Many people I know love to dig in the dirt! They describe it as therapeutic! My idea of therapy, however, involves a cup of coffee or hot tea, a book, and the porch swing!
Life poses many questions to us. Sometimes those questions come in the form of a choice, through a conversation, or making an important decision. Where do we go for the answers? Available to us are shelves of good advice (although suspect) and otherwise clever voices of reason, but is it wise counsel? We must also consider how sound is the counsel we offer other people. Scripture warns us how foolish it is to trust in our own minds, our ways of thinking (Proverbs 28:26). Who among us doesn’t face critical moments-of-decision each day when we need guidance and direction! God says His Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our paths (Psalm 119:105). We are told to hide God’s words in our hearts, hold tightly to His instructions, never letting go, for It is Life itself! (Proverbs 4:13). I carry a small treasury of Scriptures with me everywhere I go; it’s always in my purse, in my satchel, or in my car. Why? Because every situation I encounter, each circumstance that presents itself, and every decision I make – I need help! Digging in the yard may not be my passion, but honoring Christ with my life is! Believers should be passionate about Christ and love to dig in God’s Word, gather Its priceless gems of Truth, then apply them to life. Make digging in God’s Word a priority -- dig faithfully and dig often!
Love God!
Mama taught me young ladies don’t spit! Of course, I tried to teach this to my guys but with little success. Spittin’ seems to be a favorite past time for boys and [seemingly] a necessary part of ball playing. Finally, I resolved if they were going to spit, they should be good spitters! I’m not a judge of good spitters but if practice-makes-perfect, I suppose they’re the best!
For what reason were you last spittin’ mad? Charles Spurgeon writes, “There can hardly be goodness in a man if he be not angry at sin; he who loves truth must hate every false way.” Tempted by Satan in the wilderness, Jesus showed disdain for pretentious (exaggerated) truth. Finally, Jesus had enough and rebuked “Be gone, Satan.” Spurgeon adds, “Warm as is His love to sinners, so hot is His hatred of sin.” Christians tend to overlook a great yet simple truth: we cannot be friends with the world and friends with God, “whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” (James 4:4). It troubles me we’ve become callous to sin and [at times] incapable of calling sin what it is … sin. How can we with spiritual conscience embrace sin when it was sin Christ took upon Himself then bore the full wrath of Almighty God! Quite frankly, Christians are known by their love for God and His righteous ways. Scripture tells us “The Lord knoweth them that are His: and, let everyone that nameth the Name of the LORD depart from unrighteousness.” (2 Timothy 2:19). We don’t have to take up spittin’ but we will genuinely love God when we hate what is evil and cling to what is good (Psalm 97:10). Let us no longer delay … love God!
Pantyhose Caper
My introduction to pantyhose was most extraordinary – not the usual Mom-daughter trip to town. You should’ve known my Nanny then you could fully appreciate this story. She was such a Godly woman, and her influence on my life immeasurable. One of the many reasons I loved her was her sense of humor and tendency do some really crazy things. It was summer, and Faye (a friend) and I were hanging out in the living room when Nanny appeared in the doorway moaning and groaning and looking like some sort of swamp creature – she had a pair of pantyhose stretched over her head! Faye and I squealed in horror, then [as was also common with Nanny], the laughing set in. We literally laughed for hours!
As Christians, we often try to hide our hearts from the world. Nanny didn’t even look like herself – those pantyhose had her face all squished. It’s amazing how we [too] mask who we really are inside deceiving others and even ourselves; the condition of our hearts may appear fine when in reality it is not. Oh, to have a contented heart! Paul said, "But godliness with contentment is great gain." (1 Timothy 6:6) A contented heart, a Godly heart, longs for nothing more. It finds it fullest joy in Christ alone! A huge part of my grandparents’ testimony was their contentedness in this life. They didn’t have a lot of money but they were rich beyond this world, and lived like it! They were as real-as-it-gets! To be real – what a challenge! Living a life undistorted, transparent, revealing a heart fully satisfied in Jesus Christ and illuminated by His Spirit. Oh, how I love thinking back to that pantyhose caper, and how much more fun Nanny made wearing pantyhose (on the opposite end). I’m reminded how God wants to be real through me. Let’s be real!
Ever Present
Home is always good! The beach is also good. For me, there is nothing more serene than white sand, sea oats, coastal breezes, and gentle ocean waves. That brief interlude is now past, and my porch swing must take over!
