Only Nearness
One of my favorite type of television shows has long been crime investigations. A common practice is to quietly track a suspicious character. This scenario reminds me of how often Believers seem content to [as Spurgeon puts it] ... "follow Jesus from afar." What a contrast to The Father's invitation. "draw near to God, and He will draw near to you" (James 4:8). Honestly, I'm not real proud of my lack of desperation to draw near! What horror Believers should feel toward ... "Little love to our own dying Savior. Little joy in our precious Jesus. Little fellowship with the One we love!" (Charles H. Spurgeon). I recall the habit of a sweet lady who [after lunch] each day sat on the front porch of her childhood home; often I would pass by and see her sitting there. Oh, how she must have loved those quiet moments, fondly remembering and feeling a closeness to those she loved and who loved her. The psalmist said it well: "For me, it is good to be near God." (Psalm 73:28). Is there any place better for the soul than near The Father - absolutely not! O God, I pray You do not allow my soul to ever feel a smidge of solace in such little-love, such little-joy or such little-fellowship with The One Who laid down His life for me. "Jesus, keep me near the cross - There a precious fountain - Free to all, a healing stream - Flows from Calv'ry's mountain" (Fanny J. Crosby). Help me, Lord, to find my greatest soul-satisfaction in ... only nearness.