Sunday, August 30, 2015

Heart Springs

At one time, there was a trampoline in our backyard, and as trampolines go – it was multi-functional.  It was, of course, a springboard to the sky for little boys, as well as an outdoor wrestling arena and an above-ground table for afternoon picnics.  Best yet, when turned on its side, it was a great baseball pitch-back!


Oh, yes – the heart is a springboard!  Jeremiah 17:9, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"  How I shutter and shake when I hear someone say, "just follow your heart."  When I follow my heart, where I end up is not a good place! God continues in V.10, "I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins ..."  Oh, mercy me and mercy is just what I need as God searches my heart!  Truth is, my heart is indeed a springboard to whatever I feed it: what I read, what I listen to, what I see.  Junk in – junk out!  The right stuff must go in for the right stuff to come out when life “squeezes” me.  What springs forth from my heart requires a clean-pure-holy Source as the hearts spring. Let us consider what we feed our hearts! 


Oh, be careful little eyes what you see. Oh, be careful little eyes what you see.

There's a Father up above, and He's looking down in love. Oh, be careful little eyes what you see.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

His Waters

It seems I’ve always loved the water.  As a teenager, I was the one who would jump in on a dare, clothes and all.  Heights didn’t bother me; I jumped off a lake water tower one time.  And, that’s about as wild as ever it got for this gal!


God issues quite an invitation: “Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters.” (Psalm 55:1).  The younger-me loved those invitations to play in the water – pool, lake, creek, or just a backyard sprinkler – count me in!  This welcome-to-the-waters the psalmist wrote of is matchless in treasure!  “What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” (Psalm 8:4).  Unimaginable! That the Creator of all heavens, seas, creatures, and earth is thoughtful toward one such as I.  So mindful, so thoughtful, He THEN invites me to spend time in His Presence: Seek the LORD while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near (V.6) … Incline your ear, and come to Me; hear, that your soul may live (V.3) … That He may have compassion on him (V.7) … For you shall go out in Joy and be led forth in Peace (V.12).  Like I said, the invitation is matchless because the rewards are immeasurable!  I never knew what fun the water brought until I took the first dip – God still invites us into His Presence: “Come to the waters …” (V.1).  Let us not shun His invitation: get in a quiet place, open His Word, and delight in the Joy of His waters!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What The Heart Needs

It's amazing how much debris gathers on the floor between sweepings.  I admit to NOT sweeping enough, and I can usually tell it’s been too long by what’s in the dustpan!


The Believer's heart needs a good continuous sweepin'.  The dirt from my floor ain't nothing compared to that which collects in my heart. It doesn’t take much to know when it’s past due for cleaning either: my talk and walk are … off.  Mark 7 gives quite a list of nasties from a neglected heart: envy, slander, deceit, arrogance, foolishness ... oh, the list grows worse!  In Psalm 51, David penned some of the best steps for a good sweepin’ of the heart: "Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin." (V.2) and "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." (V.10)  I’m often reminded how I need to keep a “short list” of sins – staying confessed up for continued fellowship with The Father!  A short-list represents a frequent sweepin’.  It’s what the heart needs ... and often!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

His Fruit

The season of fresh fruit will soon end.  Each time I think of how much Mr. Bill loves cantaloupe, I remember traveling to Florida with Dad and Mom several years ago.  We stopped on the way at a farmer’s market, and Dad “negotiated” for 10 cantaloupes.  We ate LOTS of cantaloupe that week!


The Christian faith appeals to all our senses.  Whatever fruit you favor, the sight, feel, smell, and taste of it matters.  By week's end, those beach cantaloupe had smelled up the refrigerator, grown mushy, and no one cared to taste!  Spurgeon challenges us to see the depth and richness of our faith through our senses: "We hear the voice of God" and we perceive it as God's word; "We look upon God's truth" and understand its meaning; We receive the truth and its “smell” (fragrance) is delightful; We realize God’s mercies in our lives as they "touch" us continually. These faith-senses make us understand the psalmist's words, "Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good" (Psalm 34:8).  Spurgeon concludes that Christ is "food for the soul" of the Believer --  our All Sufficient One (2 Corinthians 3:5).  How disappointing it is when a favorite fruit isn't what it should be -- this is never so with our Beloved One. His Fruit is ever sweet to taste (Song of Solomon 2:3).

