For Me! For You!
Dazed and amazed I’ve looked into the eyes of little boys thinking, “what made you do that?” Rarely did I ask – they’re little boys. And, after all, consider their father!
What would compel Jesus to go to the cross? What was this most Righteous One thinking? Perhaps about a five-year old girl in rural Northeast Georgia, little-known to most but loved by many. Just maybe it was her heart, pierced by the profound and convicting Gospel one August evening. Quite possibly, it was her understanding of her sin and the deep longing a savior, then that simple prayer of confession and surrender to His Spirit that warm summer night. Yes, it was for me – it was for you The Savior died! Amazing Love – For Me! For You! Consider The Father – Consider The Son … Rejoice! Again, I say rejoice!
O Jesus, Lord, how can it be -- That Thou shouldst give Thy life for me,
To bear the cross and agony -- In that dread hour on Calvary!
O Calvary! dark Calvary! -- Where Jesus shed His blood for me;
O Calvary! blest Calvary! -- ’Twas there my Savior died for me.
Real Math
Math was my worst subject in school. Give me paper and pencil, and I just want to put words together – not numbers! I am grateful, however, for those who do-the-math!
In Jesus’ final days, there was that moment in the Garden when He surrendered fully to The Father’s will, “…not my will, but yours, be done.” (Luke 22:42). I have found my most healthy condition is to be always empty of myself, however, I don’t find myself in that “healthy condition” often! When I am full-of-me, my selfish will prevents God from doing what He wills in and through me. At that point, there’s a real need for math in my life: “He must increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3:30) It’s simple addition by subtraction – less of me, more of Him. What better, more perfect example do we have than Jesus’ own words to His Father, “not my will, but yours, be done”! I’m no mathematician, not even on my best day, but by His grace I can do-the-math – the REAL math that leads to a Spirit-filled life and obedient. Go ahead, do-the-REAL-math!
He Knew
MORNING WITH BEVERLY: Wednesday 03-27-2013
He Knew
The story is -- I was pretty stubborn as a child; Mr. Bill would argue I still am. Pain was usually involved when my parents needed to get my attention! For Debbie (my sister), however, it took only one hard look from Mama or Daddy.
Make no mistake, Jesus knew exactly what He was facing in Jerusalem. He knew there would be physical pain, false accusations, and betrayal. Perhaps the most painful was rejection by those people whom He loved so deeply, and in whom He invested so much of His ministry. We recall the betrayal of Judas who sold Him out and exposed Him in the garden. Peter then denied Jesus in the high priest's courtyard, not once but three times. "At that moment Jesus turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered what He had said -- 'Before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will deny Me three times.' And Peter walked out of the courtyard, crying bitterly." (Luke 22:61). Imagine that look between Peter and Christ and the immeasurable pain! Peter felt the reality of his own contribution to Christ's suffering and it was unbearable. I suspect we know little of how we grieve The Father when we deny Him – laughing at bad jokes, reading trashy books, neglecting time in prayer and study, watching things that only feed the flesh, not to mention making sinful choices and living apart from God’s Truth. Make no mistake – Christ knew full well the sinfulness of man yet He took the wrath of God toward sin in our place, providing forgiveness and life everlasting for our souls. Why would He willfully walk such a way of suffering! Why! Because He loves you and He loves me – that’s His Passion.
A genuine, bona fide temper tantrum includes foot-stomping. Stomping of the foot indicates … okay, that's it – I’ve had it – you’ve done it now. The stomper means business!
Jesus’ agony in Gethsemane was serious! In the movie "The Passion of Christ," He came face-to-face with Satan who taunted The Messiah about the sinfulness of man and weakness of the flesh. Only a few days earlier, Jesus had spoken of God’s power over the enemy: "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy ... " Luke 10:18. The movie scene in Gethsemane revealed the full humanity of Christ, wanting to avoid death yet disclosed His fully divine nature conquering the weakness of the flesh. Death would be the last enemy He would face; and, His final and greatest victory! We are not abandoned nor left defenseless! "Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world." (John 4:4). Christ won – Satan lost the battle in Gethsemane ... Christ stomped evil then set His face and feet to Jerusalem. Why? Because of His deep relentless love for you and for me ... His Passion.
