Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Believer's Daily

Consider the things which require daily attention. Depending on members of your household and their ages, those daily’s can vary – general housekeeping, kitchen duty, laundry, to name a few. Thank goodness, it's a daily to rest nightly from all the daily’s.


Christ said those who will follow Him must take up their cross.  What do you find most loathsome, things you have no passion for, those tasks you just simply don’t want to do? Perhaps there is the concept of bearing one's cross – putting aside what we want, replacing it with what is needful. So it is with Godly disciplines; we struggle within to practice peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, humility and love, to mention only a few. Luke 9:23 says, "If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me."  J. H. Newman sums it up nicely: "To take up the cross of Christ is no great action done once for all; it consists in the continual practice of small duties which are distasteful to us." Distasteful or not, it is the Believer's daily – die to self, take up Christ, and follow.

Monday, September 28, 2015

At The Races

Did your parents ever take you to the rat race?  Well, flip!  Mine didn't either!  I never could figure it out, because they talked about the "rat race" a lot.  Of course, now I know why: they knew someday I'd go there on my own, and they also knew I'd learn firsthand about the rat race.  I think they also knew I'd have about as much fun at the races as they did!


We all have at-the-race days, and the challenge is not so much winning, but staying in the race. The "rat race" is one of the major causes for stress in our daily lives.  The day-after-day stress and pressure can overcome our spirits, leaving us despondent and depressed.  The secret to surviving "at the races" is clinging to the Branch of Peace: "Lord, Your Love is the Branch of Hope I cling to. In the rising tide, in the restless wind, in the gathering storm, You are my Peace."  When we determine to keep our faces to the Son and away from the shadows, we will know His peace and ... not just survive the rat race but win!

The Inheritance

It’s a worthwhile though to consider that even the poorest-of-poor have an inheritance.  No, it might not be much or anything, nonetheless, an inheritance of nothing is still an … inheritance!


Christians must know this: their inheritance is now!  Mr. Bill has been gathering quite an inheritance for our three boys – most of which is in our basement.  What fun [I imagine] they’ll have going through all that stuff!  Paul writes of Believers’ bequests: “In Him we have obtained an inheritance …” (Ephesians 1:11a).  The boys are enjoying their inheritance even now: when they need a tool, they know where to find it!  Christians need not wait until heaven and its promised glory, the Nature of Christ is at work in us right now.  There’s no cause for fears, sorrows, and despairs to overtake us in present day – we are Inheritors of God’s rich Salvation and Grace … right now! Spurgeon wrote, “We have the earnest of our inheritance in the comforts of the Spirit, which are neither few nor small.”  Consider with confidence we can know the fulfilling riches of Christ’s Inheritance now - one which never dwindles but only increases in value and benefits.  That’s an Inheritance truly out of this world.  I pray you share in His Inheritance!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

His Fragrance

This is my favorite time of year!  Oh, how I love the crisp air, brilliantly colored leaves, the aroma of spiced apples … ok, I’ll stop!  I can hardly wait to enjoy a cup of French  vanilla coffee in my newly painted deep-red porch swing – “thank you, Mr. Bill.”  As I thought of the sweet smells of the season, I remembered the following passage.  May it inspire you to spend more time in God’s Presence – absorb and share His Fragrance.


“In the Company of Roses” by Henry Gariepy

"Roses are grown for the Vienna market in great profusion and with much distillation of fragrance. We are told that if you were to visit that valley at the time of the rose crop, wherever you would go the rest of the day, the fragrance you would carry with you would betray where you had been.  There is a beautiful parable given to us by the Persian poet and moralist, Saadi. The poet was given a bit of ordinary clay. The clay was so redolent with sweet perfume that its fragrance filled all the room.  'What are you, musk or ambergris?' he questioned. 'I am neither,' it answered. 'I am just a bit of common clay.' 'From where then do you have this rare perfume?' the poet asked. 'I have companied all the summer with a rose,' it replied.  We are just bits of the common clay of humanity. But if we company with The One Who is the Rose of Sharon ... something of the Fragrance of His life will pass into ours. Then we will be a refreshing and a sweetening influence to the world around us."

