Fashion Statement
Many years ago, Mr. Bill brought Dustin home from baseball practice in the back of the truck. One look at Dustin and I understood why. He was covered in mud from neck to the soles of his shoes. Dustin proudly told me how he dove for a ball right into the mud. He said he didn't make the play, but the effort was awesome. That, of course, was obvious!
God wants to clean us up real good ... from the inside out. Dustin went to the back yard, stripped down, then straight to the shower. In no time, there was no trace of the muddy mess. Gathering dirt is what we humans do best; no matter how hard we struggle for holiness, we are spiritually dirty. Something or someone is always stirring the proverbial pot: a negative comment here, an unkind act there, and we’re can easily in a mire of bad thoughts, words, and behavior. Jesus was no stranger to this; there were countless people in His life wanting nothing more than to arouse anger, causing Him to react instead of respond. In Matthew 23:27, He spoke candidly to the outwardly religious leaders: “For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people’s bones and all uncleanness.” We live in a world that focuses almost exclusively on outward appearances; the fashion industry is a good example of this ever-changing attraction. When we are serious about a life fashioned after righteousness, our hearts will bear only one name brand -- Jesus Christ. Let us, hence, consider our fashion statement!
Heart Dreams
The imagination can be blamed for lot, but it can also be credited with good. At Disney's Epcot Center there is a whimsical ride called, "Journey Into the Imagination." The main character is a pink dragon named, "Figment." The point of the exhibit is every invention started in the human mind, and many wonderful little gadgets we depend on today can be traced back to someone's imagination!
Likewise, it is true the heart conceives much -- both good and bad. There is only one prescription for a good heart: "Keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity." (Proverbs 3:1-2). Another word for "figment" is fancy or daydream. Wouldn’t it be great if we could fancy or daydream about a pure heart and it became a reality! Just like "figments of the imagination" result in neat and nifty little gizmos [which improve our lives], faithful pursuit of God results in a heart fit for the King! What a wonderful plan – thoughts about and toward Almighty God that result in a Godly heart. A worthwhile idea with everlasting royalties!
Anchored Down
It is quite memorable: 55 degrees, 10:00 PM, Mr. Bill in knee deep lake water, Mrs. Beverly in flip flops on the bank holding the spot light! We arrived at the lake to find one side of the dock dislodged from the dock anchor. Mr. Bill determined right away, it must be secured ... at all costs, and now! Anyway, how can he possible fish with the dock in such disarray? Good grief!
Do you sometimes feel you've become ... dislodged, uprooted, unanchored? Say, 'bout once or twice a day! It doesn't matter how organized, altogether, intact the day begins, usually something or someone strikes first and no amount of super glue or sticky tacky is enough. Most days, it's great advice to just go ahead and "eat a live toad first thing in the morning, and nothing worse can happen the rest of the day." Well, forget the toad and check your anchor! Just like wind and stormy waters caused the dock to break loose from its anchors, the tides of life threaten our peace and security creating havoc when the foundation is any place other than Almighty God, our Savior Christ Jesus -- our Rock, our Fortress, our Defense, our Redeemer, our Refuge, our Stronghold. Hebrews 6:19 confirms it like this, "This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast." Sure & steadfast – trust you caught that!
I've seen the lightning flashing, I've heard the thunder roll,
I've felt sin's breakers dashing, which almost conquered my soul;
I've heard the voice of my Savior bidding me still to fight on;
He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone.
No, never alone; no, never alone.
He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone.
No, never alone; no, never alone.
He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone. – Author Unknown
What 'Cha Breathin'?
What are your spittin' foods? Spittin' foods -- foods that make you want to spit 'em out! For me, one such food is licorice. I don’t even like to smell it! You guessed it – Mr. Bill loves it and loves to exhale on me after eating it! Oh, horrors!
The Breath of God is most holy and He desires us to inhale Himself! And, WHAT WE INHALE certainly effects WHAT WE EXHALE. Psalm 19:14 says, "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer." Consider that place inside us where no one -- not spouse, children, boss, client, co-worker, closest friend, pastor – no one can see or know -- only God. The hidden place ... the darkest and most remote crevice of the heart, void of light or revelation to everyone ... except The Creator. If we are really breathing in, inhaling Almighty God, those most secret places in our hearts are made clean and whole. Our words, our deeds, our meditations (our thinkin') are acceptable (different) in the Sight of He who exhales Perfection. So, what ‘cha breathin’?
