Wednesday, August 31, 2016

In The Garden

It has been said, "a friend is someone who knows you well and still likes you."  Oh, how true that is -- not just of friends but of family.  No one knows my uh-ohs and oh-nos better than my husband and children.  I know it's a scary thought but after all, they eat my "burnt offerings," they see me without makeup, they don't comment on my morning hair, and they know me before the day's first shot of cold caffeine.  But!  So far there’s not been a revolt at home.


Man's biggest and worst revolt came about in a garden, and there should have been a revolt in the Garden of Gethsemane when Jesus knew the answer to His prayer, "Father, let this cup pass from me."  Jesus was facing immeasurable pain and humiliation of death by crucifixion ... and for what?  For the likes of me?  Christ already knew the disgusting details of  how weak my commitment and how shallow my faith would be to Him.  He knew there would times that the world [and my family] would look at me and wonder what

difference God really made in my life.  He even knew that I would fail Him miserably in sharing His great sacrifice and blood redemption for my soul. But!  Something different happened in Jesus’ garden – obedience reigned instead:  obedience of a Son, "For even Christ pleased not Himself ... " (Romans 15:3) to a loving Father, "Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise Him ... " (Isaiah 53:10a).  Nothing mattered except that "love grew where the blood spilled," and a way was made clear for His Son and all His children to return to the Father.  Oh, what a Savior!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Worthy Walking

Mr. Bill and I just returned from a family event in Illinois – long drive!  Interstate this turned into Interstate that, exit here and there, and the [oft times] heavy traffic flow made merging a nightmare.  I’ve been a front-seat passenger with Mr. Bill for more than 40 years and I’ve learned a few things. Mostly, don’t look at the speedometer, don’t talk to him while he’s talking to other drivers, and lay your seat back where you can’t see the road.  Life on the road is just better this way!


Paul begins Ephesians 4 encouraging fellow Believers: “… walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called.” (4:1).  One thing we depend on whenever we drive is that other drivers will obey rules-of-the-road.  We know, of course, not all do!  This is also true in Christianity: not all who profess Christ with their lips walk worthy of the call – follow His commandments.  Diverse and lukewarm commitments to Christ have created much confusion to those who do not know Christ, and have even turned many away from the church and God.  I’m not particularly referring to doctrinal differences, but rather lifestyle principles which imitate the attributes or characteristics of Jesus Christ; things such as humility, gentleness, patience, kindness, etc.  Of these Paul says they “maintain the unity of the Spirit.” (V.3).  When just one of us neglects Spiritual fruitfulness, we all suffer; more importantly, the reflection of Him Whom we serve is distorted.  Really, there’s very little drivers can do to influence other drives, however, there is much we can do to influence and encourage brothers and sisters of the faith.  The first and most important thing is, in our own lives, walk worthy before God – Coram Deo.  Let me be the first one to encourage you today in your walk with God: may this day be one of ... worthy walking!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Cure for the Hurried Heart

Attention deficit disorder is real!  I know this, even suffer with it at times.  Many children are given medication to help with the problem but back in the day, the problem was easily resolved in other ways: a good thump on the noggin, a solid yank of the hair, or a strategically placed whack with a yard stick.  Trust me, these worked well!


Go ahead and cringe the next time you hear someone say "follow your heart."  I wonder about the person who first said those words, and where he is today.  When I follow my heart, I end up in terribly nasty places - mentally, emotionally, and [worst of all] spiritually.  Aside from God telling us the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9), the heart will never – by default or on its own – lead us to God.  J. P. Greaves wrote, "It is only with the pious affection of the will that we can be spiritually attentive to God."  An act of the will - personal deliberation and discipline - is what is required to become and be attentive.  One of our boys took medication for ADD and although it helped, there was a marked change in his personality: his carefree and bubbly personally was exchanged for quiet seriousness. Clearly, we didn't care for medication as a solution.  In contrast, however, for the heart that tends to wander from its Creator because of worldly distractions, there is a healthy cure: "Be silent, O all flesh, before the Lord." (Zechariah 2:13).  Oh, how I need moments of silence in my life. I imagined once my children were grown, I would have fewer distractions; my oh my, was I wrong.  Satan is no respecter of seasons of life - he works nonstop to interrupt and detour us from God's presence!  F. W. Faber wrote, "[God] is always whispering to us, but we do not always hear, because of the noise, hurry, and distraction which life causes as it rushes on."  We must see that we do not refuse "Him that speaketh" (Hebrews 12:52).  Don't count on your heart to slow you down or draw you near to God's presence - ain't gonna happen!  "Be earth, with all her scenes, withdraw -- Let noise and vanity be gone -- In secret silence of the mind - My heaven, and there my God, I find." (Isaac Watts).  Let us turn away from all things except the one needful thing: as Jesus said of Mary who chose to sit at His feet, to be near to her Lord - "... one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her." (Luke 10:42).  One of my favorite hymns from childhood encourages me to apply this wonderful medicine for my soul:  "Sitting at the feet of Jesus - Where I love to kneel and pray - Trusting in His grace and mercy - To drive the shadows from my way." Find some time, some place, today [each day] to cure the hurried heart.  Seek and find Him!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Believer's Daily

