Thursday, September 29, 2016


Do you remember seeing a Hummer for the first time?  I do!  My baby sister drove a Hummer until only recently and I’ve watched her park that thing!  One time she didn’t even park inside the lines, and [like a good big-sister] I pointed it out to her.  Her flippant reply was, “nobody’s gonna hit this thing unless they want to tear up their car!”  I guess that’s Hummer-talk!


Joy escapes us!  Often it escapes and we aren’t exactly sure how; we just know it’s gone a’missin’!  Those without Christ do not miss it because they do not have it, but Believers know it and they know when it’s gone. David missed his joy and asked God to “restore to me the joy of Your Salvation and sustain me with a willing spirit” (Psalm 51:12).  What followed the restoration was David’s declaration: “O Lord, open my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise.” (Verse 15). That deep abiding, sustained Joy often shows itself without warning; for me, I catch myself humming.  Yes, I confess – I’m a hummer.  Most of the time, it’s an unconscious thing so I must admit I’m not the cause of it – I’m not responsible!  It is Christ-in-me!  I’ve also noticed when the heart is humming, usually the lips are involved!  Sounds like David knew this, too!  Consider if you have a heart-hum?  If not, get one then … get hummin’!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


The idea of a note, sealed in a bottle and carried miles across the ocean, has spawned many books and movies.  Maybe it’s actually happened, I don’t know, but it has and the note arrived safe and dry on another shore, that’s one amazing airtight seal! 


What would you write on a note to be put in a bottle?  Tough question since you wouldn’t know who would finally read it.  How about words of praise to Almighty God?  Think about it, no matter who finds the bottle and reads the note – it fits!  Truth is, our praise to The Father fits every time, place, and circumstance.  Why do we, then, hold it in like the imaginary note in a bottle!  Those who know me know mornings are not my favorite time of day but I’ve learned praise is an excellent day-starter.  It makes getting out of bed more worthwhile, that reflection in the mirror more pleasant, and the drive to work sweeter.  Psalm 22:3 says God inhabits (dwells, abides) in the praise of His children; He is present whenever we praise Him!  In Psalm 107, David repeated himself four times: “Oh that men would praise the LORD for His Goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!” (Verses 8, 15, 21, 31).  I’d say David couldn’t contain himself; he could be described as … uncorked -- what a way to be!  Live uncorked today!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Love of Your Life

Mr. Bill sometimes calls me the "love of his life."  Although it is a little embarrassing when he does that name-calling in public, I know he means it. I know it because he backs it up with a lot of good doings -- he does laundry, waters my plants, meets me at the car many afternoons, and always lets me choose the restaurant!


God is jealous for our love! (Nahum 1:2)  He chose us to be His own so it grieves Him when we love another.  So many things squeeze Him out -- our love for money, physical beauty, and material things to name only a few. In fact, God is usually found way down on our list of loves!  Can you just imagine how God feels when we don't choose Him first! Mr. Bill's words, "love-of-my-life," aren't hollow or cheap because his actions affirm them. Neither are God's words of love for us hollow or cheap. It was His Love that sent Christ to the cross to pay our sin-debt and affirm His love for us.  Solomon wrote these beautiful words: “I found Him Whom my soul loves … I held Him, and would not let Him go.” (Song of Solomon 3:4).  Always remember, our lives will clearly show the real love-of-our-lives. Does the world know who you love?


Monday, September 26, 2016

Plain Path

Plain is good for me - plain is even better for Mr. Bill.  He just prefers plain: unfrosted PopTarts, plain potato chips, meat and potatoes, vanilla ice cream.  He's just a no-frills kinda guy!