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Football is not my area of expertise and some of the games terminology just doesn’t register with me.  I do know, however, what a fumble looks like and that no one likes a fumble … that is, unless you’re the opposing team.


Fumbling of our faith happens.  In football, as in most sports, the one with the ball is the one under attack!  Such attacks on our faith take many forms, and Satan is good at those "squeeze plays" causing us to stumble and fall.  Satan hits hardest when [it seems] I've neglected God’s Word and prayer time with The Father.  In Philippians 2, Paul was encouraged by his fellow Believers in Philippi for their faithfulness and admonished them to, "shine brightly" in their faith.  He knew well, and firsthand, how difficult the "shining" part was so he wrote, "Hold firmly the message of life." (V.2a).  Holding tightly to what we know to be good and honorable isn’t easy when those around us live otherwise, when the world is anti-Christ, when compromise is the easier way of living.  How sad for those searching souls in our circle of influence [our mission field] if we fumble, stutter, or side-step The Truth. May it not be so!  Pray and ask God for Grace to live fumble-free today, taking His Message of Life to your world.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Watchers, Seekers, Dwellers

Our sweet Grands are always on our minds but with Mr. Bill and I not yet retired, we struggle to find enough time to spend with them.  Ella & Caleb (4 & 2 in October) both know us as PopC and MomC and  how precious those words when they say them.  Little Isabelle (3 mos) and our new little one (13 weeks) will one day join the chorus of sweet words!

David asks two rhetorical questions in Psalm 139, “Where shall I go from Your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from Your Presence?” (V.7).  Ella & Caleb are porch-watchers; on the porch watching for our coming or going.  Caleb’s pretty attached to his Mom these days, and even little Isabelle is learning the joy of being held closely.  As I read David’s answers to his own questions, I thought of our little ones’ longings, their attachments: “If I ascend … You are there – If I make my bed in … You are there; If I take wings and dwell in … even there. (V.8-10a). Then I considered if I ignored or neglected the attentiveness of these little ones, pretended their presence and favor toward us didn’t matter?  Seems this is how we treat God at times; He Who loves us so, Who has precious thoughts of us (V.17), Who gave us His only Son, Who knew me before I was formed (V.16), Who is continuously-ever mindful of me.  Then David’s intense plea to his Created, his Sustainer: “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts. And see if there be any grievous way in  me; and lead me in the way everlasting.” (V.23-24).  I hope our Grands never grow tired of their PopC and MomC – I hope they’ll always be porch-watchers!  My personal prayer is I never entertain thoughts of a futile pursuit to flee the Presence of God.  No, let us always be watchers, seekers, dwellers of and with the Most High.  So be it, Lord!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Good Thoughts

If Mr. Bill had a tail, it would always be wagging!  Once he's standing up, he's major-motion, happy-clappy, obnoxiously smiley.  I’ll barely have wiggled my toes, and he's asking "how do you feel this morning?"  I love that guy and he knows he should leave me alone in the mornings, but he just loves that morning game. Ugh!


David wrote something very profound, "How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!" (139:17).  David's insight is amazing into the omniscient nature of God – His infinite awareness, knowledge, and understanding.  Scripture affirms God is understanding beyond measure (Psalm 147:5) and unsearchable (Isaiah 40:28), He know all there is to know about everything (1 John 3:20), and there is no knowledge hidden from Him (Jeremiah 23:24).  It's not uncommon that I get a sweet email from Mr. Bill during the day; something has triggered a thought of me, and he writes to let me know.  Consider God's thoughts toward those who love Him: "How vast is the sum of them!  If I would count them, they are more than the sand." (V.17-18a).  Perhaps not all Mr. Bill's thoughts of me are precious; he's wise enough to keep those thoughts to himself but God’s thoughts toward me are always good and favorable, His plans are always for my success and never for my harm (Jeremiah 29:11).  David expressed great perception of God's omniscient reign in his life, and he ends Verse 18 with "I awake, and I am still with You," a delightful conclusion of God's continual remembrance of him.  My first thoughts aren't always good ones, but they should be! When I consider The Creator of the universe is ever-mindful of me (Psalm 8:4), it's a good thought for all times of the day!  Our Heavenly Father has good and precious thoughts to His children, and devises His Best for each of us always.  Yes, I admit it: this is enough to wag anyone’s tail!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Be Like Him