His Passion
Children, and sometimes adults, resort to tears when they want their own way. Mama used to call it “turning on the water works."
Luke writes, "And when He was come near, He beheld the city, and wept over it." (19:41) Jesus' final journey to Jerusalem was triumphant: the people loved Him and welcomed Him, they spread their robes along the road ahead of Him, there was glad singing and shouting, and praising God for all the wonderful miracles Jesus had done. There was no call for tears, or was there? Jesus said, "Eternal peace was within your reach and you turned it down. Now it is too late ... You have rejected the opportunity God offered you." (19:42-43). Jesus didn’t weep useless tears – His sorrow for His people was no insignificant matter. The Christ, God-in-Flesh, knew the treasure of His greatest creation and the heavy weight of sin that led to destruction. Such is the tragedy today: God’s Truth ignored, souls lost and undone without God’s salvation. In a few short days, Jesus’ otherwise triumphal entry into the City of David will become the hard road of His Passion – that is, His relentless love for you and for me. That love was then and still is today ... His Passion.
Sick – Sick – Sick! I will never forget my sickest sick! It was on a fishing boat in the Gulf of Mexico in 1976. Mr. Bill had taken me deep sea fishing one day of our honeymoon; yea, I know -- what a guy! We went back a few months later with friends on a much smaller boat on much rougher waters. I made many bargains with God on that boat if only He would just put my feet back on ground that did not move!
Do you recall what Jesus did when he heard his friend, Lazarus, was sick? He didn't catch the first donkey out of town; no, he remained where he was for two days. I've often wondered about His decision to "remain," but as usual Jesus made a point of divine importance: "This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby." (John 11:4) I know of nothing that brings on whines and pouts quicker than a change in circumstances. What poverty we imagine in lost songs of joy, gloom and despair. What victory we forfeit, what praise we sacrifice when we shift our focus from The Christ. A steady focus on the horizon was all that brought me relief while on that fishing boat. When we remain focused on Christ, the result is always His glory. What a blessed place to be -- what a glorious place to remain!
Happy Place
Welcome to the happy place of life! So much of each day is determined early, how we face the dawn! The happy place exists; we just have to decide that’s where we will go and spend the day.
The Psalmist wrote, "Blessed [happy] are they that keep His testimonies, and that seek Him with the whole heart." (119:2) There's the road map to, the recipe for happiness, and the first and greatest blessing of the day. I love what George Eliot wrote, "I've been a great deal happier since I have given up thinking about what is easy and pleasant, and being discontented because I couldn't have my own will." What a Godly attitude and what a challenge to just give up to Him. So, where will you spend today?
The comfort of a mind at rest -- From every care Thou hast not blest;
A heart from all the world set free -- To worship and to wait on Thee. -- A. L. Waring
A few days ago was Happy Green Day! Yes, that annual wear-green-or-get-pinched day. My pastor declared Sunday we were all safely “covered” by the church’s green metal roof. I must confess, green isn’t one of my favorite colors, but I remember a time when two little boys loved nothing more than a reason to pinch their Mama. St. Patrick did much to establish Christianity in Ireland, building churches and monasteries and converting people. Many legends grew around this great missionary Saint; my favorite is how he forced the snakes and toads of Ireland to fling themselves into the sea. Examining the underside of Mr. Bill’s catalpa tree’s leaves is a horrifying ... I mean amazing ... sight; worms -- hundreds of worms -- numerous worms -- catalpa worms. There was a time when little boys couldn’t find enough zip lock bags for them. I cannot fully express the "blessings" in catalpa worms looking back at me from the freezer! So you see, forcing worms to "fling themselves into the sea" sounds like a great plan to me.