God has ordained the Christian's days to be spent on the plain path!  Psalm 27:11 says, "Teach me Thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies." The Hebrew word plain simply means straight.  Think of how often [and easily] we are lured-and-detoured away from the straight way, leaving God's protective Shadow.  How distracting and deceiving and misleading is the lavish luster of this world.  And, are we ever in desperate need of the plain way today!  The plain path is well lit: Jesus said, "I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the Light of life. (John 8:12).  The plain path is clearly marked: "Your Word is a Lamp to my feet and a Light to my path." (Psalm 119:105).  The plain path leads to a blessed place: "You will make known to me the path of life; in Your Presence is fullness of Joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever." (Psalm 16:11).  The plain path delivers peace and rest to its travelers: "Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the Good Way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls." (Jeremiah 6:16).  There's no promise the plain path is trouble-free, but we travel with One Who is bigger than all our troubles: "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous Right Hand." (Isaiah 41:10).  What about the path you're on?  I encourage you to choose the plain path, the straight way, the ancient way.  It's tried-and-true ... God ordained it just for you!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Too Wonder-Full

It is a truth that there will always be things we cannot understand, behaviors and mindsets too bizarre.  For example, why would a guy who has worked all week get up before daybreak on the weekend, shower in special soap to remove all human scent, put on pine-tree-smelling clothes, climb 20 feet up a tree, and sit for hours in freezing temperatures?  Remember, there will always be things we cannot understand, behaviors too bizarre – no, just plain weird.


David’s final wonder in Psalm 139 is the omnipotence of God: it’s a big word that means all-powerful.  “For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb … My frame was not hidden from You … Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed … The days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.” (from Psalm 139:13-16).  Mr. Bill and I have yet another Grand on-the-way, and she could rightfully be named Wonder!  Think about it: we look through telescopes and wonder at the endless mysteries of the heavens, we look through microscopes at otherwise invisible wonders, and we gaze with wonder into the eyes of an infant being unable to fathom the nervous-respiratory-circulatory-digestive systems knitted together along with mind-heart-soul and we hold her in our hands.  “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it.” (Psalm 139:6).  We don’t have to understand The Creator; just by faith be in awe of Him.  For me, because he knows every detail of me and has ordained every moment of my life, I’m more than content to just trust Him with all my days.  This all-knowing, ever-present, and all-powerful God … well, He’s just too wonder-full.  I am at complete rest in Him!  Why not live in the Wonder of Him!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Thrilled In His Presence

We sometimes use the word shadow to describe people who are constantly together.  This describes our oldest son, Danny, and his Granny.  Mr. Bill’s father passed away one month before Danny was born and [no doubt] the timing of his birth was a sweet balm to his grieving grandmother.  What developed was a Danny-Granny Duo of grand proportion!


The omnipresence of God is a wonder!  The psalmist wrote, “Where shall I go from Your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from Your Presence?” (Psalm 139:7).  David then considers the heights and depths, light and darkness, the abyss of the sea, and even  the secret place of a mother’s womb – concluding God is everywhere -- omnipresent.  Adam and Eve cleverly tried to hide from God in the Garden and Jonah's attempt at escaping God's Presence landed him at the center of the greatest fish tale of all time.  Recalling a particularly dark moment, Paul wrote of God’s abiding and effectual Presence:  “But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me.“ (2 Timothy 4:17).  None of us should forget some of Jesus’ last words before He returned to Heaven, “Lo, I am with you always even to the end of the earth.”  We can fill every inch of our days and still feel the gnaw at day's end.  King Solomon wrote "I have seen the task which God has given the sons of men with which to occupy themselves. He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart …." (Ecclesiastes 3:10-11).  It is the world that has captured our hearts, seizing our thoughts and cares so that we have little spirit to see and feel God's work and presence.  Know this: there is Divine Presence Who brings Divine Satisfaction!  Admit or not, God alone satisfies the eternity of man’s soul.  Yes, the omnipresent God is the One Who gives us songs in the night (Psalm 77:6), pleasures evermore (Psalm 16:11), joy unspeakable (1 Peter 1:8), and perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3).  "All that thrills my soul is Jesus - He is more than life to me - He's the fairest of ten thousand - In my blessed Lord I see."  Be thrilled in His Presence today!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Oh, What a Wonder!