The term redneck is used loosely in the south and while I’m not about to offer a definition, a true southerner can identify redneck behavior quickly.  Raising three boys in-the-country had some challenges including reminding to use our indoor plumbing and spitting was [generally] considered a nasty habit.  Yeah …


How can Christians be “wonderfully poised” for the challenges of life?  As a young mother 20+ years ago, I found myself [often] at a loss how to reach the hearts of boys-to-men who could one day be called to reach the hearts of their own children.  Then one day, it occurred to me the greatest heart-challenge was my own!  In Matthew, Jesus spoke of familiar matters yet a deeper calling: turn the other cheek, go a second mile, love your enemy, pray for those who persecute you. (Matthew 5:38-45).  This surely caused some whispers in the crowd.  How absurd these responses to evil may seem but pondering Jesus’ words, we see a divine resemblance as He concludes, “You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”  He issued a call to embrace generous behavior instead of being guided by natural affections – be like God Himself.  “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34-35).  Oswald Chambers writes, “The true expression of Christian character is not in good-doing, but in God-likeness.”  As I read this, I realized my trouble isn’t in doing, but in being like God – “perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.”  Whatever life holds – parenting small children, meeting business deadlines, living within a slim budget, keeping a servant’s heart in life’s new seasons, or influencing the next generation of young lives – it is possible to be wonderfully poised to fulfill Jesus’ new commandment.  Seek God to be like Him!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Can't Turn It Off

After twenty-four years, Mr. Bill had to replace one of the outside water faucets.  For several years when we would turn it on, the whole house shook. I have no idea why nor did I care as long as it worked, but one day the shaking started and wouldn't stop -- neither would the water.  It splished and splashed, caused lots of hoppin' and hollerin' about what should be done.  Mr. Bill calmly went to the place you go to stop all flowing water and turned all flowing water ... off.  The whole incident made me have to go lie down!


I'm convinced mortal man cannot fully comprehend the pleasure our praise brings to God.  When we praise Him, we have acknowledged and are  expressing the truly wonderful things about Him.  He is worthy of our praise because... He is our strength and my salvation (Exodus 15:2) ... He has truly great and wonderful things (Deuteronomy 10:21) ... He is righteous (Psalm 7:17) ... He has done marvelous works (Psalm 9:1) ... He is our strength and shield, He is trustworthy (Psalm 28:7) ... He is our hope (Psalm 42:11) ... He is our exceeding joy (Psalm 43:4) ... He is good (Psalm 52:9) ... He is our deliverer (Psalm 54:6) ... He is full of lovingkindness (Psalm 63:3) ... He is honorable (Psalm 66:2) ... He keeps our souls (Psalm 66:8). Just like the song from Oz ... "because, because, because, because, because ... because of the wonderful things He does!"  Imagine our hearts so filled with thanksgiving and praise for our Holy God, like that outside faucet that was gushing, overflowing, and puddlin' up all around.  What would that kind of praise do for The Father!  What would that kind of praise do for us?  Picture a day when our praise is endless, relentless, uninterrupted!  Consider, now, if we ... just ... couldn't ... turn ... it ... off!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Athor's Signature

Have you ever acquired the signature, the autograph of a famous person?  I have a baseball signed by former Atlanta Braves pitcher, Phil Niekro.  I also have an autographed copy of a Ricky Skaggs' CD.  Yeah, I know ... whoopee!


A friend made this comment to me one time: "The Bible is the only book you read where the Author is always present."  Wow!  I'd never thought about it, but that's right!  His Voice, His Words, His Guidance come right off the page in His Own Voice to the hearts of His Children -- that's you and I!  What happens then is nothing other than miraculous: His Personal Signature can be seen lived out in our lives.  Now, that's a Signature to get excited about!  Don't delay -- read His Word today!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Big money is spent on the pursuit of knowledge, higher learning at all stages of life.  I'm amazed watching Ella and Caleb with their parents' smart phones and tablets.  They probably already know more than I do all that those technology tools will do!