Green, is, however, a gracious Godly color. The color reminds us of newness of life. "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17). New – green and fresh as buds on a catalpa worm tree! No sign of the past season's leaves (or worms) -- all new and fresh; a new creation! This is exactly what Christ in His grace and mercy offers ... re-birth, a fresh start when we make a wrong turn or bad choice or when we disobey. Forgiveness! New grace! New! Isn’t that a lovely word!
The Deal
A favorite meal when the boys were at home was a stir-fry [of sorts] using a package of frozen vegetable blends. It was quite a deal and an easy preparation since all the ingredients were in the bag, and all you really had to do (if you wanted to) was add meat. The trouble was, however, one bag was never quite enough for four guys!
In a recent devotion, Nancy Leigh DeMoss wrote, “When God calls you to do something, He provides everything it takes to get it done.” In the grocery store, there’s lots of prepackaged-dinners for sale – everything you need to prepare a meal. Foolishly, we think God needs counsel to accomplish His purposes. Sure, we may rely on God’s power but are we acting according to our own vision or His? Perhaps His plan seems too complex when we envision our own way more direct and effective. DeMoss recalls God pointing Abram to the night sky and declaring his generations would be as numerous as the stars. The idea God “Who commands the sun, and it does not rise; Who seals up the stars” (Job 9:7) needs you and me to direct His ways -- really now? After God clearly laid out His supremacy, Job answered, “I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted. ‘Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge?’ Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know.” (Job 42:2-3). We have an awesome God, Who needs nothing from man yet longs for our all. What He calls us to do, we must do with full confidence He will provide every need “according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19). You may have to add an ingredient or two to what you buy in the store but all God needs to accomplish His purpose through us is our availability and obedience. Now, that’s a deal!
His Words
Healthy eating requires some planning. You can’t just get up one morning and decide to eat healthier things if there’s no “healthier things” in your refrigerator!
The righteous never go hungry! I’m not just talking about God’s provision of physical needs but His spiritual supply. God said to Moses, “I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers. And I will put My words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him.” (Deuteronomy 18:18) Jeremiah said, “Your words were found, and I ate them …” (15:16). In a vision, God said to Ezekiel: “Son of man, eat whatever you find here. Eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel. So I opened my mouth, and He gave me this scroll to eat … Then I ate it, and it was in my mouth as sweet as honey.’ (Ezekiel 3:1-3). You see, what food is to the body, God’s words would be for Ezekiel’s ministry. This is a delightful picture of God’s promise to give us words to speak for Him to others. Fear of what-to-say or being at a loss-of-words keeps us too quiet, too often. It’s important to model Christ in behavior but sometimes we need words! Healthier foods in the house are good for healthier eating – so is trusting God to give us words when we obediently share our faith. Don’t fear speaking to others about God – use His words!
Obey the One
When we had a dog, the last thing that happened before lights-out was the feeding of DC. He knew what time it was and if you weren’t careful when you opened the door, you could be victim to a one-dog stampede.
Believers should never forget The One Who saved them! Our lives will reflect just how well we remember by the way we live! Simply put, there will be evidence! The Prophet Isaiah was faithful in God's message to the wayward people of Israel. His message never wavered from trying to turn the people to obedience to The One [Jehovah] Who had faithfully cared and provided for them. Isaiah 1:3 says, "The ox knows his owner, and the donkey its master's feeding trough, but Israel does not know; My people do not understand." It doesn't get much plainer that this: even the beasts know the hand that feeds them! Isaiah's words seem to fit well today: over and over God cares for us, provides for us, sustains us, comforts us, protects us, and delivers us yet we rebel -- ignore His commands, compromise His Truth, and reject His Ways. God forgives those who seek His forgiveness, and He provides a way back: "Wash yourselves. Clean yourselves. Remove your evil deeds from My sight. Stop doing evil. ... though your sins are like scarlet, they will be as white as snow ... " (1:16, 18) God cleanses from the inside out; washes away rebellious spirits; replaces them with attitudes of righteousness. So, will we be outdone by the animal kingdom? I should hope not! Let us obey The One!