Think of all the things that require daily attention. Depending on the number of people in your household, not to mention their ages, those "dailys" vary: dirty dishes, laundry, preparing meals, to mention only a few. Thank goodness, it's a daily thing to get a good night's rest from all the other ... "dailys!"


What does it mean to take up the cross?  Perhaps we should begin with what we find most loathsome: things we just don't feel like doing nor have a desire to do. Therein lies the center of bearing one's cross; that is, completely in the strength of Christ, replacing our own will with His Will. I can think of a good many yucky "dailys" -- dirty dishes, laundry, preparing meals ... oh, did I mention those already?  So it is with Godly disciplines we struggle with in our spiritual lives: peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, humility and love, to mention only a few. Luke 9:23 says, "If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me."  J. H. Newman sums it up nicely: "To take up the cross of Christ is no great action done once for all; it consists in the continual practice of small duties which are distasteful to us." Distasteful or not, it is the Believer's daily -- take it up, bear it and follow Christ!

God Is All

Oh, Chicken Little – do you remember her?  Chicken Little likes to walk in the woods, look at the trees, smell the flowers, listen to the birds singing.  One day while she’s walking an acorn falls from a tree, and hits the top of her little head. Convinced now the sky is falling, she runs to tell Henny Penny and Ducky Lucky, and they join her in search of Lion to tell him of the pending doom.  Along the way they meet Foxey Loxey, who knows exactly where Lion is and leads them straight to his fox’s den.  They enter, never to leave again.


No one wants to be little!  Tall people wish they were shorter and short people wish they were taller, people who have a little stuff wish they had more and those who have a lot wish they had less.  The spirit of contentment is elusive!  Consider the manna which fell once a day, and only one day's supply to be gathered; not only a lesson in depending upon God but one that speaks to contentment: taking one day at a time, one step at a time.  A few weeks ago, from the porch swing, I watched Ella go up-and-down the porch stairs; she was so proud her growing legs could now take two or three steps at a time.  God doesn't lead us that way!  It’s often in the littles of life, God teaches us how to walk by faith and not by sight.  Those times and seasons are where we learn to trust Him, and not ourselves and our own understanding.  Jeremiah 45:5 says, "Seekest thou great things for thyself?  Seek them not."  Some of the Spirit's best words Paul penned from a Roman prison: "I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content." (Philippians 4:11).  Oh, to know the joy of every circumstance -- little or big, less or more, joy or sorrow -- knowing God is All.  "Sink into the sweet and blessed littleness, where thou livest by grace ... How lovely it is to be nothing when God is all!" (G. Tersteegen).  Chicken Little's world changed in an instance, peace and contentment left behind.  The same can happen to us: serious illness or catastrophic loss, an overflowing toilet or a crying baby.  Whatever life is and wherever we are, our God is the Big of the bigs and the littles – He is God of All!


