Monday, April 30, 2018
When we think of a beginning, we refer to the start of something, the very root of a thing. The first of Scripture says, "In the beginning God ... " (Genesis 1:1). Those four words speak volumes about all words that follow. A. W. Tozer comments on these four words: "Not matter, for matter is not self-causing. It requires an antecedent cause, and God is that Cause. Not law, for law is but a name for the course which all creation follows. That course had to be planned, and the Planner is God. Not mind, for mind also is a created thing and must have a Creator back of it. In the beginning God, the uncaused Cause of matter, mind and law There we must begin." I suggest the lack of depth to our spiritual wisdom and understanding is a shallow knowledge of God, and it has crippled us spiritually. In order to mature as Christians and grow closer to the One Who created us, let us go back to the beginning, asking ask God to reveal Himself in new ways. Stand ready, then, to be amazed!
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Prize of Life
There are few, I suppose, who are 100% satisfied with their lives - wouldn't change anything. Baruch, the Prophet Jeremiah's scribe, was feeling poorly about his life when God said to him, "Do you seek great things for yourself? Do not seek them ... I will give your life to you as a prize wherever you go." (Jeremiah 45:5). Is there anything more we really desire than life itself? Think about it, without a life, all else is useless! Whether we believe it or embrace it, the Truth is this: all things are subject to the One Who gives it - life and things of life. When we surrender (give up, abandon) our own ideas and speculations [about our lives], however, we just might be utterly surprised at the life we have: God's prize to us - life.
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Perfectly Aligned
Misalignment doesn't even sound good. Mr. Bill relies on his magic bubble tool
(a leveler, I believe it's called) to
confirm level.
Eyeballing it, I
prefer to
guess level
but Mr Bubble would prove me wrong ... or maybe not. If God chuckles, I'm sure what we think certainly is cause
enough. To be opinionated is
one thing,
o be opinionated and loud is
another thing,
but to be opinionated
and loud and wrong – well, that's something else.
With regard to
Scripture, what man thinks
is silly and shallow in light of the word of Almighty God. We do well to consider if what we believe and say (our opinions) are aligned with
Scripture. When opinions don't line up with God's precepts,
there's misalignment.
The voices of this culture will continue to be
loud and
. They offer
an enticing and misleading
buffet of positions on every moral and social issue. Perhaps there's never been a grander time
than now
to bear genuine testimony to the Truth of God's Word.
God said it
and that
rightly settles it! Truth is, the world doesn't need anymore opinions. What it needs is Truth as given in the settled-fixed-eternal Word of God. Truth perfectly aligned! Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Season of Employment
At some point, most of us have been warned: "practice what you preach." These are stinging words, indicating a present mis-match of words and actions. Paul wrote to Timothy, "Preach the Word!" (2 Timothy 4:2). The old adage "actions speak louder than words" certainly has truth. God's command to preach the Word is followed by "Be ready in season and out of season." In summary, preach the Word all the time, whether you feel like it or not. Oswald Chambers makes this keen observation: "Some people are totally unemployable in the spiritual realm." There are many times we don't feel like it but more commonly we are unprepared to preach the Word. The state of spiritual readiness is hard work: it demands a faithfulness to study and prayer and openness to the Holy Spirit. Do you have a regular study-and-prayer life? If not, you may not be employable for the God's use. Let me encourage you to begin today to ready yourself because the season of spiritual employment is now!