A tour group passed through a particular room in a factory. They saw a bar of steel weighing five hundred pounds, vertically suspended by a chain. Near it, an average-size cork was suspended by a silk thread. The tour guide said, "You're about to see something seemingly impossible. This cork is going to set this steel bar in motion!" She took the cork in her hand, pulled it only slightly to the side of its original position, and released it. The cork swung gently struck against the steel bar, which remained motionless. For ten minutes the cork, with pendulum-like regularity, struck the iron bar. Finally, the bar vibrated slightly. By the time the tour group passed through the room an hour later, the great bar was swinging like the pendulum of a clock!
We often feel we aren't having much of an influence on the lives of our children, neighbors, co-workers, friends, and family. Not so! We just don't realize how powerful what we do “in the light” are in the Hand of God. Romans 13:13-14 says, "Let us behave decently, as in the daytime ... clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ." As you go about your day, remember God may choose to use something small to draw another soul to Himself. Stay faithful, and well-dressed!
Never Alone
One evening last week, I was all alone at home. It was pretty cool! I wasn’t responsible for making dinner for anyone, I could play my music as loud as I wanted, and I had sole command of the television remote! Yee-haw!
Christian heroes are those who have boldly passed to us the torch of faith. Often, they're the ones who stood with us in the hard places keeping discouragement at bay. As great as those times are and as deeply as we love mentors of our faith, a time comes when we move forward on our own. In Paul’s second letter to Timothy, he wrote of those who left him but “But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me.” (4:17). It’s God alone we stand before and in Him alone we are made strong. Oswald Chambers wrote, “A servant of God must stand so much alone that he never knows he is alone.” What an amazing thought that [by grace] we stand seemingly alone yet never alone! Genuine faithfulness to Christ is often a very lonely place, but alone never describes the Christian who remains true to God's Truth. The great songwriter, Mosie Lister, said it like this:
Hold my hand all the way, every hour, every day -- From here to the great unknown
Take my hand, let me stand -- Where no one stands alone.
Have you ever gotten hung on a barbed wire fence? Let me tell you how absolutely NOT-FUN that is! File this away just in case it ever happens to you -- don't get in a hurry. The more you struggle, the more tangled you become. I watched Nanny try to untangle from barbed wire once ... while laughing, and I didn't think she would ever get loose!
Pure words don’t necessarily reflect a pure heart. I realize there are times when my lips do not portray righteousness, and God knows it! Late night entertainers are famous for off-color humor aimed particularly at a late-night audience. One such entertainer actually wrote a children's book, which seems very odd to me. The psalmist wrote, " . . . with flattering lips and a double heart they speak." (Psalm 12:2) The Hebrew word for heart refers to the "center" of one's being. A “double heart” -- two centers – how can that be? Is there no shame in how we build up and tear down with the same lips, and sometimes in the same breath! “From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so.” (James 3:10). Believer, beware of entanglements! I encourage you to begin each day with earnest prayer that “the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord." (Psalm 19:14) Trust Him to live … tangle-free
Old Paths
Growing up in the country, we relied on paths. The path between my house and Aunt Sue’s was well-traveled, the farm animals kept paths between where they grazed and watered, and [of course] there was always a worn indoor path between the television and refrigerator. Interestingly, I don’t recall with fondness the path between the washing machine and the clothes line!