Monday, August 22, 2016

Fly Right

Several months ago, I walked into church with my shirt wrong-side out.  Laughing at myself, I told Mr. Bill about it and he admitted he saw it!  When I spoke “candidly” to him about not telling me, his response was “I thought you did it on purpose.”  Really, now …


Oh, how terribly mixed-up our world is. The word catawampus may be new to some but most folks know catawampus when they see it: a slightly tilted picture frame,  a car parked crookedly between the lines, a disheveled book on the shelf.  Yes, those with an eye for catawampus know it well!  This week, I gasped to hear someone say in an interview, “the matter of God is just a distraction.”  I ‘bout choked!  Now, that’s catawampus!  Paul reminds us, “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” (Colossians 3:1-2).  We must expect world-thinking to be askew but I greatly fear too many Christians share this mindset.  Let’s be clear -- God is neither a “matter” nor a “distraction.  Have we lost sight of God’s sovereignty, that He is the Supreme Ruler Who rules all the affairs of the universe including every smidgen of our lives?  He IS the Place of rest for Believers as well as the Center of our world and worship. “For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods … Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker!” (Psalm 95:3, 6)  The audacity and shame of man are easily summed up in imagining we are king and lord!  My Mom used to tell me “young lady, you best straighten up and fly right.”  I knew what that meant -- change your attitude and misbehavin’ ways … or else!  Scripture says, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.” (Proverbs 14:12).  Christian friend, I challenge you to refuse catawampus thinking-and-living; fly right according to God’s Truth.  Don’t honk if you love Jesus – obey Him!  Do not be deceived into thinking God is co-pilot – He is THE Pilot!  Choose this day whom you will serve!  Refuse catawampus!  Fly Right!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Pure Heart

Are you a horn honker?  Do you like to blow your car horn?  Boy, I don't.  When I was a teenager, it was the thing -- blow the horn when you passed a friend's house.  Living in the church parsonage, people blew at us all the time.  Mine was a corner bedroom, and I knew Bill's nightly [1973 Plymouth Road Runner] beep-beep by heart and could distinguish it from all others! 


Just like honking your car horn draws attention, so does our  actions.  Proverbs 21:2 puts what we do in proper perspective: "All a man's ways seem right to him, but the Lord weighs the heart."  Uh-oh!  My actions sometimes draw to me rather than to God, which leads me to consider my motives for what I do. My motives – now, that leads to the heart. I may fool people, but there's no fooling God – we don’t scam God!  The author of Proverbs, David's son Solomon, revealed his heart's desire to know wisdom beyond humanity, and God granted that to him.  His intense desire resulted in an action of eternal consequence and blessing to all of us.  Can you really comprehend how changed our lives would be if all of our motives were pure and honorable, and our actions were a direct result of those pure and honorable motives?  Can you imagine how much better we would be if our hearts were cleansed and made pure of our own self-righteousness?  Amazingly, no longer would we feel the need to pump ourselves up to some level or degree of blessed nobility, of self-worth.  Instead the purity of our hearts would do it all for us.  That would please God immensely! May all your "honking" today come from a heart fashioned after a holy and honorable God.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Steady Flow

How aggravating an unsteady flow of water can be!  Living in the country is great but it has its drawbacks, and one is water pressure.  While good pressure delivers a hefty flow, the lack of pressure makes the flow … well, not so good.  Makes me nuts to be in the shower, lathered up, and the water flow ebbs to a dribble.  Agh! Frustrating but it is what it is, and I still choose country-living!


R. Leighton refers to "pure and holy walking" as a result of staying as sin-free as possible.  We know, of course, Jesus is the only one who walked completely pure and holy but Christians can’t just shrug off sin so easily.  “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9).  See, the condition to forgiveness is confession.  Did you know that we breathe-in and breathe-out 12-14 times a minute without even thinking about it?  Founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, Bill Bright, says spiritual breathing is a process of exhaling the impure and inhaling the pure.  R. Leighton adds, “So much sin as gets in, so much peace will go out.”  Oh, the blessed peace of and intimacy with The Father we forfeit when we neglect to breathe spiritually – exhaling confessions and inhaling forgiveness.  I know firsthand how frustrating it is attempting to approach the throne of grace – moving into the Presence of Holy God – with the baggage of unconfessed sin.  Every Believer who is serious about their spiritual life must practice spiritual breathing – it’s the only way to a steady of flow of the riches of Christ.  "O LORD, how happy is the time - When in Thy love I rest - When from my weariness I climb - E'en to Thy tender breast - The night of sorrow ended there - Thy rays outshine the sun - And in Thy pardon and Thy care - The heaven of heavens is won." (W. C. Dessler).  I encourage to breathe spiritually this weekend – know the steady flow of the Spirit and all He brings with Him!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Why do men need to display dead things? Apparently, while I was in some sort of comatose state, Mr. Bill managed to secure three deer heads to the living room walls. At one time, before I woke up, there were numerous other wildlife: mounted deer antlers, a wood duck, a goose and various wildlife paintings. I've tried to make the best of what "shall not" be changed. The dead-heads make wonderful props at Christmas time for hanging bells, garland, ribbons, lights, which Mr. Bill does not find very amusing.