What a blessing to know our God is ever present! How easily we forget there is no place where God is not. "Whither shall I go from Thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from Thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, Thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, Thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall Thy hand lead me, and Thy right hand shall hold me.” (Psalm 139:7-10). The serenity of the beach draws me to the Presence of the Creator, my Father, and Friend. He also reminds me I do not have to travel 390 miles from home to know His Presence. His Voice beckons me back to where I live, the day-to-day obligations and responsibilities where He is also ... ever present. It is His Word and Presence that brings wisdom and courage for each task, day in and day out. The fact is -- we are never alone! Oh, we need the change in scenery and the slower pace, but He remains no more and no less present in our lives. The challenge is always to recognize and know His Hand in the now-moments of each day, and be warmed and encouraged by It. Whatever we do and wherever we go, He is there ... He is ever present!
Highest Freedom
Memorial Day! The last Monday in May each year when Americans honor the memory of U.S. soldiers who have given their lives in war. It's not uncommon to see more flags a'flyin' during this patriotic weekend. Everyone swells with pride when we see it waving but to Veterans of war, there is an indescribable sense of pride and honor.
For Christians, every day is Memorial Day because there is no greater sense of pride and honor than when we see the Cross of Christ. The flag indeed represents shed blood of men but the cross stands for a higher freedom bought and eternally paid for with The Blood of Christ. I have two framed crosses, brought to me by friends-- one from Ireland and one from Italy. I do not look at either of them without reflecting on the cost of my spiritual freedom. Because Jesus Christ laid down all He had just for me, I do not have to be captive to worry, fear, anxiety, or sorrow. Just like those men of Memorial Day who served with passion the Country they loved, God loved with abandon His greatest creation just so we could live free. No doubt about it, this is the highest freedom!
New Knees
The idiom “runs in my family” describes a characteristic or quality familiar among kin-folk. Arthritis is a horrible [often] genetic disease, and it has had wide-spread effect among my family. There are also “abnormalities” we Sustas exhibit, to which [I’m sure] Mom and Dad claim no genetic responsibility!
Nancy Leigh DeMoss tells of her Greek grandmother Yaya’s prayer habits. “My dad’s cousin remembers times when Yaya would be on her knees praying as he went to sleep at night. She was praying for the salvation of her children and grandchildren. On some mornings, he would wake up and Yaya would still be on her knees, having prayed through the night.” Now, those are some good knees! More importantly, that’s a redeemed soul that believes in the power of prayer. I do recall personal periods of prayer for my children, but the diligence of Yaya shames me. Do we not know the belief in and practice of prayer “runs in the family” of Christ? God says we are to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17), and in so doing we follow Jesus’ example for a prayer life. Mark, Luke, and John record Jesus praying privately, for extended periods of time, even through the night. In a few weeks, I’m getting a new knee (whoohoo) but what I want most of all is a heart that kneels regularly and humbly at the throne of grace. Oh, how God’s children need hearts … and knees … for The Father.
I was but a youth and thoughtless as all youths are apt to be
Though I had a Christian Mother who had taught me carefully
There came a time when pleasure of the world came to allure
And I no more sought the guidance of her love so good and pure
Her tender admonitions fell but lightly on my ear
And for the gentle warnings I felt an inward sneer
But Mother would not yield her boy to Satan’s sinful sway
And though I spurned her counsel she knew a better way
She made my room an altar a place of secret prayer
And there she took her burden and left it in His care
And morning, noon and evening by that humble bedside low
She sought the aid of Him who understands a Mother’s woe
And I went my way unheeding careless of the life I led
Until one day I noticed prints of elbows on my bed
Then I saw that she had been there praying for her wayward boy
Who for love of worldly pleasure would her peace of mind destroy
Long the conflict raged within me sin against my Mother’s prayers
Sin must yield for Mother never while she daily met Him there
And her constant love and patience were like coals upon my head
Together with the imprints of her elbows on my bed
And so at last the fight was won and I to Christ was led
And Mother’s prayers were answered
[Because of] her elbows on my bed (Author Unknown)
Cookie cutters are fascinating, and can be quite a collector item. I suspect there’s a cutter for just about every shape imaginable. What little baking I do, I’m quite content with whatever shape emerges from the spoon that drops the dough to the pan!
