It's Personal!
“And going into the house they saw the Child … and they fell down and worshiped Him.” (Matthew 2:11)
For me, this part of the Christmas record, is special and personal. Psalm 19:1 says “the heavens declare His glory” – consider then how God used His creation (the work of His hands) to declare His Glory at the coming of His Son, Jesus! He drew foreigners to The Savior. That’s rich! Why so? The Bethlehem sky was the backdrop for the angels to declare the Messiah’s birth to the Jews – to poor & lowly [shepherds]. God designed a star to announce to the wise & wealthy & pagan [magi] of His Salvation! Yes, indeed, the heavens declared His Glory – God’s only Begotten Son. The star led them to Christ and note their response: worship. Oh, how we struggle [in this body] to genuinely worship Christ but consider what heaven holds: yes, streets of gold and gates of pearl and walls of jasper but, most importantly, this: “And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the Glory of God gives it Light, and its lamp is the Lamb.” (Revelation 21:23). It was the lights of the heavens that announced and led men to The Light of Heaven! The magi saw and followed the star, saw the Christ-Child, and they worshiped Him. Jesus promised, “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to Myself.” (John 12:32). This is the Message of Christmas – This is the Christ of Christmas – It’s personal. May He ever be so in the hearts of His people!