Reportedly, women use an average of 7,000 words a day compared to men’s 2,000. Now, Mr. Bill isn’t overly talkative and sometimes I do try to “increase” his word-count. Recently, he told me some night’s I talk so much in my sleep, I use up my daily quota of words before daylight! Well, he could have kept those words to himself!
Sometimes we talk so little to God, you’d think we had a word-limit! I’ve noticed when Mr. Bill gets into conversation with a hunting buddy, he becomes quite “chatty.” What word would you use to describe your time talking to God? If we only knew how desperately The Father desires communion with His most beloved creation. And, oh, if we only knew the perfect Advocate we have in Christ Jesus! The writer of Hebrews uses some precious words to depict The Savior, “Since then we have a great High Priest Who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weakness, but One Who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the Throne of Grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (4:14-16). I rejoice it is Christ Who hears my confession and God Who [through the blood of Christ] faithfully forgives and purifies me of my unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). True, words are required and although He knows the number of my words, my words are not numbered – He longs for and lingers on every utterance because He loves me so! Male or female, there is no daily quota of words to The Father. Talk to Him today, talk to Him often, and splurge on the words!
Perfect Place
My Papa, mama's daddy, was very particular about his tools. We knew better than to mess with them! He could spot if anything had been moved even slightly. He believed everything had its place and he lived by it – everything better be its rightful place!
Life is bumpy, wouldn't you agree? Potholes ... okay, canyons along the way! Every situation and circumstance we go through has a specific place and purpose in God's plan. Maybe it's to teach us to trust Him more and ourselves less or to remind us God is in control. Whatever it is, we can rest in this promise: " ... we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28) Yes, Papa was right on target: everything has its perfect place in … God's Plan.
The Exchange
Growing up, family vacation at the beach was part of every summer. I learned to love the ocean! Dad taught me how to float and ride the motion of the waves. Mom always told us we were too far out, and knowing now what really lurks under the waves … we probably were!
God has strong, actually perfect, shoulders. Our shoulders, on the other hand, are far too narrow and ill-equipped for the burdens we try to bear. This is why Christ said, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30). Why do we resist such a beautiful invitation, instead, foolishly insisting we’re fully capable! It usually doesn’t take long for us to know, maybe a little longer to admit, the weight of our cares is too much. God’s doesn’t offer to share our burden – no! His promise is to take away the heavy burden and exchange it completely with His burden (load, weight), which is easy and light! Yes, God’s burden is easy and light! It’s the best burden to have! There was such a feeling of weightlessness when I floated on the ocean waves – much like carrying The Father’s burden. It is living with no burden-load-weight at all! Give God your burden and take His -- make that exchange today!
Live in Light
“Come on, Bev, shake it off! Pitch to the glove!” I can hear Dad shouting those words from the other side of the fence. Like most pitchers will attest, there will occasionally be that umpire who see balls and strikes crossing only a round plate – as if there is no inside, no outside, no corner – it’s split the middle and dead across.
Do you ever find yourself unable to “shake” a particular darkness? Perhaps it’s a reoccurring emotional state, a gripping bad habit, or a destructive attitude. You’ve pulled on those [proverbial] bootstraps so many times, they’re beginning to wear thin. The fear that gloom might consume you in one final gulp weighs heavily. I’ve often wondered about the thoughts of those closest to Jesus during the days before His arrest. Surely they sensed the growing political and religious unrest, feared something terrible was about to happen. Jesus knew there was much yet to be revealed in His death and resurrection, so much His followers did not understand, yet He spoke to their most immediate and particular darkness: “I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness.” (John 12:46). To those circumstances that crowd-out and cloud-over what is, hear this: Shake it off! Daylight is come – The Day Star shines – Night reigns no more – Morning has come! Dad’s advice with regard to my pitching was this: Yeah, Bev, that was a lousy call but get THAT pitch out of your head. Concentrate on the next one, and the next one, and the next one – pitch to the glove. Believer, take heart! Christ is Hope and Light. Shake off the darkness – Live in the Light!