We no longer have to be nosey-neighbors to know so much about other people.  Friends and acquaintances routinely tell me how cute my Grands are -- of course, all grands are cute, just ask their grandparents -- 'cause they've seen the pictures on some form of social media.  Mr. Bill doesn't do social media, but he’s an official member of the Over-The-Shoulder Club.


God is omniscient.  That big word simply means He is all-knowing … He knows everything.  Five times in Psalm 139, David says God knew him!  "You know when I sit down and when I rise up; You discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, You know it altogether." (Psalm 139:2-4).  Notice how David speaks to God's knowledge of things seen and unseen - our comings and goings as well as our words.  Do you ever wonder what words you will use in response to a particular situation?  God doesn't wonder - He knows!  There's literally nothing we do-say-are that is unknown to our omniscient God. When I consider what I do-say-am, that's quite the scary thing to me!  Yet yet yet, He loves me still, without limits.  Paul somewhat echoed David's words: "Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and how inscrutable His ways ... For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things." (Romans 11:33, 36).  Is it any wonder -- no mystery -- He is so trustworthy and so capable with all of our moments!  He knows our beginning, our ending, and everything in-between.  Those in-between times are what concerns most of us, and it's there His riches, wisdom, and knowledge are revealed and proven.  Oh, what a wonder He is. Marvel at Him today!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Wonder of the Work

Children are probably the greatest example of those who wonder.  Their inquisitive minds seem to be constantly turning as they are exposed to new things particularly in nature.  Ella and Caleb love to tour the yard with PopC in search of frogs, bugs, lizards, worms and such.  I’m quite happy to skip that tour, and do not have to pretend otherwise!


O. S. Hawkins suggests many Christians have lost their sense of wonder at the works of God.  We use that word rather flippantly about many things: we wonder if it will rain - wonder when the leaves will begin to turn – wonder what’s for dinner.  Yes, we think about, ponder or reflect on, and wonder about many things.  Oh, but what about the things of God?  In Psalm 139, King David wrote words of wonder about our Great God – the One Who knows all, Who is everywhere, Who is all-powerful.  I’ve never been to the Grand Canyon, but I have stood on the cliffs of the Caribbean ruins of Tulum and experienced the vast contrast between me and God’s creation.  My, how small I seemed!  In that place and in that moment, my sense of wonder was heightened: how can my Great God – the Creator of the universe – be intimately mine!  Hawkins writes, “It is tragic that, in the service of God, too many people lose the wonder of it in the work of it.”  Perhaps one reason we lose our sense of wonder about God and His Greatness is we lay aside His Word, Which is ever-revealing more and more of Himself – Father, Son, Spirit.  As many times as PopC has led the Grands through the yard, each tour is new and exciting – worms-bugs-lizard-grasshoppers-frogs – and there seems to always be a brief pause to get a glass jar to display their finds.  I encourage you: return to your sense of wonder!  Keep God’s Word open and before you every day and throughout the day.  In It is God’s message to man including all the wonder-full things about Almighty God.  Keep the wonder of His work!


Monday, September 19, 2016

The Shepherd's Way

"Follow the Leader" was a game most of us played as children.  As teenagers, some of us devised an interesting twist of the game, imitating moves of “the leader” off a diving board -- backward dives, flips, cannon balls, howling like a wolf, walking & quacking like a duck. It was big fun and entertaining to even those not playing!