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
One and Only Qualified
The wise heed these words: "never say never." Nonetheless, most of us have fallen into the wish-I-hadn't-said-never category. There is only One qualified to say "never," and that is Almighty God. Jesus, made some wonderful never-statements: He promised if we come to Him, we would NEVER thirst (John 4:14), NEVER hunger (John 6:35). If we keep His commandments we will NEVER see nor taste death (John 8:51-52). The precious gift of eternal life assures Believers they will NEVER perish (John 10:28). We learn His Love NEVER fails in 1 Corinthians 13:8. And perhaps, the greatest promise, He will NEVER leave nor forsake His Children (Hebrews 13:5). Now, that certainly presents a whole new perspective on NEVER. Suppose I were never late, never missed an appointment, never short on cash, never made bad choices, never lost my temper? Because I AM late, I DO miss appointments, often am SHORT on cash, DO make bad choices, and DO lose my temper, I am evermore thankful I have a Heavenly Father Who is synonymous with NEVER. Remember this: what God says and what God does are NEVER different - what He says He does. He is unconditionally qualified -- the One and Only -- to say NEVER and mean it! Aren't we glad!
Monday, April 23, 2018
The Not-Yets
The not-yets have the potential to frazzle us! What I'm referring to is the non-knowing-what's-ahead in life. Trusting in anything other than financial security and a well-organized life does not come naturally. Why do you think God told the Hebrews to gather only one day's supply of manna? He wanted them to learn to trust Him completely. The psalmist said, " But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, "You are my God." My times are in Your hand ..." (Psalm 31:14-15a). When we can genuinely and with full confidence say these things ourselves, we are not alarmed by what we do not know. Will you fully trust Almighty God with your not-yets?
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Hear It Again!
Has an age-old truth ever struck you anew - like you've heard it for the first time? This happened to me in worship Sunday regarding God's love for me. Its unfathomable immeasurable depths - made real by Jesus Christ - knew absolutely no bounds, no limits, no hesitations, no reservations. Such depths shown to me by the Holy One Who sees and knows the depths of my soul's depravity! Cory Ashbury says it well in a song: "There's no shadow You won't light up - Mountain You won't climb up - Coming after me; There's no wall You won't kick down - Lie You won't tear down - Coming after me." When I shun God, He doesn't shun me! When I set God aside, He doesn't set me aside! When I choose other things, God still chooses me! When I am unfaithful to Him, God is still faithful to me! This Truth drove me to my knees and sent my heart into the dust! "Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless Love of God." Have you experienced this Love? Love by the One Who holds the universe in His hands - the One Who calls the stars by name - the One Who has your name engraved in the palms of His hands? Hear it again!
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Carry On
continue is to carry on. Of all that should continue, James wrote, "Let brotherly love
continue." (James 13:1). Together, those four words are
to the point. It's God's Love [for us] that caused Him to send Jesus to the cross to redeem us; it's that same Love that is to continue as
flow [through
to others. One thing is certain, however; to continue to flow, it must be present and active: it cannot continue otherwise. In the rest of the chapter, James instructs us toward Christian sacrifices that are pleasing to God. Such selflessness is rooted solely in God's source and eternal flow of Love, which equips us "with everything good"
to "do His will … that which is pleasing in His sight." (13:21). Does His Love exist in you? If so, do not restrict His Flow: carry on.
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
For many years, it was considered a real crisis here if the hand pump was missing: things such as footballs, basketballs, and bicycle tires don't work well when deflated. We all need to be encouraged (pumped up) occasionally. Life is hard with all its sorrows, disappointments, and stress, and there never seems to be a shortage of situations or people to thoroughly frustrate us. Thankfully, there is also no shortage of personal promises in God's Word guaranteed to strengthen and sustain the human heart. Many years ago, someone sent me a card and on the front is written, "God's Promises To Beverly." Needless to say, the card has been read over and over, and countless times. God's words are ever all-sufficient. Read His Word and be encouraged!
Joshua 1:5 - "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
Isaiah 46:4 - "I will sustain you and I will rescue you."
Genesis 28:15 - "I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go."
Isaiah 49:16 - "I have engraved you on the palms of my hands."
Isaiah 41:10 - "I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."
Jeremiah 33:3 - "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.
Joshua 1:5 - "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
Isaiah 46:4 - "I will sustain you and I will rescue you."
Genesis 28:15 - "I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go."
Isaiah 49:16 - "I have engraved you on the palms of my hands."