Believers are pattern-people! Spoon-dropped cookies don’t really have a shape; they just fall into whatever conglomeration (now there’s a word for you) that happens. It’s sad but many who profess to be followers of Christ are best described as a hodgepodge of ideas, principles, and behaviors. Much like a landslide that gathers whatever debris in its progressing path, some Christians’ beliefs and behaviors are skewed by the world’s influence. It’s estimated there are approximately twenty-one different major world religions; can you even imagine the varying truths! “And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it,’ when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.” (Isaiah 30:21). Christ calls us to walk that “highway … called the Way of Holiness” (Isaiah 35:8) as modeled for us by His sinless, perfect life. Jesus Christ is the Way – the Truth – the Life (John 14:6), the Pattern for living and we are called to Its practice in what we believe and how we behave. No, following and living such a life isn’t quite as simple as cutting cookies! But! There is hope, however, by His grace and in His power, we can genuinely be … pattern-people!
His Time
Patience doesn't come easy for me. As I wait, my mind is spinning about all the things I need to be doing ... instead of waiting.
Jesus did not wear a watch, but He certainly understood the importance of spending time wisely. He knew time is continually passing, and can never be recalled. About the importance of time He said, "Seek ye first the kingdom o f God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matthew 6:33). Why do we have trouble putting first things first? Why do we waste precious time? I've seen my own children waste time, then I consider my own abuse of time. Using our time and our talents wisely always pays off especially when our time is devoted to the Giver of all time. Paul wrote "time is short" (1 Corinthians 7:29); we don't know just how short it really is. Doesn't it just make sense to redeem the time God has given us in such a way we're busy using His time to do His work!
God's Minute (Author Unknown)
I have only just a minute, only sixty seconds in it,
Forced upon me, can't refuse it, didn't seek it, didn't choose it,
But it's up to me to use it, I must suffer if I lose it,
Give account if I abuse it, but Eternity is in it.
Jesus' Call
You shouldn’t be surprised to learn Mr. Bill loves to fish – I may have mentioned it a few times. Although he loves to fish in the surf, on occasion he enjoys deeper waters so he calls Captain Joey. There’s absolutely nothing flashy about Joey; he’s simple and laid back. Hmmm, sounds a lot like Mr. Bill!
How do you respond to demands? Interestingly, yesterday’s “hard-headed” is today’s “strong-willed.” However you choose to describe it, demands aren’t always well-received. On several occasions, Jesus issued this call: Follow Me. Mostly to a ragtag group of fishermen, Jesus pressed them to leave life-as-they-knew-it and Scripture records no rebellious responses. Why do you suppose Jesus didn’t go to the synagogues and places of learned men to put together His team? Captain Joey has never promised Mr. Bill the catch-of-his-life or even the fishing excursion to top ‘em all. No, he just loads up the boat and ventures out with a fisherman’s optimism. Jesus said, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” (Mark 1:17). From watching Mr. Bill, here’s what I know – fishermen don’t mind wading out into otherwise scary waters; they know the risks and accept the risk to make the catch! I fear for too long we [Christians] have heard the call but aren’t willing to leave the dock in search of floundering souls. Jesus still calls fishermen today. Will we hear Him? How will we respond?
AC Living
Honestly, I remember very little before Mr. Bill. I met him the summer before 7th grade. That, of course, was a long time before our first official date at my Sweet 16. The good times of life with Mr. Bill outweigh the aggravation, irritation, and insanity … well, yeah, mostly J.
How’s your AC Living – After-Christ? Some people have incredible testimonies of drastic about-face living while others [like myself] can merely relate to the new heart brought about by grace-through-faith. I was only 5 years old when Christ called my name yet I recall vividly the moment and the new creature joy. New life in Christ results in new ways: “”For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness, and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world.” (Titus 2:11-12). God’s salvation [by grace] is a gift and independent of works, but our works reveal the depth and beauty of God’s work in us. Overnight changes in the beach are noteworthy; I have no first-hand knowledge of all that happens between sundown and sunup, but deposits of shells and seaweed, and differences in the shoreline assure me much was at-work while I slept. In the same way, the born-again should not just BE different (which we are by His grace) but LOOK different (displaying His grace). We are saved to the glorious freedom to “walk in the same way in which He walked.” (1 John 2:6). Hallelujah! Let us consider and rejoice in the marked (noticeable) evidences of AC Living which is ours by God’s amazing grace!
Real Beauty
Is beauty really only skin-deep? Take away the hair products, the makeup, and the body shapers and we just might know! The old-timers (I think I now qualify to be one) used to say, “beauty is as beauty does.” Funny thing, I haven’t found a bottle of that beauty-does yet!