There are many claims to truth today. We’re surrounded by countless religions and doctrines, one might wonder if truth really exists and [if so] where can it be found? Who can we trust, and is there an ultimate authority on truth? In Bible times, the Jewish people surely pondered similar questions. God spoke through the Prophet Jeremiah, “Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.” (Jeremiah 6:16) I have a new book about Christianity, religions, and cults, and I’m amazed at the available options for truth! Having grown up in God’s Word, most of them seem silly [to me] but I know much Satan loves to take a little bit of truth then twist it into an otherwise believable notion. How do we know real truth? I read just this week if we are seriously searching to find God’s truth, then we must go back beyond the “point of contamination.” We must go to the Source of all Truth – God’s Truth, unfiltered through the foolish mind of man. Psalm 119:152 assures us, “Long ago I learned from Your statutes that You established them to last forever.” The good way, the old path is the first and original way, given to us by God Himself -- the exhaled - perfect - powerful breath of God. Pastor Tony taught me to cautious consider men’s words, “I think,” and hold fast to God’s words, “thus saith the LORD.” Paths become paths when they are well-traveled, proven to deliver us effectively to God’s place. We will never recognize a lie unless we know The Truth. Why not lay aside other reading this weekend to rediscover God’s Truth, solidifying the good way, the old paths, then obediently walk in them!
God's Dipper
We've all been thirsty before, but do you remember an incident when you I-mean-to-tell-ya thirsty? Twenty-plus years ago, Dad, Mom, Danny, Mr. Bill and I walked across the Rio Grande into Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. I was seven months pregnant with twins; it was hot and I was I-mean-to-tell-ya THIRSTY! Mr. Bill found me a seat in the shade and brought me a cold Diet Coke. At that moment, I'm not sure whether I loved Mr. Bill or the drink better!
Psalm 63:1 says, ". . . my soul thirsts for You; my flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water." David wrote this passage while in the Wilderness of Judea. I've been there, and water is scarce. Planning his water source for each day was paramount for David. We all know what it's like to be physically thirsty, but what is it like for our souls to thirst? How easily our thirst is quenched by things temporal, leaving us [yes] thirsty again. Have you ever drank from a metal dipper? Wow, that water tastes good but soon the dipper is empty and needs refilling. The filling God offers our souls never leaves us thirsty; it is all-sustaining. Matthew Henry says it like this: "The true believer is convinced, that nothing in this sinful world can satisfy the wants and desires of his immortal soul; he expects his happiness from God, as his portion. When faith and hope are most in exercise, the world appears a weary desert ... " Have you reached the place of understanding that nothing is lasting, nothing truly satisfyies apart from God? Everything else leaves the soul dry and [yes] thirsty. It is pure folly to trust and hope in anything temporal even when it helps sustain us on earth. Are you drinking from God's Dipper? If not, today is a great day to begin to do so. His Dipper is eternal, full-to-running over, and never leaves you thirsting again!
Choose Light
Do you know how absolutely annoying it is [at times] to live with someone who always wakes up in a good mood! Well, that pretty much describes Mr. Bill. He never wakes up grumpy – he does his best to let HER sleep! LOL
Oswald Chambers writes about the “high hour” for a Believer: “We must bring our commonplace life up to the standard revealed in the high hour.” Yesterday morning was not a “high hour” for me, rather my sinful nature was the boss: everything I picked up, I dropped; everything I reached for was out-of-reach; and everything I looked for I could not find. Mr. Bill would jokingly describe my morning as a “rainbow day.” We’re all prone to times such as this, and this is why we must rely on the “high hour” [in Chambers’ words] when God graciously reveals Himself. “While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light. These things spake Jesus, and departed, and did hide himself from them.” (John 12:36a). Notice how Jesus spoke then left His hearers to consider His words. Oh, how grateful I am for those precious times with God when He imparts spiritual insight to defend me from myself! His wisdom and promises of Hope sustain us and guide us back to His Light – the standard for the Christian’s walk in Christ. All days won’t be rainbow days, but they can be light-filled when we make high-hours part of the routine. We need not give way to commonplace – I choose Light!
No Fear
Have I mentioned Miss Ella lately? Well, in case I haven’t, let me tell you something of my precious granddaughter – she loves animals. Her young life is full of plush animal toys, animal figures, colorful books about animals, visits to local farms, and even live animals at home. One of the first things she learned was animal sounds, and is not timid when asked to make the sound of a cow, a horse, a chicken, etc. Should I mention how totally amazing Miss Ella is!