God calls His children to follow His Lead. Critical to following, of course, is keeping one’s eyes on The Leader.  In the world today, so much and so many are posed to lead us wrongly.  It seems we are easily led astray and fall into step with some otherwise good and popular and politically correct thinkers. That's when we realize another key factor in genuinely following Christ – listen to His Voice, as His Voice alone. "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me." (John 10:27)  It’s good to intently watch and listen to The Shepherd [also] because there are those who are ... intently watching-listening-following US.  The most chosen and popular paths are usually destructive ones.  I challenge you this day to watch intently and follow The Good Shepherd. He leads in His Way to Life, Peace, and Rest. There’s just nothing better than The Shepherd’s Way!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Willing to Walk

Emery Nester writes this beautiful story: A man was walking in a wilderness. He became lost and was unable to find his way out.  Another man met him. "Sir, I am lost, can you show me the way out of this wilderness?"  "No," said the stranger, "I cannot show you the way out of the wilderness, but maybe if I walk with you, we can find it together."


Have you ever lost your way?  Oh, I don't mean physically lost your way -- we've all done that.  I mean have you ever become so lost in a spiritual wilderness, so barren and dry your heart became thirsty?  It is not a pleasant place to be nor are the feelings that come with it.  It is Divine Providence when someone comes along to help lead us out of such a wasteland. "Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the other will lift up his companion.  But woe to the one who falls when there is not one to lift him up." (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)  I thank God for those who have helped me when fallen, and it is so important that I be that same kind of friend to others who wander and fall. Sometimes it's not enough just to listen, just to offer advice, just to encourage.  No, sometimes we must come up beside another and walk the  rugged way with them.  Just as The Father walks with us, may we be willing to walk with another in need.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Spend It Now

It seems the phrase “save for a rainy day” was first used in an Italian comedy written in 1561, "La Spiritata."  In the 1750s, several legal documents refer to Acadians of Louisiana — those who came from Nova Scotia — as being simple farmers who practice Catholicism, are totally self-sufficient, and are quick to “lay aside provisions for a rainy day.”  While Mr. Bill's always practiced the "saving" part, I concentrate on the "rainy days."  We're a good team!


David wrote, “The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; You hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.” (Psalm 16:5-6).  Mr. Bill has always been forward-looking; he started putting aside money for retirement before we were married.  According to all financial advisors, saving for the latter years is wise, but how many Christians give no thought to spiritual things?  I did! I admit to many years of living oblivious to my spiritual inheritance, squandering the day’s priceless Treasure -- maintained by God -- for passing-fleeting things.  What does a LORD-portion day look like?  There's no panic or wringing of hands at a low-checkbook balance, no anger or temper tantrums when there's three cars ahead of you in the drive-thru, no snobbery at another person sharing your air-space.  You see, God IS the portion for my day and it is HE WHO keeps it.  I do not have to rely on myself to orchestrate the times of the day - He does that.  Of course, it's not always how I would have done it but the Sovereign King -- Who knows all -- does so with my good in mind, and supported by all the perfect attributes of Himself: power, strength, love, kindness, joy, peace, patience, etc.  That is my inheritance!  Not to be put aside -- for a rainy day -- to be used every moment of every day to enjoy Christ!  Oh, the treasures we forfeit when we neglect the "beautiful inheritance" God has given us through Christ Jesus.  There's nothing wrong with wisely planning for the future, however, there's no promise for tomorrow except in the Hope we have as Believers.  Bring on the rainy days -- I suppose we'll be ready -- but I want to live, really live, in the now.  Will you choose God as your portion?  Will you trust Him with your todays - your rainy days, too?  The Inheritance is yours - spend it now!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Get Out and Get On!

Ever seen a dog go nuts? That's what DC did when I put him in the pen recently: he became very agitated, began to bark and howl, then tried to tear down the gate.  Shortly into this "dog show," Mr. Bill appeared and we discovered his pen had been taken over by fire ants!