Monday, August 24, 2015

Hope Wins

Broken things are often throw-aways.  That is, unless you have a Mr. Bill.  He is the true fixer-upper around here.  Yeah, sometimes things are beyond repair – no super glue or other such miracle is enough to put some things back together, but [mostly] there’s always hope.


The brokenness of man and his world is a common subject for despair.  When we look around there seems to be a lot of brokenness – governments, homes, relationships, people.  The proclaimed “glory days” are seen as something of yesteryear, and hopelessness the settlement of longing hearts.  Cheer up -- this is not so for those who have experienced Jesus Christ!  The Prophet Micah wrote words of great hope for the brokenness of his day: “The Breaker is come up before them: they have broken up, and have passed through the gate, and are gone out by it: and their king shall pass before them, and the LORD on the head of them.” Written to a broken nation (Israel), here is the Promise of One Who conquers and clears obstructions for God’s Salvation for man.  Christian friends, whatever stands in your path, hear this: “There are lions, but their teeth are broken; there are serpents, but their fangs are extracted; there are rivers, but they are bridged or fordable; there are flames, but we wear that matchless garment which renders us invulnerable to fire. The sword that has been forged against us is already blunted; the instruments of war which the enemy is preparing have already lost their point.” (Charles H. Spurgeon).  What incredible and comforting words – in-by-through-because of Christ and His triumphant and finished work at Calvary, we are a victorious people!  Romans 8:37 assures us we are more than conquerors!  Brokenness of this world is here to stay but we do not live broken: we move on, carry on, live on because of Christ.  Oh, my friends -- HOPE wins!


Proclaim aloud the Savior’s fame – Who bears the Breaker’s wond’rous Name

Sweet Name, and It becomes Him well – Who breaks down earth, sin, death, and hell

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Heaven's Notes

I'm a note-taker!  In school I always had great lecture notes, and often loaned them to the … not-so-good note takers.  Today, I'm still a note taker.  I simply remember things better if I write them down ... in meetings, at work, at church; writing stuff down plants it in a mostly-safe place in my brain for fairly good recall.  The older version of me, however, must sometimes ask "now, where did I put my notes?"


God doesn't have to write things down, of course, but I'm so glad He chose to do so!   Luke 17:20 says, " ... rejoice because your names are written in heaven."   How wonderful!  His memory is perfect and I don't have to wonder about His recall.  I can rejoice in knowing He not only knows my name is there but it’s written down!  It’s not written in pencil or with erasable ink, but in the permanent markings of His own shed blood!  Aren't we glad The Father doesn't NEED or HAVE to take notes but HE DOES so by choice, lending an added sense of peace and joy to His children.  I rejoice today my name’s in The Book, and I pray yours is too.  What a joy to know WITH CERTAINTY it’s written safely in the Lamb's Book of Life – Heaven’s beautiful notes!  How exciting, too, THAT BOOK will never be misplaced!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Love With It All

Restraints – now, that doesn’t conjure up anything positive!  Being tied up, bound, or gagged sounds too much like terror but to little boys--  it’s just big fun!  Locking a brother in or out of the house, shutting him up in a closet, or too much imagination with a rope … well, I can only shake my head and roll my eyes!


O. S. Hawkins writes, “We are to hold nothing back when we love God.”  In other words, love Him with no restraint!  In this economy, we consciously try to limit ourselves from spending frivolously; we give these efforts all we’ve got!  Jesus’ words, “love … with all your heart … soul … strength … mind” (Luke 10:27) don’t translate into control yourself, practice restraint!  What thought, action, behavior, activity, or effort is exempt from Christ’s command?  Perhaps we are guilty of “lip service” as described in Matthew 15:8 – “This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.”  What part of the person is missing from the heart-soul-strength-mind?  That covers it all – the entire person; it’s all there, no parts missing!  To love with no restraint is total abandon, no consideration, no debate [consciously or unconsciously] whether to love or not.  Love with the whole person – give that love all I’ve got, all the time, in all circumstances, to all people.  The gears of the heart-soul-strength-mind are greased and turned by a passionate love for Almighty God!  Good gracious, how do we do this in this imperfect world of sinful influences, unfairness, and unholy people?  “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.” (2 Corinthians 9:8).  Aha!  By His grace, we are able to  live up to and honor the Name of Christ – it’s how we … love with it all!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Great Rewards

Points and rewards govern much of our shopping these days.  I'm the epitome of the disorganized shopper, usually digging in my pocketbook or wallet for the store's discount card or coupon!  You know the type -- you've behind her in the checkout line!​