God loves seekers -- especially seekers of Him.  Man is always discovering new and exciting things about the natural world.  Just this week, we heard bones were discovered in a South African cave suggesting a new human species.  Those who adhere to a Biblical worldview should not be surprised at such findings.  Solomon wrote, "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end." (Ecclesiastes 3:11).  In Genesis 1, we read God looked at His creation and said it was good, even very good -- evidence that Elohim (Hebrew name for God) was both Creator and Judge. Man is quite reluctant to admit his observations and findings how we see only the middle of God's works -- not from the beginning nor to their ending.  Only in and by divine Providence of Elohim do we see "the artist's finished strokes ... then all appears very good" (Matthew Henry).  What is the response to seeking for those of simple minds (like mine)?  I propose the focus of our seeking be not the created but the Creator Himself.  "Thus says the LORD Who made the earth, the LORD Who formed it to establish it - the LORD is His Name: Call to Me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known." (Jeremiah 33:2-3).  I can't imagine how incredibly smart all my Grands will be with emerging technologies and knowledge; I'm sure they will be challenged to teach "old dogs new tricks."  Let's never stop being seekers, but in our seeking – take care to seek the right One!

Monday, September 14, 2015


A few days ago, I watched Ella and Caleb racing back and forth across the room, taking turns plunging into PopC’s (Mr. Bill) lap.  I was reminded of how much energy I do not have And, they don’t even need sugar!


Job said “The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” (Job 33:4).  It is the spirit of people we miss when we are separated.  Likewise, it the spirit of man with which God desires to be one.  Mr. Bill calls the haughty-me “Hester,” and [true] it’s best when Hester is subdued.  We all are familiar with that uncharacteristic character who is ruled by pride, that spirit that rears its sinful ugliness – it’s not pretty!  God said “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool” so [man], tell me now, “what is the house that you would build for me, and what is the place of my rest?” (Psalm 66:1). Make no mistake, what God says is never flippant nor sarcastic; He gently urges us to see our place … and be in it.  God continues, “All these things my hand has made, and so all these things came to be, declares the LORD. But this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word.” (Psalm 66:2).  The way I see it, Christians no longer tremble at God’s words.  The words of man are honored above God’s, and we toss His Name around like a business partner or casual friend.  The humbled spirit bows to its Creator because of a heart that is already submitted to its Redeemer.  I love my spirited-Grands;  they inspire me to new heights of love every time I’m in their presence.  It is my prayer for a spirit that continuously seek His Spirit – His Presence, and never ceases to tremble at Who He is!  Will you tremble with me?

Sunday, September 13, 2015


Boat anchors are heavy and handy … as they must be.  I’m not a boating person, but I recall a fun day at the lake with some girlfriends.  We were all in the water on inflatable floats just off the boat deck, but the boat kept floating away!  There were lots of grown-women paddling and giggling!


It is good to have anchors in this life: an established address, a steady job, family and friends … just to mention a few.  Know what can happen to those “anchors?”  Like that boat, they can float away – become undependable, leaving us in a lurch.  David wrote, “My soul is steadfast, O God!” (Psalm 108:1).  How can one be so sure of a steadfast heart in an ever-shifting world?  Because the steadfast love of the LORD never ceases … His Mercies never come to an end … Great is His faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23).  Have you reached the end of your rope … Does your day seem doomed … Has life wearied you to despair … Are you faint of heart?  Sing deliberately with the psalmist, “My soul is steadfast, O God … I will sing and make melody with all my being … For Your steadfast love is great above the heavens; Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.” (108:1, 4).  It is God – God alone – Who anchors the soul.  Let your soul sing!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Captured!  The thought of it scares me but [truly] the closest I've come is being ordered to the basement recently to wait for a fierce storm to pass. The Mister can be quite bossy when he wants to be!


