Distinctly His
Distinctions usually get our attention. A couple of weeks ago, Mr. Bill and I arrived in southern Illinois in shorts, t-shirts, and sandals. One short step out of the car, and we knew we were under-dressed. It wasn't just the chill in the air, it was the looks from those dressed in sweats and jackets!
God draws a clear distinction between His people and unbelievers. The division isn't always quite as obvious as those who sit in the “home” or "visitor" bleachers, but the distinction is drawn nonetheless. Moses stood before Pharaoh and declared God's message, "And I will put a division between My people and thy people: tomorrow shall this sign be." (Exodus 8:23). We know from later verses how God plagued the Egyptians while the Hebrews were spared the torment of locusts, darkness, frogs, etc. Eventually, the Hebrews were released and delivered from years of slavery -- a beautiful foreshadow of His redemption through the Life Blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. A redeemed life always results in a changed life! Isn't it sad, however, there often seems to be no [apparent] distinction between the righteous and the unrighteous! Second Corinthians explains when we come to Christ, the old life is replaced by a new one (5:17). The new life is different and it looks different: present in our lives will be fruits of His Spirit -- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). Just as the Hebrews were delivered from physical plagues, Christians are delivered unto these profound Godly characteristics that make us distinct in [His] Nature. By His Grace and empowered by His Spirit, we model these traits as distinctions of honor. Oswald Chambers reminds us it is the LORD Himself Who makes the distinctions apparent! Yes, Mr. Bill and I got some strange looks in our warm-weather attire. May Christians be guilty-as-charged of looking like Christ in all they say and do! Yes, be distinctly His!