What would you give for ​the rewards mentioned in Psalm 19?  "The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple; the precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the LORD are true, and righteous altogether." (Psalm 19:7-9). When shopping, the cost usually determines whether or not the item makes it to checkout.  Unfortunately, many Christians feel the price tag for the spiritual rewards listed in Psalm 19 are just too costly!  After all, our lives are way too busy [already] to study God's law-rules-commandments-precepts and pray for strength to do them.  Then to actually live according to His ways -- well, we might have to give-up things [we love] to pursue holiness!  "More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb. Moreover, by them is ​Y​our servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.​" (V.10-11).  ​Yes, it's true -- Godliness has a price tag and a reward system.  Ask God to show you the cost then by His Grace lead you to walk obediently, taking joy in the journey ... and delight in its many rewards! 

Called By Name

One thing I’ve learned through my years of writing is how everyone loves to read their name in print.  Whether in a newspaper article, a program or on a certificate, there’s just something joyous about reading your name.  I must add, however, woe be unto “somebody” if it’s misspelled!


Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, knows His children intimately andhe calleth his own sheep by name” (John 10:3).  Mr. Bill, for almost 35 years, has called me “Mama” – not Beverly, but … Mama.  When he actually calls me “Beverly,” ding-ding-ding – it gets my attention!  Mary wept at the tomb of Jesus – why?  He was her friend, and she grieved His death.  Outside the tomb when Jesus called her by name, “Mary!”, her spirit identified with her Savior.  Note her response to him: “Rabboni; which is to say, Master.” (John 20:16).  When Jesus calls Believers by name, there’s more than name-recognition, there’s personal identification.  His Voice calls to an intimate part of who we are, a oneness known only to His own.  Has God called your name recently?  Listen carefully …

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Stay Seated

When the boys were young, one of the fun trips with the boys was to Universal Studios in Florida, and we came away with some great memories.  The park is filled with lots of "you are there" activities -- earthquakes, space travel, wild west, terror.  Dennis and I were in the boat the famous Jaws shark leaped from the water right at us.  That may have been the last time that little boy sat in his Mama's lap – and I have no idea the name of the person’s whose lap I was in!  Yikes!


With God, there is no reason for fear.  Yea, right ... it’s true!  Of course, Dennis & I both knew that shark wasn't real -- that the whole business was rigged, staged to scare us silly.  Well, it worked!  But that knowledge didn't keep us in our seats!  Putting feet to our faith is the issue.  Psalm 56:4 says, ". . . in God I have put my trust; I will not fear. What can flesh do to me?"  David wrote this when he was threatened by the [pesky, won’t-go-away] Philistines, so he knew trouble and its accompanying fear. There are many scary things in life, causing us to leave our seats and run for cover.  Why can't we get it?  “My Grace is sufficient for thee: for My Strength is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9a). His strength is perfect!  When we actually act on this Truth, things aren't nearly as scary as Satan would have us believe.  Let's try to stay seated and trust Him!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Jesus and Me

Soon my Dad and Mom will celebrate 60 years together!  Whew – that’s a long time as husband and wife.  Their names are as paired as salt & pepper, bread & butter, peanut butter & jelly … yes, Dan & Fay.  What a pair!


Of all the things I wish to hear Jesus say to me, it is not O you of little faith!  That is, however, exactly what He said to His disciples, fearful in a storm-tossed boat.  “And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but He was asleep. And they went and woke Him …” (Matthew 8:24-26a).  Personally, I would be more inclined to jump ship than wake a peacefully sleeping Savior, but fear ruled the moment!  In our lives, there is an underlying confidence in Christ or ... there is not.  When there is not, fear trumps peace every time, and Jesus' words come to

us: "O ye of little faith." (8:26b).  What a beautiful picture here of Christ as our Refuge in the midst of these days of global and national chaos, which commonly bring personal fear and unrest.  The One Who owns the storm speaks to settle it in the hearts of those who look to Him, finding perfect peace and rest. Through the years, I’ve witnessed a oneness between my parents -- genuinely devoted to one another through “thick-and-thin.”  It is a mere glimpse of being one with The Father through His Son – that is, a profound oneness.  Jesus and me -- what a pair!