Believers are not immune to "collecting dust" either. Although not dead [in Christ], Believers can be out-of-fellowship with Him. In this "out of fellowship" state, spiritual growth doesn't happen!  What causes us to be out-of-fellowship with The Father? Among many things, unconfessed sin, disobedience, and a rebellious spirit. As 2 Corinthians 6:14 points out, " . . . for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? What communion hath light with darkness?" The driver's licenses of young people under the age of twenty-one are clearly marked "Under 21." This mark indicates there are places they are not admitted, purchases they cannot make -- such is the life of the Believer. We are marked! Marked to represent Christ, to be in-fellowship with Him. Out-of-fellowship, we gather darkness; we do not grow in Christ thus lose valuable ground to Satan. It is indeed a challenge to keep the wildlife relics free of dust bunnies, and what a struggle for Believers as well.  We have no room in our lives for "dust bunnies" nor "cobwebs." We are called to be SonShiners. So let it be.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Just Grateful

Today, August 17, is my wedding anniversary – 41 years with Mr. Bill.  Surely you must scratch-your-head in wonder about him.  Perhaps you've read so much about him you may feel you know him well.  It would take many pages and hours to tell of his antics, and I suspect I know only a portion of them.  He really is quite the character; I've heard him described as legendary in some circles.  If you will, please allow me a personal privilege today to briefly tell our story.


Bill was born just outside San Antonio, Texas into an Air Force family.  He spent a large portion of his childhood in Scotland, Pakistan, and Turkey.  In 1968, his parents returned “home,” and that’s when I met Bill.  I was twelve years old – skinny and buck-tooth, as he describes me.  Way too young to date, so after much church-pew dating, we grew to love one another.  And, yes, too young to marry but with my parents’ hesitant permission, I said “I do” at age seventeen.  And, here we are 41 years later with three grown sons, three wonderful daughters-in-love, and four grandchildren. As Mr. Bill would say, "who'd a thunk it!"


Anniversaries really are more than dinner at a nice restaurant!  For me, it's a time to reflect.  The reflection is more than remembering when we had lots of hair and little cash, drove junky cars, diapers and formula, boy scouts and baseball.  Rather, it seems more appropriate to consider the One Who's been infinitely more faithful to me than the commitment I made at the altar!  After all, what does a teenage girl really know about choosing a life-long partner?  What does she know of the what it takes to be a wife and mother, to build a home?  What does she know about planning for the future, even the empty nest?  What does she know of the give-and-take of relationships with her husband and children?  What does she know about loving someone without conditions?  What does she know of persevering through a serious illness like cancer?  Oh, I could go on and on about the things that were not on my radar at age 17, not thought of, never considered, the assumptions made.  But for the last 41 years, God consistently proved He is Who He says He is and He does what He says He’ll do.  My heart hurts for those whose reflections on their last 41 years haven’t been so joyous, rather challenges and sorrow; to you, I encourage you in Christ to see God’s Goodness still.  And I often wonder: why me?  Seriously, I have no idea!  Humbly and gratefully, I rejoice in God's wisdom, His sovereignty, His mercy and grace!  As unlikely as it seems that God would bring these two opposites together, He did. There’s really nothing more I can say but – thank you God … for Mr. Bill.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Morning Star

Yes, I confess I've missed countless more sunrises than I've seen, but much has been written about the first star of morning by those who prefer the sunrise to the sunset. Just as the light of the sun chases away the darkness of night, God is that "light of morning at sunrise." (2 Samuel 23:4)  New light and new mercy are His gifts to us for each day.


His love greets us every morning with new blessings for the day – With each sunrise, we embrace the grace of God

Ever mindful of His providence, His never-failing care for us – We celebrate the greatness of our God

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Go On

Life with Mr. Bill has been, at times, adventurous – some I don’t care to repeat!  I've been mercilessly sick at sea while he was having the time of his life catching sharks; I was once in boat with him in the dead of the night with snakes swimming all around us while he was intent on gigging bullfrogs; he had me holding a spotlight one time while he gutted a deer hanging from a tree in our back yard.  See what love does to the otherwise sound-of-mind!