Have you considered lately how incredible is our God! Well, in case you haven’t, let me tell you something about my God – He has empowered us with great courage. “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7). Surprisingly, Miss Ella has shown no fear toward real animals -- her enthusiasm toward them is delightful! Imagine if Christians faced life with the same boldness and enthusiasm, understanding and embracing the power given to us by The Creator. Would we face the day’s challenges differently? Would fear not be a contributing factor to decisions and choices before us? Rachel Scott, victim of the Columbine shooting, looked death in the face and feared not! She lost her life when she confessed God but she embraced the power of His Spirit at that moment. Through the Prophet Isaiah, God said, “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness.” (Isaiah 41:10). Life is full of otherwise fearful times but let us not be ruled by fear rather by grace, allow God’s Spirit to govern. Face life with … no fear!
The Day
It’s been said there are only two certain things – taxes and death. That list may not be conclusive, but April 15 has been dubbed tax-day. Ignore the day, if you will, but come-what-may, every April has one!
There’s yet another day coming to of us. In Genesis God said, “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return." (3:19) I dare say, few of us walk around bragging about being dust! No, we snazzy-up ourselves with the latest, fashions, cars, homes, and accessories – fancy dust! Just like tax-day, we live either in denial or in forgetfulness. The Prophet Samuel wrote, “Like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be recovered, so we must die. But that is not what God desires; rather, He devises ways so that a banished person does not remain banished from Him.” (2 Samuel 14:14). Before time, in the mind of God, He planned a way for us to live eternally, the soul of man living eternally. God’s love was made complete in His Son, Christ Jesus, so that “on the day of judgment … we are like Jesus.” (1 John 4:17). Judgment day comes when we will appear before Christ to answer for things done while in the body – whether good or bad (2 Corinthians 5:10). Question is – are you ready?
There’s a great day coming, a great day coming
There’s a great day coming by and by,
When the saints and the sinners shall be parted right and left
Are you ready for that day to come?
Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready for the judgment day?
Are you ready? Are you ready? For the judgment day?
Do tight places challenge you? On our flight home from Mexico, we were in the very last row on the plane and it was … yes, tight. Things like that never seem to bother Mr. Bill. Good enough, I guess, because I was “bothered” enough for both of us!
Have you ever asked God to reveal His glory to you? Moses did, “Moses said, “Please show me your glory.” (Exodus 33:18). The Glory of God – Isaiah saw it and fell to his face and the angels couldn’t help but declare it from the heavens. Oh, to have but a glimpse of it! God’s reply to Moses’ request: ”And He said, “I will make all My goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you My Name ‘The Lord.’ … But … you cannot see My Face, for man shall not see Me and live … There is a place by Me where you shall stand on the rock, and while My glory passes by I will put you in a cleft of the rock, and I will cover you with My Hand until I have passed by. Then I will take away My Hand, and you shall see My Back, but My Face shall not be seen.” (V.19-23). A cleft is an opening caused by a split in a rock, and that would be the place from where Moses could glimpse the passing of God’s Glory. There are times God puts us in the cleft, and it is not always with the most pleasantness of this life. Whatever our circumstances and whatever His reason, there is a purpose. There in the cleft, we are safe and always in His care. Among the many things we can learn there is to trust and rest as He does His work in-through-around us. Sometimes [I feel] God puts me in the cleft to get me out of the way so He can do His work. Oh, the amazingly glorious things we see as God works in our lives through the pain, the heartache, the sorrow. All the while, He covers us there with His Mighty Hand of protection and mercy. I don’t care to be on the last row of an airplane again, but the cleft doesn’t sound so bad when God’s Glory is nearby!
Old Man
The phrase “old man” doesn’t set well with me. It’s seems [to me] disrespectful to hear a woman talk about her husband as her “old man.” I tease Mr. Bill about being old, and maybe that’s the cause of him living wide-open. What I see is when Mr. Bill isn’t wide-open, he’s suffering from it!
Paul wasn’t being disrespectful but rather candid when he wrote about the “old man.” Truth is, that old man is quite the troublemaker. Of course, non-believers don’t struggle with the old-man because the old-man rules – he has no competition. For believers, on the other hand, there’s an ongoing struggle between the old-man and the Holy Spirit Who now lives in us. Born-again by faith, we are new creatures in Christ but until we trade this earthly body for a heavenly one, the old-man will be causing trouble! Paul summed it up like this, “For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.” (Romans 7:19). Do you identify with that struggle? If so, be confident there’s a sin-root somewhere in your life! Mr. Bill has been spraying weeds with something [which claims to] destroy the roots. Oh, if it were that simple; how does a Christian kill sin within? We can’t BUT The Spirit can! “For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.” (Romans 8:12). Mortify – overwhelm, destroy, put to death – sin. Believers live in this truth -- “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20). Mr. Bill’s problem is his spirit refuses to agree with his body – he behaves as though he is 20 but he is not. When God’s Spirit rules us, rather than the old-man, we can live life wide-open and free of that dizzying cycle of sin. In that case it’s okay to say, “so long, old-man!”