Now, it is Jesus and me, for each tomorrow – For every heartache, and every sorrow

I know that I can depend, upon my new found Friend – And so till the end, it’s Jesus and me – Lyrics by Ira Stamphill

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

No Relaxin'

Not much of a fisherman myself -- actually, not at all.  Besides the wiggly, flippy, scaly, stinky things involved, I just don't have the patience.  Mr. Bill, however, will sit for hours watching that line.  Puzzles me!


Have you ever considered Satan just might be one of the best fishermen ever!  He is skilled and crafty at what he does, including knowing just what kind of bait to use to entice and lure his prey.  His prey -- that's you and me!  He uses beauty, money, power, and many other things to reel-in the unsuspecting.  I've watched Mr. Bill set up to fish -- camp stool, 2-3 fishing rods, tackle box, bait, fish bucket -- then his mind shifts totally out-of-gear for hours! One of the most dangerous places a Christian will ever be is in a state of spiritual languor.  Satan loves it!  He uses these times when we're spiritually idle [from personal time in study and prayer] to aim then release his "flaming darts" (Ephesians 6:16) and he never misses his target.  Romans 13:14 says, "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires."  God’s Word [of Truth] and His Holy Spirit shields us from becoming victim to Satan’s fishing trip.  Fishing may be a great way to relax but for the Believer, there’s no time for spiritual relaxin’.  Be alert and stay strong in the LORD!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Nothing More

Divide -- now, that's an interesting word. After the twins came, "division" was a way of life! It seemed we are always dividing something: turns at sitting in the front seat, who would shower first, who’s turn to choose the restaurant. Come to think of it, Mr. Bill and I started dividing things, too – who’s turn to handle bath time or change the dirty diaper.  Yeah, we got pretty good at division!

Pastor Tony made a good point when he said Satan's greatest strategy against Believers is to "divide and conquer." Sounds like a strategic military maneuver, and it’s quite effective in the Christian’s life. This game plan wouldn't be so devastating except the "divide and conquer" begins first in the heart. Since Eden, man has struggled to once again know a pure and holy heart, but its wickedness and deceitfulness repeatedly compromise the Truth within us. We know what is right, yet we choose wrong -- what is cool, smooth, popular, and worldly. We profess allegiance to The Savior, yet our wills succumb to being entertained and soothed by often what is basically ... unholy. The divisions and conquests of the Believer’s heart and mind are so great, The Truth becomes cloudy and unclear. Satan is quick to provide justification for the sin we have come to love. Victorious living is not some sort of notion or dream, it is as real as the Savior who hung on a cross and conquered death! The light of God's Truth always conquers darkness. The truth is, we are more than conquerors through Christ Who strengthens us (Romans 8:37). We need nothing more!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Extend Tenderness

To get certain foods tender, we soak 'em, beat 'em, smother 'em, and smoke 'em.  This takes time, a smart cook, and some patiently-hungry people.


God's mercies are NOT slow-to-tender -- they are tender-by-nature!  The psalmist wrote, "The Lord is good to all; and His tender mercies are over all His works." (Psalm 145:9)  Thank goodness we don't have to wait on God's mercies to become tender toward us -- we'd be in big trouble if that were the

case!  Since it is Christ's Nature to be merciful and tender, it should also the nature of His followers. The world needs to see, to know, to feel The Father’s tender mercies, and we are His pipeline. Extend His tenderness today!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Walk In It

Oh, how the "law of the land" has changed!  This culture's rules-for-living have very little in common with those of yesteryear. Most of the best times of my childhood occurred when I was behaving -- obeying my parents ... walking according to their "law of the land."  In contrast, the not-so-happy times were when I did not!


Genuinely happy people share certain characteristics.  First, Godly principles govern their lives - they walk in the law of the Lord - "Blessed are those ... who walk in the law of the Lord." (Psalm 119:1).  They know the way to walk because they diligently study God's Word and they make God's Way their way.  His truths rule their thoughts, conversation, and behavior.  Because they know God's truths, they recognize Satan's lies so they’re not easily deceived and detoured. Remember how God  instructed Joshua to be "careful to do according to all the law ... do not turn from It to the right hand or to the left." (Joshua 1:7).  The world's advice to "follow your heart" is one of Satan's greatest lies: Scripture tells us the condition of the human heart: "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked" (Jeremiah 17:9). True happiness (blessedness) comes not from conversation about our faith but from how faith governs who we are in talk and action.  Blessed is he who hides God's law in his heart, meditates upon it, then determines to "do no wrong, but walk in His ways!" (Psalm 119:3).  The "law of the land" may change but God's Law never changes - happy is he who walks in It!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


What things continue?  Thank goodness -- oxygen, the sun, the moon.  I could do with a few less of some things – bills, dirty dishes, morning alarms ... but continue they do!