Have you ever really pondered how amazing it is that God chose you? Many a spouse may have second-guessed the choice of marriage partner on that next morning – night-breath, no frou-frou hair – just raw “beauty.” Oh my or oh me? I have pondered how incredible it is that God would pick me as His elect – that is, knowing me like He does – flaws ‘n all! When I was a teenager, every year we visited an orphan’s home; while there, we played games and ate lunch with the children. Leaving was hard and usually tearful! The Father, in the riches of His grace, has given all who receive Him and believe in His name, the right to become “children of God.” (John 1:12). We are not spiritual orphans; through Christ Jesus we have full inheritance in His kingdom. Spurgeon writes, “Upon His breastplate He is now bearing our names; and in His authoritative pleadings at the throne He remembers our persons and pleads our cause.” Take note of the beauty of Almighty God – beauty that is perfect and complete … through-and-through. Ephesians 1:3 describes Him, “Who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings.” One of those spiritual blessings is the grace and power to live in and display His Beauty to a lost and dying world. Oh, the joy of such Beauty that is not skin-deep but genuine to the pure soul of the redeemed! That, my friend, is real beauty!
New Light
Walking barefoot isn’t all it’s cracked up to be … especially in the dark! During a shoeless trek across the dark yard one time, I stepped on a big old fat toad – yuck! That wasn’t nearly as memorable, however, as stepping on that matchbox car many little-boy-years ago. Ouch!
Oswald Chambers says this about darkness: "Sometimes God puts us through the experience and discipline of darkness to teach us to hear and obey Him. Song birds are taught to sing in the dark, and God puts us into 'the shadow of His hand' until we learn to hear Him (Isaiah 49:2). The darkness is a lonely place -- it must be faced alone no matter how many others are there to encourage you. The darkness is a painful place -- answers elude the heart and mind, and tears rule both. The darkness is a quiet place -- no longer can sight be relied upon, only listening. To God, however, the darkness is a place where He needs us to be at times in our lives. It is there in the darkness where His voice is most audible, most intelligible, most piercing ... best heard. The darkness can be for the Believer a place of growth, of refreshment, of understanding; a place where we are completely alone with and vulnerable to God. All of a sudden, the darkness takes on ... New Light!
Best Hands
A hammer in the wrong hand is a dangerous thing! Many a good thumb has screamed out in pain by the misplaced whack of a hammer. I seem to never have access to a hammer when I need one. Mr. Bill locks all hammers in his tool cabinet. I want to believe it's because he's found too many good hammers lying around outside -- not returned to their proper place, but it may be because he's found too many nails in walls where no nail should ever be.
When God uses spiritual hammers on His children, many things are driven home! It's usually the spiritual "nails" that help us understand who we are and give way to Christ's purpose in our lives. Ephesians 2:22 says, "In Whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit." Sometimes I just long for a brief peek at my life's blue print, but where would the faith be in that building project. Phillips Brooks writes, "Oh, if the stone can only have some vision of the temple of which it is to be a part forever, what patience must fill it as it feels the blows of the hammer, and knows that success for it is simply to let itself be wrought into what shape the Master wills." God doesn't provide us with a periscope to see above, beyond, and around life's troubles. What He does provide instead is faith and patience so that He can quietly and effectively build us into His design. Yes, the hammering get tough sometimes, but remember ... the hammer works best in the Best Hands!
Bear Fruit
If you were a fruit, what fruit would you be? I think I'd be a grape, 'cause they're always in bunches. Grapes probably never get lonely, and they don't have to fret about being skinned, peeled, cut, or cooked! Yes, I know I'd be a grape!
Do you know God loves fruit? He doesn't specifically mention grapes, but He's serious about fruitful living. Jesus says in John 15 there will be fruit present in the life of the Believer who obeys His commands: "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without Me ye can do nothing." (V.5) I have three crepe myrtles that don't bloom very much, and the problem is simple -- they thrive in the shade of a tall tree where they receive insufficient sunlight. Such is the life of Believers who suffer from too little exposure to The Son -- Jesus Christ. It’s very sad that many Bibles lay unopened and dusty, belonging to Believers who are too busy; the result is a life void of fruitful living. Can you imagine no fruit in the grocery stores! Well, consider the life verbally committed to Christ yet no evidence of Him in the walk and the talk. Christ commands, "You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and ordained [appointed] you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain [abide]. (John 15:16) Okay, we aren't called to be grapes, but definitely called to fruitful living! Bear fruit!
