass of water on a particularly hot day or a retreat to the mountains, we welcome refreshments for body and soul.  It should not surprise us our Creator knows this: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil. It will be Healing to your flesh and Refreshment to your bones.” (Proverbs 3:5-8).  Mr. Bill and I made a brief stop during our drive home and as we stood and stretched, it seemed even our bones cried out “yes!” The encouragement of this passage runs deep for the Believer: as food nourishes the outward man, love and fear of the Lord strengthens the inner man. Just as "war with God" destroys (rots the bones),"peace with God" gives life (marrow to the bones) (Proverbs 3:8).  The reward of a life lived finely tuned to The Father is quite simply ... bone-deep!  Periodic and dedicated times of refreshment are indeed delightful, but daily refreshment is needful.  Faithfully press toward His Presence in prayer and study.  It's good for your bones!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

A Good Day

Looking at myself in old photos is bitter and sweet.  I do long for those thinner days, but am not the least bit interested in the hair-do’s.  Big hair was “in” and there was lots of big hair.  Of course, Mr. Bill had lots and big hair then! LOL


When was the last time you got a good glimpse of your spiritual self?  I can answer that – the last time you opened God’s Word.  While reading Scripture inspires, comforts, encourages, and enlightens, It also shows us our not-so-lovely nature.  Although time with The Father is precious, lately it’s been mingled with some serious difficulty at what I see and who I am.  One Puritan prayed, “It is a good day to me when Thou givest me a glimpse of myself.”  Did he really say “a good day” !!!  Paul wrote, “For the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intention of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12).  Consider how a person can clean up the intention of the heart.  I can certainly modify my walk and talk, but those ungodly thoughts and impure motives – that’s another story!  In truth, God is the only One Who can change the heart. “Sin is my greatest evil, but Thou art my greatest Good.”  Time spent in God’s Word is time spent in His Presence, and we never left the same; He never wastes an  opportunity to grow us in holiness.  As He gives us glimpses of Who He is, we better understand who we are and who He wants us to be!  Yes, in truth -- that is a good day; where we begin to become like Him by His magnificent power and grace.  This is where I say … have a Good Day.

Sweet the Flow

The brilliant-blue water hose was mine; it was intended to be exclusively mine, and remained hooked up and readily available [for my use] whenever I needed to rinse my car off.  I have no idea where that water hose is at present, but I suspect it is connected to an outside water faucet absolutely nowhere near where I park my car.


Have you ever experience a spiritual dry spell?  Like a parched throat on a hot day, the ache for refreshment is tough!  The simple truth in most times of a spiritual desert is a genuine lack of pursuit of God.  While I will admit this isn’t always the case, too often I’ve ignored-to-forget some small otherwise insignificant sin that hinders spiritual flow of Him-to-me.  A Puritan prayer goes like this, “And let me not lay my pipe too short of the fountain, never touching the eternal spring, never drawing down water from above.”  True, pipes are prone to leak but often there’s a true disconnect because of hidden and unconfessed sin.  “If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the Truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:8-9).  Confession leads to repentance which leads to forgiveness which leads to a full measure of God’s rich and precious Presence.  My blue water hose is not connected … at least where it should be.  Consider today if you are you connected and drinking from The Fountain of Life.  Oh, how sweet the flow!