God's Word tell us things are not always as they appear: "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves." (Matthew 7:15)  DC's [otherwise] safe haven had become a place of horrors, and it wasn't until we inspected it did we discover how unsafe it was ... for dogs & humans.  Satan exists to deceive and delude, leading us into unsafe places.  These places, which generally include relationships and associations, are disguised and furthermore intrigue us. So, how do we break through the deceitful identities that seek to engage us? "You will know them by their fruits ... a bad tree bears bad fruit ... by their fruits you will know them." (v.16-20)  DC identified a very near and present danger and reacted immediately -- he wanted out of that pen!  We, too, must be on guard against what is unholy and unhealthy for us, then run - flee - get away from it.  It's the only way.  We must get out so we can get on with being what God wants us to be!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Hang On?

Chickenman was a 60’s American radio series that spoofed comic book heroes. In the series, Benton Harbor – a shoe salesman – is the infamous Chickenman, striking fear into the hearts of criminals everywhere.  Each episode began with a stream of clucking followed by an exclamation of “Chickenman – He’s everywhere, He’s everywhere.” (Pause). How did I possibly miss this? (Pause)  How did I miss this?


Oswald Chambers poses this question: When God looks completely shrouded, will you hang on in confidence in Him?  That word “shroud” isn’t so common, but I like it ‘cause it well describes the ways of God: concealed, obscure, hidden, veiled.  It’s not God Himself Who is hidden, but rather His ways and purposes at times that elude us.  Surely, along with me, you’ve wondered why is this happening to me, or what did I do, or where is God.  In Bible Study we are exploring the attributes of God, and last Sunday we looked at His omnipresence – God being everywhere, with everyone, in everything.  The psalmist asks rhetorically, “Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from Your Presence?” (Psalm 139:7) and God Himself asks the Prophet Jeremiah “Do I not fill heaven and earth?” (Jeremiah 23:24). There is nothing that escapes God, “The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.” (Proverbs 15:3).  Truth is, God is ever-present. Consider some of the last words spoken by Jesus before He left the earth, “Lo, I am with you always even to the end of the earth.” (Matthew 28:20). We cannot fathom His omnipresence but that does not change the truth that He is.  We are never alone!  Chickenman can cluck till the chickens come home to roost (ha ha ha) and still only wish to be everywhere, but God is. And, He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask.  (Ephesians 3:20) So, will we?  Will we hang on … trusting confidently in Him?  Good question …

Monday, September 12, 2016

What You Don't Know

A couple in our church recently went on a mystery trip.  They packed for a certain number of days and left for parts unknown.  I was reminded of a trip I went on with Mr. Bill.  It was presented to me as an opportunity for some great quiet time; I could stay at his friend’s hunting cabin while Mr. Bill hunted.  Well, the cabin turned out to be an old “fixed-up” school bus sitting in the middle of the woods.  I’ll have to say a kind “no thanks” to mystery trips!


Matthew tells of a mother’s request to Jesus, asking that her two sons be favored with seats on His right and left in His kingdom.  Jesus’ response, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?” (Matthew 20:22).  However selfish it may be, what mother doesn’t seek the best for her children!  Nonetheless, knowing the Cross before Him, Jesus answered completely honest.  Even though the sons said, “we are able,” Jesus knew each son’s journey – a mystery to them – which indeed included its own cross and cup.  This is so true of the Christian life. I had carefully planned April 5, 2005: I would drop Mr. Bill off at the hospital entrance for a routine colonoscopy, Dad would stay with him and bring him home – all planned with dinner on the table at 5:00.  I and Mr. Bill “knew not” the cross and cup before us nor the confusion to come.  You see, “it is only by going through the confusion that you will get at what God wants.” (Oswald Chambers).  Ever before us is a choice to swim upstream – fighting God with every stroke – or submitting to see Him as Sovereign King work in us.  Perhaps right now your circumstance is your greatest struggle, remember this: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you: I have called you by name, you are mine … When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you … You are precious in My eyes, and honored, and I love you.” (Isaiah 43:1,2,4).  Our journey through cancer was physically and emotionally difficult but oh the sweet lessons we learned along the way.  That cross and cup actually became a period of joy unspeakable!  Will you trust Him with your circumstance?  Will you trust Him with what you don’t know?  He sure hopes so!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Presence & Provision

Salt & pepper.  Ketchup & mustard.  Milk & cookies.  Chips & dip.  Cheese & crackers. Some things just aren't complete without its partner. They are otherwise inseparable!