Sword Drawn
If the walls could talk in this house, it would deliver tales of swash-buckling heroes, stealthful ninjas, and space warriors and their battles for peace and justice. I’ve not felt quite as safe since those little sword-wielding fellas moved on.
It was on the plains of Jericho at Gilgal, God’s people finally made camp after entering Canaan; days of manna behind them, tasting the fruits of their new home. Oh, how full their hearts must have been to finally be on the other side of the Jordan River; at last in the land of God’s Promise! Joshua, knowing conquests yet to come, looks ahead toward Jericho and sees a man, “behold, there stood a man over against him with His sword drawn in His Hand … as Captain of the host of the LORD am I now come.” (Joshua 7:14-15). That Man was the Son of God, the Eternal Word! This life is filled with storms and battles, and lest we are lulled into a foolish illusion life is all rest and sweet things, we must remember -- war rages; battles within and without and the evil one never rests! “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12). What if, however, we see what Joshua saw – Captain of God’s Army, sword drawn in His Hand, ever ready to defend and save His redeemed. To His people, Christ is always what our faith needs. Whatever the battle – sickness, depression, anxiety, poverty, broken relationships, separations, loneliness, addiction, helplessness, hopelessness – the battle is His Whose sword is drawn! Surrender to win!
No More Wash-Days
In the 1900’s, before electric-powered washing machines, Monday was “wash day.” I’m sure most of us have no real idea of that wash-day process since the vast majority of households today have automatic washing machines. I am not thrilled, however, with the mental image of the pile of laundry three boys would have created for this mom!
What’s this about Godliness and cleanliness? All my life I’ve heard “cleanliness is next to godliness” but I doubt God really cares how clean my fingernails are, or how often I wash my hair, or whether my clothes are washed each time I wear them. Perhaps the closest Scripture to this concept of godliness is Psalm 19:9, “The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether.” The ancient Essenes, a communal Jewish sect, dedicated themselves to spiritual purity, practicing stringent and meticulous purification rituals every day. It’s true, righteousness (holiness) doesn’t happen on its own because of our sinful nature. Even the tabernacle priests repeatedly washed their hands throughout the day. There’s a lesson for Believers here, to purify (make clean) our hearts: “Sanctify them in the Truth; Your Word is Truth.” John 17:17. The process of sanctification (becoming holy) isn’t a hard-day’s work, like wash-day, but rather surrendering to Him Who is pure, “And everyone who thus hopes in Him purifies himself as He is pure.” 1 John 3:3. Joy yet in our Redeemer, Who is pure, for the cleansing power of Jesus’ shed blood on the cross. The price for our washing has been paid, the work is finished! No more wash-days for our redemption. Hallelujah, praise the Lamb!
Never have I boasted of being a good housekeeper. There’s never any doubt people live here; no one has ever thought about eating off my floors; my kitchen sink wails of loneliness when empty; and, dust bunnies are the only pets here.
God repeatedly gave His children this directive: “Be holy, because I am holy.” (Lev 11:44-45, Lev 19:2, Lev 20:7, 1 Peter 1:16). When Mama told me to clean my room, my idea was shoving as much as possible under the bed. The visible results were great! Then Mama would ask the question, “Is there anything under your bed?” Busted! This is exactly what Christians do with our sin at times; shove it out-of-sight, sweep it under the rug, pave over it with new intentions. This didn’t work for Achan in Joshua 7, who took for himself what was God’s. His buried treasure, when exposed, cost him dearly. Sin cannot be buried; it’s sure path offers no detours. Don’t we remember the “wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23), and life comes only when we “put to death the deeds of the flesh.” (Romans 8:13). Un-confessed sin doesn’t just go away – like sweeping dirt under the carpet or shoving stuff under the bed. No, sin always resurfaces, shows its ugly self often more notorious than before. John Owen writes, “Set faith at work on Christ for the killing of thy sin. His blood is the great sovereign remedy for sin-sick souls. Live in this, and thou wilt die a conqueror; yea, thou wilt, through the good providence of God, live to see thy lust dead at thy feet.” (Mortification of Sin). Do not be deceived, sin is a serious matter! To be holy as God is holy, sin must die and the blood of Christ is the only worthy Adversary. There’s no sin too dark, too addictive, too terrible, too challenging for Jesus Christ. He’s in the sin-killing business. Let sin die today!