Can you imagine being completely captive to the will of God? Imagine every thought, action, motive, impulse in subjection to God! That should scare all of us because I doubt we’ve ever been there.  This is exactly what Paul meant when he wrote, "We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:5). To be earnest is to be serious, intense for something or someone -- givin' all ya got, holding nothing, single-focused. Oswald Chambers refers to this as "determinedly disciplined," something lacking in casual Christianity. What it’s called isn't important but how it impacts our faith is critical.  This kind of captivity begins when He increases and I decrease (John 3:30).  I followed Mr. Bill's instructions because it was wise to do so (and I knew he had only my safety in mind).  Why not surrender to His captivity today!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Hope of Salvation

Something I'm usually attentive to is exaggerations of the truth.  You know, the fisherman whose bass grows in pounds with each re-telling of the story.  Sure, I too have exaggerated a tale or two to solidify a point!  Words and phrases like "all the time" and "gazillions" are great and effective embellishing words!


Some truths cannot be exaggerated; consider this troubling fact:  In the last 24 hours, 300 people died simply because they are Christians.  This means yesterday, while we woke in the safety of our homes, enjoyed a morning coffee, moved thoughtlessly through the day, had dinner with family or friends, drifted to sleep in the comforts of a bed -- the day ended tragically for 300 fellow Believers.  This fact doesn't even include the millions who survived the day yet spent it fear of death, torture, or prison only because of their faith.  Scripture confirms perils for the righteous is nothing new; the psalmist described similar times, "O LORD God of hosts ... thou feed them with the bread of tears and give them tears to drink in great measure." (Psalm 80:4-5).  John and Jesus warned us, "Do not be surprised, brothers, that the world hates you." (1 John 3:13), "And you will be hated by all for My Name's sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved." (Matthew 10:22).  Most who read this, including me, know very little of real trouble for our faith but lest we be taken by surprise, such disdain for Christ’s followers has come to our doorsteps.  Here’s the question each of must answer: if we will not speak of The Christ in times of prosperity, will we endure to the end?  Just how far will we go to boldly align with Jesus Christ – mocking, slander, ridicule, poverty, personal loss, jail?  We live in perilous times but we do not live without hope!  Great reward is there for those who endure, who persevere.  We must plead with the psalmist: “Restore us, O God; let Your Face shine, that we may be saved!" (80:7,14,19).  Pray for those who are persecuted and let us rejoice continually in the Hope of our Salvation!

Monday, September 7, 2015


Notes sealed in a bottle carried countless miles across oceans – this idea has spawned many books and movies.  All I can say, that’s some amazing airtight seal! 


What would you write on a note to be put in a bottle?  Tough question since you wouldn’t know who would finally read it.  How about words of praise to Almighty God?  Think about it, no matter who finds the bottle and reads the note – it fits!  Truth is, our praise to The Father fits every time, place, and

circumstance.  Why do we, then, hold it in like the proverbial note in a bottle!  Those who know me know mornings are not my favorite time of day but I’ve learned praise is an excellent day-starter.  It makes getting out of bed more worthwhile, that reflection in the mirror more pleasant, and the drive to work sweeter.  Psalm 22:3 tells us God inhabits (dwells, abides, remains) in the praise of His children; He is present whenever we praise Him!  In Psalm 107, David repeated himself four times: “Oh that men would praise the LORD for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!” (Verses 8, 15, 21, 31)  I’d say David couldn’t contain himself; he could be described as … uncorked -- what a way to be!  Live uncorked today!

Thursday, September 3, 2015


Which came first -- the chicken or the egg?   Why did the chicken cross the road?  These proposed mysteries have been around a long time, and yet remain unsolved.


The heart (the center, the cardo) of man’s worship is no mystery -- it is Jesus Christ Who is worthy of all praise and honor.  It was John F. Kennedy who said, "Ask not what my country can do for me, but ask what can I do for my country."  Christians should ask not what worship can do for me, but ask instead what we can do for worship.  True worship isn’t related to fine clothes, eloquent prayers, or rich songs.  It focuses instead on Christ Who creates a more perfect heart to please The Father.  There should be an eagerness, a pressing urge, an intense hunger to come before God in worship.  The satisfaction of being in His Presence must not be confused with a warm, fuzzy sensation nor feelings of superficial contentment.  True worship boomerangs to the worshipper a feast of God's richest filling.  Being present in God's House [with other Believers to worship] should be as sweet to the Christian as a splash in the birdbath is to birds.  Is worship with the Body of Christ part of your weekend?  If not, this is a great weekend to answer God’s command:  "And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching." (Hebrews 10:24-25).  Draw near to God  - while He may be found … Worship Him – in Spirit and Truth … Gather together – in the congregation of His People.  Worship.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