And, so it is with God’s Presence and Provision.  In Matthew 28:20, God promised "and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world."  Part of His fulfilling this promise of Presence, since God knows our needs, He sees all of them are completely and perfectly met.  Hence, with His Presence comes His Provision.  There is no reason for anxious thoughts, rather only calm rest in His Presence for His Provision in every moment.  His Presence & Provision bring not only material blessings but full satisfaction for all emotional and spiritual thirsts.  What a wonderfully comforting combination – God’s Presence and Provision.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Shining Linings

The blinds I ordered for my bedroom arrived but in the wrong color. Unaware of the problem, Mr. Bill [dutifully] changed out blinds on one window. Of course, he was soon taking down the new, leaving the window without any covering! That window is a real eye sore right now; it is covered with blankets and towels. The window lining doesn't look so great, but what a blessing it is to keep out the blinding glare of morning sun and precocious heat of afternoon sun. The "borrowed blessing" below reminds us of how God's blessings are often delivered unusual packages.


"Shining Linings" by J. T. Bolding

Some garments have linings of silver – While others have linings of gold

And some are of fleece or of flannel – With colors, light, drab, bright or bold

Some linings are used for sheer beauty – While some are for warmth, I am told

Some serve to give shape to the garment – And some help to keep out the cold

Has Jesus been filling your life's way – With blessings so wondrously fair

And fitting the burdens you carry – To you with His infinite care

That others may know of His blessings – Bestowed upon you every mile

Just flash out the happiest linings – And let them show through in your smile

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

No Grumpies

Although I did not see the 1993 movie, the title was intriguing: Grumpy Old Men.  Most of us joke and laugh about the bad-tempered, difficult, and cantankerous nature often associated with senior adults.  It's actually the reality of it that makes it so amusing!  If you aren't there yet, just you wait!


King Solomon wrote, "Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble." (Proverbs 21:23).  Now, ain't that the truth!  Sometimes it's not just words though; it can be our faces that convey our grumpies.  James warns us that "the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God." (1:20).  Shedding an irritable spirit isn't so easy so how is it possible?  There is a simply formula:  HE>I …  "He must increase, but I must decrease." (John 3:30).  Simply but not easy yet more-of-Him and less-of-me improves everything!  As God's "chosen ones, holy and beloved," we are to surrender this sinful nature and put-on His Nature -- "compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience." (Colossians 3:12). Hearts full of these Spiritual Fruits keep us out of trouble!  Neighbors of ours have a sign on their porch that reads "Sometimes I wake up grumpy and sometimes I let him sleep."  In the Christian's life, there's no place for a bad temperament - only a bubbling-over of a Godly heart, one fixed on Jesus.  The next time Grumpy threatens, in the power of Jesus Christ ... let him sleep!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Zip-Locked Faith

As a child, one of my favorite playground activities was the see-saw.  It is quite simple in design and very basic in operation.  It usually only took one unexpected vacancy on the other end and that painful thud to the ground to fully understand the effects of gravity and what goes up must come down!


It is much easier to understand the need for balance in the Christian life than maintaining that balance.  I'm reminded of an ordinary zip-lock bag: even in its "sealed" state, the contents are visible for inspection.  In James 2 we read how our faith is "sealed" in Jesus Christ, and praise Him for that!  What is visible to the world, however, defines just how effective faith is in our lives.  Consider how our "works" (faith at work in our lives) appear to others; could it be described as weak, shallow, or stale? Think about it the next time crisis or stress hits: do we react in anger, wring your hands in anxiety, or run for the hills in fear?  That's not exactly a response based in faith. Our Christian walk must be Jesus-based and when our walk isn't improving, or at the very least maintaining a balance of faith and works, we are quickly losing ground. So what do we do? Oh, that's simple -- commit time each day to Bible study and prayer. Remember that zip-lock bag -- what does the world see inside yours?