Can you imagine facing everything in this life with quiet and gentle grace? Our first thought is "No way, it's impossible."  Well, that just ain't so! "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God." (Luke 18:27)  God wants us to know something incredibly important: the distresses in this life only serve to help us better fit God's plan, and for a noble purpose.  F. W. Faber wrote: “When obstacles and trials seem like prison-walls to be, I do the little I can do, and leave the rest to Thee.” I remember Mr. Bill telling me during those adventures, "It's okay.  You can do it.  Just hang in there."  Imagine our Heavenly Father saying the same words to us in all our situations and circumstances.  His urging is quiet and gentle yet comforting as we ... go on.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Be a Noah



Restore us to Yourself, O LORD,

that we may be restored!

Lamentations 5:21

Mr. Bill and I have concluded we are creatures of habit.  This may not have always been the case, but it is these days.  If we dare deviate from what is regular, typical, or uncommon, we call it an adventure!


One of the most intriguing passages in Scripture is found in Genesis 6 as it describes the early days of man outside the Garden.  “The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great … every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” (V.5).  From this verse alone, we see the depth and intensity of human wickedness.  In his book, As It Was In the Days of Noah, Jeff Kinley writes: “The image-bearers Yahweh made had transformed themselves into a global mass of moral chaos and wickedness. God’s magnificent creation of man had become a story gone horribly wrong. This, then, is the strength, scope, and potential reality of life without God.”  He later suggests Noah's day much worse because it was "without restraint" -- no laws, no policemen, no judges, no prisons – nothing to restrain evil.  However you might try to imagine the wickedness in the days of Noah, it was much, much, worse!  Verse 6 says, "And the LORD regretted that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him to His heart."  Then Verse 8, the beautiful contrast: “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.”  Ah, one distinguishably different, one who did not grieve the heart of Almighty God: "Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation. Noah walked with God." (V.9).  Ah, there's the  difference!  Yes, these days are wicked too, but we also have Noah’s - they walk among us!  They are fruitfully distinguishable, they stand boldly although often alone, they persevere in difficult circumstances, they are faithfully true against winds of deceit.  They are a modern-day Noah who encourage and inspire us to do the same, finding grace in the eyes of the LORD.  Choose to be different – Be a Noah!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Ditch the Ditch

Several years ago as Mr. Bill made his way to his deer stand, he had a strange experience.  On the otherwise familiar path, he began to stumble in the morning darkness. The daylight revealed tree roots exposed where wild hogs had literally plowed the ground as they "rooted" for vegetation. Mr. Bill eventually met Mr. Hog, and I don't think it was a friendly meeting!


God knows how very difficult the journey is, and how we desperately struggle just to stay on our feet!  He describes us in Isaiah 40:29-30 as faint, weak, weary, and falling. We’re oft quick to say we're ready for ... whatever --  only to find the "whatevers" swallow us whole!  Flinging our arms up in desperation then crumbling beneath the heaviness, we end up in [as Pastor Tony named it] ... the Ditch of Despair.  He said that Ditch is really a "grave with both ends kicked out."  Sound familiar?  That ditch is not where God wants us -- we are not ditch dwellers!  Paul's words are music to our ears: "We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken, cast down, but not destroyed." (2 Corinthians 4:8-9).  We are overcomers -- not distressed! not in despair! not forsaken! not destroyed!  Take that, Satan!  Christ redeemed us for victorious living!  His promises are as good as the day they were penned: "Fear thou not; For I am with thee; be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My Righteousness." (Isaiah 41:10).  Because of Christ, the day and the way are ours -- He promised!  Ditch the Ditch!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Delight Central

Have you been to Grand Central Station?  I’m not necessarily referring to New York City’s transportation hubbub with its shops, restaurants, and local events.  No, more like about real-life grand central station.   I suspect we’ve ALL been to that crazy place!