No Hoodoo

Nobody likes to be hoodooed – tricked, fooled into the object of misfortune.  We’ve all been a victim of someone’s practical joke but in good fun, we need to roll with the punches until, of course, it is our turn to return the … fun.


Who doesn’t like pondering the good qualities in themselves, but have you ever seriously considered the not-so-good ones?  I have so many and they are so dishonorable, it’s astonishing God would consider adopting me! But, He did! “Even as [in His love] He chose us [actually picked us out for Himself as His own] in Christ before the foundation of the world … “ (Ephesians 1:4a, AB)  He knew [had foreknowledge of] just how rotten I would be, but He picked me anyway!  Mr. Bill and I co-signed on a bank note with a couple many years ago, and they skipped town and left us with the debt.  Would we have co-signed had we known this ahead of time?  Not!  God The Father knew exactly what I would cost Him yet He chose and loved me then willingly paid my debt in love. There was no “hoodoo” involved whatsoever – He knew it all!  Picked me anyway! Loved me anyway!  Gladly paid my debt of sin!  Hymn writer, Elvina M. Hall, wrote it beautifully, “Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain. He washed it white as snow.”

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Answers such as “most likely” or “probably so” aren’t much of a guarantee.  May I ride with you to town … most likely.  Can I count on you to bake cookies for the meeting … probably so.  Hmmm.


Psalm 73 is quite an emotional ride for the righteous man who knows the Goodness of God toward the righteous yet observes how the ungodly prosper.  He writes, “… my feet had almost stumbled, my steps had nearly slipped … when I thought how to understand this, it seemed to me a wearisome task.” (V.2, 16).  The world sees the trusting Christian as out-of-touch, even weak and misled, as nations and cultures welcome and embrace sinfulness.  The psalmist wrote, “And they say, ‘How can God know? Is there knowledge in the Most High?’” (V.11).  Such is the mocking of the world when Believers press to stay true to God’s precepts.  We can feel the writer’s struggle to understand as well as the risk of stumbling and slipping!  He continues with trust: “Nevertheless, I am continually with You; You hold my right hand. You guide me with Your Counsel … For me it is good to be near God.” (V.23-24, 28).  The Christian who remains faithful experiences complete satisfaction regardless of what happens to or around him.  When I read this psalm, I do not consider phrases such as “most likely” and “probably so” – they simply do not apply.  Sure – Certain – Firm – Assured – Definite – Absolute … these describe our God.  All spoken and written in His Word is … Jehovah-Guaranteed!

Nothing Strange

The word "strange" wasn't even part of my little-person vocabulary, but I knew what strange looked like!  Uncle Rip came to the house dressed very unusual: he looked like a spaceman -- white suit with thick gloves, his face & neck completely covered.  As I watched from inside the house, through the window, I saw lots and lots of bees; they were swarming all around Uncle Rip but he wasn’t running!  Strange suit and strange behavior, and I still associate the word “strange” with Uncle Rip … just a little humor there!


We live in a strange world ... a world where Godly values and principles matter little.  History doesn't lie: this country was established upon the wisdom as given to man by The Creator.  Nonetheless, the scales of right and wrong, righteous and evil, moral and immoral are skewed, distorted, and unjust.  Psalm 19:9-10 clearly states " ... the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb." Robbing the beehive to get the honey was hard and tedious – ask Uncle Rip!  As we desire truth and righteousness in our lives, clearly, there is only one place to find it ... from God Himself Who created all things and ordained man to follow His precepts.  The prayer for Believers living in this strange place is, "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O LORD, my Strength, and my  Redeemer." (Psalm 19:14).  Truth is, there's absolutely nothing strange about that!