High Road
Growing up a preacher's kid wasn't always fun. Besides the irritating label, somehow it seemed I was supposed to be a little bit less human than the next kid. My list of do's and don'ts was a little longer and a smidge more particular than that of others. Most of my friends were okay with this PK but to some I was viewed as something semi-divine!
The older version of me looks back and sees being a PK from a different angle. Raising my own children, I admit I expected a lot from them -- holding them to a high standard. That standard was often higher than other parents, and why? Because I know the standard by which we all are measured – it’s God’s measure, not man's! Peter repeats God’s words to His people in Leviticus, “Be holy because I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:16). There’s the standard – the measure for living! With Godly wisdom we carefully gauge and siphon the poison that threatens holy living. In his book, "Winning The War Within,” Charles Stanley writes: "If doing business with certain individuals or groups puts you in a position that causes you to violate your convictions time and time again, quit doing business with them. If watching certain television shows causes you to lust, don't excuse them because of their entertainment value. Just quit watching them. If being with a particular group of people causes you to stumble, don't rationalize by saying, 'But they are my friends.' Get some new friends!" This is what it means to raise the standard! God’s standard isn’t a limbo bar which by the rules are lowered over and over again. Holy living is based on precepts set by a holy God which are never compromised. His standards challenge us to take the high road. Pastor Tony used to say, "When in doubt, throw it out!" Good life choices are based on wisdom and truth -- God's wisdom and truth. Sure, tough decisions aren’t always fun, but the rewards are out of this world!
Do you sing much? There's little [perhaps no] excuse in a Believer not singing. Think of all the things that grab us, causing us to sing a jingle & dance a jig. Why not our faith!
God prefers soul-singing to lip syncing! We know about that -- don't we prefer sincere words from someone; words with meaning, backed up with actions? When did you last consider the awesome wonder of creation, the stars, sweetly singing birds, lofty mountains, a gentle breeze, rolling thunder, the forests? How about God sending His blameless Son to earth, our sins redeemed in the cruelty of the cross, Jesus' blood & death, an empty tomb? Does any of that fill your heart to capacity? If so, there is soul-singing within you ... let it out!
Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Face Time
Seeing myself on video is awful! Our technology team recently held a video conference session, each from our respective locations, to test a new piece of software. The whole thing sort of weirded me out; at some point, I quit paying attention and my camera shifted to body parts that do not generally talk back. Good grief!
Nancy Leigh DeMoss wrote this in a recent devotion, “In our electronic culture, ‘face time’ is important.” She then referred to Exodus 33 of Moses’ face-to-face encounter with God: “And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend.” (33:11). Right now, I can think of a few people I’d like some face-time with -- relatives I haven’t seen in a while, friends I’ve only been connected with through email or messaging. I can’t imagine rarely seeing Mr. Bill or my children, not spending time in conversation and staying connected with them. Sadly, that’s just how many Christians live, imagining they can enjoy fellowship with God apart from time with Him. Larnelle Harris wrote a song, “I Miss My Time With You,” describing God’s thoughts about missed time with His children: “I miss My time with you -- Those moments together -- I need to be with you each day -- And it hurts Me when you say -- You're too busy, busy trying to serve Me -- But how can you serve Me -- When your spirit's empty -- There's a longing in My heart -- Wanting more than just a part of you -- It's true, I miss My time with you.” We are called to Coram Deo living – Latin for living in the Presence of God, continuously before His Face. Oh, what a blessed place to be! Don’t delay – Spend time with Him today!