Good Drink
More than a few healthcare professionals have told me lately I’m not drinking enough water. I have greatly reduced the number of carbonated drinks I consume, replacing them with fruit juices and milk but still [they say], it’s not enough water. Apparently, drinking the “right stuff” is going to be a project!
Spiritual dryness can come to us from [seemingly] nowhere. Before paper, parchment was used, and its production was a tedious process of repetitively soaking and drying animal skins. Even then, the finished parchment was extremely sensitive to its environment and changes in humidity often causing buckling. Books with parchment pages were usually bound with strong wooden boards and clamped tightly shut by metal clasps or leather straps to keep the pages pressed flat. How like parchment is the human soul – its most delicate condition requiring repetitive and tedious refreshment. Nancy Leigh DeMoss wrote, “When I come across someone who’s feeling spiritually dry, I ask them, ‘Have you been singing unto the Lord?’ Praise is a cure for spiritual dryness.” She goes on to remind us of King David’s words in Psalm 63:1, “O God, Thou art my God; early will I seek Thee: my soul thirsteth for Thee, my flesh longeth for Thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is.” God didn’t create us to live in a spiritual wilderness where our souls lack refreshment; His desire is that we dwell in the Land of Promise where springs of living water pour over our souls continually. It is there the Prophet Isaiah said we “drink deeply from The Fountain of salvation!” (Isaiah 12:3) Yes, I will struggle to persevere – to drink more water each day – and, like David, discipline myself to “Lift up my hands in Thy name … My soul shall be satisfied … My Mouth shall praise Thee … When I remember Thee … And meditate on Thee … In the Shadow of Thy wings will I rejoice … My soul follows hard after Thee …” (Psalm 63:4-8). Continually, and from the right Source, take a good drink!
There are some things in life we must just accept. Don’t try to explain it, analyze it, or improve on it. No, just take comfort and rest that, as Mr. Bill says … “it is what it is.”
David, a shepherd, wrote “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.” (Psalm 23:1). He could have just stopped there, but God inspired him to expound on the benefits of having a shepherd. And, who would know better than one who was a shepherd of sheep! Have you ever pondered what qualifies one to be a shepherd’s shepherd? How incredible it is Almighty God, Who holds the universe in His hands as though it were a small thing, has committed Himself to care for (to shepherd) a flock of wandering and lost souls. Hard to believe? God says, “… put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.” (Malachi 3:10). Christ knew what it takes to shepherd, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” (John 10:11). Putting the sheep’s needs ahead of His own – that’s what the Good Shepherd did for His sheep. He is true – He is faithful – He is worthy! And, quite simply, it is what it is!
Last Man Standing
“Last Man Standing” is the name of a board game, a video game, and a television sitcom. I recall a few times [over the years] when last-man-standing could have been applied to who had the most perseverance -- Mr. Bill or I – when parenting three boys!
Exiled to the small Greek island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea, God opened the heavens to the Apostle John for divine revelation. By definition, revelation is the making known of something yet unknown – disclosure. John writes, “And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne … stood a Lamb, as it had been slain.” (Revelation 5:6). How does the Christian keep the triumph of the empty tomb alive beyond Easter Sunday? We live in the Truth of the One, “the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David” Who “hath prevailed” (Rev 5:5); Who is “seated at the right hand of God” (Colossians 3:1); Who is our “great High Priest Who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God” (Hebrews 4:14). The empty tomb wasn’t the end! Oh no, it was the identifying mark of death’s death – yes, death died, no longer having victory over man! John’s vision reveals [at the end of time] the “last man standing” – the only One standing: Christ, Son of the Living God. And He’s still standing! May Easter live-on in our hearts!