Isaiah 41:10 - "I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."
Jeremiah 33:3 - "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Words of Wisdom
There are memories that haunt us while there are other
that sustain us. Over the course of King David's life, I'm sure he knew just how true this is
. In the waning days of his life, I wonder how often his mind replayed the quiet times on Judean hills while tending sheep as well as the dark troubled days when bad choices brought about terrible
consequences. N
onetheless, some of his final words are recorded in 1 Kings 2; to Solomon, his son, he said, "Keep the charge of the Lord your God, to walk in His ways, to keep His statutes, His commandments, His ordinances, and His testimonies ... that you may succeed in all that you do and wherever you turn." (V.2-3). One year ago, my Mom left us for her real home, and I often hear her echo David's words to me. It's the same words I would speak to my own children. There's really nothing better we can do than to speak Wisdom to those whom we love. Mom, thank you for loving me enough to teach me the ways of the Lord, His commandments, His ordinances and His testimonies. May I honor both you and God all the days of my life.
Remembering Mom: Faye Laverne Spinks Fuller, 1933-2017
Monday, April 16, 2018
Reserved Seating
Have you ever "saved a seat" for someone? I gave my best effort to save a seat on the school bus for my best beau - you can guess who. A dedicated seat was reserved in heaven - to the right of The Father - and it's been gloriously and rightly taken. "We have such a High Priest, Who has taken His seat at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty." (Hebrews 8:1). Why is it so important He sat down? Because His divine work - taking God's full wrath for our sin - was done, finished, completed at Calvary! There's another rightful seat Christ has earned: the throne of every Believer's heart. In order to "love God with all your heart" (as commanded, Matthew 22:37), Christ cannot share this reserved seat. Is someone else, something else occupying His rightful place in your heart? He has reserved seating!
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Uniquely Personal
Learning is a life-long endeavor and usually the more we learn, the more we know. For several months now, I've been studying personal holiness. The more I learn of God's holiness, the more I realize my own unholiness. I'm certain this isn't happenstance. God's command that we be holy as He is holy isn't random or off-the-cuff; clearly, it's the only way we can be in close relationship with the One Who created us, designed our lives, and loves us intensely. You see, God can't un-do Who He is - He can't be "unholy." We can, however, set before us the goal of being personally holy; actually, it's the only way we can draw near to Him and experience intimate and sweet fellowship with Him. Consider this: are you ever reaching for a closeness with The Father but it always seems just out-of-reach? For me personally, when that happens, sin is culprit. Hebrews 12:11 confirms, "Strive ... for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord." Truth is, God is serious about our holiness, and it's always uniquely personal!
Thursday, April 12, 2018
I'm Listening
Interruptions are often seen as aggravations! What about when God interrupts our otherwise well-planned life? It should not be any surprise to us, but God isn't subject to our well-planned life: our well-planned life is subject to Him! This truth I learned many years ago when I was juggling a job, school and baseball schedules, meal-planning and church responsibilities. Having my time down to a science, one afternoon the phone rang unexpectedly and it was someone who needed a listening ear; you may have guessed - my schedule didn't allow for such an interruption! Of course, I hurriedly listened but later God used that situation to teach me something extremely valuable: interruptions may be divinely appointed opportunities to be still and know God is God and the sovereign of my life - not me! Young Samuel was sleeping when God chose to speak to him, and Samuel's answer was, "Speak, Lord, your servant is listening" (1 Samuel 3:10). Have you planned listening for God's voice right out of your days? If you have, you'll probably miss Him speaking. Be alert. Be open. Listen. Respond as Samuel did: Speak, Lord, I'm listening.