The Exchange
At one time, trading cards was big business. My boys were never serious card traders, but we made our share of trips to the local sports cards’ store. The boys were well equipped with notebooks, sleeved pages, protective covers, and the such. Surely, we have a real keeper in all those collections!
O. S Hawkins wrote, “The secret of the Christian life is not that it is a changed life but an exchanged life.” I’ve been around long enough to remember the [now outdated] term “telephone exchange.” In the old telecommunication systems, human operators actually switched phone circuits to establish lines of communication between callers. Perhaps you remember dialing “0” for the local operator! When a person is born-again (saved, converted), control is surrendered to God; the Believer is “a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” (2 Corinthians 5:17). Hawkins reminds us the old man is counterproductive and powerless while the new man [in Christ] is productive and powerful! When trading sports cards, the object is to better your collection – give up one or more for a more valuable card. Obviously, there must be a sense of relinquishing something to improve your collection in the process. The changed life indeed is an exchanged life – we exchange the control of our lives for the life of blessing, controlled by God’s Holy Spirit. The use of human telephone operators are a thing of the past, at least in the same capacity, and so must the Believer’s old life be. Know the power of the exchanged life – know and live in His power!
His Project
Many years ago, Mr. Bill and the boys took on the “project” of replacing the screen on the porch. The work-in-progress was a mess! Besides gaping holes where the old screen was, outside trim work was removed. I learned a special appreciation for that protective screen, because its absence the porch became a fly-way for all sorts of buzzing and flapping things. I was most pleased when that “project” was complete!
Do you know every Believer is a work-in-progress? Philippians 1:6 tells us what God began as a good work in our lives He is faithful to complete it. Mr. Bill's porch project was slowed down by some health and time constraints, and likewise God's work in our lives is slowed down, too. Our attitudes, pride, stubbornness, and rebellion get in the way of God's progress in making us more like Christ. Imagine trying to complete a task with that lack of cooperation! God wants to show Himself off in how we live because, ". . .we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works .. " (Ephesians 2:10) Consider what is hindering God from doing His Best Work in your lives. He is serious about His project of making us more like Himself!
Roll 'Em
Several years ago I spent a short time on crutches, and it gave me a new respect for those parking places marked, "Handicapped." How tempting it is to wheel into one of those close-to-the-door parking spots, scoot in and back out so quickly no one will notice or be denied. My "oh, I'll just be a minute" excuse still defies the bottom line: no parking!
Do you ever have trouble with parking places? Satan offers free and alluring parking spots for the mind and spirit. Well, big deal -- who needs the best parking space at Life's Dump! Anyway, why are the nastiest, darkest, and most hopeless places always so attractive? Please tell me why we so mysteriously drawn to those parking places that offer nothing but a grand view of the pits? God would not have us park there at all; actually, He instructs us to keep moving -- yes, keep moving! "Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders, and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus." (Hebrews 12:1-2) Just as water loses its freshness and clarity when it stops moving, so do Believers who linger and park by circumstances, mistakes, defeats, anger, discouragement, worries, and fears. Just like the Wagon Master yells, "Roll 'em," we must keep moving with eyes fixed on Jesus, generously giving ourselves away with smiles, hugs, phone calls, and encouragement to others who also are tempted to wheel into Satan's parking lot. Barbara Johnson suggests, "keep sowing fun and sunshine in your life, planting seeds of love." We're all on our way to a much better place, so let's keep moving and ... remember, no parking!
Let Be and Be Still
The Chinese often use pictures to illustrate things, and I came across a pictograph for the word "busy." It was actually a pair of pictures: heart and death. The illustrated meaning is that busy is death to the heart!
Elisabeth Elliot wrote this about a busy life: "If we are bent on a mad tear through life, God will allow us that liberty, but He will not tear madly about with us." This reminded me of a recent conversation in which Mr. Bill described watching me in an insane flurry of activity from his recliner, and how the recliner seemed like a much more peaceful (and safer) place to be. Busy may help us meet deadlines, put out fires, and even give us fleeting feelings of accomplishment but it sure kills peace and joy in our hearts. I like the Amplified Bible's translation of Psalm 46:10: "Let be and be still, and know (recognize and understand) that I am God." God doesn't not stop desiring to speak to us when we're busy [with less important things], but our busy hearts shut out His Voice. Whatever your week holds and however busy it gets, still yourself and quiet your heart -- "let be and be still."