Which do you prefer – happiness or holiness?  Worldly pursuits are enticing and pursue them we do!  This brings to mind race dogs furiously chasing that silly fake rabbit around a track or fish foolishly drawn to a rubber worm.  Psalm 119:24 says, “Your testimonies also are my delight; they are my counselors.”  The soul of man is wisely drawn to The Creator; He is its greatest Delight now and forevermore.  The depths of His mercy are immeasurable and the vastness of His wisdom fathomless.  In Him only do we reach heights of unknown gladness of soul and spirit.  This holiness is indeed happiness – such as this world cannot understand.  A little girl, recently born-again, could only explain her tears of joy this way: “I just feel good all inside.”  You see, Delight Central is undeterred by life’s battery of storms.  It’s the Believer main stay – stay there we may!

Monday, August 8, 2016

No Other Business

One of my favorite short-stops is at the bread store.  When do I go there?  When I need bread, of course!


This remark by Oswald Chambers made me chuckle: Oh, the clamor of these days!  A more common word for clamor is racket, and there's lot of that these days.  For most of us, morning thoughts are typically of what is to be accomplished before our heads return to the pillow -  what's the business of today?  Then the clamor begins!  It was a young Messiah Who said "did you not know I would be about my Fathers business? (Luke 2:49).  Instead of skimming rocks, kicking a ball, or a game of tag, Jesus was about holy business.  Spiritual rebirth not also justifies, it sanctifies us for a different life.  In essence, we are changed: along with a new heart, we are given new dreams, visions, purposes -- all fundamentally different than before.  "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ Who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me." (Galatians 2:20).  So, about those morning thoughts, what sort of business am I to be about day-after-day?  Am I about The Father's business or am I putting to death Christ in me by living for myself?  Ouch!  Christ doing His work in-and-through me day-after-day is the Christian's specialty.  We do much in a day and it is all to be Christ at work.  Christianity is not a way of doing certain things, it is a certain way of doing all things!  There is no other business so great as The Father's business -- specialize in Christ!

God's Poverty Level

Americans love to collect stuff.  If it were really true that "the one with the most stuff wins," most of us are real contenders!


God isn't at all interested in stuff. He's much more interested in us being in total poverty. Actually, we are so much more useful to God when we are destitute. We are, however, so easily puffed up by the stuff we possess. How very opposite of how God needs us to be.  Jesus said in Mark it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for us to not love and be ruled by our stuff.  God needs us to be totally dependent on Him, not bank accounts, careers, family, friends, and stuff.  Oswald Chambers puts it like this: "God's friendship is with people who know their poverty"  If we sincerely want to be effective and useful servants of Christ, we must become empty of ourselves.  That's what makes us open and useful for His purposes.  No, this isn't very popular and not the world's way, but it's very simple. Consider today whether you are living on God's poverty level.

Thursday, August 4, 2016


Several years ago, we planted some new shrubs.  I loved the variegated colors of the leaves and was so excited at their potential.  Well, those shrubs aren't much bigger than when we planted them. No, they're not dead but they sure don't look anything like their pictures!


The great 18th Century preacher, Charles H. Spurgeon, proposed this consideration of Christians: How important is it that we should grow not only in grace, but in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?  The last two Wednesday nights, my pastor addressed a long-forgotten and rarely-spoken word – sanctification.  The sanctification of the Believer is the on-going process of spiritual growth, becoming more like Christ.  Just like infants progress from drinking milk from a bottle to a sippee cup to a glass, so a Believer’s spiritual life should be ever-moving toward maturity.  Pastor Tim noted a profound observation and conclusion:  although it may be normal that a Christian isn’t growing spiritually, it is not normal.  I’ve pondered this in my own spiritual life and determined for too many of my adult years, I found myself rather content to sit in spiritually tepid water – neither hot nor cold -- just kinda-sorta comfortable.  How content would I be with kinda-sorta good car performance or kinda-sorta good electricity?  Truth is, kinda-sorta doesn't compare to good!  Yet, the acceptable-normal for most Christians is to sit in lukewarm spiritual waters, and comfortably so.  Daniel described a people who “know their God … stand firm.” (Daniel 11:32).  Who are these people?  Well, they're not those who prefer a kinda-sorta faith!  Rather, they are identified as people who aren't “carried away with the error of lawless people,” who do not lose their “stability but grow in the grace and knowledge” of Christ. (2 Peter 17-18).  I fear there are many long-time Christians who are still walking around being spiritually nourished from bottles and sippee cups.  The days of an evil generation are upon us, and perhaps poor spiritual nourishment will begin to show in how we stand -- weakly or firmly -- for Christ.  It's time for what is normal "thus saith the Lord" – for what He prescribes as normal to be the standard for His faithful.  We may be a generation of stunted growth, nonetheless until He returns let’s press on toward Christ – grow!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Reflect the Light

Much can be said about reflections: they can be lovely or not-so, they can also be quite truthful  too truthful.  My morning reflection is often a terrible way to start the day!