God's Word tells Believers there are certain things which should continue: "Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." (Hebrews 13:1-2).  We are careless [to our faith] when we allow moodiness or convenience interrupt continuance of love and kindness – opportunities to do good to Believers and non-Believers are lost [and gone forever]. That's why God commands these things to continue -- in spite of how we feel, who we like or dislike, how busy we are, or if it's convenient.  We cannot do a kindness too soon, for we never know how quickly soon becomes ... too late. That person who stops you in the hall or at the grocery store may need a kind word or a moment of your time.  The next person who interrupts your work – no matter what he or she wants may really want to know just how much you really care.  Yes, let love and kindness continue … and continue … and continue … and continue ...

Walk Blameless

Isn't it amazing how we want certain things, but not quite enough to do what is required.  I love reaching into the freezer for a package of homemade sausage, but not enough to suit up in camouflage, trek into the woods – clearing away spider webs and watching for rattle snakes – brave the dark patiently waiting on a wild hog to [maybe] wander my way.  Nope, not for me!


The psalmist wrote, “Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord!” (119:1).  What does it mean to walk “blameless?”  Follow me for a few minutes, and you’ll know!  Like a child might put his little foot into his father’s footprint, so are we as Children of God to walk.  Reading the verses that follow, we know how: keep his testimonies … seek Him … do not wrong … walk in His ways … learn His righteous ways – all done with diligence, steadfastness, and eyes fixed on God (V.2-8).  It’s a tall order but with such sweet reward: no shame and not forsaken.  There are few things more devastating to a person than suffering disgrace (shame for things done or not done) or being abandoned (in time of need).  But “blessed” are those who seek to live blameless: “blessed” – the Hebrew word for “happy.”  Coupled with the word blameless (undefiled), such happiness belongs to the whole, complete, entire person – happiness that reaches to the core of who we are.  I love homemade sausage but that has its limits – I’m just glad Mr. Bill finds hog-hunting fun.  Each of us must decide to what extent we will go for a blessed life.  Will you walk blameless?

Monday, August 3, 2015


One-sided conversations are awkward!  You know what I’m talking about – that eerily uncomfortable silence when it’s the other person’s time to say something … and he doesn’t.  In those conversations, I just end up blabbering!


It’s difficult-to-impossible to listen and talk at the same time.  God has lots to say to us, but truth is, we’re not very good listeners!  Even in prayer, our conversation is one-sided – we do all the talking!  By their own admission, the men who walked with Jesus on the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus learned the most “when He talked with us” (Luke 24:32).  I can testify to hearing God’s Voice most often in the stillness of devoted moments with Him.  Oh, how God longs for us to just stop – stop hurrying, stop doing, stop talking and listen … listen … just listen-to-hear His part of the conversation.  His Spirit speak to our spirits, bringing perfect counsel and deep refreshment like nothing else.  Conversing with The Father is the most important dialog we’ll have at any given time on any given day; just don’t be the one doing all the talking!  Listen.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

The Burn

There was a time when health conditions commonly known to this “older me” were a mystery.  I remember the first time I ever had heartburn, I couldn’t dial my doctor fast enough!  Having never experienced it, I was certain it was something deadly and cause for urgent care!


Have you ever wondered how otherwise brilliant minds can be so … dense?  Surely, this is what two of Jesus’ followers wondered about themselves after the resurrected Jesus joined them on their journey from Jerusalem to Emmaus.  Disappointed and dejected at Jesus’ death, they were the epitome of powerlessness and hopelessness!  Well into the journey, their spiritual eyes were opened to recognize the Master, and then said to one another: “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road and while He opened the Scriptures to us.” (Luke 24:32).  Burning hearts – can this be what is lacking in Christians today – hearts pressed beyond intelligence and benevolence to a real longing to feel “the burn” and know Him more intimately.  It’s been called “heavenly heart burn” – that intense yearning (burning) to go deeper and farther into the Things of God.  That more naïve me did learn about heart burn and what to do about it.  Do you burn for things of Christ?  If not, pray you do!  If you do, pray you are never cured!