Monday, September 5, 2016

Watch With Him

This first time Ella (oldest Grand) cried when I left her is a clear memory!  Oh, how my heart hurt!  It took all within me to leave.  After countless kisses and hugs and i-love-yous and waves goodbye, Danny assured me she’d be okay.


What’s the difference in watching for Jesus and watching with Jesus?  Matthew 26 gives us insight into a tender moment in the life of Jesus: in Gethsemane with three of His closest friends, Jesus “began to be sorrowful and troubled. Then He said to them, ‘My soul is very sorrowful, even to death; remain here and watch with me.’” (Matthew 26:37-38).  There is much depth to those words, “watch with me,” particularly in the circumstances of our lives.  Eagerly, we watch for the gloriously return of Christ but until that Day, there is much extraordinary to be revealed in the ordinary of life.  We can easily fail to see God’s ongoing work in us because we’re so focused on watching for we do not watch with Him.  God the Sovereign – in control of all things – never wastes an opportunity to mold-shape-grow us through our circumstances.  It could be an illness or financial crisis or broken relationship or troubled marriage or countless other things He would use as opportunities to watch with Jesus to see what He’s doing and how He’s sanctifying (making holy) us.  Now, when MomC leaves Ella’s house, she (joined by Caleb) sits on the steps and watches till taillights disappear.  Oh, there’s still lots of kisses, hugs, waves, and I-love-you’s, but she’s experiencing the leave, watching with me as I leave.  She finds comfort in that.  Surely, we must continue to watch for Christ’s return with joyous anticipation but let us never neglect to watch with Him as He works mightily and sovereignly in our lives. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016


Fall is my favorite time of year!  Yes, I know it's not fall yet but I'm already anticipating the crispness in the air, warm autumn colors, and coffee on the porch. For most of the country, patience with summer heat has grown thin.  I would be remiss to not mention that pigskin sport dear to so many.  Poor pigs!


One Bible writer with whom I'd love to sit and chat is James, Jesus’ brother.  Filled with Godly wisdom and precepts, his New Testament epistle is oft compared to the Old Testament book of Proverbs.  Among its many wonderful words from God are these: “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8).  How can such a clearly simple command remain so elusive to us?  In what would seem a slower season of life, Mr. Bill and I find ourselves as busy as ever; this is true of most people I know.  What exactly does it mean to "draw near" to God, and how is such an effort possible?  In the Greek, to draw near is "to join one thing to another," which is derived from another Greek word meaning "to squeeze or throttle."  The essence of to draw near is to squeeze or throttle anything that distracts from one's attentiveness to or focus on God.  How is this possible amidst hosts of daily responsibilities competing for our time?  Jesus found time with The Father - away from the noise and busyness of the day: “And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, He departed and went out to a desolate place, and there He prayed.” (Mark 1:35).  Mr. Bill has just now at-this-very-moment choked at me - of all people - advising anyone to rise early. The time of day isn't my point; the principle, however, is to have a regular dedicated and focused time with The Father.  This time of year, on my morning drive to the office, I practice [what I call] sunshine slow-down.  A portion of my drive is facing the sun, which makes it difficult to see oncoming cars even the lines on the road – the sun is pretty much all I see.  As I struggled with this a few days ago, it occurred to me what we really need in our lives is a slow-down for The Son - a daily personal time when we are so focused, we see-hear nothing except The Father.  Is it really all that important?  It was important to Jesus - the sinless Son of God.  MWB’s 1998 beginning came about because of a genuine desire to draw near, and oh the blessings that have been mine.  I challenge and encourage you to make time with The Father a daily discipline.  Slow-down for The Son, and experience the blessings of His amazingly awesome Presence! Slow-down!