Objects are either luminous or illuminous: they generate their own light or they reflect light.  As lovely are as the blue skies of summer and the colored leaves of fall, these things do not make light – they reflect light or else we’d be unable to see them.  The Apostle John was given a rare glimpse into heaven and writes, "And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb." (Revelation 21:23).  In the previous verses John lists illuminous jewels such as jasper, amethyst, emerald, onyx, and sapphire -- all reflecting heaven's sole Light Source – Jesus Christ.  Have you considered your reflection lately?  Oh, I don't mean that scary morning person in the mirror - I mean your spiritual reflection.  I know well why my own reflection isn’t what it should be at times: I’m not walking close enough to the Light Source!  In John 8:12, Jesus said, "I am the Light of the world" and He also said "Believe in the Light so that you may become sons of light." (John 12:36). Heaven's Light walked among us, revealing the glory of The Father as well as Himself to a dark world.  And, He did not leave us … light-less!  Those who love The Father and choose to walk in His Light – “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.” (Matthew 5:14).  You see, we are His Light bearers – reflections of Christ.  Let us not forget to faithfully … reflect the Light!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Great Counsel

Mr. Bill could be a storm chaser!  He seems to enjoy watching the weather.  There’s no real need for the weather app on my phone cause He IS the weather app.  On second thought, storm chasin’ would not intrigue him since he watches storms so he can avoid them!


Ephesians 1:11 says God “worketh all things after the counsel of His own will.”  As for me, I’m so glad my faith rests in One Who knows all things.  My lack of such knowledge can lead me into more difficulties than I can write about.  Just like I (nor Mr. Bill) can't determine (or control) the weather, neither can I predict the storms of life.  It is God – and He alone – Who knows their comings and goings, as well as knows their potential for my growth or destruction.  He knows and provides for the turbulence to my mind, heart, and spirit, and He sees how the beauty of His purpose can emerge from the chaos.  If you don't believe we live in stormy days, turn on the news for about … oh, 30 minutes or so.  Are you feeling tossed about by worldly winds?  Trust the One Who created all things and holds them together by the power of His might and word: He knows the beginning from the end ... and all the in-betweens!  If you aren't trusting Him, you could be chasin’ storms more than you know!  “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6).  Words of great counsel in calm or stormy weather.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Feed on Him

Please let me know if you have found the restaurant “It Don’t Matter” because that’s always Mr. Bill’s first choice!  I admit, we’re not the most widely travelled but I have yet to find this famous place.  If I had a bucket list, a visit to this place would top the list.  No doubt, it’s dining must be world-class!


God’s holy Word is a literal buffet of specific and eternal purposes to which he is eternally and unchangeably committed.  They are guaranteed (absolutely and without fail) in Jesus Christ: “For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory.” (2 Corinthians 1;20).  There is a condition, however: our obedience.  Consider, my friend, why we lose sleep, worry and fret, anxiously pass the moments with so many divine promises given?  One resource numbers the promises at 5,467!  From my own personal struggle, I can only suggest the problem as unbelief.  A spiritual mentor, DeeDee, said “we only submit to what we truly believe.”  Ruth said, “let me now go to the field and glean” (Ruth 2:2).  God through Christ reveals a “broad field of promise” where God “will restore and strengthen … will blow with His sweet breath of mercy … speaketh so gently.” (Spurgeon).  Such soft and tender words we pass up for those of fleeting value!  Jesus said, “Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”  (Matthew 11:28).  Truth is, most of the time it does matter where we park the car, pay the money, and dine!  Same spiritually – it greatly matters where and how we are nourished, where the spirit is refreshed and soul restored.  Let us stop looking for what “doesn’t matter.” Instead, let us satisfy the soul’s greatest long: “Him Whom my soul loves” (Song of Solomon 3:4).  Feed on Him!