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Righteous Response
There was a time period when I had to make time to talk with Mr. Bill. The busyness of life with three active boys and work schedules often left little opportunity for dad-mom to have uninterrupted and thoughtful conversations. God doesn't always speak on our time frame; that's why we must always be listening. In my life, there have been times when He spoke in the midst of chaos - times when I least expected to hear Him. The boy, Samuel, was awakened by the voice of God during the night. His answer to God's voice is particularly noteworthy for every Christian, "Speak, for Your servant is listening." (1 Samuel 3:10b). While hearing God's voice is certainly important, our response is paramount! How disciplined are your spiritual ears to listening for The Father's voice? Do you answer Him with obedience or apathy? When God speaks, listen to respond righteously.
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Listening Time
Thirty-plus years ago, a good portion of my job was taking client calls; over time, I often would recognize a caller by his-her voice. How do Christians learn to detect God's voice from all the others? Author, Janet Denison, writes, "We pay attention to the moments when God is most likely to speak and the moments we are most likely to listen." God is not, of course, limited to moments but He certainly uses moments in our lives to speak to us. I truly regret the number of times I've missed God's voice because I neglected to or was unwillingness to listen. One way God speaks is through our thoughts; Dennison calls them "God thoughts." Personally, I've found Scripture to be the greatest catalyst to hear from God. That's why it's so important to begin each day sitting quietly - even if just for a few moments - listening intently for His voice. For me, it sets both the tone and the pace for the rest of my day. How do you nurture a listening time for The Father? The Shepherd speaks - His sheep should listen.
Monday, April 9, 2018
In-Place and On-Time
Key West, Florida is well-known for its incredible sunsets, but there's a price to pay: you must be there. There is also a prerequisite for hearing God's voice: you must be listening. With the tremendous amount of noise today, God's voice is often drowned out. I'm very grateful to my parents for helping me hear God's voice [as a child-teenager] by putting me in places where I could better hear Him speaking. God was not speaking more or less in those places or at those times, but the environment was better suited to hear Him - less noise and distractions - a better listening place. This also instilled in me the need for personal quiet times and places to enjoy the sweetness of His Presence. I propose this is a great neglect of many Christians today: in our own wisdom, WE decide when and where we will hear God; quite simply, we listen on our own terms. The psalmist writes, "As the deer pants [longingly] for the water brooks, so my soul pants [longingly] for You, O God. My soul (my life, my inner self) thirsts for God, for the living God. When will I come and see the face of God?" (Psalm 42:1-2). Why today are there so few panters - those eager, even desperate, to hear God speaking? Jesus said, "the sheep follow Him because they know His voice and recognize His call." (John 10:4). Are you intentionally putting yourself in places and times to nurture listening to The Father? Let me encourage you to be deliberate in being in-place and on-time to hear God speaking; He has so much to say!
Sunday, April 8, 2018
The closest I ever came to being part of a protest [I suppose]
was when I walked out of class when I was falsely accused of something; my intent was to take the matter up with the principal. As Christians, how diligently do we live in
protest of
conformity? Swimming upstream isn't usually appealing: go-with-the-flow-don't-rock-the-boat sounds better. This should never, however, describe those follow Jesus Christ! The writer of Hebrews challenges us: "Therefore let us go to Him outside the camp and bear the reproach He endured." (13:13) Outside the camp - sounds scary and lonely! Believers aren't called to a conformed life but rather a transformed life: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." (Romans 12:2) What are you willing to put aside for transformation: friends, books, music, movies, career, habits, church? Actually, there's nothing so sacred, so "off-limits," if it leads to conformity. We are to be separated from the world by God's precepts based on His eternal Truth. Spurgeon wrote, "The crown of glory will follow the cross of separation." Well, I didn't quite make it to the principal's office before the teacher caught up to me, and admitted he may have been hasty in his conclusion; he kindly asked me to return to the classroom, which I graciously did. I certainly don't advise we act like that foolish teenager, but [as Christians] we need to be willing to step "outside the camp" whatever the outcome. For the sake of Christ's Honor, we really can effectively live IN this world but not be OF this world. I challenge and encourage you for the good of Christ … live in protest!