Sin Control
Here, in our area of the county, we are battling an invasive species of spiders; they are everywhere! Once or twice a day, Mister Bill does [what we call] "spider patrol" to eliminate them from the exterior of the house. Believers must be attentive and persistent in the battle against sin that troubles our walk with God. To the Redeemed (born-again), Romans 8:1-2 pronounces us no longer condemned but freed by Christ from the bondage of slavery to sin and death. Spiritual freedom - what joy! The danger, however, is how sin invades our hearts through what we read, listen to, watch as well as the [spiritually] healthy disciplines we neglect; it's much like damage caused by a slow water leak - often unnoticed until the damage becomes apparent. So, how is this battle of invasive sin won? "For if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by The Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live." (Romans 8:13). The King James translation reads, "mortify" [the deeds of the body]; love that word "mortify" - kill 'em dead! Believers cannot do this on their own - it's tiring and ultimately ineffective. Live or walk, however, according to The Spirit of God: "The Spirit helps our weakness." (V.26). Much like Mister Bill regularly patrols to annihilate our pests, so must every Believer be persistent in disciplined obedience to Christ against sin. We can have perfect confidence in Christ as The Defender against the invasion and control of sin in our lives. He is our ... Sin Control.